Making a magic Item with a spell effect.

Rules Questions

I'm sure this has actually been discussed but my search-fu is weak today and I couldn't seem to find something on the topic. Alright long story short I came across the Flexarmor spell right here: Flexarmor

Basically I want to make this spell into a special effect able to be bought as an armor ability since my current gaming group has no casters at all sans the paladin and while it's worked out so far it's obvious later in the game they'll need some seriously cool gear to make up for the difference and this spell seemed like a great place to start...problem is I don't really know how to do that since magic item creation has never really come up heavily before and I would just kinda say an armor does "blank" and has "blank", this time though i want to play it by the book as we have been doing that more lately. does anyone know the rules for converting such a thing into a "Round or minute per day" version, and the bigger permanent version? has the information you are looking for I believe.

Dolanar wrote: has the information you are looking for I believe.

oh wow your right, I'm sorry for wasting forum space I'm blind apparently lol. Thank you sir

That spell makes the armor straight up better at being armor, and should be priced on the armor special abilities scale (i.e., "it costs plusses").

Something like:
Flexible 1 (+1 special ability): +1 Max Dex, -10% ASF (minimum 5%), check penalty reduced by 2 (minimum -1).
Flexible 2 (+2 special ability): +2 Max Dex, -15% ASF (minimum 5%), check penalty reduced by 3 (minimum -1).
Flexible 3 (+3 special ability): +3 Max Dex, -20% ASF (minimum 5%), check penalty reduced by 4 (minimum -1).
Flexible 4 (+4 special ability): +4 Max Dex, -25% ASF (minimum 5%), check penalty reduced by 5 (minimum -1).
Flexible 5 (+5 special ability): +5 Max Dex, -30% ASF (minimum 5%), check penalty reduced by 6 (minimum -1).

Every level of Flexible increases your potential AC by 1, and should cost at least a +1 equivalent. It requires you to actually have the Dex (drawback), improves other numbers (benefit), stacks better with Magical Vestment (benefit).

You should also do a few samples, comparing flexible armor to mithral or celestial versions of various armors. Not that professional writers usually do that, but you should still do it.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

My personal recommendation:

Avoid the Spell and defineately don't put it as a special property (+X or + Y gp.)

James Risner wrote:

My personal recommendation:

Avoid the Spell and defineately don't put it as a special property (+X or + Y gp.)

To better understand your thoughts, might I know more about your opinion?

it essentially would invalidate Mithral as a material & do a much better job also make Rogues have soooooo much better AC's than they have already by using much more of their Dex for AC (or really anyone who has good Dex for AC)

Dolanar wrote:
it essentially would invalidate Mithral as a material & do a much better job also make Rogues have soooooo much better AC's than they have already by using much more of their Dex for AC (or really anyone who has good Dex for AC)

I don't think it would invalidate it, I'd still take it's "makes it a lighter armor" and such. Rogues I figure could also just get bracers or something like it since your Dex score isn't exactly a skyrocketing number, especially since as a rule I avoid any armor on a rogue that imposes a high enough max dex I'm losing out, I had assumed that was normal..if we're talking about putting on plate mail and stuff it still counts as heavy armor and need the proficiency for it, and then probably a pretty high cash deposit to actually make the Max Dex to a level you'd really want which is less money for other things.

For those that do have it, I wouldn't mind seeing high dex fighters and paladins then the usual Tank and Spank ones I see in my group all the time. These are however, just my opinions and I'm very willing to hear things to the contrary.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

It leads down a road to it being better in every way than any existing armor, because you can apply it to a inferior item to make it superior.

I strongly recommend you just simply don't do it. There is a reason why every armor is balanced with each other.

James Risner wrote:

It leads down a road to it being better in every way than any existing armor, because you can apply it to a inferior item to make it superior.

I strongly recommend you just simply don't do it. There is a reason why every armor is balanced with each other.

alright I can kinda see your point, but I'm a bit confused though isn't that the point of applying enhancements to armor in the first place? from what I've seen people always only pick the absolute best armor for their chosen catagory(Chain shirt for light, Breastplate/ mithral full for medium, adamantine plate/mithral plate for heavy).

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Naoki00 wrote:
people always only pick the absolute best armor

And this makes the best even better.

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