Tiny God: theory-crafting homonculus


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Browsing through the Core rulebook, I stumbled upon Craft Construct again. I was then reminded of the Homunculus that one of my Wizard PCs created many years ago and decided to look at the Pathfinder version. I was pleased to see it was much the same, including the purchase of additional Hit Dice for 2,000gp each. I'm bored, let's break this.

A 20th level character gets 880,000 gp. Let's spend it all on the Homunculus, just to see how ridiculous we can make it:

Craft Construct Feat (Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, CL 5)
CL 7th
Arcane Eye, Mirror Image, Mending
Craft (leather) DC 12

Easy enough. Initial gold investment:

50 gp for body
200 gp for Alchemist lab
1000 gp for the lab furnishings
2050 standard cost

5350 gp

= 874,650/2000 = +437 hit dice

So, our little buddy has 439 total hit dice. That gives him:

+109 ability score points
(Base: Str 8, Dex 15, Con - , Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 7)
2414 HP
BAB +439 (is there a cap in PF?)
Base Saving Throws 146 + modifications
His Poison attack: Fortitude DC 229 or sleep for 1 minute
And 219 feats

Here are the Core Feats he could qualify for:

tiny god:

Acrobatic Steps
Agile Maneuvers*
Animal Affinity
Arcane Armor Training*
Armor Proficiency, Heavy
Armor Proficiency, Light
Armor Proficiency, Medium
Augment Summoning
Bleeding Critical*
Blinding Critical*
Catch Off-Guard*
Combat Casting
Combat Expertise*
Combat Reflexes*
Critical Focus*
Critical Mastery*
Dazzling Display*
Deadly Aim*
Deadly Stroke*
Deafening Critical*
Defensive Combat Training*
Deflect Arrows*
Deft Hands
Double Slice*
Eschew Materials
Exhausting Critical*
Exotic Weapon Proficiency*
Far Shot*
Gorgon's Fist*
Great Cleave*
Great Fortitude
Greater Bull Rush*
Greater Disarm*
Greater Feint*
Greater Grapple*
Greater Overrun*
Greater Spell Focus
Greater Spell Penetration
Greater Sunder*
Greater Trip*
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting*
Greater Vital Strike*
Improved Bull Rush*
Improved Counterspell
Improved Critical*
Improved Disarm*
Improved Feint*
Improved Grapple*
Improved Great Fortitude
Improved Initiative*
Improved Iron Will
Improved Lightning Reflexes
Improved Overrun*
Improved PreciseShot*
Improved Shield Bash*
Improved Sunder*
Improved Trip*
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting*
Improved Unarmed Strike*
Improved Vital Strike*
Improvised Weapon Mastery*
Intimidating Prowess*
Iron Will
Lightning Reflexes
Lightning Stance*
Magical Aptitude
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Master Craftsman
Medusa's Wrath*
Mounted Archery*
Mounted Combat*
Nimble Moves
Pinpoint Targeting*
Point-Blank Shot*
Power Attack*
Precise Shot*
Quick Draw*
Rapid Reload*
Rapid Shot*
Ride-By Attack*
Scorpion Style*
Shatter Defenses*
Shield Focus*
Shield Master*
Shield Proficiency
Shield Slam*
Shot on the Run*
Sickening Critical*
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Skill Focus
Snatch Arrows*
Spirited Charge*
Spring Attack*
Staggering Critical*
Stand Still*
Step Up*
Strike Back*
Stunning Critical*
Stunning Fist*
Throw Anything*
Tiring Critical*
Tower Shield Proficiency*
Two-Weapon Defense*
Two-Weapon Fighting*
Two-Weapon Rend*
Vital Strike*
Weapon Finesse*
Weapon Focus*
Whirlwind Attack*
Wind Stance*

Spend them all on Fleet and you have a speed of 1115!

In the end, it's definitely not worth blowing all of your cash on this little mud god, but it's pretty funny that you can do this with just the Core book.

Anyone have any cool ideas for this little guy?

Dark Archive

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You really need to look at the Alchemist Handbook that was just released.
Has significant rules for granting your homonculus spell like abilities, extra attack forms and special powers.

That alone is worth the cost of the book.

Cool, thanks for the suggestion.

I was looking to see what was possible with Core-only though. Any ideas for that?

You won't have any other money for equipment, so keep that in mind, but I'm guessing anything that doesn't have immunity to poison or sleep effects is already dead or dying to this thing.

Pretty much I'd say the best option is TWF with a heavy focus on STR, and using some Intimidate feats for kicks.

Dark Archive

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Naw, best option is to drop a handful of those feats into the archery feats and then milk itself for poison. Put that on each arrow (since it's a injected poison it never goes stale) and shoot everything with it's tiny bow.

With that DC and bab each round he can drop a dozen opponents for 1 minute. More then enough time to CDG everything to death. The only thing he'd have to prepare for is undead and constructs.
Everything else that's immune to poison will die from the MASSIVE amount of arrow damage it's about to take.

Yeah, with that amount of BaB you get 73 attacks (I think), and even if the last 3(ish) miss, you still get a (fairly) guaranteed 70d(x)-7 damage before any upgrades.

I think you'd need about 2 or 3 points into your Dex in order to get all the archery feats, leaving you about 100 at least for your STR, giving you about +49 damage from strength.

If you can manage to find (or steal) an adaptive bow, it'll make it really easy for you to grab that. (I think it's 2450 for the bow.)

