More fun with Warpriests!


Lets say that my next character, Bictor Velmont, is looking to slay some evil with his holy whip, how would sacred weapon interact with a whip? Does it deal the sacred weapon die damage but remain non lethal?

For thematics i am looking at a high dex character wearing leather armor or silk ceremonial armor, which ever can be better fluffed as a fancy long coat. It might end up being too feat intensive but weapon finesse and an agile whip could end up on the menu as well. Possibly using a Half-Orc with City Raised?

I know the damage progression would suffer and spell casting would drop a bit but what about multiclassing Swashbuckler for some slashing grace and dex to damage and then going back to Warpriest. The Dex and CHA would synergize well, no? Warpriest seem to be mostly selfish buffers and a lot of spell casting would be relegated to wandage out of combat. Could I get by with the reduced spell casting if i am only going to use one or two fervors per battle?

Lastly, does anyone know of a mini manufacturer that has a male whip user?

Thanks for any advice!

Two words: whip mastery (a feat from UC)

Oh. well than... you might have just flipped this whole thing around. Now i might be better off using Swashbuckler.

Cool concept, I like castlevania too. I think some combination or Swashbuckler, Ranger, Monk, Deulist(PrC), Cleric, Inquisitor and Warpriest could do it justice. Getting Whip Mastery by level 3 is a must though, and I think a wisdom build will do better than a charisma build here. Calistria is the deity who has whip as a favored weapon, so deciding whether to go that route with a Cleric or Warpriest or say a half-orc or half-elf Inquisitor build to avoid her as a patron deity.

Grand Lodge

Scorpion Whip, which can be wielded as a whip, works as well.

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Except for the debate over wether or not it bypasses armor/natural armor if you use it like a while. It might have been resolved by now, but I don't know.

I saw a scorpian whip can be used as a whip if you have the feat for whip but do you need a seperate feat for the scorpian whip itself? Or is it all just "proficiency: Whips"

I dont see Bictor as dedicated to any one god but if he had to it'd probably be one of the empyreal lords. I would like to stay with a full BAB too so Swashbuckler or Warpriest more so than inquisitor or cleric. Maybe Swashbuckler/Paladin?

Grand Lodge

Warpriest works just fine.

Warpriest is my favorite class to play with right now but for this build i am wondering about the feat investment to make the whip worthwhile and how to stack some static damage onto it.

I need at least one exotic weapon proficiency plus weapon focus and possibly weapon finesse (Warpriest is a little MAD and if i can drop strength for more DEX i would love it)

For selecting feats can Warpriests use their sacred weapon attack progression? otherwise that puts whip mastery off till much later.

Grand Lodge

You can go strength based, as well.

You get Weapon Focus, with any weapon, for free, at first level.

You nab the Caravan Drover trait for proficiency, or choose a god with whip as a favored weapon.

Grand Lodge

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Jalaijatali is the CG Azata Empyreal lord, whose favored weapon is the whip.

Selket is the CG Ancient Osirion God whose favored weapon is the Scorpion Whip.

Really, you just need the listed trait, or go Half-Elf/Half-Orc.

Maybe Lore Warden/Spirit Ranger if you want to keep full BAB, qualify for a bunch of feats without the ability scores, and not have any particular patron deity. You could have Weapon Focus(Whip), Weapon Finesse, Whip Mastery and Power Attack by level 3.

Grand Lodge

As I said though, you don't need to have a god with a Whip as a favored weapon.

I would prefer Warpriest but the delayed BAB for feat selection is the only thing holding me back right now... I'll have to try throwing a few builds together and see how viable it looks at lower levels.

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I don't really see the problem here. Be a half-orc or a human with a god that has a whip as a favored weapon. Take Weapon Finesse at first level and Whip Mastery at 3rd level. Use a scorpion whip until you have Whip Mastery. Then get an agile whip.

We had a Grippli Warpriest we ran in one of the test campaigns named Whippli. He was pretty brutal once he picked up Whip Mastery and the associated feats.

The end boss of the module got tripped anytime he tried to run away or do anything (Whippli had cast a silence spell on himself and got in close). Was a really effective character.

Cyrad wrote:
I don't really see the problem here. Be a half-orc or a human with a god that has a whip as a favored weapon. Take Weapon Finesse at first level and Whip Mastery at 3rd level. Use a scorpion whip until you have Whip Mastery. Then get an agile whip.

Warpriests do not get proficiency with their Deity's weapon.

