Vanykrye |

Vanykrye wrote:Just started MM - the group has just entered the Pentheru estate grounds. No deaths thus far, but the rogue is pretty good at getting poisoned.We have a monk that has been dubbed Swarm Finder.
Monk: "I'm gonna just open this door."
Party (in chorus): "Noooooooooooo!"
GM (me): "As you open the door..."
Pretty well sums it up. However, as the party has progressed into Book 2...
The group is now level 5, and Gromnok ("Gronk"), Gabriel, Arsin, and Shikada have advanced as expected - all still single classed and doing what one would generally think. Mia, on the other hand has realized that alchemist is her true calling. She retrained her alley witch (I remembered it incorrectly as "urban" in my prior post) level and all alchemist levels into Wild Experimenter and Grenadier alchemist archetypes. So, yeah, attach the bomb to the arrow, only in this case most of the time it's creating a localized primal magic event. I mention this because Shikada is still spectacular at getting poisoned, and she has taken both minor and major magic rogue talents. Which leads to the last wild bomb Mia detonated...which summoned 2 huge and 1 large giant centipedes that ignore everyone except spellcasters and anyone with spell-like abilities. Of course, the party was fighting 6 giant locusts at the time, so that meant the centipedes immediately went for the closest "spellcasters". Shikada did what she does best, which is get repeatedly poisoned by them.

taks |

Hehe, PCs are funny sometimes.
We've re-organized a few times losing the 3 teens to their own game (including swarm-finder), settling on 4 adults and one's 11-year old son (playing the meatshield). Now we have:
Human ranger (infiltrator) 7/fighter 4
Human bard (archaeologist) 10/slayer 1
Aasimar transmuter 10/bard 1
Aasimar inquisitor 7/slayer (sanctified) 4
Aasimar unchained rogue 11
The bard, transmuter, and inquisitor are very experienced, and the fighter is a first-timer (he does well, however). It is difficult to adjust for this party, though they did have a hard time with the last big battle before the 3rd part of book 4. It gets hard in a hurry from here on out.

confusedcious |

Just about to embark on Empty graves...
The Dark Delvers:Harriet the Aasimar Cleric of Selket
Tabitha the Oread Druid
Archie the Gnome Archivist
(I can't work out how to spell it) the Ratfolk GunslingerI'm very new to GMing but everyone seems to be having fun, and that is surely the point?
Early on we also had a half-orc Barbarian who reincarnated as the buffest sprite I've ever seen, but the player left.
A while back we acquired Xorcon, a grippli witch. Nearing the end of Empty Graves and looking forward to Shifting Sands

Vorsk, Follower or Erastil |

Been playing for 2 years now. On pause cause my wife and I just had our son, but game to continue after a bit. Currently they just defeated the Five-Pointed Sun and are about to question a corpse. My players are:
Manyara: Sylph Blackblade Magus 13 (Was previously a Mwangi Human. Reincarnated in book 3 after falling to 2 lucky crits by some cultist)
Mathas: Garundi Human Hunter 13 (Previously had a Lion named Baset, who became giant snake food in book 3. Now has a Roc named Horus)
Lurin: Garundi Human Oracle of the Heavens 13
Ca-tue: Garundi Half-Orc Barbarian 3 Rogue 10

stormcrow27 |

Middle of the first floor of the House of Pentheru
Currently battling the sandman
Varisia James Human 2nd level Archeologist Bard, expy of Indiana Jones. Skilled with a whip
Jandar-Ki Nallo, Half-Elf 2nd level Time Thief (3pp class from Rogue Genius Games, derived from the Prince of Persia games)
Time in a bottle...
Zohreh of the Bulls, Half-Orc 2nd level cleric of Shelyn
Has been the victim or the recipient of a makeover by the local priestesses and priests of Shelyn
Fionnid Mac'Cuainn, Half Elf 2nd level hunter with an Irish Wolfhound
A bow specialist who I don't think has fired an arrow yet