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Hetra Karet wrote:

You won't have any other money for equipment, so keep that in mind, but I'm guessing anything that doesn't have immunity to poison or sleep effects is already dead or dying to this thing.

Pretty much I'd say the best option is TWF with a heavy focus on STR, and using some Intimidate feats for kicks.

Do you really need any equipment? I mean, at this point, you're a 20th level Wizard so you can just buff yourself to the nines, and sit back Telepathically communicating your desires for your Mud God to carry out!

Hetra Karet wrote:
Yeah, with that amount of BaB you get 73 attacks (I think), and even if the last 3(ish) miss, you still get a (fairly) guaranteed 70d(x)-7 damage before any upgrades.

Is there anything in the rules that limit your number of iterative attacks to four? Or does it continue past +20 BAB?

Mathwei ap Niall wrote:
The only thing he'd have to prepare for is undead and constructs.

Great suggestions on the archery feats. Any thoughts on how this would deal with Undead, Constricts, and possibly some Oozes?

Dark Archive

7heprofessor wrote:
Hetra Karet wrote:

You won't have any other money for equipment, so keep that in mind, but I'm guessing anything that doesn't have immunity to poison or sleep effects is already dead or dying to this thing.

Pretty much I'd say the best option is TWF with a heavy focus on STR, and using some Intimidate feats for kicks.

Do you really need any equipment? I mean, at this point, you're a 20th level Wizard so you can just buff yourself to the nines, and sit back Telepathically communicating your desires for your Mud God to carry out!

Hetra Karet wrote:
Yeah, with that amount of BaB you get 73 attacks (I think), and even if the last 3(ish) miss, you still get a (fairly) guaranteed 70d(x)-7 damage before any upgrades.

Is there anything in the rules that limit your number of iterative attacks to four? Or does it continue past +20 BAB?

Mathwei ap Niall wrote:
The only thing he'd have to prepare for is undead and constructs.

Great suggestions on the archery feats. Any thoughts on how this would deal with Undead, Constricts, and possibly some Oozes?

Yeah, Deadly Aim will solve all the undead, construct and ooze issues.
The sure amount of damage from that one feat plus umpteen dozen attacks a round equals everything dies as soon as it starts a full attack.
Bab/4*2=+109 damage on each attack and he'll only miss on a 1 so 2-3 THOUSAND damage per round before dealing with the sleep effects from the poison.

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If there is no cap on iteratives, and +439 BAB is 73 attacks Rapid Shot makes that 74.

Penalties to hit from Deadly aim (-109) and Rapid Shot (-2) = -111

So base to-hit is +328 before dex and other feats.

Deadly Aim adds +2 damage per 4 BAB or 219 damage per arrow (right?).

Assuming all attacks hit (a big assumption here) that's 185 damage from 74 instances of 1d4 damage arrows with an additional 16,206 damage from Deadly Aim or 16,391 damage in one round!

The probability of scoring at least one critical hit is very high, and that adds a base 438 points of damage.

Tell me I screwed this up please, because this seems a little off...

Which Alchemist book are we talking about here? Is it 3rdP?

Well, I couldn't see anyone getting all the way to level 20 without spending any gold or having and equipment, but even a more feasible 100k gold would still get you a whopping 50hd... and what you could do with that seems a lot more powerful than the type of magic items you could purchase for a similar cost

Aren't there rules dictating what percentage of your WBL can be spent on one specific item?

Even if it's 25% of WBL, that's still insane. And dumb. And it's still a DC 12 to craft too. Wacky. Also this little guy is worth more than entire kingdoms net worth.

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stoolpigeon87 wrote:

Aren't there rules dictating what percentage of your WBL can be spent on one specific item?

Even if it's 25% of WBL, that's still insane. And dumb. And it's still a DC 12 to craft too. Wacky. Also this little guy is worth more than entire kingdoms net worth.

Any rules about how one spends their money are house rules as far as I know.

But I do agree that having this be possible is pretty ridiculous. Clearly not intended to go this far, but fun that you can.

Granted, Interzone's comment is quite relevant. One would likely spend the majority of their wealth just surviving long enough to become 20th level (though, as a Wizard likely less so). Selling off your uber magic staff so you can have a badass little friend might be worth it though...

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Technically, the WBL rules are guidelines and this would probably never happen in actual play. But it's a really fun theorycraft. (I think it's 50%, so you'd still be able to get 222 HD if you spent 440,000 on this specific item.)

EDIT: and you'd still have 434,650 to spend on other stuff.

So, we've established that this is far from likely to happen in a real campaign, but it is allowed within the rules. Can anyone submit a build that can defeat our Tiny God?

What are its glaring weaknesses? Can they be patched by feats (since we have hundreds to spend)?

Extra credit for a core-only submission.

(Anyone have a good name for the little guy?)

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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scadgrad wrote:
Which Alchemist book are we talking about here? Is it 3rdP?

The Alchemy Manual.

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Well, as far as I know it doesn't have any way to heal damage, nor is it immune to damage, so assuming it doesn't have its creator around to repair it, it can fall eventually to sheer damage.

It can easily combat massive groups however, thanks to its archery feats, and it can easily outrun anything that doesn't teleport after it thanks to the many Fleet feats it can afford to take.

Being tiny, it can get a really good Stealth score as well, even with only 2+Int skill ranks per level.

Overall I'm seeing no easy way, especially if the Homunculus decides to specialize in sneaking. It doesn't have Hide in Plain Sight, but with it's speed and damage output it's really easy for it to avoid engaging. Even a Wizard with anti-arrow spells is still in a world of hurt without a Contingency to teleport itself away, and the Homunculus will only fail saves on a 1.

