N'wah |
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Couple of "map packs" for outdoors Numerian encounters. Each link below leads to their spot on my Tumblr, which itself has a link to the PDF. I'm linking to the posts so's y'all can look at the maps in one piece, then download the PDF after that.
Hilly Badlands
Tainted Spring OR a Gorum Pot
We're supposed to be getting our AC fixed sometime this week. However it goes, don't expect much from me 'til the inside temperature of my house goes reliably below the 90-100 degree crap it's been. :)
N'wah |
Forgot to post this a while back: Cythrul the skymetal merchant.
N'wah |
Haha. I love the coffee pot. Gonna brew some (human) coffee now...
I'm drinking human coffee at this very moment, in fact. :D
That was entirely late-night artist fiat. Had a hand, wanted something to put into that hand, why not a coffee pot?
I've got at least one PC in my group who's an alien, so I'm hoping for some detours to Hajoth Hakados on occasion, even if it never appears in the AP as written. It's a bit of a detour, but taking the Seven Tears River down to Hajoth Hakados before heading up to Scrapwall via the Sellen seems eminently doable.
Aldarionn |
You have talent my friend! Nicely done. My friend is going to be DMing this one so I'll point him to this page. We plan on running the campaign in Map Tools so all of this stuff is basically gold.
I need to find some kind of art for my character concept to use as a token. I plan on running a male Android Wizard (Conjurer). All of his summons and spells will basically be Mass Effect style Hard-Light projections. So far my search has been fruitless. There is surprisingly little artwork out there for a "Technomancer" style character.
N'wah |
You have talent my friend! Nicely done. My friend is going to be DMing this one so I'll point him to this page. We plan on running the campaign in Map Tools so all of this stuff is basically gold.
I need to find some kind of art for my character concept to use as a token. I plan on running a male Android Wizard (Conjurer). All of his summons and spells will basically be Mass Effect style Hard-Light projections. So far my search has been fruitless. There is surprisingly little artwork out there for a "Technomancer" style character.
Depending on how ahead (or far behind) I get on these, I might end up doing minis tangentially tied to the AP. I'm not taking commissions at this time or I'd talk to you about working something like that out. :)
Actually, one of my players is giving a good hard look at the impossible sorcerer bloodline, so if he plays a male of something human-ish, I can probably use his art as a base for a quick android-ification (add some circuit tracery, do some palette-swapping as per your needs, and I'm done, basically). If you see some art that pops up and it looks like it'll work for ya, let me know and I can edit it to your needs pretty much no problem.
N'wah |
Fire beetle
Jinkin gremlin token
That's gonna be it for a while, alas. The jury-rigged computer and old tablet setup is experiencing a LOT of problems and I'm basically out of the game for a while. Again.
I do have some older art that fills in some of the critters from various parts of Fires of Creation, though, and I'll post those up when I can. They should work for you, I think.
N'wah |
I have some access cards I did that I'll link to later. Those don't require a working tablet. I think I might add some extra bits to the cards, both to make them look more interesting and to possibly add some age to 'em. I'll also do some maps for "Lords of Rust" sometime soon, as those ALSO do not require a tablet.
N'wah |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Access cards (I'll be putting up PDF pages of these eventually- they're hard to cut out without some border on 'em)
Assorted vehicle and creature tokens
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |
Access cards (I'll be putting up PDF pages of these eventually- they're hard to cut out without some border on 'em)
Assorted vehicle and creature tokens
Sweet! Thanks N'wah!
N'wah |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Access cards for Fires of Creation and Lords of Rust. Each book has a total of eight cards per book so far, which is oddly convenient.
Watch the third book drop nine in my lap just to be cruel. :P
N'wah |
Does the text translate to anything?
Yeah, it's a font I scooped up on dafont.com some time ago. Lemme go look up the text real quick...
Top bar says, "secure access card" with the repeat letters removed (identical letters next to each other didn't look as good). The big letters all say "BROWN." I was gonna make them all say the color in question, but the capital BROWN looked coolest. Notice aesthetics won out over literal translation each time. :P
Bottom bar I don't have the exact wording for, but it's something like, "security is important- do not lose" or somesuch. I've been explaining it to my players (two of whom have Androffan-fluent characters) that the back also has a blurb about how if the card is lost or stolen the crewmember is to report directly to security.
N'wah |
Any chance of getting a token for Val?
If I had my tablet up and running, I'd do a whole-body art piece for her. As-is, I'm locked in to vehicle and object tokens, and maps, since I can do both of those with my laptop's touchpad. If I get the setup fully operational, I'll definitely do a Val piece.
Neil Spicer RPG Superstar 2009, Contributor |
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I've seen a few people ask questions about Val, Khonnir Baine's young ward and apprentice. So, I cooked up some quick stats using the rules for young characters from Ultimate Campaign for anyone who's interested:
Female young human expert 1
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +3
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 6 (1d8+2)
Fort -1, Ref +2, Will +1
Spd 30 ft.
Melee dagger -2 (1d4-2/19-20)
Ranged sling +2 (1d4-2)
During Combat Val concerns herself more with escaping physical altercations than engaging in them. If cornered, she uses flasks of acid or alchemist's fire to defend herself, or wields her dagger and sling as best she can.
