Wrath of the Righteous with an Evil character?

Wrath of the Righteous

So we are about halfway through book 4 in Skull and Shackles, and my group has been talking about whats next (we get a bit ahead of ourselves). Signs point towards WotR and we have been bandying about playing siblings, which might be fun.

In that I have been thinking about playing a Lawful Evil character, possibly a war priest demonhunter sworn to asmodeus. Now I think for the most part I'll let my siblings keep me in line, and I would focus my character on the absolute order vs. the chaos of demon's aspect. But still I want him to be willing to go to extreme ends to either protect his naive siblings from their do goodery, or to kill demons.

So my question is: Is it possible to be evil in wrath of the righteous? would it be a viable character option? Would it be interesting without making my RP choice a hassle for the group and GM?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It depends on your GM and fellow players. As written, no. There is no support for evil PCs or evil factions assisting in the crusades against the Worldwound.

I have a LE Oracle follower of Asmodeus in my WotR campaign, and while I had initial concerns it has turned out great. We have a group of 7 including a LG Paladin, a LN Inquisitor and the LE Oracle, which has made for some very entertaining RP.

I recommend you cover a number of topics with your GM, specifically what makes you evil, and why you have come to the Worldwound and are willing to risk your life fighting demons.

When creating your character's persona, make sure you align those two topics otherwise your character may feel forced or out of place in the campaign.

And remember, in game your LE character might be a jerk but no one likes to sit down at the table with one! Make sure you don't take it to a point where it detracts from everyone's fun.

Thanks Hippie,

We have a pretty mature (sense of humor notwithstanding) group. Almost everyone has played an Evil character before, I think Lawful evil will let me tow the line of loyalty to my companions, and hatred of chaos, even if my methods are a bit different! Thats the hope at least!

As a GM, I'm actively supporting a lawful neutral cleric of Asmodeus to become a LE graveknight just for the coolness factor, as long as this doesn't bring PvP in the group.
I don't see why not, LE people could still hate demonic chaos just like a good hero.

they don't necessarily have to be LE, plenty of motivation for NE or CE, hello ultimate power!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The AP is actively written to discourage evil characters. I'd recommend against playing one, because you'll force the GM to rewrite the entire campaign to suit your character.

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i disagree,
you don't need to re-write the whole thing, there is plenty of motivation if you look for it:)
there are ways to play an evil character without being a jerk about your evilness:)

Dark Archive

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The faithful of Asmodeus are a common sight in WoTR campains, at least on the PC side.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That seems to be because of the love the forums have for Asmodeus, not for anything written in the books. In fact the lead designer kind of said don't do it.

However, it is more of a GM thing... his GM and his players.

Given the amount of stuff I have to rewrite already, adding things for an evil character is truly minimal, and I like the idea that no matter what the background, everyone is motivated to stop the worldwound. Even LE people want to survive the demonic invasion.
This reminds me of an Eberron game I devised where the heroes basically had to unite the whole Khorvaire(including Thrane and Karrnath) to face an impending Quori invasion. Different alignments are not an excuse to not work together toward a common goal.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I would say that the answer could be 'No', not everyone does want the Worldwound dealt with. It had been mentioned that Cheliax, so probably some divisions of the Church of Asmodeus enjoy the Worldwound being open as it keeps crusaders away from them.

In fact...

The AP states that Iomedae will turn her attention to Cheliax if the crusaders succeed in the AP. That doesn't sound like much incentive to help her closing it.

Another option could be the Hellknights of the Order of the Godclaw. They range from LG Paladins to LE since their faith technically follows teachings of Torag, Iomedae, Abadar, Asmodeus and one other Lawful deity... And you can just focus heavily on Asmodeus.

And that's literally the case of my evil player, only he's going from LN to LE :)

Dark Archive

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Seannoss wrote:

I would say that the answer could be 'No', not everyone does want the Worldwound dealt with. It had been mentioned that Cheliax, so probably some divisions of the Church of Asmodeus enjoy the Worldwound being open as it keeps crusaders away from them.

In fact...

