This is the discussion thread for two campaigns:

Rise of the Runelords Plus Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Savage Rifts RotRwT

Here we will have great debates and stuff...

Male Human (Tian) Monk 1


Savage Rifts RotRwT

Alright, here is what I have so far:

You have spent one extra skill point and I'm having trouble seeing how diplomacy would be +8 because it is not a class skill.

I don't see any feats or skills in your profile. From your stats, I figured Exotic Bastard Sword and Toughness for feats.

Your stats are still at 25, we will need to change that. What is your patron's spell? Also, some of your skills are off, be sure to check those too.

I calculate you have about 195gp worth of stuff and average starting gold for Oracles is 105gp.

I will do the rest over the next couple of days while we get into playing.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archivist) 1
HP: 10/10, BP: 5/5; 1st: 2
Init: +0, Perc: +2, F:2, R: 2, W: 4, AC: 11

"All hail to ShadowBloodmoon, you are the DM.
In your great honor we game and we... something that rhymes with m."

Boshak pulls a rhyming dictionary from his backpack.

Male Human (Kellish) Cleric 1

Anything wrong with mine? I did it all by hand, so there may be a mistake or two, though I try to be as thorough as possible in weeding out problems...

Grand Lodge

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 1 (Life) | HP: 9/9 | Fort: +0 | Ref: +1 | Will: +2

Ah ok, looks like I overspent. I refunded the potion, crossbow, bolts, javelin and a few other minor things so I should be under 105 now. Remember I do get 10 GP worth of clothing for free (Every class gets this).

Scarab Sages

Male Gnome Sorcercer 1, fey bloodline. AC 12, Life 9/9, R 1, W 1, F 3, perception +1

Hum, rarely play a sorcerer. I was thinking diplomacy was a class skill...... and it seems that not.

I apologize for my mistake.

With a CHA of 16, my skills are : Diplomacy +4 (1 rank +3 CHA), Knowledge Aracana +6 (1 rank + 3 class skill + 2 INT), Perform Comedy (Joke telling) +5 (1 rank, +3 CHA, +1 trait), Spellcraft +6 (1 rank, +3 class skill + 2 INT), Use magic device +7 (1 rank, +3 class skill, +3 CHA), Perception +1 (+2 racial, -1 WIS) and Stealth (+1 DEX, +4 size).

So 5 rank, 2 + 2 (INT) + 1 favored class.


Ok I've got Nar'a all fixed up. Made a couple changes to Hexes and Feats, as well as getting abilities down to 15 points.

As for her patron spells, how would it be for it to be mystery to nar'a just who/what her patron was, that way you could control what she gets and tailor it to her experiences and what you plan for the campaign?

Gameplay post coming later today.

Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Druid 1 - HP: 11/11, - AC: 16/T: 12/FF: 14 - Perception: +6 F: +6/R: +4/W: +6 - CMB: +3 - CMD: 15, Init +4, Speed: 20ft

Since everyone is posting in this discussion & gameplay, does that mean there's going to be two split-offs? One for each group? Or will one of them remain here and the other simply stop posting here?

Savage Rifts RotRwT

I will look at those changes later today (I hope, busy day ahead), but thank you guys. I haven't gotten to yours yet Saif.

When the group splits off, I will create another Gameplay thread and if needed, another discussion thread.

Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf Gunslinger Guntank: Spd:20, Init:3, AC:17, T:13, FF:14, 1 cold and fire resistance, 14/14 HP, Fort:5(Hardy), Ref:5, Will:2, 1/1 Grit, 5 Perc, Darkvision

Were you able to check Kane considering he is 3rd party?

Male Dwarf Alchemist

just got an alias, will post soon in the gameplay thread

Male Halfling Rogue/1 (Trapsmith Archetype)


Savage Rifts RotRwT

Sorry, I've had a rough couple days since yesterday, but I'm getting back to working on inputting characters and such.

Male Halfling Rogue/1 (Trapsmith Archetype)
DM ShadowBloodmoon wrote:
Sorry, I've had a rough couple days since yesterday, but I'm getting back to working on inputting characters and such.

Absolutely no worries mate. Take your time.