EDIT: If you add in the Spell-Like Ability rules, you can actually add Make Whole and Infernal Healing to it, letting our Tiny God heal itself. You could add Mending as well.

EDIT2: Going to go build a proper(ish) statblock for him. Which version do we want to theorycraft more? The 880,000 or 440,000?

EDIT3: Link to Googledocs page!


Dark Archive

Vritra wrote:

Well, as far as I know it doesn't have any way to heal damage, nor is it immune to damage, so assuming it doesn't have its creator around to repair it, it can fall eventually to sheer damage.

It can easily combat massive groups however, thanks to its archery feats, and it can easily outrun anything that doesn't teleport after it thanks to the many Fleet feats it can afford to take.

Being tiny, it can get a really good Stealth score as well, even with only 2+Int skill ranks per level.

Overall I'm seeing no easy way, especially if the Homunculus decides to specialize in sneaking. It doesn't have Hide in Plain Sight, but with it's speed and damage output it's really easy for it to avoid engaging. Even a Wizard with anti-arrow spells is still in a world of hurt without a Contingency to teleport itself away, and the Homunculus will only fail saves on a 1.

EDIT: If you add in the Spell-Like Ability rules, you can actually add Make Whole and Infernal Healing to it, letting our Tiny God heal itself. You could add Mending as well.

EDIT2: Going to go build a proper(ish) statblock for him. Which version do we want to theorycraft more? The 880,000 or 440,000?

Be realistic, do it for 250,000GP and spend 50,000GP on gear and potion enhancements for it. Also remember nothing prevents it from buying the same spell like ability more than once.

Realism is no fun!

I'll go with the 440,000 version first, using the rest of the Wizard's WBL for other gear.

I feel the main difference will be in the ridiculousness of saves and BaB between that one and the 880,000 version, so nyeh.

Goal is to see how well it operates against Bestiary opponents a 20th-level could reasonably face. Army situations, some 1v1s, etc. Keep in mind this is theorycrafting and not actual game situations (that I expect would show up), however I will take criticisms on tactics and such.

Major flaws this thing will definitely have:
Lack of planar travel beyond consumables, unless spending money on that.
Potential annoyances with DR (hah!)
Cost of arrows (any way to get free arrows?)
Potential other issues?

EDIT: Also, why the other equipment 7heprofessor? Is it all just necessary stuff for this or can we get away with removing some of it?

Vritra wrote:

Realism is no fun!

I'll go with the 440,000 version first, using the rest of the Wizard's WBL for other gear.

I feel the main difference will be in the ridiculousness of saves and BaB between that one and the 880,000 version, so nyeh.

Goal is to see how well it operates against Bestiary opponents a 20th-level could reasonably face. Army situations, some 1v1s, etc. Keep in mind this is theorycrafting and not actual game situations (that I expect would show up), however I will take criticisms on tactics and such.

Major flaws this thing will definitely have:
Lack of planar travel beyond consumables, unless spending money on that.
Potential annoyances with DR (hah!)
Cost of arrows (any way to get free arrows?)
Potential other issues?

EDIT: Also, why the other equipment 7heprofessor? Is it all just necessary stuff for this or can we get away with removing some of it?

If by "other equipment" you're referring to the body, lab, and furnishings, those costs are taken directly from the Homunculus description so I viewed them as in addition to the Creation Cost.

I agree that 440,000 is a good benchmark to stat Timmy up at. If a 20th level Wizard decided his life's fortune was worth the creation of an uber little friend, I think he could reasonably be assumed to sell magical items and other properties enough to acheive 440,000 gp.

That said, my initial proposal was to stay Core-only with all options related to Timmy. That would limit the potential for unfortunate rules interactions, and keeps it more focused (further, there is a certain level of awesome about doing broken, amazing things with just the Core rulebook).

Core-only would remove the "Additional Abilities" section, so no Spell-like abilities, or Acid Breath, etc. This keeps the Craft DC at 12, which any wizard can make with 1 rank in Craft (leatherworking) and take 10 (additional Hit Dice do NOT increase this DC).

However, that is an entirely optional approach as this is purely theory-craft. The spell-like abilities would add immense versatility to Timmy, if that is deemed necessary. Your call.

As for arrows, Abundant Ammunition is one way to gain temporarily limitless ammo.

Planar Travel could be solved via an Amulet of the Planes, though that's pretty pricey and I'm not sure how necessary it really is.

Eh, Planar Travel would be nice if we wanted him to adventure more, but keeping it Core-only will be a fun thing and keep this from getting too silly, plus as you said it's more reasonable and keeps it simpler. (with no debates about how much we should pay for SLA's total).

I've done the math on him so far, and he ends up costing 439,100 gp with 221 HD total. So calculations can probably be done from there.

EDIT: Updated with base stats granted from HD. Current base weak point is AC, still stuck at 14.

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CRB p406 wrote:
Scaling Powers: Hit dice, base attack bonuses, and saving throws continue to increase at the same rate beyond 20th level, as appropriate for the class in question. Note that no character can have more than 4 attacks based on its base attack bonus. Note also that, before long, the difference between good saving throws and poor saving throws becomes awkwardly large—the further you get from 20th level, the more noticeable this difference grows, and for high-level characters, bolstering their poor saving throws should become increasingly important. Class abilities that have a set, increasing rate, such as a barbarian’s damage reduction, a fighter’s bonus feats and weapon training, a paladin’s smite evil, or a rogue’s sneak attack continue to progress at the appropriate rate.

