animalbrad's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Can you please cancel my AP subscription? Now that Iron Gods is finished, I don't need to be subscribed.

James Jacobs wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

(Frankly... I kinda wish that whole "this does not apply to touch attacks" line was removed entirely from Deadly Aim. It doesn't really make sense to me.)

Presumably its there for 2 reasons. One mundante touch weapons are not particularly precise. Can you imagine taking deadly aim with an alchemist fire? Even with a ray spell, its hard to imagine taking the kind of precise aim one does with an actual ranged weapon like a bow or crossbow.

The second reason is one of balance. Given the overwhelmingly low touch ac most things have by mid levels, the trade off of a penalty to attack is more or less meaningless as compared to things that target full ac.

Alchemist fire is a splash weapon, and THAT should be something that doesn't get Deadly Aim benefits, I agree.

But I can easily imagine someone aiming in a deadly manner with a scorching ray, disintegrate, searing light, ray of frost, or any ranged touch spell.

Ah Yeah when you put it that way, I could easily see someone "deadly aiming" a scorching ray at the face or other, less PG parts.

Thanks! I kinda thought it really only ment spells touch attacks anyways. It doesn't really make sense that you couldn't pinpointing a foe's weak spot with a laser rifle.

I ask because one of my players brought up the fact that deadly aim excludes touch attacks, and

Book 3&4 Iron Gods Spoilers:
The augmented Gearsman (The Choking Tower p22) and Nemgedder Janz (Valley of the Brain Collectors p21) both use deadly aim at all times when attacking with their tech firearms.

N'wah wrote:
Also, if I didn't mention this earlier, I'm looking for suggestions for flavors of Goo Tubes!™ if y'all have any. You don't have to come up with a description (but you can, if you want) but if you or someone in your group has a hankering for extreme nutritional goodness, we here at Goo Tubes!™ want to meet that need with amazing lab-crafted flavor. All flavors will include a code to download your favorites into your own home or work production labs, meaning you'll have access to the deliciousness of Goo Tubes!™ at home, at work, at play, or at any of our 3.7 billion licensed Goo Tubes!™ dispensers.

I'm planning on allowing my PCs to decipher the Goo Tubes when they come across them, they missed the room with them last time do to being chased by Sef, and I will pass those flavors onto here once they do.