Magus advice for ROTRL


Hi guys,

So my Magus has just hit level 4 in ROTRL. We've defeated 3 of the encounters so far (including the BIG one), but still a few to go.

I am, however, stuck for spell choices. 2nd level spells don't seem as black and white as 1st level. So far, I'm looking at Bulls Strength and Glitterdust. Frigid Touch does the same damage as Shocking Grasp..

Anyway, spells are as follows:

1st: Shield, Frostbite (for the fatigue), Shocking Grasp x2
2nd: Bulls Strength, Glitterdust

I have the Spellscars Arcana, so I'm planning on putting a few utility spells as scars to cast later (True Strike and such)

Any suggestions?

Can never go wrong with Glitterdust.

Mirror Image is great for defense. Ablative Barrier is another nice defensive spell - last one hour per level.

Bladed Dash is a very nice tactical spell.

Scorching Ray if you want a nice, range, offensive, punch.

Frigid Touch staggers the target for a round or a minute with no save. You've entirely missed the point if you're looking at it for damage. Mirror image is so vital I stopped entering melee without it up on my Magus after level 7 or so, and almost all my spell recalls were for more mirror images.

My magus has also made alot of use of mirror image, and I strongly recommend picking it up early. It has literally saved my character's life multiple times over.

I understand the stagger of Frigid Touch is the main component, but I didn't think stagger was that debilitating? Especially not at this level. Stagger for a minute would hurt, for sure, but until I get a keen weapon I don't know how likely that is

EDIT: I said stagger for a round, not minute. Whoops

Liberty's Edge

Mirror Image is probably the best defensive spell in the game. Take it, use it.

Glitterdust is also solid.

A player in my game took Blind Fight simply because with it he could close his eyes and have a better chance of hitting a mirror-imaged caster than he could otherwise. MI is that good.

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