** spoiler omitted **

The opinions of one exiled paracountess do not represent Cheliax as a whole. There are many Chelish members of the 5th crusade, and the Order of the Godclaw Hellknights have been particularly active in said crusade.

There is an established tradition of demon hunters in the Asmodean faith. And you can be a full worshiper of Asmodues and be LN instead of LE or NE. There is a sidebar in the Demon Hunter's Handbook that explains that Asmodeans are the most common of the non-good demon hunters.

Grand Lodge

It really depends on your DM and your party. This is a know your table moment. There will be certain advantages to playing an evil character and certain disadvantages. (In both the theater of combat and RP).

It's certainly doable. But, as written, it is discouraged. The path is about capital G heroes after all.

I'm running it right now and have an LE Skald and a NE Gunslinger. Really it's all about motivation. The Skald is all about reputation and being able to manipulate others, so she views participating in the crusade as a way to both keep her allies from finding out she's a b*!@% and improve her reputation for her own ends, and the Gunslinger has a personal vendetta against demons because one disfigured him on the job, pretty much putting him out of the job (mercenary specializing in undercover work).

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magnuskn wrote:
The AP is actively written to discourage evil characters. I'd recommend against playing one, because you'll force the GM to rewrite the entire campaign to suit your character.

I'm half way through GMing this AP and if there was an evil Character I'd change nothing. Even if it was evil party I'd change nothing. It would make for interesting change. I'd insist the party or character be anti-demon. They need a reason to fighting against the demons after all but AP would work just fine. It would more difficult at times though.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Differences on opinions here. Thematically this is written to be Good versus Evil. You could also say that the queen wouldn't trust any evil PCs, then the adventure would never really start.

Im running the AP for 2 devils (lilin and ink devil) a fiendish gnome wizard and a half fiend doppelganger. Don't mind the leveling of these characters, we sorted them out. What we try here is playing it in the Forgotten Realms, the PCs being the agents of the Nine Hells working against the demons by corrupting the crusaders. We consider the fenomenon of the rift as a part of the Blood Wars that has spilled to the Material Plane.

And it works fine so far. The PCs are infiltrating, rpging their way through the enemies and earning the trust of the npcs as they do so.

I might have some difficulties rewriting some parts to fit these characters but it will worth it! :)

I've moseyed into this territory as in Book 4 one of the PCs decided to give in to temptation, and an alignment shift to CE was in order. (If you want details, let me know and I'll post in a spoiler. Let's just say it's the first-ever alignment shift I've imposed, and I think it was justified.)

The problem is, I can certainly see SOME of the crusaders working with LE people to achieve their ends -- LE people don't care for chaos and destruction, either, and can work well hand-in-hand with LG people, as long as the rules are set well beforehand. (I personally *LOVED* roleplaying out the LE Laori Vaus and the LG paladin of Iomedae agreeing on precisely what she was allowed to do while accompanying the party in Curse of the Crimson Throne.)

I don't see the crusaders working with NE or CE people of any sort for any reason. If their word isn't their bond, how can you trust them?

My $0.02.

(And for the record, what I had been hoping would be a long "road to redemption" story was instead the player declaring himself "burned out" on RPGs, and the alignment shift was the "final straw" that opened his eyes that he needed to take an indefinite break from our games. Too bad -- I had lots of ideas to help him out of the mess he'd gotten himself into...)

I think you can totally do it *but* you could also ruin some fun RPing moments for your fellow PCs if you're not careful. One thing not mentioned so far is that above the "Good" focus on the game (which most APs arguably have), this game has a focus on redemption. Both Hellknights and Asmodeans aren't big on forgiveness.

If your PC lacks any flexibility in terms of redemption than the other players are going to miss out on some awesome moments and epic roleplaying opportunities. Being a bit of a roadblock and a stick in the mud about it can also lead to good RPing moments, but if your PC is too lawful to allow any of that flex than an entire element of the game is gone. Fundamentally gone.

And since few APs allow for redemption of evil NPCs, your co-players won't get another shot at it.

