Mark Hoover 330 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
468. The drugs just wore off
469. The drugs just kicked in
470. Because Stone Cold said so
471. Your new fighting moves aren't going to name themselves
472. It was an option when you clicked the button, next to "Ask for information" and "get a drink"
473. Pan-dimensional profiling
474. As a distraction so you could lose the Inevitable in the crowd
475. Its a Tuesday
476. You just snapped into a Slim Jim
477. To protect the innocent
478. Ratings
479. Every time you get hit your mutant power kicks in and a duplicate of you appears
480. Nihilism
481. Alcoholism
482. The 666 curses of The Bloodsworn compel you
483. Its a slow night
484. You're sober
485. The bartender just grumbled "we don't serve their kind here" and pointed to your droids
486. You need to get yourself arrested at this phase in the plan
487. Cash
488. Johnny Cash
489. Cash Cab
490. Someone across the bar had the audacity to say that Back to the Future was garbage

Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |

493. "And the man in the back said Everyone Attack!"
Dang It! Ninja-ed by Scintillae.

avr |

494. You had to stop karaoke night somehow.
495. The little guy next to you won't stop poking you.
496. The inquisition just popped up. Quick, you need a distraction!
497. The bill from the last round you ordered is more than the amount you can pay.
498. The girl/guy you're with is impressed by 'bad boys'.

Mark Hoover 330 |
499. You were just swatting a fly off someone's face
500. Hearsay
501. Heresy
502. Hennessy
503. You're off your meds
504. You're ON your meds
505. You had unused rounds of Rage left for the day
506. A shoulder massage went horribly wrong
507. Someone in the bar is named Han
508. The rest of the patrons were getting in the way of the bounty you're here for
509. They wanted your Beskar armor
510. This is the way

Freehold DM |

499. You were just swatting a fly off someone's face
500. Hearsay
501. Heresy
502. Hennessy
503. You're off your meds
504. You're ON your meds
505. You had unused rounds of Rage left for the day
506. A shoulder massage went horribly wrong
507. Someone in the bar is named Han
508. The rest of the patrons were getting in the way of the bounty you're here for
509. They wanted your Beskar armor
510. This is the way

Mark Hoover 330 |
511. Failed Will save
512. Trying to learn the Grappling rules
513. Your GM wants you to
514. Your GM doesn't want you to
515. Too much pepper in your food
516. You're trying to put out a fire only you can see
517. Demonic possession
518. The patron radiates an aura of evil
519. You haven't gotten a critical hit yet tonight
520. Mitichlorians

Haladir |

521. Because Saturday night's alright for fighting
522. Because the tavern is your Battlefield!
523. The black-haired Cimmerian scowled. "By Crom, I do not like this place, where dead men rise, and sleeping men vanish into the bellies of shadows!"

Tim Emrick |

526. That overly perky halfling lass a few tables over just started singing a song praising the scurvy pirate captain who sank your ship and conscripted you into service for a couple of voyages until you managed to escape.
(Actual event from my Freeport home game, based on actual PC backstory. Even more fun, said pirate captain was that player's PC from my previous campaign in the setting.)

SilvercatMoonpaw |
545) Because the Scottish guy said "There can be only one". Of course, he also mentioned aliens, and you're sure that's a contradic--
546) Because that's what the man dressed in a black suit told you were doing while he put away his funny silver wand.
547) Because your GM just got Bancalonia and wants to try out the Brawl rules.