Laveral |
The Scarlet Scavengers
Allannon Bech Half-Orc Fighter Armor Master
Tormentil Nightshade Halfling Shadowwalker Rogue
Jara Ifrit Fire Elemental Sorcerer
Flowella Premont Aasimar Cleric of Sarenrae
Gregor Human Invetigator Gravedigger
Nook Half-Orc Cave Druid
Selenay Half-Elf Free Hand Fighter
Stenvolf Duskflame Human Bloodrager Undead bloodline
We just started last week and they had a difficult time with the traps. No one died, but the Sorcerer came close. They almost completely split up the party at the first T in the tomb. Fun times. I really like the traps.

Psyonis |

The Scarlet Scavengers
Allannon Bech Half-Orc Fighter Armor Master
Tormentil Nightshade Halfling Shadowwalker Rogue
Jara Ifrit Fire Elemental Sorcerer
Flowella Premont Aasimar Cleric of Sarenrae
Gregor Human Invetigator Gravedigger
Nook Half-Orc Cave Druid
Selenay Half-Elf Free Hand Fighter
Stenvolf Duskflame Human Bloodrager Undead bloodlineWe just started last week and they had a difficult time with the traps. No one died, but the Sorcerer came close. They almost completely split up the party at the first T in the tomb. Fun times. I really like the traps.
8 person party, I think they HAVE to split up in some of those small rooms :)
how did you beef up the encounters/traps?

Laveral |
Laveral wrote:The Scarlet Scavengers
Allannon Bech Half-Orc Fighter Armor Master
Tormentil Nightshade Halfling Shadowwalker Rogue
Jara Ifrit Fire Elemental Sorcerer
Flowella Premont Aasimar Cleric of Sarenrae
Gregor Human Invetigator Gravedigger
Nook Half-Orc Cave Druid
Selenay Half-Elf Free Hand Fighter
Stenvolf Duskflame Human Bloodrager Undead bloodlineWe just started last week and they had a difficult time with the traps. No one died, but the Sorcerer came close. They almost completely split up the party at the first T in the tomb. Fun times. I really like the traps.
8 person party, I think they HAVE to split up in some of those small rooms :)
how did you beef up the encounters/traps?
I usually just add a creature or two where needed. For some things, like the Aghash Div, they had so much trouble with it there was no need to beef it up. If a creature has good tactics I can hold off an 8 person party pretty easily. That and they have been on a horrible rolling binge. They have split up and caused themselves some trouble a few time. Dividing the party is always fun for me. I rarely have all 8 there at the same time though.

Lee Hanna |
The Serpent Hunters, now having finished the Tomb of Akhentepi
Most are natives of Osirion:
Sallah, paladin of Pharasma (undead scourge), human male
Hadiya min-Albadhu, cleric of Pharasma, half-orc female
Khismia, shaman, human female- a street orphan of Wati
Jes, bard (dervish dancer), elven female
Novid Morradi, fighter, human male
Two are from abroad,
Amestri, bard (archaeologist), Keleshite female
Ostog Snorrison, wizard (admixture-evoker), Ulfen male

confusedcious |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

confusedcious wrote:A while back we acquired Xorcon, a grippli witch. Nearing the end of Empty Graves and looking forward to Shifting SandsJust about to embark on Empty graves...
The Dark Delvers:Harriet the Aasimar Cleric of Selket
Tabitha the Oread Druid
Archie the Gnome Archivist
(I can't work out how to spell it) the Ratfolk GunslingerI'm very new to GMing but everyone seems to be having fun, and that is surely the point?
Early on we also had a half-orc Barbarian who reincarnated as the buffest sprite I've ever seen, but the player left.
Having just finished Shifting Sands, we have:
Harriet the water nymph Mystic Theurge
Tabitha the Oread Druid
Archie the Gnome Archivist/Dark Delver
Skathetch the sprite gunslinger
and joining soon: Kitai the Kitsune Slayer
(Xorcon moved to some place called "London")
Apparently all reincarnations in this particular game will result in fey