So my main advice is that you can do it but ensure you don't rain on the other players' parade in terms of redemption moments. It would be too easy to keep *saving* them from future danger by slaying the potentially redeemed, and while that *can* make for tense roleplaying moments, it will end in a stand off where the other players have to effectively choose between you and a whole slew of opportunities.

Rather than surprise the players on taking out one of the potentially redeemed, chat to them first and see if they're cool with you taking out this particular one for these reasons. Elsewise you might just ruin their In Character Shining Moments that are a leading part of this AP simply to keep in character for your own PC that doesn't fit so well.

Of course, all groups are different. If your fellow players couldn't give a toss what happens to the other NPCs *or* love that kind of high conflict in all of its forms, go for gold, but make sure everyone's on the same page with that.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
NobodysHome wrote:
I've moseyed into this territory as in Book 4 one of the PCs decided to give in to temptation, and an alignment shift to CE was in order. (If you want details, let me know and I'll post in a spoiler. Let's just say it's the first-ever alignment shift I've imposed, and I think it was justified.)

I would like the detail if you wouldn't mind. I have a character who will probably be running the line towards evil for WotR and I'd like to see what drove yours over.

chavamana wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
I've moseyed into this territory as in Book 4 one of the PCs decided to give in to temptation, and an alignment shift to CE was in order. (If you want details, let me know and I'll post in a spoiler. Let's just say it's the first-ever alignment shift I've imposed, and I think it was justified.)
I would like the detail if you wouldn't mind. I have a character who will probably be running the line towards evil for WotR and I'd like to see what drove yours over.

OK, you asked for it!

NobodysHome writes WAAAAAY too much!:

The AP started with the player in question playing a CN tengu bard, and kind of reveling in not caring in the least about anyone else. He was in his own little world, and did whatever he felt like. Fortunately, "Whatever he felt like" was pretty harmless, and he was a nice bit of comedy relief for the group as he kept getting himself into trouble with his excessive greed ("Shineys!").

Unfortunately, the turning point came at Arushelae's cell in the dungeons under Drezen.

I am a firm believer that gods are beyond mortals, and god-touched areas are really and truly "different" from anything a mortal spellcaster can do. So he'd already taken the mythic Beyond Morality, which is such a slap in the face to players and GMs that I would have banned it had I known it existed before he took it. The other players were extremely unhappy with his decision, but rolled with it. He started playing his PC as utterly selfish with no concern whatsoever for anyone else. It didn't help in the least that we had our first "live" conflicts as well -- the player had never played a bard before, and really was a very crappy bard. He'd forget to perform, forget to cast Haste, forget to cast Heroism, etc. A non-buffing bard isn't a particular asset to the party, and when the other players called him out on it he got outright angry, explaining that he really didn't understand how bards worked, and he didn't appreciate the "criticism". I think this should have been our "big red flag" that he was getting burned out. (When your sorceress takes Haste and starts casting it in every combat, you know something's wrong with the bard.)
Anyway, I added a god-touched Forbiddance effect to the cell, and at CN he got hit. He argued that his Beyond Morality should have protected him. I argued that this was a goddess, not a mortal, and she could see his true heart, and didn't like what she saw.

After that he got even more distant and apathetic as a player.

So when they got to Alushinyrra and everyone started treating him cordially, he welcomed the attention. On the offer of a succubus, he said, "Well, why not? It's not like I've seen any female tengu around!"
I tried to emphasize that the only reason she wasn't draining him to an empty husk was that he was paying through the nose for her company. He didn't care. He enjoyed her company through and through. The other PCs expressed their displeasure at having a succubus in their suite, but he ignored them and kept her on. He wouldn't send her away; they other PCs had to wait until she was up and around, done with breakfast, and moving on to "other duties" before they could talk to him.

So I decided to see just how far I could push him until he'd wake up as to the depredations of the Abyss. He started getting served "delicious maggot steaks". Two sessions later, I revealed that they were actually slices of damned human souls. He didn't care. He kept right on eating them. He said, "Well, they're damned anyway, so what harm am I doing? I'm probably preventing some demons from ever being born. That's a good thing, right?"

