[PFS] Overrun / Bullrush Specialist-Is it worth it?


Grand Lodge

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Hallo my friends. I am looking to start my career with the Pathfinder Society, to travel far and wide. I hear they are having some trouble with demons, and I am something of an expert at breaking lines of battle. My name is Goff Goffrey, but I am better known as...the Red Rover. So what do you say, ladies? Shall I come on over?

I'm looking to make a "linebreaker" sort of character for PFS, and I'd very much like him to be able to overrun fairly competently. Bull rush as well, and I think a shield slam build could end up working. I'm leaning towards trying out Brawler, but I'm open to other ideas. I'd prefer not to dump charisma, but if I can keep bluff and diplomacy up without it, that would be fine too.

Any suggestions for build help with this? I don't have a whole lot of experience making combat maneuver focused characters.

Grand Lodge

Year of the demon is coming to an end.

Monster cmd goes up pretty fast compared to pc cmb in normal adventuring campain. In social or urban campain its less nuts. I've seen epic use of bullrush and overrun ... made by a weak wizard as last resort in a somewhat chaotic campain. There are quite some nice build out, namely the stick and board one.

You might have some niche in mounted combat as well: have an alternate use of ur party nature lover druid or have your own whit leadership.

An alternative whit psionics: they can enlarge to huge size for more oomph but i find it more flavorful personnally since i aint a good min-maxer.

Silver Crusade

There are ways to make this build work. However you might want to rethink about specialization in them. I have a 8 Fighter(Lore Warden) with Improved Overrun, and Charge Though. I have hade this for the past 3 chronicles. I have used Improved Overrun one time. So there nice to have. However I don't think it will come up enough to specialize in them. I have Improved, and Greater Sunder on the same character. It comes up a little bit more. I have a reach trip oracle of battle. Out of them Trip is by far the most useful.

Overrun is a great ability, between greater overrun and one of the other feats, it allows you to move and attack twice by lvl 6. The trick to having your overrun character work well is avoid pushing grey areas for overrun.

Overrun is not a very well written combat maneuver, and alot of people have demonstrated that they do not understand how it works. If you try to combine it with some grey area rules it can lead to frustration.

But as is, its a great ability that allows for some control and damage.

Grand Lodge

Thanks for the help so far guys. I have a little bit of experience with overrun on my PFS Paladin's axebeak, but she hardly ever gets to use the mount, much less the overrun feats. I figure with this guy though, the maneuvers will be gravy. He'll still likely be able to 2-hand a big weapon to do nasty things to monsters.

Would a combination of Imp/Grt Overrun, Charge Through, and Vicious stomp allow for 2 AoOs on the charge-through target plus an attack on the charged target at 6th level? Am I reading that right? Is that what you're talking about, Mojorat?

This is something I was working on with a couple of other posters on a thread I started called Bull Rush Build. There's no Overrunning here, but I think you might find some of the ideas useful.

1Ranger1: Freebooter archetype, Weapon Focus Klar, 2 weapon
2R2: Improved Shield Bash
3R2Fighter1: Weapon Focus Earthbreaker, Thunder and Fang
4R2F2: Shield Slam
5R2F3: Power Attack
6R2F4: Improved Bull Rush

7R2F4Cavalier1: Mount, Challenge, Tactician, Paired Opportunist, Order of the Seal, Great Bull Rush

8R2F4C1Inquisitor1: Stern Gaze, Monster Lore, Judgement of Destruction, Luck (maybe Chaos or Repose)Domain,

9R2F4C1I2: Init bonus, Tracking, Detect Alignment, Combat Reflexes
10R2F4C1I3: Pack Attack, Solo Tactics
11R2F4C1I4: Judgement 2/day, Precise Strike
12R2F4C1I5: Bane, Decern Lies

grt bull rush is amazing.... in groups others enjoy the AOO you produce.
i have seen a weapon and shield ranger use it for amazing results

Silver Crusade

The Red Rover wrote:

Thanks for the help so far guys. I have a little bit of experience with overrun on my PFS Paladin's axebeak, but she hardly ever gets to use the mount, much less the overrun feats. I figure with this guy though, the maneuvers will be gravy. He'll still likely be able to 2-hand a big weapon to do nasty things to monsters.

Would a combination of Imp/Grt Overrun, Charge Through, and Vicious stomp allow for 2 AoOs on the charge-through target plus an attack on the charged target at 6th level? Am I reading that right? Is that what you're talking about, Mojorat?

You are correct.

Sovereign Court

Bull Rush is one of those things that looks unimpressive on paper, but in a lot of adventures there's at least one situation where you think "if only I could bull rush him into that pit..."; it's usefulness is mostly determined by the circumstances of the combat, unlike many other maneuvers (trip, disarm) who are determined by the kind of creature you're fighting.

It seems impossible that no one has got the joke. Perhaps there is just an unspoken agreement to keep The Red Rover from seeing the smiles cracking forth.

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