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Nope. While the folks at Paizo have likely started planning for it, it is still just under a year away. The soonest any of the rest of us are likely to hear about it will be at Paizocon 2014, in a month or two.
Indeed. In fact, we've got folks well into writing that AP already, and are also planning and outlining the AP that comes after THAT one as well. But as Adam said, we don't announce those until Paizocon and Gen Con.

Bellona |
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Maybe Andoran, Taldor, Qadira, Absalom, or Jalmeray?
If venturing farther afield, maybe something in Casmaron, southern Garund, or Arcadia?
While it would be nice to see something to do with Akitron, Castrovel, Verces, or the other worlds, I suspect that that would be too soon after RoW and Iron Gods.

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I still hold out hope for a time traveling AP. That probably qualifies as "oddball" so the earliest would be 2 after Iron Gods, as they seem to not do two "oddball" APs in a row.
Yeah, the one after Iron Gods will probably be more traditional. They've made a point, thus far, of alternating between traditional and experimental APs.
I have my little list of things I'd like to see in the traditional AP after Iron Gods, but my list for the one after that is basically just "surprise me." Which was also my list for Wrath of the Righteous and Iron Gods, so they're doing pretty good!

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My wild speculation: Kyonin/Galt/Andoran/Taldor region. Political tensions, Gray Gardeners as bad guys. Would feel very Council of Thieves in tone. PC's working with revolutionary group opposed to the oppressive Gardener regime, but also must face Taldan corruption and the hostile neighbors to the north.

Tangent101 |
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To be honest, I'd love to see something along the lines of "Night Below" for the next AP, starting in a small town with a larger untamed region with hints at a larger threat, but allowing the players to thrive in their home setting. Without that home being nuked at some point.
I know that the first part of Runelords does the same, but the last couple of APs have the players bouncing from locale to locale without ever truly settling down. Even the current AP, Mummy's Mask, doesn't have that "home" feel to it - the players are there to loot old tombs in a city initially, and then from the sounds of it have to wander to various regions to find out what's going on.
It's those small communities that give players the greatest chance to bond with its inhabitants. Runelords had an immensely rich community and opportunities for players to become a part of that community. I'm not sure a city quite offers the same feel (unless the players start out in a specific city quarter that is mapped out more).
And let's be honest: the small tight-knit community is a staple of fantasy, and a successful one at that. It provides players with the incentive to continue on. Reign of Winter give you a "save the world" quest but little in the way of incentive. Wrath of the Righteous does the same, with players just there to kill off demons. But having the players either having grown up in their small community or having traveled there and established themselves after a short period of time... well, that helps build the feel and sense of home that drives the most successful of campaigns.
"Night Below" succeeded with that with Milborne and Thurmaster (probably the former more than the latter), and Runelords most definitely succeeded with Sandpoint. It is this that I'd want to see in the next AP to succeed Iron Gods (or even its successor): a campaign that starts small and allows the players to grow... but still retain that sense of home and community so to keep the players grounded in the world. :)

User69 |
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The next 2015 spring AP, could relate to the Darkland under Avistan (element of earth).
We had Skull & Shackles (2012) about element of water (ocean, island, ship, pirates).
Reign of Winter (2013) dedicated to the element of air (cold climate, flying drake battle, long travel).
Then, Mummy's Mask (2014) dedicated to the element of fire (hot, desert).
Possibly Paizo is doing a quadrilogy of the Elements and the next is earth?

Laric |
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Given that they tend to do two or three Avistan APs for every Garund AP they do, I would predict that we are in for another Avistan APs after Iron Gods.
Avistan Runelords
Avistan Crimson Throne
Avistan Second Darkness
Garund Legacy of Fire
Avistan Council of Thieves
Avistan Kingmaker
Garund Serpent's Skull
Avistan Carrion Crown
Avistan/Tian Xia Jade Regent
Garund Skull and Shackles
Avistan Shattered Star
Avistan(mostly) Reign of Winter
Avistan Wrath of the Righteous
Garund Mummy's Mask
Avistan Iron Gods
Avistan ???

