Astral Frog |
I know they will reveal the 3rd Adventure Path at Paizo Con, but has there been any hints as to what it will or will not be?
My picks would be...
Jade Regent is #1 on my list. We need Samurai/Ninja in the game!
Wrath of the Righteous - Mythic level content and tons of demons so this is high up on my Diablo-loving list!
Serpent's Skull - I wish they would have done this instead of Skull & Shackles. Sure it has pirates, but much better than that is Mayan-like temples and lizardmen!
Carrion Crown - Gothic horror with Lovecraftian monstrosities! Maybe they can toss a few extra lovecraftian monsters in the core set adventures where you face, but do no kill them to appease all the Cthulhu requests. I'm talking base scenarios before you start the true adventure path just like in Rise of the Runelords baseset!
Second Darkness (Underdark, who does not like that?) [Even though many RPG players hate the AP, they could edit/change the parts people were appalled by]
Iron Gods - I know the RPG is not finished, but so far it looks like a great Scifi/Fantasy hybrid! I hope it gets selected in the future!
Enlight_Bystand |
1. It will be based on existing AP, just for the art budget's sake.
2. It is unlikely to be Iron Gods, and also probably not Mummy's Mask. Paizo have tried coexistant development between AP & another line with minis, and they were a bit frustrated with the results. Also, it would mean revealing encounters in Iron Gods to the playtesters before the books are available.
3. We only have approx. 245 hours to wait (presuming it is announced at the Saturday Night Banquet.
Enlight_Bystand |
Ooh, Risen from the Sands/Mummy's Mask adventure path perhaps? Pyramid crawl and Egyptian theme would be really cool! I had personally been hoping for Legacy of Fire, so this would be pretty cool.
Crowe doesn't automoatically point to Mummy's Mask. Although he is in the Osirion themed Free RPG day module, he's actually from Varisia as a Shoanti.
Klandestine |
Crowe doesn't automoatically point to Mummy's Mask. Although he is in the Osirion themed Free RPG day module, he's actually from Varisia as a Shoanti.
So if it was going to be Varisia based, then I guess we might be looking at Curse of the Crimson Throne (which features the Shoanti), Second Darkness or perhaps Shattered Star.
Jade Regent starts in Varisia. I'm not familiar with that path so not really sure if Crowe would fit the context of that theme.
Vrog Skyreaver |
Jade Regent is an epic journey across the mountains at the top of the world to Tian Xia, with interesting things happening along the way. Crowe would fit just fine.
That being said, however, I think that they will probably have another dungeon style AP selected (as Vic mentioned that they wanted to go between traditional and non-traditional). My guesses would be:
Shattered Star, Mummy's mask, or possibly a city based one like curse of the crimson throne or council of thieves.
I think the 4th one will likely be either Jade Regent or Carrion Crown.
Klandestine |
I think it would be better if they went for something with a very strong and distinct theme - Mummy's Mask, Jade Regent etc
Rise of the Runelords was very traditional fantasy (i.e Varisia), Skull and Shackles has the pirate theme (cool!), so I feel the third would probably benefit from having a very individual theme and environment. Hence my bet (personally) is on a desert type like Mummy's Mask or Legacy of Fire - perhaps Jade Regent with the Eastern flavor.
Arikiel |
My vote would be for Shattered Star as it ties in nicely with RotRL. It would definitely help in creating custom campaigns to have thematically linked APs set in Varisia.
As I understand it Skull and Shackles will have some sort of ship combat mechanic in it. So my second choice would be Kingmaker with some sort of kingdom building/army mechanic in it.
Astral Frog |
My vote would be for Shattered Star as it ties in nicely with RotRL. It would definitely help in creating custom campaigns to have thematically linked APs set in Varisia.
This is probably the best guess. I have a feeling all the ones I chose, would only be possible in the off-slots...the non-mainstream fantasy slots.
Shattered Star looks pretty cool though.
Klandestine |
I have to assume Shattered Star (which seems a popular vote here) is far more interesting and different (content-wise) than the succinct descriptions on the Paizo site suggest. Reading through each of the scenarios it sounds very... generic and a bit forgettable. I can't get excited about that one. (I haven't played the RPG path so don't flame me - just going on the general theme and descriptions)
I must admit, I was really hoping the card game releases would all be a bit more imaginative in setting going on the variety of adventure paths that exist. But i guess two releases a year means we can skip the generic content and hope for the cooler stuff in between.
Vrog Skyreaver |
the shattered star AP is about reconstructing an artifact, the parts of which you get to use as you try to collect the rest of the pieces. once you do get all the pieces, shenanigans happen.
Arikiel, if you plan to play or host the PACG organized play stuff, you will need a copy of the S&S base set, as that is what it will be based off of (at least initially, if I had to guess)
Shaminstra |
I think it would be better if they went for something with a very strong and distinct theme - Mummy's Mask, Jade Regent etc
Our group were talking about this tonight. Each adventure path is a big investment in money for us. So far we are really loving RotRL very much and me and my husband have provided the base set and scenario packs for our sessions. We are still talking about S&S but I'm sure it is a definite we will purchase and play.
I echoe the thoughts here that future sets should be exciting enough to be sure of the cost. I would not like Paizo to just cater for those people who know the roleplaying game. I see very exciting adventure paths which would appeal to the mainstream like us. I would like to see and play these rather than something that feels an expansion of RotRL.