Way To Use Create Treasure Map On Creature Long Dead?


Ad the little says we found the bones of an acient creature that was known to hoard large sums of treasure that was never found. We wish to use create treasure map on it to find the treasure but it has been dead for a couple hundred years. Is there any way to do this or any similar spell like create treasure map that accomplishes the same goal(other then speak with dead, it will def succeed the will save)?

Can you elaborate on how it will 'definitely succeed the will save'? I ask, since a lot of the options available may involve will saves. Is it a sure thing, or a 50/50 thing, and this corpse has an amazing bluff bonus, and he might send you into a trap and you would never know?

I know that an 8th level cleric or inquisitor with the ancestors domain can ask one question with a domain ability that works like speak with dead, but it doesn't get the will save to not speak/lie.

It was an epic level monster so im assuming it's saves were high.The Ancestor Domain sounds like a good idea. Are there any more incase this one fails, spell doesnt specifically say the creature has to tell the truth so it would be hardpressed for a creature that spent it's lifetime collecting treasures to just give it to us.

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Diplomacy is a good backup plan if you have a way to communicate with it. Offering to use the treasure to found a great city named after the creature, or some other flattering thing can be a good way to get it helpful, just make sure to play to the creatures ego. You probably have to follow through on whatever you promise to avoid having to bluff this epic monster though.

Gentle Repose might give you more time to examine a creature you just killed yourself, but I'm not sure it would, and anyway, it doesn't speak to your situation.

Restore Corpse? Make Whole?

They might work, depending on the DM's whim.

I think you need True Resurrection if you're not going to just Speak with Dead.

I agree with the above. I'd offer to reunite the creature's bones with its treasure and if it agreed I would. (I would bury it right under the treasure RIGHT before hauling all the treasure away!)
Of course you may end up cursed or have some epic monster ghost after you for eternity but... its treasure!

Spells like Create Treasure Map are a terrific hook for adventure. I would really like it if Pathfinder allowed for more creative interpretation for occasions like creating a treasure map from the bones of a long dead epic creature.

We all need to get away from the extreme specifics of the rules and learn to enjoy the adventure again.

Is resurrecting it and killing it again out of the question?

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Claxon wrote:
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

+1 cool point

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