Finally, in the meeting with Nocticula she was her charming self, and everyone else *knew* there was something seriously wrong. He just walked up and said, "Sure, I'll take your gift!"

At that point, I couldn't keep letting things go. I let him know that his alignment had shifted and his soul was damned, and I started working out a whole "redemption scenario" for him.

Unfortunately, the alignment shift was the last straw, and he quit instead.

EDIT: As a side note, although I despise Beyond Morality, I respected it for the remainder of the game. Even Desna's bell in Arushelae's Redoubt did not affect him. So it wasn't nearly the, "The GM hates my ability and so he's picking on me," moment that it sounds like. It was just the first indicator that he was really unhappy with the way the game was running...

So WotR is on hold for us indefinitely.

captain yesterday wrote:
they don't necessarily have to be LE, plenty of motivation for NE or CE, hello ultimate power!

In addition to that, remember that Qlippoths hate Demons too -- the Demons exterminated many of them and took over much of their home. Not only that, but Qlippoths hate mortal sin too, since it feeds and produces Demons, even though Qlippoths obviously have their own sin, which extremely likely contributed to making the Abyss hospitable to the Demonic origin (engineered by the leading Daemons of the time) and takeover. I wonder whether it might be possible to redeem a Qlippoth by convincing it of this . . . .

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
NobodysHome wrote:
chavamana wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
I've moseyed into this territory as in Book 4 one of the PCs decided to give in to temptation, and an alignment shift to CE was in order. (If you want details, let me know and I'll post in a spoiler. Let's just say it's the first-ever alignment shift I've imposed, and I think it was justified.)
I would like the detail if you wouldn't mind. I have a character who will probably be running the line towards evil for WotR and I'd like to see what drove yours over.

OK, you asked for it!

** spoiler omitted **
So WotR is on hold for us indefinitely.


I'm very sad to hear that your campaign is on hold. The actual fall of your player was kinda fantastic.

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chavamana wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
chavamana wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
I've moseyed into this territory as in Book 4 one of the PCs decided to give in to temptation, and an alignment shift to CE was in order. (If you want details, let me know and I'll post in a spoiler. Let's just say it's the first-ever alignment shift I've imposed, and I think it was justified.)
I would like the detail if you wouldn't mind. I have a character who will probably be running the line towards evil for WotR and I'd like to see what drove yours over.

OK, you asked for it!

** spoiler omitted **
So WotR is on hold for us indefinitely.


I'm very sad to hear that your campaign is on hold. The actual fall of your player was kinda fantastic.

Yeah, I was pretty sad. Nocticula was going to play him like a puppet. The way I see it, she will see anyone who accepts her "gift" as a weak link in a party she is hoping will succeed, so she was going to spend her time trying to convince the rest of the party to get rid of him as "bad blood".

So it was going to be a whole campaign arc on him trying to find a Miracle from either demons who wouldn't help him, or crusaders who wouldn't trust him.

It would have been a fun, fun story arc.

Ah, well. Maybe after a while he'll want to test it out...

And if you'd like some ideas...

NobodysHome being evil:

As I said, I figure Nocticula would consider anyone who succumbed to her realm's paltry temptations as utterly unworthy of continuing the quest to seal the Worldwound, which is something she wants. So I was going to have her intervene:

  • First and foremost, she would forbid the PC from having Protection from Evil on them, or on being within a Magic Circle of Protection from Evil. She would use her link to Dispel any such attempt, and would coyly explain that her "pet" needed to stay within her control.
  • Second, she would toy with her puppet's mind, figuring he or she was already a dedicated follower, so why not go all the way? Each night the affected PC would have to make a Will save, starting at DC 15 and going all the way up (+1 per night) to Nocticula's formidable limit. On failing, the PC would re-enact her ritual: Slay his or her lover, cut out the victim's heart, and consume it.
  • Third (and this was great for a bard), she was going to prove how useless the PC was to the rest of the party by using her Dominate to make him/her stand still for an entire combat. 3 mythic PCs can win any combat in the last 3 books, so it's a great way to make the PC feel useless.
  • For the entire time, have Nocticula whispering in his/her ear: "You're useless. They don't need you. Kill yourself. It will be better for everyone."