WitchyTangles |
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I'm not actually sure what exactly I'm looking for. I'd run Wrath of the Righteous but our other gm is running it. Maybe something that delves into past mysteries more. Something that eventually took you to the ruins of Azlant to fight an aboleth menace would be fun.
I'd like one also where you have an established life in a city/community to have a good back ground and rich back story to work with. We're a pretty heavy role playing group and like to have an environment to work with like a city. I've thought of running Shattered Star, but I hate the Pathfinders to death. Something in Taldor would be awesome!!! More in Katapesh, some place in Cheliax or another big old city.
ANYWAY... I'm looking forward to what ever may be coming down the pipe next. Hopefully I'll stop being such a picky brat and like something enough to run it :P

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Oh! Oh! Maybe it has to do with the Harbingers!
.Ah Hah!
Bethcha you're right.
And The Harbingers of Fate Adventure Path could take place pretty much anywhere though an Absalom beginning sounds most likely, especially considering that outside of Society Play we have essentially nothing in Absalom despite such huge demand for such an obvious "standard D&D setting location" -- THE central, mega metropolis -- i.e. Free City of Greyhawk, Waterdeep, Ptolus, etc., etc.
But from Absalom I can see The Harbingers of Fate AP going to Azlant (another hugely in demand location. But though Cheliax would also be an obvious stopping (or starting) point for the campaign, I don't think it's as likely, for metagame reasons, since we've had an entire AP there already -- though for me, there'll always be room on my shelf for more adventures in Cheliax.

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The one after Iron Gods will probably be more traditional. They've made a point, thus far, of alternating between traditional and experimental APs.
And here's hoping they decide to stop, at least for a couple years (4 APs), doing the "experimental" APs.
Modules are a great venue for time travelling and SciFi Planet adventures and all that other hogwash that's only fun every once in a blue moon.
The APs should stick to new twists and plays on the classic D&D / high fantasy swords & sorcery tropes.

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Landon Winkler wrote:The one after Iron Gods will probably be more traditional. They've made a point, thus far, of alternating between traditional and experimental APs..
And here's hoping they decide to stop, at least for a couple years (4 APs), doing the "experimental" APs.
Modules are a great venue for time travelling and SciFi Planet adventures and all that other hogwash that's only fun every once in a blue moon.
The APs should stick to new twists and plays on the classic D&D / high fantasy swords & sorcery tropes.
No way, I like the mix it should be 50/50.

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Landon Winkler wrote:The one after Iron Gods will probably be more traditional. They've made a point, thus far, of alternating between traditional and experimental APs..
And here's hoping they decide to stop, at least for a couple years (4 APs), doing the "experimental" APs.
Modules are a great venue for time travelling and SciFi Planet adventures and all that other hogwash that's only fun every once in a blue moon.
The APs should stick to new twists and plays on the classic D&D / high fantasy swords & sorcery tropes.
This is unlikely, since so far their experimental APs have been some of their best selling (Rasputin Must Die leaps to mind specifically).

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W E Ray wrote:No way, I like the mix it should be 50/50.Yeah.
And here's hoping they decide to stop, at least for a couple years (4 APs), doing the "experimental" APs.
Modules are a great venue for time travelling and SciFi Planet adventures and all that other hogwash that's only fun every once in a blue moon.
The APs should stick to new twists and plays on the classic D&D / high fantasy swords & sorcery tropes.
I personally really like the 50/50. It takes us about a year to get through an AP, which means having a safe AP and one attempt to hit it out of the park in that time is perfect for us. Obviously, other groups will have other tastes.
On the bright side, "experimental" doesn't really mean "crazy setting" in this context. Wrath of the Righteous and Shattered Star are both entrenched in long-standing fantasy traditions. I mean, fighting an army of demons and dungeon crawling to gather the fragments of a shattered artifact? It's hard to get more classic than that.
They're just experimental in other ways (the Mythic rules and being a sequel, respectively). I wouldn't want sequels or Mythic paths all the time either, but I'm glad they keep trying new things.