Male Dwarf Alchemist

Well I can narrow down your work by sending you my herolab file if you would like.

Male Halfling Rogue/1 (Trapsmith Archetype)

I can Take 10 on a Sleight of Hand check, right? I know I can't take 20 because there's a penalty for failure. I'm just thinking in a big crowd like this, Sativon could find a suitable purse on a person that is a bit inebriated, and relieve them of the burden of their coins. :) Of course I'd hate to get caught and thrown in Sandpoint jail before the adventure even really begins... A crowd like this is just too tempting for a halfling thief.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Hmm... Because of the guards watching the crowd, I wouldn't allow the taking ten in this case. Gotta roll for it little thief :-)

Scarab Sages

Male Gnome Sorcercer 1, fey bloodline. AC 12, Life 9/9, R 1, W 1, F 3, perception +1

Just to say that I have an avatar now for Titinambule.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archivist) 1
HP: 10/10, BP: 5/5; 1st: 2
Init: +0, Perc: +2, F:2, R: 2, W: 4, AC: 11

I'm going to be dropping from this. It seems I will not be able to make the time commitment for this. Have fun all.

Male Halfling Rogue/1 (Trapsmith Archetype)
Boshak Heuskaurit wrote:
I'm going to be dropping from this. It seems I will not be able to make the time commitment for this. Have fun all.

Sorry to see you go.

F Half-Orc Scarred Witch Doctor 1
Boshak Heuskaurit wrote:
I'm going to be dropping from this. It seems I will not be able to make the time commitment for this. Have fun all.

Dang I was just gonna ask you about the gem, but we'll find someone else.

Male Human (Kellish) Cleric 1

Best of luck on all future endeavors, both RP and real life, Boshak!

Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf Gunslinger Guntank: Spd:20, Init:3, AC:17, T:13, FF:14, 1 cold and fire resistance, 14/14 HP, Fort:5(Hardy), Ref:5, Will:2, 1/1 Grit, 5 Perc, Darkvision

I take it the two groups will split up after exiting the town?

Male Human (Kellish) Cleric 1

That's what I'm assuming. But then again, the GM is using this one event for both starts, so who knows?

Either way, this is a lot of fun!

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Sorry to see you go Boshak. I have everyone entered into herolab I think. I'm going to be posting the first round here shortly. Here are a couple things i wanted to point out with characters:

I didn't see what your spirit patron was going to be..

You don't yet qualify for Weapon Focus and you can't have two campaign type traits from the same campaign list..

As far as the combat goes, I'm more of a describe and show rather than making maps, but if you guys really want one, I will see what I can do. Going to go and post the first round now...

F Half-Orc Scarred Witch Doctor 1

I was going to go with Endurance for my patron. I didn't think to post it because I don't get the spells yet, but you're right, I am supposed to make the choice at 1st level.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

No worries, I just wanted to make sure you were had everything you needed.

Scarab Sages

Male Gnome Sorcercer 1, fey bloodline. AC 12, Life 9/9, R 1, W 1, F 3, perception +1

Kurgan and Big Ears are up next.???

Is there another character nammed Big Ears? Because Big Ears is my donkey, and he'll not be involved in the fight (or he can if you want, you're the DM after all ^^).

I suppose it's me.

Anyway, I post my actions.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

It is your donkey, but as he is an animal, he will pretty much do is own thing unless you attempt to use Handle Animal on him. I was just putting him in the list so you knew when he acted, like I will do with Hairy Harry as well.

Scarab Sages

Male Gnome Sorcercer 1, fey bloodline. AC 12, Life 9/9, R 1, W 1, F 3, perception +1

Han. Such a shame, my donkey is quicker than me.^^

Big Ears is a donkey use to carry. He'll flee as soon as possible.

Same thing for Hairry Harry. He isn't train for nothing expect ask food and sleep (and curiously, I never teach him this tricks).

Male Human Ninja/1

Okay, I'll get it fixed tonight. Too used to playing fighter types.

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

I'm in still in this? My earlier post seemed to have been skiped over and im missing in the initiative order.