GM Kyle wrote:

Warpriests do not get proficiency with their Deity's weapon.

Yes they do - that was changed in errata.

You have to have Weapon Focus (Whip) to get Whip Mastery. So you need 3 feats beyond the whip proficiency if you want to use Dex not Str, all by level 3 or it is too slow to be effective.

shiiktan wrote:
GM Kyle wrote:

Warpriests do not get proficiency with their Deity's weapon.

Yes they do - that was changed in errata.

I didn't realize they put out errata on the playtest document. Is it in the same document, or a seperate document?

It was in the thread discussing the warpriest during the playtest.

Perhaps a Warpriest with a dip into Fighter or Rogue would capture it. I can't think of a way to have Weapon Focus (Whip) and Weapon Finesse and Whip Mastery at level 3 without getting either Weapon Finesse or Weapon Focus (Whip) as a bonus feat, and the only way I know how to do that is with a bonus combat feat or the combat trick rogue talent.

Gregory Connolly wrote:
You have to have Weapon Focus (Whip) to get Whip Mastery. So you need 3 feats beyond the whip proficiency if you want to use Dex not Str, all by level 3 or it is too slow to be effective.

Warpriests get heavy armor. Ignore Dexterity, go for Strength.

The benefit of Warpriest as well is that the whip is no longer dealing a measly 1d3. You can noe potentially hit for upwards of 1d10. So you pretty much have a huge sized greatsword. Things get really funny then.

Additionally, Ferver is REALLY nice since you can now cast buff spells on yourself as a Swift action at teh beginning of combat and still be able to go in a kill the enemy.

Gregory Connely said wrote:
Perhaps a Warpriest with a dip into Fighter or Rogue would capture it. I can't think of a way to have Weapon Focus (Whip) and Weapon Finesse and Whip Mastery at level 3 without getting either Weapon Finesse or Weapon Focus (Whip) as a bonus feat, and the only way I know how to do that is with a bonus combat feat or the combat trick rogue talent.

Warpriest gets Weapon Focus in any weapon they are proficient in for free at Level 1, and a bonus combat feat at level 3 and every third level thereafter. Take EWP(whip) or gain whip proficiency through deity choice or a trait/race feature, get Weapon Focus(whip) free at level 1, and Weapon Finesse and Whip Mastery at level 3.

Phntm888, thanks for the info. I haven't messed around with the playtest material yet, I was waiting for the final version this summer. Warpriest should work fine then and be the go to class for whips from now on. I'm not sure we needed another holy warrior type, but they do seem to be a much better version of a fighter.

In some respects, yes. Unfortunately, they don't as of yet count as fighters for the purposes of qualifying for feats. The Blessings need a tune-up as well, as they are mostly lackluster and forgettable.

You also only have a full BAB with Favored weapons, which means you technically qualify for feats with BAB prereqs on a 3/4 BAB scale. Minor annoyances, but they can be a little off-putting. The Warpriest's scaling damage and Fervor really make the class shine.

GM Kyle wrote:
Gregory Connolly wrote:
You have to have Weapon Focus (Whip) to get Whip Mastery. So you need 3 feats beyond the whip proficiency if you want to use Dex not Str, all by level 3 or it is too slow to be effective.
Warpriests get heavy armor. Ignore Dexterity, go for Strength.

I was considering that, and the range of the whip helps make up for the lost speed, a tiny bit at least. My concern is that a Warpriest can be a little MAD, you need STR or DEX and feats if you dump STR plus CON for Fort saves and HP to make up for the D8, then you need WIS and CHA for casting and class abilities so now the only thing you arent going for is INT and that would leave you with only 2-3 skill points per level. If i can make it work as a DEX build than i can prioritize something along the lines of:

STR: 13 DEX: 16 CON 12 INT: 8 WIS:12 CHA: 14

Considering a build without Power Attack STR to bump WIS or CON to 14. Or a human with two +2s. I keep coming back to that option whenever i look at the Warpriest. The down side of course would be no static modifiers to damage without magic weapons or using Fervor buffs.

Maybe Paizo will smile upon us and the ACG will include a feat to use WIS to qualify for combat feats in place of STR. Probably not though :/

That MAD problem was why I kept suggesting Ranger. Rangers with the two handed weapon style solve this problem for a whip character letting them dump strength to 7 and still pick up Power Attack at 2nd level and Great Cleave at 6th level. It seems really counter intuitive, but you are already trying to use a whip, so nothing about this build is gonna be intuitive because the whip is an odd weapon.