Sorry, max is 4 attacks, so make them count.


Perhaps the tiny god should invest in two weapon fighting then.

Definitely. This also means that we don't have to worry about boosting To-hit by any degree, as it automatically hits unless it rolls a 1.

How about going for Shield Master? Get two +5 weapons for 50,000 and a +5/6 shield bonus on top of it.

Dazing Assault too.

Unfortunately, the second is not in the Core Rulebook, so I don't think I want to consider it for the moment.

I'll probably end up making a small guide about this, which might be fun to look at.

When I start expanding beyond that, I'll look at those feats as well.

EDIT: Currently, looking through the 97 qualifying feats, seeing if I want to cut any of them for more Fleet feats.

Cevah wrote:
CRB p406 wrote:
Scaling Powers: Hit dice, base attack bonuses, and saving throws continue to increase at the same rate beyond 20th level, as appropriate for the class in question. Note that no character can have more than 4 attacks based on its base attack bonus. Note also that, before long, the difference between good saving throws and poor saving throws becomes awkwardly large—the further you get from 20th level, the more noticeable this difference grows, and for high-level characters, bolstering their poor saving throws should become increasingly important. Class abilities that have a set, increasing rate, such as a barbarian’s damage reduction, a fighter’s bonus feats and weapon training, a paladin’s smite evil, or a rogue’s sneak attack continue to progress at the appropriate rate.

Sorry, max is 4 attacks, so make them count.


Thank you for citing this! I knew I had read it somewhere, but couldn't find it again in my cursory search.

This likely modifies the focus of the feat selection from Archery to Two-weapon fighting.

221HD grants 55 ability score points, so we can easily increase Dex to 20 for Greater TWF, and pump the remaining 50 points into Str bringing it to 58.

With Power Attack, Timmy's at -55 to hit, +110 damage. He's pumping out 1d3+134 damage per attack on seven attacks that are very likely to hit (~+180).

He can also coat his weapons in his own poison, making each attack force a Fortitude save DC 122 for Sleep for one minute.

Vritra, if AC is an issue, remember the Improved Natural Armor feat can be taken multiple times. With 111 feats, Timmy's AC could easily reach 80+ from this feat alone while still accounting for combat capabilities.

Also, are you giving him gear? If so, how much are you spending on it?

Dark Archive

7heprofessor wrote:
Cevah wrote:
CRB p406 wrote:
Scaling Powers: Hit dice, base attack bonuses, and saving throws continue to increase at the same rate beyond 20th level, as appropriate for the class in question. Note that no character can have more than 4 attacks based on its base attack bonus. Note also that, before long, the difference between good saving throws and poor saving throws becomes awkwardly large—the further you get from 20th level, the more noticeable this difference grows, and for high-level characters, bolstering their poor saving throws should become increasingly important. Class abilities that have a set, increasing rate, such as a barbarian’s damage reduction, a fighter’s bonus feats and weapon training, a paladin’s smite evil, or a rogue’s sneak attack continue to progress at the appropriate rate.

Sorry, max is 4 attacks, so make them count.


Thank you for citing this! I knew I had read it somewhere, but couldn't find it again in my cursory search.

This likely modifies the focus of the feat selection from Archery to Two-weapon fighting.

221HD grants 55 ability score points, so we can easily increase Dex to 20 for Greater TWF, and pump the remaining 50 points into Str bringing it to 58.

With Power Attack, Timmy's at -55 to hit, +110 damage. He's pumping out 1d3+134 damage per attack on seven attacks that are very likely to hit (~+180).

He can also coat his weapons in his own poison, making each attack force a Fortitude save DC 122 for Sleep for one minute.

Vritra, if AC is an issue, remember the Improved Natural Armor feat can be taken multiple times. With 111 feats, Timmy's AC could easily reach 80+ from this feat alone while still accounting for combat capabilities.

Also, are you giving him gear? If so, how much are you spending on it?

Switching from archery to TWF will be a mistake. Remember it's still a tiny size creature so it has to enter a targets square to melee attack so it will be eating AoO's constantly and loses it's ability to deal with multiple opponents at once. It also will be spending most of it's time making single attacks since it can't full attack until it's in melee range.

Also poison only works for 1 attack so after every swing it would need to re-apply the poison to it's weapons, wasting actions.

Stick with Archery and take Precise shot, Rapid shot, Manyshot, Deadly Aim & Shot on the run with Splintercloud arrows and a full efficient quiver. Unlike melee weapons every arrow will deliver the poison and using splintercloud arrows will let you poison everyone within 5' of your initial target.
throw on shot on the run and tiny here can use the snipe rules to stay stealthed while still attacking and moving from hiding spot to hiding spot.
This makes him impossible to stop, keeps his damage just as high and keeps his low AC from becoming an issue.

Mathwei ap Niall wrote:

Switching from archery to TWF will be a mistake. Remember it's still a tiny size creature so it has to enter a targets square to melee attack so it will be eating AoO's...

The Reach issue can be circumvented with the Lunge feat, and it's possible to make Timmy's AC high enough to make AoO's irrelevant anyway. Nonetheless, you bring up some very good points about multi-targeting.

Archery keeps him out of melee as much as possible, and opens up his options for targeting. He's limited to 5 attacks/round, but that should be enough to take down anything in the Bestiary anyway.

Dark Archive

7heprofessor wrote:
Mathwei ap Niall wrote:

Switching from archery to TWF will be a mistake. Remember it's still a tiny size creature so it has to enter a targets square to melee attack so it will be eating AoO's...