Hendelbolaf |

We just began The Mummy's Mask last week after the conclusion of The Reign of Winter. It felt odd to go from 18th level characters back to 1st level again, but it happens every 4 to 6 months so I should be used to it.
Here is our party, Special Wati Archaeology Team, aka S.W.A.T..
Strom - Human paladin of Cheliax who rejected his family heritage of worshiping Asmodeus to follow the Dawnstar, Sarenrae.
Yaammu - Half-orc inquisitor of Wadjet who seeks to clear the taint on his ancestral family's good name and to restore his birthright as a high priest to the mighty pharaohs of Osirian.
Kattara - Half-orc sorceress and older sister of Yaammu with a strong connection to the water Djinni known as Marids with the ability to bend and manipulate water even in the arid deserts of Osirian.
Zaki el-Sattar, aka Cringe - Human cleric who is the son of a wealthy land-owner who has trained with the warrior priests of Thoth and has learned to not fear death and the undead.
Dr. Henry Gnome, Jr. aka Indiana Gnome - Gnome gunslinger who has come to Osirian in general and Wati in particular to seek the ancient mysteries and lost relics of a bygone civilization and to raid the tombs of the dead in search of the unknown.
Hopefully, they will survive to see the quest to it's end...

Morhek |

My players are currently level 2, exploring the House of Pentheru, and are currently made up of:
* Imdar Ivibuk, female human (vudran) Paladin (Undead Scourge) of Osiris, a former Cleric of Pharasma who is hoping that exploring the Necropolis will help her figure out how she died and why she came back
* Sedjawet, female human (garundi) Oracle (Occult/Haunted), who's just happy to have friends and feels subconsciously pulled to the Necropolis by the spirits that surround her
* Toffi, female catfolk Summoner, who is in the country for treasure and power, and her eidolon Powerslave
* Suhu, agender tiefling (brastbrood) Twilight Sage Arcanist who's looking to study undead so xe can go back to Geb and gain some prestige there
* Olivia Olsen, female human (?) Hedge Witch from the Mwangi Expanse who is was killed in Kho and woke up in Rarne, and had a vision of something Bad happening in Wati
* Bognor Regis, male half-orc Druid, who was addled by the sun and sometimes vanishes but seems keen to make friends and destroy undead abominations

MerlinCross |

We play that much, too. Probably 30 sessions into MM, many of which are 8-9 hours in duration. Just got to the last part of book 4 (which is pretty big). Same with GS, though we only play 4 or 5 hours at a time.
Ech, my own group is only in book 3 and about halfway through after playing for maybe a year.
But my group only plays once a week for about 3-4 hours, play online and through text.
Speaking of!
Typh Lante - Human Sorcerer (Solar Blood). Arcane expert, curious but also the most level headed of the group. Specializes in blowing stuff up/putting it on fire. Is along for the ride but also looking for his dead beat dad that almost killed him along with struggling with the burden of his family/powers.
Hemetre - Human Cleric (Blossoming Light Archetype). History and Religion buff, party healer and face. She's the one that holds the Mask currently and is the one that kinda leads the party when talking with new people/church officials. Has a huge family that each worship an Orisian god of old and hopes to bring them back to a more accepted state. Dislikes grave robbers stealing her culture which is why she signed up, to help protect those and stop people from misusing the past.
Dorne - Half Orc Fighter (Drill Sargent). The muscle of the group and the most cynic/blunt. Doesn't care for a lot of the rules and run around, prefers to just have the problem in sword range. He's not "Smash" personality but he realizes what he's good at and prefers to deal with that rather than all the 'pageantry' when it comes to social interaction. He came to find out lost fighting styles after his family passed down myths and legends about how one of their ancestors was trained in these sandy lands.
Harwa Glyphkeeper - Dwarf Kineticist (Psammokinetic). Pahmet dwarf who grew up to serve the Pharoah as a scout, messenger, and problem solver. Not directly but she works for a group that's semi "CIA" for him. She showed up during the uprising of the undead in Wati(Book 2) and has been on the team sense. Stoic in her duties but has a cheerful side that is starting to come out, she serves the team as ranged scout with some local knowledge checks and semi history buff. Follows the group due to her new orders but also her own sense of doing what's right.

