Jakken |

Hi guys,
So my Magus has just hit level 4 in ROTRL. We've defeated 3 of the encounters so far (including the BIG one), but still a few to go.
I am, however, stuck for spell choices. 2nd level spells don't seem as black and white as 1st level. So far, I'm looking at Bulls Strength and Glitterdust. Frigid Touch does the same damage as Shocking Grasp..
Anyway, spells are as follows:
1st: Shield, Frostbite (for the fatigue), Shocking Grasp x2
2nd: Bulls Strength, Glitterdust
I have the Spellscars Arcana, so I'm planning on putting a few utility spells as scars to cast later (True Strike and such)
Any suggestions?

Jakken |

I understand the stagger of Frigid Touch is the main component, but I didn't think stagger was that debilitating? Especially not at this level. Stagger for a minute would hurt, for sure, but until I get a keen weapon I don't know how likely that is
EDIT: I said stagger for a round, not minute. Whoops