The Reach issue can be circumvented with the Lunge feat, and it's possible to make Timmy's AC high enough to make AoO's irrelevant anyway. Nonetheless, you bring up some very good points about multi-targeting.

Archery keeps him out of melee as much as possible, and opens up his options for targeting. He's limited to 5 attacks/round, but that should be enough to take down anything in the Bestiary anyway.

Lunge helps but doesn't fix it, as a tiny critter he still has to move adjacent to the target to get the chance to lunge (reach 0 sux) so he's always going to be worrying about AoO's.

And with the feats I laid out he shoots up to 7 attacks a round, every round (8 if he invests in a speed/haste option) or even more if he opens up to using some non-core abilities (Ricochet shot, I'm looking at you.

Dot for humorous fun. :)

Mathwei ap Niall wrote:

And with the feats I laid out he shoots up to 7 attacks a round, every round (8 if he invests in a speed/haste option) or even more if he opens up to using some non-core abilities (Ricochet shot, I'm looking at you.

4 from BAB, 1 from Rapid Shot, 1 from Manyshot

Where's the 7th coming from?

Dark Archive

7heprofessor wrote:
Mathwei ap Niall wrote:

And with the feats I laid out he shoots up to 7 attacks a round, every round (8 if he invests in a speed/haste option) or even more if he opens up to using some non-core abilities (Ricochet shot, I'm looking at you.

4 from BAB, 1 from Rapid Shot, 1 from Manyshot

Where's the 7th coming from?

Everyone always gets a standard attack. That's why characters with 0 bab can still attack.

BaB lets you attack up to 4 more times on top of that.

That's not how it ends up.

His attack pattern with the a regular bow ends up being...


The first attack roll fires two arrows with Manyshot, second is Rapid Shot, and the other three are from BaB.

This also counts the increased Dex necessary for Manyshot.

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So I finish calculating base damage, and with a +1 adaptive Longbow his minimum damage for archery is 810 damage, assuming all attacks hit with Deadly Aim.

TWF min damage is 1206 without upgrades, with a 15-20 crit range.

(Now, is there a way to get Pounce?)

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Mathwei ap Niall wrote:
7heprofessor wrote:
Mathwei ap Niall wrote:

And with the feats I laid out he shoots up to 7 attacks a round, every round (8 if he invests in a speed/haste option) or even more if he opens up to using some non-core abilities (Ricochet shot, I'm looking at you.

4 from BAB, 1 from Rapid Shot, 1 from Manyshot

Where's the 7th coming from?

Everyone always gets a standard attack. That's why characters with 0 bab can still attack.

BaB lets you attack up to 4 more times on top of that.

Negative. As was posted above:

"Scaling Powers: Hit dice, base attack bonuses, and saving throws continue to increase at the same rate beyond 20th level, as appropriate for the class in question. Note that no character can have more than 4 attacks based on its base attack bonus."

Vritra wrote:

So I finish calculating base damage, and with a +1 adaptive Longbow his minimum damage for archery is 810 damage, assuming all attacks hit with Deadly Aim.

TWF min damage is 1206 without upgrades, with a 15-20 crit range.

(Now, is there a way to get Pounce?)

Remember that the TWF route is still only 7 attacks (there were 8 listed on the Doc at the time of this post)

As for Pounce, the following are all I know of:

Tiger Style
Beast Totem Barbarian
Mobile Fighter archetype
Dimensional Dervish feats
Kitsune with Vulpine pounce
Battle Oracle - Surprise Charge Revelation
Quadraped Eidolon - pounce evolution
Mounted combat lets you move your mount and then take your actions...
Polymorph Any Object into something with Pounce?

Corrected that error, and fixed up ability scores a bit more to ensure that Timmy qualifies for GTWF.

EDIT: And unfortunately no Pounce for our little friend, but he's powerful enough even without that, as his archery damage is still enough to one-round even CR 25 opponents.


Evolved Familiar and Pounce evolution?

Pounce (Ex): An eidolon gains quick reflexes, allowing it to make a full attack after a charge. This evolution is only available to eidolons of the quadruped base form. - 1 Point Evolution.

Evolved Familiar:
Prerequisites: Int 13, Cha 13, familiar class feature.

Benefit: Select an evolution from the list of 1-point evolutions available to a summoner’s eidolon. Your familiar has this evolution. The familiar must conform to any limitations of the evolution. For instance, no familiars can benefit from the mount evolution and only familiars with wings can take the wing buffet evolution.

If you gain a new familiar, your old familiar loses all evolutions, and you can select a new 1-point evolution for the new familiar.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack, granting a new 1-point evolution to your familiar each time you gain this feat.

I don't believe that would work, since it calls out "eidolons of the quadruped base form", and you have to conform to the limitations.

EDIT: In addition, the googledoc has been updated with combat potential, though no equipment yet.

The current version uses Dual Scimitars or an adaptive Longbow.

Skills and feats are chosen, and I might also look to add in routines for Light Shield.

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As it points out that you can take Wing Buffet without the "Flight" evolution (you just need wings after all), it would seem to be more an issue of the homunculus being roughly biped. Looks like if you had a familiar that was quadruped (like a cat for instance) then you could take Pounce.

Also, main difference between Dual Scimitars and Shield+Scimitar is that one gets a lot more crit-fishing, which is excellent with the Stunning Critical feat. 7 chances as opposed to 4 is a fairly significant difference (I feel), with a 30% chance to crit.