Hope that gives you some ideas as to how to be mean!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That is exceedingly wicked.

And I will totally go that route if my PC should give in to temptation. Since that particular PC immediately decided they were in love with the succubus who shows up in Council of Thieves... and mind-controlled that succubus to keep them 'happy'.... I do like having contingency plans.

That said, I know you were doing special things for all of the campaign traits, would you mind if I picked your brain about those in another thread or via paizo-email?

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chavamana wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Oh, feel free to PM me, or heck, post in my thread. It needs some activity! (I just lost 10 hours of writing to a mysterious "someone else used my computer and all the files just disappeared, but it's totally not his fault" syndrome, so I'm pretty down on writing at the moment.)

Without any spoilers, there are four overall threads:
(1) The story the AP is telling.
(2) The story I would like to tell based on the AP's story.
(3) The story the PC's character traits tell.
(4) The story the PCs are telling by playing out the scenario.

All I did was look over my group's traits, look over how the AP tells the story of those traits, and decide that I didn't like it so I intermingled the stories into something I liked better.

It went well... up until all my files vanished!

(Grr.... avoids picking up axe and heading for said person's home..."

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
NobodysHome wrote:
chavamana wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Oh, feel free to PM me, or heck, post in my thread. It needs some activity! (I just lost 10 hours of writing to a mysterious "someone else used my computer and all the files just disappeared, but it's totally not his fault" syndrome, so I'm pretty down on writing at the moment.)

Without any spoilers, there are four overall threads:
(1) The story the AP is telling.
(2) The story I would like to tell based on the AP's story.
(3) The story the PC's character traits tell.
(4) The story the PCs are telling by playing out the scenario.

All I did was look over my group's traits, look over how the AP tells the story of those traits, and decide that I didn't like it so I intermingled the stories into something I liked better.

It went well... up until all my files vanished!

(Grr.... avoids picking up axe and heading for said person's home..."

Ouch. That sucks beyond belief.

And makes me *really* happy for back-ups that other people do no touch.

Silver Crusade Contributor

NobodysHome, please do post these things somewhere when you can. I'm very curious...

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Kalindlara wrote:
NobodysHome, please do post these things somewhere when you can. I'm very curious...

I spend an hour a day on campaign journals, which usually nets 1-2 a week. We fell WAAAAAY behind because my players were demanding 3 sessions a week, but now that we're on hiatus I should start catching up. Here's the linky.

I was trying to catch up and finish off my RotRL journal, and that's the one that took the massive hit over the weekend, so until I calm down a bit it'll be WotR. I expect something to pop up there this week.

I think thats almost a bit harsh, and may be based on the player not playing his character well.

The way I see her perspective:

For someone like Noct, there are 3 characteristics that define any character. How dangerous is it, how useful is it, how easy is it to control it? The party essentially represents Iomedaes/Desnas investment, stealing/controlling/suborning this investment is thus clearly desireable, stealing it while playing by the rules (to minimize divine retirution, Desna/Iomedae have a hard time acting against her or breaking her pact if the pact was truely accepted in free will) is a bit harder but more rewarding. Putting a pact makes that person, and thus the party, more usefull (as it increases one party members abilities considerable) and far easier to control/monitor.
Noct does not pact random hoboes, considers her gift to be quite worthwhile and would see refusing it as moderatly hostile.
Seeing whoever she pacts as the weakest link? I think thats rare.

From the parties perspective:

The party just fought its way through a reasonably hard dungeon, and faced off vs Hepzahmirah and then Baphomet. The party is thus low on resources, and is now faced with the possibility to face the strongest demon lord as written, with low resources, in her own domain. While Noct does not threaten to attack, the threat is implied by her statblock, her abilities, and the smackdown she put on Baphomet.
Many parties will be "OK, we can definitly not deal with her right now, but we probably can deal with the profane pact later, when we are not in her domain and not out of resources, so one guy bites it and gets pacted, lay back and think of Golarion bro",
more pragmatic parties may be "Well, I would rather be bribed by Noct then blackmailed by her, which she probably can do instead, so lets take the bribe of the profane gift", with a smidgen of "she will want a degree of control after seeing what we can do, what she offers is fairly polite and useful."