Morale Val runs if she can avoid creating attacks of opportunity, tossing a tanglefoot bag or smokestick to impede and elude pursuers. Thereafter, she puts as much distance as possible between herself and her attackers, squeezing into a hard-to-reach location to use her Stealth skill to hide. If discovered or pinned down, she calls for help or uses her thunderstone to attract attention to her plight.
Str 6, Dex 14, Con 9, Int 15, Wis 8, Cha 9
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 10
Feats Magical Aptitude, Toughness
Skills Craft (alchemy) +6, Disable Device +6, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (engineering) +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +6, Use Magic Device +5
Languages Common, Hallit
Combat Gear acid (2), alchemist's fire (2), smokesticks (2), tanglefoot bag, thunderstone; Other Gear dagger, sling with 10 bullets, backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, scroll case, sunrods (2), trail rations (3 days), traveler's outfit, tindertwigs (2), waterskin, whetstone, 5 silverdisks, 7 gp, 9 sp, 8 cp.
Oceanshieldwolf |
The party I am in failed to convince Val to stay behind when we went to look for Khonnir. The little brat managed to
N'wah |
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Almost forgot this thing I made last night: Scrapwall relief map. Might be useful for you, might not. But it is extant and that's good.
N'wah |
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Got bored and made some Goo Tubes!™ for my group, based off ones they looked for or inside jokes we had. I'll be adding more (I made a little template that I can fool around with) when I got time, so the link above is to the Wiki page for my Iron Gods campaign instead of my Tumblr.
EDIT: I did take some liberties on these designs, BTW. It's supposed to just be vague symbols, and I assume any writing is in Androffan. But these were just too fun to not make.
N'wah |
I should have my copy of "The Choking Tower" sometime this week, so hopefully I can do a PDF of the access cards for that volume (if any) soon after. If anyone knows the total count of cards, including colors, I can get it done earlier, but if not, no worries. It'll be up soon as it is. :)
N'wah |
Also, if I didn't mention this earlier, I'm looking for suggestions for flavors of Goo Tubes!™ if y'all have any. You don't have to come up with a description (but you can, if you want) but if you or someone in your group has a hankering for extreme nutritional goodness, we here at Goo Tubes!™ want to meet that need with amazing lab-crafted flavor. All flavors will include a code to download your favorites into your own home or work production labs, meaning you'll have access to the deliciousness of Goo Tubes!™ at home, at work, at play, or at any of our 3.7 billion licensed Goo Tubes!™ dispensers.
animalbrad |
Also, if I didn't mention this earlier, I'm looking for suggestions for flavors of Goo Tubes!™ if y'all have any. You don't have to come up with a description (but you can, if you want) but if you or someone in your group has a hankering for extreme nutritional goodness, we here at Goo Tubes!™ want to meet that need with amazing lab-crafted flavor. All flavors will include a code to download your favorites into your own home or work production labs, meaning you'll have access to the deliciousness of Goo Tubes!™ at home, at work, at play, or at any of our 3.7 billion licensed Goo Tubes!™ dispensers.
I'm planning on allowing my PCs to decipher the Goo Tubes when they come across them, they missed the room with them last time do to being chased by Sef, and I will pass those flavors onto here once they do.
N'wah |
I'm planning on allowing my PCs to decipher the Goo Tubes when they come across them, they missed the room with them last time do to being chased by Sef, and I will pass those flavors onto here once they do.
I'm eager to see 'em. Thanks in advance! :D
N'wah |
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It's tempting, and the chances of some lawyer at Fox getting word of it is basically nil, but prolly not worth the risk. I dunno if it even crosses the line. Even just a takedown notice is annoying.
I could pretty easily just make something called, like, GLARM! and put a slug on it, though. I considered the same thing with candy bars, actually, though for those it'd be something like "Grade C Choccolate-Coated Nuts, Caramel and Nougat". :P
Evil Midnight Lurker |
Pendagast |
The one thing i can confirm is that japanese mayonnaise is definately superior to any other mayonnaise on this world.
Androffans might have some other thoughts there though.
why am i picturing japanese mayonnaise to be made primarily from kelp and tofu?
on a similar note I hear chines mayonnaise is made from the energy of the universe and the dew from a ginkgo leaf.
Hayato Ken |
I wouldn´t trust chinese mayonaisse...been there long enough^^
On the other hand, japanese mayonaisse surely has some secret ingredients that, like virgin nectar or something and dusted Kirin horn, or at least synthetic replacements.
In the case here more likely synthetic replacements.
Or who knows, maybe that ship has been to earth, farming japanese virgins and all the kirins. That would explain why neither has been seen a long time hehe.
Marvin teh Martian |
What about Dehydrated Minion Paste Goo Tubes!™? (Acts like summon monster [goblin])
JohnnyfiveUnAlive |
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I recorded the Chrysalis final report and put it on Google Drive here:Chrysalis Final Report . I set the volume high on my laptop top and had it cued up so when someone touched the envoy mouthpiece it immediately played. EVERYONE jumped, since we had just been doing a spooky ship search. I recommend this tactic to others!
JohnnyfiveUnAlive |
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And because I'm bored, I threw together audio for the Dusklight (the optional sidequest during Adventure 3, the Choking Tower): Dusklight Recording