However, adding in the shield gives you a boost to AC, and doesn't actually end up making a difference in minimum damage. EDIT: a +8 difference, including a +5 enhancement and the two Shield Focus feats.

EDIT2: It also allows for free Bull Rush attempts, so that's fun.

EDIT3: With the completion of calculations, minimum damage is as follows (assuming no 1s)

TWF Scimitar (or Shield+Scimitar): 1064, divided into 8 attacks each dealing 133 minimum.
Longbow: 804, divided into 6 arrows each dealing 134 minimum.

If you included crit chances and tried calculating that into it, DPR would be higher than shown.

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http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/building-and-modifying-constructs wrote:

Hit Dice Modification: Hit Dice represent the overall strength and power of a construct. They affect a number of subsequent abilities, including hit points, saving throws, and base attacks. Determine the effects of a Hit Dice modification using the rules for adding creature Hit Dice on pages 290–291 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. Because a construct’s size is limited, a Hit Dice modification cannot increase its size. Therefore Hit Dice modification can never increase the base construct’s Hit Dice beyond 50% of its total HD. Some constructs have a defined cost for increasing Hit Dice. To calculate the cost per Hit Die of other constructs, divide the construct’s construction cost by its existing Hit Dice.

Akinra wrote:

Evolved Familiar and Pounce evolution?

Pounce (Ex): An eidolon gains quick reflexes, allowing it to make a full attack after a charge. This evolution is only available to eidolons of the quadruped base form. - 1 Point Evolution.

Evolved Familiar:
Prerequisites: Int 13, Cha 13, familiar class feature.

Benefit: Select an evolution from the list of 1-point evolutions available to a summoner’s eidolon. Your familiar has this evolution. The familiar must conform to any limitations of the evolution. For instance, no familiars can benefit from the mount evolution and only familiars with wings can take the wing buffet evolution.

If you gain a new familiar, your old familiar loses all evolutions, and you can select a new 1-point evolution for the new familiar.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack, granting a new 1-point evolution to your familiar each time you gain this feat.

Added links.

Don't forget the Reach evolution.

Take it twice, and now the tiny TWF does not need to enter the square to attack with both weapons.

Get him enlarged in some way, and now he threatens 10'.

Give him a reach weapon that can attack adjacent, and he threatens 10'.

Give him both, and he threatens 20'.

Add in Whirlwind Attack, and he attacks everything in reach.

Don't forget Combat Reflexes to use extra AoOs. Combat Patrol as a real AoO generator.

Combat Patrol (Combat):
You range across the battlefield, dealing with threats wherever they arise.

Prerequisites: Combat reflexes, Mobility, base attack bonus +5.

Benefit: As a full-round action, you may set up a combat patrol, increasing your threatened area by 5 feet for every 5 points of your base attack bonus. Until the beginning of your next turn, you may make attacks of opportunity against any opponent in this threatened area that provokes attacks of opportunity. You may move as part of these attacks, provided your total movement before your next turn does not exceed your speed. Any movement you make provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.

With Combat Patrol and Fleet, you have a monstrous threatened area that anything that casts non-defensively or moves more than 5' will provoke.


Well that's disappointing. *glances at Harakani*


Edit: but as it was in Core Rulebook and it hadn't been found yet, it probably was too good to be true anyways.

Dark Archive

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Harakani wrote:
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/building-and-modifying-constructs wrote:

Hit Dice Modification: Hit Dice represent the overall strength and power of a construct. They affect a number of subsequent abilities, including hit points, saving throws, and base attacks. Determine the effects of a Hit Dice modification using the rules for adding creature Hit Dice on pages 290–291 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. Because a construct’s size is limited, a Hit Dice modification cannot increase its size. Therefore Hit Dice modification can never increase the base construct’s Hit Dice beyond 50% of its total HD. Some constructs have a defined cost for increasing Hit Dice. To calculate the cost per Hit Die of other constructs, divide the construct’s construction cost by its existing Hit Dice.

A). That's from the optional construct modifications in Ultimate Magic and only affects modifying a construct AFTER it's been constructed.

B). That's the generic rules for general constructs. This example uses the specific rules for Homonculus modifications. Homonculi have spefic rules for crafting them which supercede this generic rule.

A homunculus with more than 2 Hit Dice can be created, but each additional Hit Die adds +2,000 gp to the cost to create.

As you see this rule has no limit assigned to it.

Continue the exercise.

YAY! More adaptations will come.

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So, this is the final base version of the 440,000 version, with no equipment other than that written into his attack routines.

Be warned, the spoiler's pretty huge. If there's any formatting or calculation issues, please tell me so that I can adjust.