What is a "standard" stat line for a Warpriest? i cant see a way the class can get by without at least four stats at 14 or higher. An attack stat, a defense stat, a casting stat and a class ability stat. Or is it more like, just dump CHA and let fervors go up with levels? go with minimum WIS and use an item to get higher level spells?

16 Str, 14 Con, 14 Wis feels like the baseline to me.

What about CHA though, isnt that what they base their blessings and quickened castings off?

You could regulate Channel purely to Channel Smite. Blessings are 3 + 1/2 level/day. Fervor triggers Off of Charisma. It all depends on your build. In 20 Point Buy, I wouldn't invest too much.

16 Str, 10 Dex, 14 Con, 10 Int, 14 Wis, 10 Cha
More of a focus on raw power, counting on consistency in melee. More of a front liner.

14 Str, 10 Dex, 12 Con, 10 Int, 15 Wis, 14 Cha
More of a focus on divine spellcasting supporting melee. Less of a front liner.

Just two options I'd consider.

cool man, thanks. It at least makes the Warpriest seem more playable, too bad it doesnt fit the mobile and lightly armored theme i was originally thinking of. Maybe that would be a better Swashbuckler build.


Warpriest gets Weapon Focus in any weapon they are proficient in for free at Level 1,


Grand Lodge

lantzkev wrote:
Warpriest gets Weapon Focus in any weapon they are proficient in for free at Level 1,


Ok, so using a double +2 human i could end up with:

STR:16 DEX: 16 CON:12 INT: 8 WIS:14 CHA:14

Use a trait for whip proficiency, weapon focus from the class and start out with a medium armor and a shield for a respectable AC. First level feat might go for Tribal Scars for a boost to HP and base speed to recover some mobility/survivability. Still need to grab the Whip Mastery feat chain and Power Attack some where along the lines but for starting out the damage should work. The Divine Warrior trait boosts things like Divine Favor, right? Or does it have to be a spell that specifically targets a weapon suc as Weapon of Awe?

As a bonus, the shield can threaten in melee until i am able to threaten with the whip.

Phntm888 wrote:

In some respects, yes. Unfortunately, they don't as of yet count as fighters for the purposes of qualifying for feats. The Blessings need a tune-up as well, as they are mostly lackluster and forgettable.

You also only have a full BAB with Favored weapons, which means you technically qualify for feats with BAB prereqs on a 3/4 BAB scale. Minor annoyances, but they can be a little off-putting. The Warpriest's scaling damage and Fervor really make the class shine.

Not really, healing lets you heal as a swift action like a paladin's lay on hands but only cure spells.

Most good buffs waste a standard but last 1 minute.
War buffs with untyped bonuses for 1 minute as does Destruction as does Air for Archery.
Water adds lesser Frost enhancement, as does Weather, Good lesser Holy, etc

Scarab Sages

blackbloodtroll wrote:
lantzkev wrote:
Warpriest gets Weapon Focus in any weapon they are proficient in for free at Level 1,

What you mean is that the Warpriest can use their bonus Weapon Focus feat for any weapon they are proficient in not just their deity's sacred weapon.


to be specific


At 1st level, a warpriest receives Weapon

Focus as a bonus feat (choosing any weapon, not just his
deity’s favored weapon). If his deity’s favored weapon is
unarmed strike, he can instead select Improved Unarmed
Strike as a bonus feat.

I was reading what he wrote as basically saying "you get weapon focus in everything you're proficient in"

Grand Lodge

lantzkev wrote:
to be specific

At 1st level, a warpriest receives Weapon

Focus as a bonus feat (choosing any weapon, not just his
deity’s favored weapon). If his deity’s favored weapon is
unarmed strike, he can instead select Improved Unarmed
Strike as a bonus feat.
I was reading what he wrote as basically saying "you get weapon focus in everything you're proficient in"


Well, that would have been silly.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
lantzkev wrote:
to be specific

At 1st level, a warpriest receives Weapon

Focus as a bonus feat (choosing any weapon, not just his
deity’s favored weapon). If his deity’s favored weapon is
unarmed strike, he can instead select Improved Unarmed
Strike as a bonus feat.
I was reading what he wrote as basically saying "you get weapon focus in everything you're proficient in"


Well, that would have been silly.

Silly-awesome. Crusader MacGyver style.

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