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near the end of book 5:
Dundee, Male Half Orc Ranger 11. Carries a big knife. death by zealot .
Ratesh, Male gnome sorcerer 5, mostly known for his big nose., brutally eaten to death by a Ghoul near a certain miniature city.
TChalla, Male Catfolk Ninja 15, Carries a bigger knife than Dundee and that's probably why he still lives.
Kris, Female Human Rogue 15, threw an intelligent sword into a mud pit, because it had more attitude than herself and There Can Be Only One. Loves boots. Leather. Scared of cat statues. Favorite of a certain mumionofra we should not name.
Together these two are aptly nicknamed the meatgrinder.
Obi, Male Elf Magus 15, Loves his lightning.
Sovellis, Male Evoker 15, caught an unlucky nickname after an unfortunate night out with diseased twins. Has an imp familiar, controlled IC by GM.

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I am running this AP; here is my players' group:
Legacy of the Dead
Nura, female half-elven cleric/wizard of Hathor
Terleg, male human fighter (and merchant) from Taldor
Alkatraz, female tengu cleric (and amateur tomb rober) of Saranrae
Daeng, male kitsune hunter with a tiger companion
Game on!
- Corey

Haldrick |

Well this is embarrassing. Having adjoining entries on this thread.
Hoppi Hapenstance, 3rd Gnome Ranger, a local from Walti. Belgamson died (see the obit thread) The player wanted to continue with a small frontliner, enter Hoppi. Next level he gets an AC and will be riding into combat.
Denen Tombguard, A Pharasma worshiping Pahmet Dwarf Diviner. Finding det secret doors very useful (together with Flurry of Snowballs)
Tamsuma, A Pharasma worshiping Life Shaman from Katapesh. Principle healer and 2nd fighter
Yamsel, A herbalist from the Mwangi Expanse (Alchemist) Ranged specialist and trap spotter

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Im running a highly modified version of Mummies Mask with some historical changes.. namely that when the fleet, not just single ship, from androfa crashed up in numeria.. another portion of the fleet crashed in osiris.. in our world all humans arrived from those crashed fleets. Its also Mythic and ive got a larger table sized, and has portions of both strange Aeons and reign of winter with some of the continuation of iron gods and legacy of fire.
Archmage of the 3rd Order 'Dhund Hala' Female Slyph Arcanist 7, known for using her assortment of wands in combat and rolling 20s anytime a knowledge check is asked for.
Archmage of the 2nd order 'Soga Nitim' Male Rakshasa-Spawn Tiefling Magus 6, known for duel-wielding his families Intelligent Ironwood Rapier 'Smashur' and a Dragon Pistol when his magic is depleted.
Champion of the 3rd Circle 'Brad Lee Milton', a Half Orc Barbarian 7. He is a former Mercenary turned Archeologist, he specializes in crafting siege weapons and studying all manner of military tactics when not cleaving undead in half with either his adamantine greatsword or smashing them to bits with his adamantine heavy flail.
Guardian of the 3rd Circle 'Kalziel', a genderless Lantern Archon that had been trapped within a glass jar sealed with sovereign glue with a jar of ultimate adhesive remover sitting next to it upon an altar for a few thousand years and has gone somewhat crazy. Becoming a tower shield specialist fighter and specializing in its light rays.
Hierophant of the 3rd Circle 'Lindale Dachery' an Oread rogue 3 and Priest of Brigh who is the Technologist of the group He fights with a wrench and a pepperbox rifle.. he still carries a laser gun though he no longer has any batteries for it. he wears the old robes of the High Priest of Nethys and has collected every funerary mask they have encountered.
Hierophant of the 2nd Circle, 'Altir al Hazarid' a Keleshite human who is an Oracle 5 that is just as obsessed with the Elder as his Father. He is also the bearer of the Scarab Shield and has a pair of Mining Beetles for Companions who are both also oracles 3rd(he splits his xp with them)
Marshal of the 3rd Order 'Suliman the Suli Merchant' a Cavalier in the order of the Eclipse 2, who is also a GentleLady 5 who has just earned her Bachelor's in Marketing from the University. She bears a Holy nagant m1895 and a keen scimitar. She is just as deadly on the field of battle as at the negotiation table. Her camels name is Fartsee Ninetoes on account of the camels special attack method. She has ten teams of laborer's to haul the party supplies
Trickster of the 3rd Order 'Arazona Jones, Half-Elven Professor of History and Investigator 7 extraordinaire she fights with either her composite shortbow or her keen scorpion whip.. those she does bear a dagger of rusting as well for when needed.
Trickster of the 3rd Order 'Sol' The only native of Wati amongst this huge groups of adventurers. She is strange mix of brawler, rogue and bard mostly she smacks things with her heavy pipe and blasts them with her Privateer or snipes them from afar with her composite longbow. She is the only member of the party to recruit any Teams for personal use. She has the second largest thieves guild within wati consisting of 99 teams of robbers.