Timmy, Tiny God
(Any Alignment) Tiny Construct
Init: +8; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision; Perception +184
AC: 17, Touch 17, flat-footed: 12 (+4 Dex, +2 Size, +1 Dodge) (+4 vs. AoOs)
hp: 1326 (221d10) (half dice result+Toughness)
Fort: +73, Ref: +79, Will +74
Defensive Abilites: Construct Traits
Speed: 275 ft., fly 305 ft. (good) If Shield Route: 240 ft., fly 270 ft. (good)
Melee: TWF Scimitar +242/+242/+237/+237/+232/+232/+227 (1d3+22, 15-20/x2), 1 bite +239 (1d4+22 plus poison)
TWF PA (-55, +110) Scimitar +187/+187/+182/+182/+177/+177/+172 (1d3+132, 15-20/x2), 1 bite +184 (1d4+132 plus poison)
TWF CE PA (-110, +110 dmg, +55 Dodge AC) Scimitar +132/+132/+127/+127/+122/+122/+117 (1d3+132, 15-20/x2), 1 bite +129 (1d4+132 plus poison)
If Shield Route:
TWF Scimitar +242/+237/+232/+227 (1d3+22, 15-20/x2), Spiked Light Shield +242/+237/+232 (1d2+22, 19-20/x2), 1 bite +239 (1d4+22 plus poison)
TWF PA (-55, +110) Scimitar +187/+182/+177/+172 (1d3+132, 15-20/x2), Spiked Light Shield +187/+182/+177 (1d2+132, 19-20/x2), 1 bite +184 (1d4+132 plus poison)
TWF CE PA Scimitar +132/+127/+122/+117 (1d3+132, 15-20/x2), Spiked Light Shield +132/127/+122 (12+132, 19-20/x2), 1 bite +129 (1d4+132, 19-20/x2)
Ranged: Manyshot+Rapid Shot +1 adaptive Composite Longbow +226/+226/+221/+216/+211 (1d4+23, 19-20/x3)
DA Manyshot+Rapid Shot +1 adaptive Composite Longbow +171/+171/+166/+161/+156 (1d4+133, 19-20/x3, 110 ft.)
DA CE Manyshot+Rapid Shot +1 adaptive Composite Longbow +116/+116/+111/+106/+101 (1d4+133, 19-20/x3, 110 ft.)
Space: 2-½ feet.; Reach: 0 ft.
Str 55, Dex 19, Con -, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 7.
BaB: +221; CMB +242(+4 on all Combat Maneuvers); CMD 256 (+4 vs. all?)
Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency(?), Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Greater Disarm, Improved Feint, Greater Feint, Improved Trip, Greater Trip, Whirlwind Attack, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical, Deadly Aim, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Wind Stance, Lightning Stance, Martial Weapon Proficiency (Longbow, composite), Martial Weapon Proficiency (Scimitar), Martial Weapon Proficiency (Light Shield), Fleet x44, Improved Crit (Longbow,composite), Improved Critical (Scimitar), Improved Crit (Light Shield), Improved Crit (Bite), Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Deflect Arrows, Snatch Arrows, Improved Grapple, Greater Grapple, Intimidating Prowess, Lunge, Master Craftsman, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Far Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Greater Bull Rush, Improved Overrun, Greater Overrun, Improved Sunder, Greater Sunder, Shield Proficiency, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Slam, Shield Master, Shield Focus, Greater Shield Focus, Step Up, Toughness, Two-Weapon Fighting, Double Slice, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Brew Potion, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Forge Ring.
Skills: Acrobatic +98, Appraise +34, Bluff +39, Diplomacy +39, Disable Device +41, Disguise +28, Fly +40, Heal +24, Knowledge (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Local, Nature, Planes, Religion) +44, Knowledge (Engineering, Geography, History, Nobility) +19, Linguistics +36, Perception +184, Ride +19, Sense Motive +39, Sleight of Hand +19, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +59, Survival +51, Swim +40, UMD +39.
Languages: All Languages listed on pfsrd, save Druidic (cannot speak); telepathic link
Equipment: Scimitar, Spiked Light Steel Shield (quickdraw), +1 adaptive Composite Longbow, 437,416 gp in other equipment.
Special Abilities:
Poison (Ex): Bite—injury; save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/minute for 60 minutes; effectsleep for 1 minute; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.
Telepathic Link (Su): A homunculus cannot speak, but the process of creating one links it telepathically with its creator. A homunculus knows what its master knows and can convey to him or her everything it sees and hears, out to a distance of 1,500 feet.
Combat Expertise: -55 to-hit for +55 Dodge AC
Stunning Critical: On a Critical, opponent is stunned for 1d4 rounds. A DC 231 Fort Save reduces this to staggered for 1d4 rounds. Additional criticals add to the duration.
Deadly Aim: -55 to-hit for +110 damage.
Spring Attack: One melee attack as a part of movement, full-round action.
Wind Stance: Moving more than 10 ft gives 20% concealment.
Lightning Stance: Double Move or Withdraw gives 50% concealment.
Snatch Arrows: Grab projectile out of the air, deflecting it and catching it. Requires empty hand.
Lunge: -2 AC, expand reach by 5 ft.
Improved Precise Shot: Ignore cover, save for total cover/concealment.
Power Attack: -55 to-hit for +110 damage.
Improved Shield Bash: No losing Shield AC on shield bash.
Shield Slam: Free Bull Rush attempt on every hit, using attack roll as Bull Rush result.
Shield Master: No penalty on shield bash attempts, use defensive enhancement for weapon enhancement.
Step Up: Immediate action 5 ft. step to follow opponent 5 ft. stepping away. -5 ft. on movement next turn.

So, this is going to be my final form for a while, until I figure out good equipment. Any further increase to offense are looking miniscule, and I'll focus on building utility like Initiative or AC (Saving throws are high enough that he only fails the highest listed DC [that I know of] on a 1).

If you can boost his AC or Initiative to the point where he's either guaranteed to go first or his regular AC is high enough that it doesn't matter, then we've created the nigh-invincible Timmy.

But yeah, all this for a bit more than 440,000 gp. You could lower the HD to some degree, as some of the stats are just silly, but overall this is excellent. Only one weak point in AC, and the fact that it doesn't have self-healing.

If you could give it some form of regeneration, or a way to repair itself, then it becomes pretty self-sufficient as a creature.