Oceanshieldwolf |
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Landon Winkler wrote:The one after Iron Gods will probably be more traditional. They've made a point, thus far, of alternating between traditional and experimental APs..
And here's hoping they decide to stop, at least for a couple years (4 APs), doing the "experimental" APs.
Modules are a great venue for time travelling and SciFi Planet adventures and all that other hogwash that's only fun every once in a blue moon.
Disagree. Thank you for categorizing my interests as hogwash.
The APs should stick to new twists and plays on the classic D&D / high fantasy swords & sorcery tropes.
Disagree. See "stick to" and "classic" as "only fun every once in a blue moon".
Personal tastes differ. I don't think the experimental APs have appeared at all - these "experiments" have been carried out in the 1980's - adventurers going to Earth occurred in City Beyond the Gate (Robert Shroeck, Dragon Magazine @1985) and futuristic elements in the original Blackmoor (Dave Arneson) as well as Expedition to the Barrier Peaks (Gary Gygax, 1980) with many fans. If Jade Oath is "experimental" or "hogwash" to you, then you have some serious cultural issues.

Seth Parsons |
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Seth Parsons wrote:Oh! Oh! Maybe it has to do with the Harbingers!.
.Ah Hah!
Bethcha you're right.
And The Harbingers of Fate Adventure Path could take place pretty much anywhere though an Absalom beginning sounds most likely, especially considering that outside of Society Play we have essentially nothing in Absalom despite such huge demand for such an obvious "standard D&D setting location" -- THE central, mega metropolis -- i.e. Free City of Greyhawk, Waterdeep, Ptolus, etc., etc.
But from Absalom I can see The Harbingers of Fate AP going to Azlant (another hugely in demand location. But though Cheliax would also be an obvious stopping (or starting) point for the campaign, I don't think it's as likely, for metagame reasons, since we've had an entire AP there already -- though for me, there'll always be room on my shelf for more adventures in Cheliax.
My idea would be to start in Diobel for the first book, then have the PC's head to Taldor (Oppara, to be previse). Book 3 would see them return to Diobel and at the end of that, they go to Absalom. Book 4 is all Absalom, but 'concludes' with the party heading to Cheliax. Book 5 is the party siding with a number of factions (or none, for nightmare mode) as they tromp through Southern and Central Cheliax. Book 6 sees them taking down the BBEG and their closest lieutenants on one of the island remnants in Azlant, preventing a corrupted wish or something that would see the world undone. Would be pretty awesome, and allow for some pretty cool writing, experimentation, and other stuff. Heavy hints on Aroden's death/disappearance, but still nothing finite or tangible to tease us players and GMs.

UnArcaneElection |
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{. . .} I've thought of running Shattered Star, but I hate the Pathfinders to death. {. . .}
Just had a thought: What about a Pathfinder Adventure Path where Pathfinders are the adversaries? I have been thinking of an idea of some adventuring/exploring/discovering types -- potentially disillusioned Pathfinders -- get fed up with the amorality and secrecy of the Pathfinder Society and especially with its secretive and unaccountable rulers (the Decemvirate), and decide to establish a competing good-aligned organization: the Andoren Geographic Society (Andoran being a natural home for such a thing). Note: Competing evil-aligned organization has already been done at least once: the Aspis Consortium. They could be a good adversary too, and faced with upstart competition, the Pathfinders and the Aspis Consortium might decide upon tacit cooperation (clandestinely, possibly more than just tacit).
{. . .} Heavy hints on Aroden's death/disappearance, but still nothing finite or tangible to tease us players and GMs.
All of a sudden, I've got this thought stuck in my head that what REALLY happened to Aroden is very similar to what REALLY happened to Metro Man in Megamind.

Dragonchess Player |
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If it's a Vudra-themed AP, then IMO it should be about rakshasa (a maharaja rakshasa makes a good AP-ending CR 20 BBEG), with a side of genies (see Jalmeray). Because rakshasa are heavily involved with building power over societies (plus their infiltration of said societies), they make a natural foe for an urban campaign with a "secret war" vibe (see also Escape from Old Korvosa).