Then there is also the case of a Barbairan/Warrior type character, who, after prevailing over Baphomet, is full of Endorphines and stands face to face with I think the highest written CHA score in the Paizo multiverse, who makes him a sensual offers after having slain his arch enemy. Unless you are specifically a char with extreme degrees of restraint and self control, realistically speaking most "characters" would be highly likely to be jumping out of their pants from Adrenaline/Endorphine etc. .

On another table it went like:

1: Nocticula timestops, does Nocticula things, readies an action to rip Baphomets heart out from behind when timestop ends.
2: Barbarian player "I ready an action to rip out Baphomets heart when the timestop ends, and am in front of him".

Following great interaction happens:

3: Noct is slightly faster, smirks as she rips Baphomets heart out.
Noct: "Did thy wish to challenge me for my price, sword of Gorum?"
Barb:"Nay, I am grateful for your presence and wished to shake thy hand, and where else could it possible be? Yet does our participation in the battle not entitle us to some part of the spoils?"
Noct: "Bravely acted, and boldly lied (no, the average Barb cannot outbluff Noct), but thou have a point"
Rips Baphomets heart in twain, rams her hoof down the hole in his front and uses to give very painfull CPR to prevent him from dying and resurrecting right now, hands of one half of Baphomets heart to the Barbarian and starts erotically munching the other half.
Barbarian takes a bite of his half and says, after passing a constitution
Barb: "Hmmm, I take that demon lord heart is somewhat of an acquired taste?"
Noct:"For me it was, albeit there are few peers for me to consult there, I liken it to good beer in this regard, it is never great on the first serving, but it does grow on you?"
Barbarian:"Ahh, I would wish for some cool beer to force this taste down.Nevertheless, I hope to soon taste the truth of thy words cocnerning the taste getting better."
Noct:"If thy ally with me, it could well happen. Incidentally, my palace has a the largest collection of alcoholic beverages outside of Cerubillum, Elysium and the halls of Torag, my leal allies can certainly by given opportunity to avail themselfs of it."
Barb: "They words are both temptation and relief, oh Lady in Shadows, but I cannot abandon my Lord in Iron, who forged me into the fearsome blade that stands before thou, for thee."
Noct: "I wish to ensure that the sword you are will not be wielded against me, and my gift would temper your blade against magics of the mind which could create such a scenario."
Barb:"Other then thy own of course."
Noct:"Naturally, I am willing however, to pledge, onto my own power and before Gorum and Calistria (the 2 deities Noct probably kind of respects) that I will not use thee against Golarion, against Calistria or against Gorum, nor that I will force thee to worship me in a religious sense.
Further, my daggers will find the throats of those who worship the goat on Golarion, as well as in the Abyss."
Barb:"I have no wish to offend you, blade of midnight, but my swords are stronger then the daggers they followers."
Noct:"Which is why I offer many daggers for your one sword."
Barb player ooc: "I should have dual wielded lel"
Barb: "Hmm, my soul for a way to actually end this war, my soul for the death of one, maybe 2 demon lords... Are thy willing to pledge, that thou shall claim not more then my soul for thy mighty services in this manner?"
Noct: "I shall pledge to not make this offer to anyone else, if you accept it. I do claim the possession, or the souls of our common foes as mine, if the right of the battlefields victor grants me such a claim."
Barb: "Very well then oh Lady in Shadows, I accept thy terms."
Noct: "I have hoped you would, truth to be told, you would have been the first mortal to refuse me after breaking a demon lords heart with the queen of Lust, though are also the first mortal with whom I have committed such an interesting heartbreak."
Barb player ooc:Thats one hell of a thing to cross off your bucket list.
Barb (smirking):"I must confess my pride for this moment"
Noct: "I shall hear thee confess your deepest carnal desires next, and then thou shall forever remember with joy and extasy what is about to happen."
Sexy shadowy embrace and fade to black.

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