Goblin Hood |
sorry i mean wizard...
we started a mini-introduction to the AP, probably created by DM, and the first creatures we had to fight we're: skeletons, zombies and a Construct with the appearance of the Whispering Tyrant
if you have some suggestion, maybe i'm wrong but i think we'll have to deal with many undeads...
soon another player will join us.. and he'll do (probably) a druid or a cleric...
i can't play a paladin, 'cuz i've seen always playing it as Legal Boring Stupid.. so now i hate that class!
- a PC who uses illusion? (or the creatures we'll be fighting are immune?) [we have a Dm who rewards creativity, so i think illusion can be a great deal, and make some fun!]
- a goblin witch? (a very intelligent one, that sometimes assumes primitive behaviors like cackling or vomit swarm)
- a gnome oracle with lame curse? (explaining in game: my gnome like to wear clothes bigger than his size, and so he usually stumbles on it)
always happy to ear (to see XD) what are you thinking about!
leo1925 |
I don't think that a druid is going to cut it.
No illusions (too many things immune in Carrion Crown).
No goblin, the changeling is already stretching it, people of Ustalv are very xenophobic and fearful of anything out of the ordinary, so it's better to stick to either the core races or races that don't stick out.
No witch, too many things immune in Carrion Crown and the above issue.
Gnome oracle with which mystery?
I assume that both the inquisitor and the bard are going to be melee combatants, can you confirm that?
Goblin Hood |
yes inquisitor and bard are melee character... bard is dervish archetype..
and so on: the wizard is from Osirion or Nek.. is carrying a black cat as familiar (here black cats are bad lucky!) so i don't think goblin will be a big problem.. people are looking bad at PCs yet..
which mistery? i've no Idea.. never played an Oracle..
Druid will probably be a battlefield controller, summoning a lot and being very optimized (knowing the player i can assume that)
@Kimera: i love people who don't read nothing and keep posting the same things on all topics... LOL!
leo1925 |
It's your DM's game but if i was running it, and the goblin PC witch wasn't from Ravegro (how would such a character be from Ravegro is also a matter), i would have the townspeople grab torches and pitchforks against the PCs in no time.
Anyway the witch class isn't very good for Carrion Crown (in my opinion).
It doesn't matter how the druid is going to be built, (imo) the party needs someone who can dish out a lot of positive energy (especially at book 1) and be able to remove harmful conditions, it would be even better if that character could also fight in melee, thus my only suggestions are paladin, cleric and oracle of life.
DawnIsComing |
I've just wrapped up running book 1 yesterday, and I'll agree with quite a few of the posters here, there needs to be a cleric/paladin to ease the pain of the undead you run across throughout the adventure.
Suggestions for a cleric would be Healing/Death Domain Pharasma Cleric, that later might go into Envoy of Balance from the Champions of Balance Companion guide that just recently came out. It's a good read and powerful prestige that counter balances the Versatile Channeler Feat.
On the other side of the hill you got the Vanilla Paladin or even the Undead Scourge to run amok through some of the creatures you encounter.
I can also recommend the Kinslayer archetype for the Dhamphirs for Inquisitor for Carrion Crown as well, only if you GM will allow Dhamphir as a playable race.
leo1925 |
the classic one... white necromancer? Where can i find it?
By classic necromancer i mean the one who animates dead bodies and surrounds himself with miscellanea undead and uses them to attack his foes/wreack havoc.
By white necromancer i mean the one who doesn't animate nor surrounds himself with miscellanea undead but instead uses the other aspects of necromancy to either battle undead or further his goals in general.Zog of Deadwood |
he's not my favourite XD i prefer Iron Man, Loki and Thor :D
i know... i've not said that all paladins are LS, i said that i've seen always paladins played like that..and now i can't play one...
I don't understand. Do you mean you think the stereotype will reach out and drag you in? Do you think that if you played a wiseass paladin, or a swashbuckling paladin, or a foul-mouthed paladin, or (just as an example) a foulmouthed, swashbuckling, wiseass of a paladin, that you would suddenly wake up one day to discover that you had suddenly become a rigid, intolerant, jerk nobody liked?
Goblin Hood |
no..but the party will see me as it right from the start... so i will not try to play a paladin or a portable-hospital.. this is clear :)
goblin alchemist seems fun, but i've never played an alchimist.. maybe someone can explain what i can do with that?
maybe it's possible to create alchemical darts for a crossbow?
i've these ideas:
-funny characters > optimized characters
-Out of combat > combat
-magic > melee
Corlindale |
Minionmancer could perhaps work ok, but you'd really have to make sure that you can convince the rest of the party that it's a good idea (which will be very, very difficult if you have a typical goody, goody CC party).
It will of course be suicide to reveal to most NPCs in Ustalav that you practice that kind of necromancy, but having to be discreet about it could potentially give you some roleplaying opportunities. And when you are in civilized areas you still have the rest of your spell list to work with.
When I GMed CC the sorceror had the undead bloodline and did a bit of minionmancer necromancy and undead manipulation - but only when the party was far away from civilized areas. He also somehow managed to convince the rest of the party that his methods were ok, which frankly surprised me a little.
From a pure power perspective, spells like Command, Halt and Control Undead will be extremely useful for a lot of the campaign - the sorceror frequently managed to turn difficult encounters around by charming or dominating the opposition, so necromancy can certainly be a very useful school (though of course undead are also immune to a lot of the necromantic effects).