Damon Griffin |
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Yep, Irnk's right. We'll announce the winter/spring 2015 Adventure Path (the one following Iron Gods) at PaizoCon this July.
Will (should) the first book of Iron Gods have shipped before the announcement is made regarding the next AP?
I have so little interest in Iron Gods that I've been considering the permanent loss of my Charter Subscriber status (and the temporary loss of any discounts that come with an AP subscription) by opting out of that one.
Having fallen, there's less incentive to buy all future APs, so I might be opting in and out on a case by case basis after that. If I know by the 11th hour I will definitely want the successor to Iron Gods, I may give in to the Acute Collectoritis that's plagued me all my life, and not break up the series.

Damon Griffin |

If it's a Vudra-themed AP, then IMO it should be about rakshasa (a maharaja rakshasa makes a good AP-ending CR 20 BBEG), with a side of genies (see Jalmeray). Because rakshasa are heavily involved with building power over societies (plus their infiltration of said societies), they make a natural foe for an urban campaign with a "secret war" vibe (see also Escape from Old Korvosa).
I'd bet against seeing much of Vudra before Paizo works out how they want psionics to work. They've maintained a policy of not doing it at all until they can do it right, and I'm very happy with that...although I do hope they figure it out before another 10 years goes by...

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Will (should) the first book of Iron Gods have shipped before the announcement is made regarding the next AP?
Well, the next AP announcement would usually be at PaizoCon (early July) and Iron Gods should be starting at GenCon (August), so you should have plenty of time to make any decisions you need.

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Adam Daigle wrote:Yep, Irnk's right. We'll announce the winter/spring 2015 Adventure Path (the one following Iron Gods) at PaizoCon this July.Will (should) the first book of Iron Gods have shipped before the announcement is made regarding the next AP?
I have so little interest in Iron Gods that I've been considering the permanent loss of my Charter Subscriber status (and the temporary loss of any discounts that come with an AP subscription) by opting out of that one.
Having fallen, there's less incentive to buy all future APs, so I might be opting in and out on a case by case basis after that. If I know by the 11th hour I will definitely want the successor to Iron Gods, I may give in to the Acute Collectoritis that's plagued me all my life, and not break up the series.
And for me, it's Mummy's Mask that almost left me so bored that I debated dropping Charter, but Iron Gods is an absolute must-have for me.
But so far, though, even the APs that have bored me to tears conceptually or even after several issues in (Council of Thieves, Shattered Star, Reign of Winter) have ended up having parts that wowed me (all the new devils in the bestiaries, the final boss for Shattered Star, the trip to alt-Earth) and made it worth sticking out to the next AP that I was all in on before it even saw print (Kingmaker, Wrath of the Righteous).
They aren't going to please everybody with every issue or even every AP. but the track record they've established over the now 16 completed adventure paths (counting the 3 3.5 D&D ones) Paizo has published has earned a good bit of faith from me. No matter how weird Iron Gods gets, there will be bits and pieces of it usable for every campaign, even just as gear for some bizarre Numerian invaders for Kingmaker or techno-demons if your Wrath of the Righteous PCs fail or whatnot.

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I need Paizo to publish more APs that I don't want to play or run.... I have the problem that I can't come close to running them all, but I want to. My FtF Kingmaker group is halfway through after just over a year. (Taking summers off, and mostly playing only about twice a month, mind you.) And PbP games... well, time dilation is huge.

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I need Paizo to publish more APs that I don't want to play or run.... I have the problem that I can't come close to running them all, but I want to. My FtF Kingmaker group is halfway through after just over a year. (Taking summers off, and mostly playing only about twice a month, mind you.) And PbP games... well, time dilation is huge.
I know that feeling! Even completing a campaign a year, we're falling behind at an absurd rate.
We'll be starting Shattered Star around GenCon and I already have an old friend who wants to come out of retirement to play Reign of Winter... a player who wants to play Wrath of the Righteous... another player who wants me to convert Second Darkness... and my spouse is thinking about running Emerald Spire when it comes out.
That's one of the reasons I'm so excited about paths like Iron Gods. I'd rather have them reach for the stars and risk falling short than make a "safe" AP, because I can't run all of them anyway so the chance of something truly phenomenal clearly outweighs the risk of having one I won't run.