Asha'Val |

My wife is currently DMing us through Mummy's Mask. We have just finished book 5, and I am DMing us through book 6 of Second Darkness before we swap back to her for book 6 of Mummy's Mask. Our group is ridiculously powerful, as my wife wished to challenge herself by giving us all stupid good stats and each of us got to pick a template that she would trickle-feed us as we leveled up/hit narratively significant moments for our characters. Keep that in mind, because we have a pretty odd batch of weirdos.
We have Prince Ozran (Half Celestial Sorcerer), of the lost Kingdom of Azlar. The child born from a line of terrible necromancers whose ancestors names are used as foul curses in some parts of Osirion. Oz himself was born from an awful ritual performed by his uncle which ripped the divinity from a powerful celestial being and used the unborn child as a repository for that power. His kingdom was afflicted with a plague akin to the Plague of Madness that afflicted Wati, and his father made a deal with an Archduke of Hell to halt the plague in its tracks... Which was accomplished by freezing the entire kingdom in Stasis and removing it from time.
Since his initial journey to Wati to discover a proper cure of the plague that afflicts his people, Oz has done the impossible. He has cured his kingdom, restored the being whose power was drained during his birth, and surrendered the throne to one whose talents for leadership far outclass his own. Oz prefers the life of a scholar, and is far too shy to be a proper ruler. The impending threat of Hakotep, however, threatens to reduce Oz's newly restored lands to enslavement at best or rubble at worst.
The second noble in the band is Khyen Ashar (Phoenix Blessed Archeologist Bard), a scholar and history lover who spends far too much living with his thoughts on the past and his nose in a scroll. The Heir-Apparent of the Ashar noble family of Wati, Khyen is their most closely guarded secret. He is actually a Phoenix, reincarnating time and time again for centuries every time that he dies. Khyen is haunted by fragments of past lives, memories that are not his own, and hunted by those who would seek to acquire his power for themselves. Despite this majestic heritage and (re)birthright, Khyen is a lazy slob. He is anathema to a proper noble, with poor table manners and a damningly low amount of social grace. Originally kicked out of the family estate to pursue a life of more than reading scrolls and dusty old tomes, Khyen joined the unlikely band to explore Wati's ancient crypts... And uncovered a part of history best left forgotten. Alas, Hakotep's return is imminent, and there is no doubt that Khyen's family will be subjugated under the new regime. Khyen has little choice but to finally make something of himself, and perhaps become his family's unexpected savior in the process.
After it became apparent that Khyen's travels would involve interacting with greater powers than just Wati's common folk and lesser nobility, his family hired a tutor to travel with him.