andreww |
Have a look at the various communal spells. Communal resist energy is decent as is protection from alignment. Beyond those there are a relatively small number of group buffs wiith blessing of fervour probably being the best.
There are plenty of individual spells you could consider, sanctuary, shield of faith, stat boosts, align weapon etc but honestly you are probably better off dropping control spells like murderous command, burst of radiance and sound burst than an individual buff.
I particularly like murderous command as it can force many opportunity attacks depending on positioning.

CLufaS |

First off what spell levels can you cast?
I'd start with every spell that has a "Communal" variant, these are great if you're party is 4-6 members. Spells like Bless, Prayer, etc. are very good too. I like Wrathful Mantle especially if they don't have any resistance bonuses to saves since it gives them the option to discharge it for a different effect.
If you're building a party buffer you need to know your bonus types: Enhancement, Insight, Competence, Armor, Shield, Deflection, Size, Luck, Sacred, Profane, ETC, ETC, ETC... Your goal is going to be to stack the highest numerical effect possible on as many -DIFFERENT- types of bonuses as you can so that they all stack together. You'll want to cover energy damages, you'll want to provide concealment (% miss chance), you'll want to tweak everything you can in favor of your party while conserving spell slots.

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Per above, all 'Communal' spells are winners, especially: Communal Resist Energy, Magic Circle Against Evil(Good, Law, Chaos) (blocks/ends most mind control). Most of the other really good party buffs are mentioned above. Blessing of Fervor is, of course, the best.
Shield Other can be a great way to protect a frail ally, especially if you have good constitution. It's the ultimate bodyguard spell. Be wary of sudden death from AoE effects, as you may take +50% extra damage.
You can maintain Endure Elements on someone for free. Leave an open spell slot on your default list of spells prepared. Establish a routine where you prepare and cast Endure Elements, using your Open slot, just before sleeping. On an adventuring day you are free to divert the open spell slot to another need.
Protection from Energy is an option to make one ally immune to one energy type. Only do this if you need more protection than Communal Resist Energy can provide.
No one has yet mentioned Freedom of Movement. This lasts at least an hour, so cast it early and make someone immune to grappling.
Evangelist Clerics get Inspire Courage, exactly as a Bard of the same level.
Several types of Variant Channeling give good all-party buffs. The best enhancements (positive channeling) come from Battle/Wrath, Bravery/Valor, Disease (heal ability damage!), Earth, Farming (alternate Barbarian Rage cycling), Luck, Protection, and Strength. Quick channel for the win.
Once you reach 12th level both Magic Vestment and Greater Magic Weapon become 24 hour propositions. Use them like Endure Elements.

TarkXT |

Can't forget Prayer which gets infinitely better if you or other party members took the Fate's Favored trait.
Then you have summon spells which while not buffs themselves can provide flanking bonuses and aid another checks even without making attacks or taking space themselves.
One of my recent favorites is Blood Blaze which cast by a cleric with Glorious Heat is kind of hilarious.

chaoseffect |

This is out of your current spell range, but Spell Casting Contract. I've never used it or seen it used, but giving your non-magical party members the ability to drop party buffs in first round of combat (instead of, say, them running up to the monster, hitting once, and then getting to eat its full attack) is pretty awesome. They're like Familiars with UMD except potentially more useful!