Ironlemon |

Decided to post a little question here if anyone else has had problems with their adventure path books. I'm currently player in skulls&shackles, I've ran whole reign of winter path and never had any problems. Now today I ran my first session of Wrath of the Righteous (Worldwound incursion) and some pages (from table of contents to the page with picture of Millorn on it) fell out of the book and couple more are likely to fall off soon. The book itself was normal when I bought it, all pages were good, but now in one session the glue is giving up... I just find it odd since Paizo has always had such good quality in their products.

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My Worldwound Incursion fell apart on me pretty quickly and I didn't use it hard. Compared to my copy of Dragon's Demand, which was used way more heavily, didn't have any problems it was kind of frustrating. I am a player in a Second Darkness game the the GM's copy of Children of the Void, a copy I sold him from my store to encourage him to go with print over digital, disintegrated on him and he finally cut the binding off entirely and put it in a three-ring binder. My copy of Souls for Smuggler's Shiv has made some ominous cracking sounds as I read it in preparation for the upcoming Serpent's Skull game I am running.
I assumed it was just a recurring problem with the AP books.

captain yesterday |

the problem books for me: city of seven spears, gods and magic (two different copies from entirely different states even!), lands of the linnorm kings, dead heart of xin, sword of valor is the worst of them, world wound incursion and wake of the watcher, most of it is in the first few or last few pages except for gods and magic and the two WotR books (which are more extensively failing)
otherwise i have 8 APs and no issues except those above:)

NobodysHome |

Yeah, I think they get bad binding runs. Our Children of the Void is our other "fell apart as soon as we opened it" book, while Stolen Lands and Shards of Sin proved very robust as I ran people through them.
Anyway, I'll be contacting customer support in a couple of weeks and will see whether I have the same experience as magnuskn.

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I have only had issues with two books, "Gods and Magic" and "Sword of Valor". Gods and Magic I was borrowing from a friend when it fell apart so I just bought him a new one and kept the damaged one.
Sword of Valor on the other hand was part of my subscription and fell apart the first time I opened it. Contacted Paizo and they sent a new one with my next shipment.

leo1925 |

Bad copies always happen, also there is the issue of the humidity, the way you store them and the way you use them. But yes i also have noticed quite a few people having issues with various volumes of the wrath of the righteous AP (particularly the first two books). I hadn't used mine yet so i don't know if this will happen to me too.
Too bad I live in Europe... after taxes + postal fee and customs fees, the free copy would most likely end up costing me as much as the book was when I bought it :S
I have to ask, and sorry if i seem intrusive, but where in Europe do you live? I can understand the shipping cost to be quite high but taxes and customs fees?
I also live in Europe and i had to research the customs laws and taxes before i became a subscriber and while VAT is different from country to country the customs laws and fees are the same through the EU, and you really shouldn't be charged neither customs fees nor taxes for a single AP volume.
Changing Man |
I have to ask, and sorry if i seem intrusive, but where in Europe do you live? I can understand the shipping cost to be quite high but taxes and customs fees?
I also live in Europe and i had to research the customs laws and taxes before i became a subscriber and while VAT is different from country to country the customs laws and fees are the same through the EU, and you really shouldn't be charged neither customs fees nor taxes for a single AP volume.
Ditto that. I've never had to pay single cent on tax or customs on anything I've had sent to me here in Wien. (of course, I usually go the 'cheap route' on shipping and have things sent to my US address, and then I just pick 'em up when I'm in town...)

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This is my only real complaint with Paizo products. My group has had numerous AP books lose pages as described above. More irritating is the rate at which the CRB falls apart. There are 4 copies in my group and the bindings on all of them have not held up nearly as well as expected. Normal wear and tear is inevitable, but these four books have all gone weak and failed in the same place, the spine/binding. For the price of the one book you can't go without, that's just lame. C'mon Paizo, step it up with the next printing! Otherwise, I love Pathfinder!

Tangent101 |

Just as a brief aside to Paizo: You might consider printing the books with three-ring punch holes for the printed page. That way players could pull apart the AP if they so desire and put it in a three-ring binder for ease of use if that's what they're into. I'd hesitate to do this with regular APs as if the print isn't designed with the three-ring punch in question, you risk losing text or other information.