EDIT: If you wished to create this at a lower level and still reach this level, you'd have to start with an initial 148 HD with the Ultimate Magic rules. This would be an initial sunk cost of 294,100 gp, affordable by a 19th level character without violating the 1/2 value rule. If you wanted to add other abilities, like SLA's or the Extra Eyes add-on from the Alchemy book, then you could start with less HD or end up with less.

EDIT2: After putting numbers into the DPR Olympics formula (findable by searching the forums or looking at the bottom of the Googledoc, the following is the DPR for this version of Timmy.

AR1(Dual Scimitars, 7 attacks):
AR2(4 Scimitar+3 Shield, 7 attacks):
AR3(3 Scimitar+ 4Shield, 7 attacks):
AR4(Bow, 6 attacks)

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Harakani wrote:
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/building-and-modifying-constructs wrote:

Hit Dice Modification: Hit Dice represent the overall strength and power of a construct. They affect a number of subsequent abilities, including hit points, saving throws, and base attacks. Determine the effects of a Hit Dice modification using the rules for adding creature Hit Dice on pages 290–291 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. Because a construct’s size is limited, a Hit Dice modification cannot increase its size. Therefore Hit Dice modification can never increase the base construct’s Hit Dice beyond 50% of its total HD. Some constructs have a defined cost for increasing Hit Dice. To calculate the cost per Hit Die of other constructs, divide the construct’s construction cost by its existing Hit Dice.

I knew someone would point to this eventually, so I created this thread in anticipation. That was part of the reason I was pushing for a Core-only build as this rule is cited in an optional splatbook.

Mathwei ap Niall does a nice job of summarizing the linked threads findings, including the ever important specific vs general. Thanks for that!

As for Evolutions gained via Evolved Familiar, is there a way to designate Timmy as our Familiar? I didn't see Homunculus on the list of available options.

cevah wrote:
...awesome combat patrol idea

This is really good. But it does require a heavy focus on Dex to benefit from Combat Reflexes.

Vritra wrote:
If you could give it some form of regeneration, or a way to repair itself, then it becomes pretty self-sufficient as a creature.

Here is the section on Repairing Constructs:

Repairing Constructs:

Even with the best of care, most constructs will eventually become damaged. Unless a construct suffers some sort of structural damage that radically alters its physical form, the construct continues to function at its full efficiency, and only falls apart once reduced to 0 hit points. Ideally, however, a construct should see some repair before it reaches that point. The make whole or rapid repair spells provide the easiest way to keep a construct in good condition. Both spells repair damaged constructs, even magic-immune ones like golems.

Failing that, a crafter can repair a construct with the Craft Construct feat. When repairing a construct, its master spends 100 gp per Hit Die of the construct, and then makes a skill check as if he were crafting the construct with a DC of 5 less than the DC for crafting that construct. With a success, the construct regains 1d6 hit points per Hit Die of the construct. Completing a repair takes 1 day per 1,000 gp spent on the repair (minimum of 1 day). Repair in this way can only be performed while the construct is inanimate or nonfunctioning. At any time, a construct's creator can deactivate a construct under his control with a touch and a standard action.

A construct that has been completely destroyed cannot be repaired, though at the GM's option some of the materials may be usable in the construction of a new construct.

Additionally, some constructs have special means of repair, usually involving spells related to the golem's nature (such as the use of acid damage to heal a clay golem.)"

So, if we give him the Craft Construct feat and ranks in Craft (leatherworking), he can spend 22,100 gp and 23 days to heal himself for 221d6. Not exactly optimal, but it's there.

A better means would be an activated item of Make Whole or Rapid Repair. Just make sure his UMD is high enough to activate anything ever, and you're good to go.

Vritra wrote:
Poison (Ex): Bite—injury; save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/minute for 60 minutes; effectsleep for 1 minute; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

The DC of Timmy's poison is 10+1/2 Hit dice+con modifier+2 racial, or DC122. As was mentioned above, he can fill up his quiver with this poison, effectively coating all of his arrows with this Sleep poison. Anything not immune to Sleep or Poison is done.

Vritra wrote:

AR1(Dual Scimitars, 7 attacks):

AR2(4 Scimitar+3 Shield, 7 attacks):
AR3(3 Scimitar+ 4Shield, 7 attacks):
AR4(Bow, 6 attacks)

Do these figures take his bite attack into account? A Power-Attack modified bite does a minimum 133 damage (as noted in your stat block)

Vritra wrote:
Any further increase to offense are looking miniscule, and I'll focus on building utility like Initiative or AC (Saving throws are high enough that he only fails the highest listed DC [that I know of] on a 1).

Saving throws are high enough as it is, but you have Lightning Reflexes listed as a feat. That can be swapped out for Improved Natural Armor. Also consider dropping the Crafting Feats (I don't know if he qualifies, where is the Caster Level coming from?) for more Improved Natural Armor if AC is a concern. Obviously if in melee combat, Combat Expertise makes AC a non-issue.

Overall, FANTASTIC work Vritra! With work, accelerated summer courses, my daughter, and gf, time is on a premium for me. I wish I had more time to invest in this idea right now, but you have done an amazing job leading the charge on this. Kudos.

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Can someone explain how Tiny here is getting his poison onto his arrows? I have a rather handy Homunculus who would like very much to do this. I'm assuming that you lot are simply house-ruling that he can "fill up his quiver" with his own poison. If there is some other way, I'd like to know it. Chapter and verse would be great, thanks!

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