Goth Guru |
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Tabards, Posters, and handbills.
A tabard is a sort of sleeveless T-Shirt that fits over armor or magic gear. While it originally was a place for coats of arms, slogans, philosophies, or even jokes could be block printed on them. Graffiti and posters could show up on the walls of dungeons or taverns. This is the Cleaves and beyond deck for this. I would hope it reaches 100 or more.
1: Kilroy was here. (He's a goblin chieftain with a huge nose)
2: Drawing of an eye in a triangle. (The eye in the sky can see out of these. Oogler worshipers love these.)
Raymond Lambert |
-Tunnel snakes RULE!! (Fallout ref)
-A locked door opens up to a bricked up wall with graffiti "He got what he deserved!"
-X was here, the name of a rival adventuring group, have the PCs spot this several times were bodies lay so they think they have a real fight on their hands.
-help wanted, torch bearers & heavy lifters for long journeys
-help wanted, test subjects for new spell research
Archpaladin Zousha |
14. TOY
Goth Guru |
16. A T made of six sided figures.
Torch Wood.
Usually found near a time/space rift.;_ylt=AwrB8pn2rk9VjlQAv1EunIlQ;_ ylu=X3oDMTIzaWNiNWd1BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM4MzBhN2IwOTQxZWU2MGJlY2UxNzc 1ZDQ5MjBjZTljOQRncG9zAzk0BGl0A2Jpbmc-?.origin=&back=https%3A%2F%2Fimage fr2%3Dpiv-web%26hsimp%3Dyhs-001%26hspart%3Dmozilla%26nost%3D1%26tab%3Dorgan ic%26ri%3D94&w=3200&h=2000& papers%2FDoctor%2520Who%2FTorchwood%2FTorchwood%2520-%2520Desktop.jpg&r od%2F&size=5958.5KB&name=%3Cb%3ETorchwood%3C%2Fb%3E+-+Desktop.jpg+5 .8M&p=torchwood&oid=830a7b0941ee60bece1775d4920ce9c9&fr2=piv-we b&fr=yhs-mozilla-001&tt=%3Cb%3ETorchwood%3C%2Fb%3E+-+Desktop.jpg+5. 8M&b=61&ni=21&no=94&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=11sbke4nd& amp;sigb=14b2rctar&sigi=12kjb6fsq&sigt=113jn1c00&sign=113jn1c00 &.crumb=8mxJZNdoVRy&fr=yhs-mozilla-001&fr2=piv-web&hsimp=yh s-001&hspart=mozilla
Mark Hoover |
17. Bad Wolf
18. Don't Blink
19. Blood and Souls for my lord...
20. Eat at Joes
Or per the OP, they could be symbols/crests
21. Arcane sigils, non-magical, but representing the powers of Necromancy and Permanency
22. A triangular crest outlined in black on a green background; above is a golden hippogriff rampant; below are three black towers
23. A pair of hammers crossed over a keg with the slogan in dwarven: "fortitude before the enemy and the rail"
24. A wall with a crude image of Abadar's Key pointed at a slight angle toward a Small sized grate in the floor
25. a winged book, its cover adorned by a longsword surrounded by a very faint glow that actually emanates from the blade (if Detect Magic is employed this is a permanent Prestidigitation effect)
Qaianna |
31: You call them tabards. I call them uniform jerseys. Team colours, logo, nickname, and squad number. And to mess with the monsters make the cleric wear one with his name as 'Barbarian'.
32: In the (motor)sports them ... sponsors! Especially on the rear quarterpanel of the party's loot wagon. Bonus points for a down-south accent when relating the party's tales to bards. 'Yeah, the Five Kings Mountain Tourism Board earthbreaker hammer did good today; I wanna thank ... '
33: Speaking of bards ... concert tour posters or t-shirts. 'Mithril Militia 4713 World Tour!'
34: Graffiti or billboard or t-shirt. 'Our strategist is the barbarian. What's your excuse?'
35: Joke poster: 'WANTED: Dead or Alive', enchanted with illusion spell to show a portrait of the viewer. 'REWARD: 5 copper pieces'.
36: Graffiti. 'For a good time pray to Sarenrae. For a chaotic time pray to Callistra. For ... ' and a broken pen/brush/chisel.
