Natan Linggod 327 |
I know he wasn't built to PF rules when written but lets say he is what he says he is, a sorcerer.
What bloodline would he be? He uses a mostly enchantment/charm type magics with a few illusions or polymorphs thrown in. He doesn't seem to have any physical alterations so any that give obvious physical changes are out.
Maybe Arcane? With his staff as his Bonded Object? (Iago isn't a familiar I think. More of a henchman/cohort. Awakened bird with levels of rogue.)
What about after he becomes "THE GREATEST SORCERER IN THE WORLD!!! MUAHAHAHAHA" thanks to the wish? Efreeti bloodline is a strong contender there I feel. Maybe with a few Mythic levels to boot. Or maybe I'm thinking of when he becomes a genie?
What do you think?

Fallen_Mage |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Here's how I see it:
Prior to wish:
High Level Expert with high UMD. Reason being that he doesn't really use magic, outside his staff of hypnosis and elaborate scrying device.
Second Wish:
High Level Sorcerer, since the wish was basically a massive instant retraining. I'd agree with Arcane Bloodline and Bonded Object (Staff). Possible one or two Mythic Tiers.
Third wish:
High Level Djinn Sorcerer with all ten Mythic Tiers. I say djinn, because while he was red, he still had a swirling vortex of air below him, indicating a tie to the Plane of Air.

Zonugal |

I think Jafar would be pretty easy to represent as something akin to:
Human 'Carnivalist' Rogue 1/'Seeker' Sorcerer 'Rakshasa Bloodline' 6
Skill Focus (Knowledge: Arcana) [1st], Eschew Materials [Human], Eldritch Heritage (Arcane Bloodline) [3rd], Spell Focus (Enchantment) [5th], and Craft Wondrous Item [7th].
It isn't an amazing build by any wide-margin, but it is rather simple and it gives you enchantments, a familiar and a bonded object...

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'd give him the Serpentine Bloodline given that it capstones with the ability to become a Huge snake and includes a few hypnotism-type spells.

Bardess |

You can't have both a familiar and a bonded object.
A parrot familiar can speak a language chosen by its master, so Iago can be a familiar all right. Maybe an improved one (Entropic Parrot?)
I always saw Jafar as a Wizard, with regard to its scholarly studies to find the Cave and the Lamp. If he has to be a Sorcerer, Arcane Bloodline makes sense.

Diekssus |

You can't have both a familiar and a bonded object.
A parrot familiar can speak a language chosen by its master, so Iago can be a familiar all right. Maybe an improved one (Entropic Parrot?)
I always saw Jafar as a Wizard, with regard to its scholarly studies to find the Cave and the Lamp. If he has to be a Sorcerer, Arcane Bloodline makes sense.
he never studied (or is required to continue to study every day) to gain magic, typical for wizards , and Fallen_Mage is correct in noting that he has never been shown to use any magic outside of his magical items. sorcerer is appropriate. after his wish it definitely is.

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I've never thought of Iago as being an extension of, or even particularly fond of, Jafar. The only reason he's Jafar's (junior) partner is that Jafar is the only guy around who will take advice from an evil, obnoxious talking parrot. (Although in PF terms, those who want Iago to act as a familiar could note that Iago's loyalties only started to shift after Jafar stopped being a mortal spellcaster and was turned into an outsider [none of whom have a 'familiar' class ability.])

Artemis Moonstar |

remember that in literature, Sorcerer, Mage, Wizard, Warlock, etc, are all interchangeable.
That said, I would also go with the NPC Class w/ Max UMD -> High level Sorcerer with Arcane Bond staff (and Leadership w/ Iago for cohort), and maybe a mythic tier or two (silence was pretty much applied to all of his spells at this point) -> extremely high HD Djinn w/ sorcerer levels & Mythic tiers.

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High level Aristocrat/Expert with maxed UMD. I'd give him at least a couple of levels in aristocrat to reflect the fact that, as the royal vizier, he's definitely from the upper class.
High level sorcerer with the Djinn bloodline. This reflects the fact that he got his powers from a genie, so it fits conceptually into that bloodline. The giant snake transformation can be done with the a spell, such as Beast Shape III, which allows you to transform into a huge creature of the animal type.