Male Human (Kellish) Cleric 1

@Cedric: Not sure. I think the GM rolled for us, and just listed the highest ones (I think <.< )

Male Halfling Rogue/1 (Trapsmith Archetype)
Saif al-Din of the Fiery Sun wrote:
@Cedric: Not sure. I think the GM rolled for us, and just listed the highest ones (I think <.< )

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what was meant by "and then the other group." The order he listed is the top part of the initiative order. (Woot! I got second. Go Reactionary Trait :) Once everyone in that section of the init has declared their actions, I'm guessing he'll explain what the goblin(s) is/are doing, and then reveal the rest of the initiative order. That's just my hunch.

Edit: My guess, which gives rise to my hunch, is that the GM built the encounter into either Hero Lab (since that's where our characters are built) or Combat Manager, and rolled the initiative for all of us and the bad guys, since that's easier than waiting for everyone to roll, and then trying to piece things together. When I GM, that's how I do it.

Savage Rifts RotRwT
Little Thief wrote:
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what was meant by "and then the other group." The order he listed is the top part of the initiative order. (Woot! I got second. Go Reactionary Trait :) Once everyone in that section of the init has declared their actions, I'm guessing he'll explain what the goblin(s) is/are doing, and then reveal the rest of the initiative order. That's just my hunch.

That is exactly it. Cedric, you are in the battle, just later in line. I'm waiting on a couple more, but if they don't post before I go to work, I will freeDM them and post the next few actions and group in initiative.

Edit: My apologies if I didn't explain this earlier. I presumed it was the norm...

F Half-Orc Scarred Witch Doctor 1

I'm assuming "freeDM" means you control their actions? I'm not familiar with the term.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

pretty much... there should be a small copyright symbol after it ;-)

Male Halfling Rogue/1 (Trapsmith Archetype)

I just wanted to say, I know this campaign has barely gotten its feet wet, as online campaigns go, but I am having a blast!! This is a great group, and I really hope this continues. Kudos to all, and especially to DM ShadowBloodmoon, good show!

Male Half-Elf 1 Alchemist Stats

Ahh no problem just checking

Scarab Sages

Male Gnome Sorcercer 1, fey bloodline. AC 12, Life 9/9, R 1, W 1, F 3, perception +1

Is my illusion seems to push away some goblins from helpless people?

Male Human (Kellish) Cleric 1

Hope everyone is having a fun holiday n_n

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Well, it seems we have lost Kurgan and Liu, as I have not yet heard a response. Unfortunately I have to head to work, so I will post the results of this round tonight when I return home. Thank you all for sticking with me thus far!

Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Druid 1 - HP: 11/11, - AC: 16/T: 12/FF: 14 - Perception: +6 F: +6/R: +4/W: +6 - CMB: +3 - CMD: 15, Init +4, Speed: 20ft

Dacar (and aliases thereof) hasn't posted anywhere since Friday, and some time before that if you ignore that one post. That was a post in the discussion for his Crypt of the Everflame game where he dropped out, citing busyness.
It seems probable that he will not make this turn.

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Ah... then I will FreeDM him and then move on...

Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf Gunslinger Guntank: Spd:20, Init:3, AC:17, T:13, FF:14, 1 cold and fire resistance, 14/14 HP, Fort:5(Hardy), Ref:5, Will:2, 1/1 Grit, 5 Perc, Darkvision

It is a good thing you recruited extras, you don't have to worry about replacement characters when you let in 16 to begin with. Though we are at what, 13 now?

Savage Rifts RotRwT

Something like that. I figured we would lose a few, but that's okay. We will still have plenty for everyone else to do...

Male Dwarf Alchemist

i didnt realize that it was my go, sorry. I'm not droping out of this one since usually I can keep up

Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Druid 1 - HP: 11/11, - AC: 16/T: 12/FF: 14 - Perception: +6 F: +6/R: +4/W: +6 - CMB: +3 - CMD: 15, Init +4, Speed: 20ft

Sorry Dacar, didn't mean to toss you under the bus.

Male Dwarf Alchemist

Its ok, it just the post was up early morning for me, and I had alot to do during the day. So i will do my best to check and post even in the discussion before i get thrown under the bus again :P

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