Qaianna |
38. Life of the party [Picture of a Cure Light Wounds potion] since 1974!
39. [Picture of the most stereotypical dwarven urgrosh wielder imaginable] AND MY AXE
40. Front: Dwarf from #39, with 'AND MY BOW'. Back: Daintiest elven archer you can draw, with 'AND MY AXE'. Bonus points if those pictures are party members armed appropriately.
41. Advert or t-shirt. 'Paulo's Polearms. Size DOES matter.'
42. T-shirt. 'Full Caster. Why yes, I DO wish!'
Goddity |
44. Help! I'm trapped in a dungeon wall making factory!
45. Don't look behind you!
46. The holy grail is in the castle of Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarg.
47. Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there were some adventurers like you. The traveled into a dungeon for glory. They found on one of the walls a bunch of text. They stopped to translate it without realizing that it is cursed. If you finish reading it then you will become the text like I did before you.
48. Missing: One Cloud Castle of The Storm King. If found please return to Walter Howards at 23rd Main Street in (Insert main city name here). Reward available.
RustedKitsune |
58. My Other Crossbow Fires Twice
59. [a skull in the middle of a triangle made of arm bones] Reduce, Reuse, Reanimate - Necromancy, Reducing Our Society's Dependence On The Funerary-Industrial Complex
60. [on the back lower section of the tabard] SMITE THIS
Mark Hoover 330 |
66. The King in Yellow: a 5 act play for one night only
67. A 5 pointed star drawn with curving, distorted lines; each point has an eldritch sigil and the center displays a flame, dancing in the center of an iris
68. An upraised hand, thumb tucked in while the other four fingers are spread, 2 to a side, forming a kind of "V' shape, with words in ancient elven reading "Live Long, And Prosper"
69. A mummified hand upraised with a single eye, hideous and red, in the center of the palm and words all around the image proclaiming "Vecna LIVES!"
70. The roaring, sneering face of a man in black and white with long, feral hair and beard, silently twists and screams in this animated poster. The figure also holds some kind of placard with numbers before him. Above the illusory image read the words "Have you seen this wizard?"
71. Asmodeus wants YOU! (image of a Hellknight pointing their index finger at the viewer)
And now... some D&D adventure tropes
72. Help wanted: rats to be cleared from the cellars beneath the Prancing Pony
73. Needed: caravan guards. Report to the Guildhouse for contract work
74. Looking for new friends to join in your epic quest? Thurinday Nights are Adventurer Nights at the Prancing Pony! Enjoy mingling with your future dungeonmates and 2 for 1 rail drinks!
75. Bandits! The Gray Forest is home to bloodthirsty highwayfolk. Report to the Sheriff for work as a deputized posse to end the scourge now
Pizza Lord |
76. [Handbill] 'Visit Goth Guru's Infinite Crate Warehouse'.
77. [Poster] 'By order of the Guard, No unbonded weapons permitted on the streets'
78. [Handbill] 'Mana burn... That was a thing right?'
79. [Tabard] '+5 Tabard of Damn-Good-Looking'.
80. [Tabard] 'Hey. My eyes are up here!' [Arrow pointing upwards]
Goth Guru |
82.Beware, here there be trolls.
Go to Troll face. 39781194%2Fstock-illustration-internet-troll-meme-character-face.html&p sig=AOvVaw2XLD_45k4i5-o3HkQ0u1i1&ust=1624314825332000&source=images &cd=vfe&ved=0CAoQjRxqFwoTCOiyrdyip_ECFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE
Pizza Lord |
83."Who would of thought it figures"
Printed on a large tabard worn by an iron(ic) golem whose limbs are studded with the protruding blades of 10,000 knives.
84. "Pardon our dust" Usually a sign or poster but is quite silly on a tabard.
Possibly written on a sign in Aklo, found in a cavern beneath a colony of ungols (which are spiders from Middle Earth, which is probably why you never find out what an Ungol is in D&D).) Survival or Knowledge (Nature) check required to recognize the hazard, assuming the PCs can see the colony.
Ungol dust is, of course, an inhaled poison.-------------------------------------------------
85. Tabard: 'Arrow-proof'
Of course, the tabard is cut to just above knee-length.