Quandary |

Rakshasa's Arcana boost to DC to Spellcraft ID your spells could be relevant if your opponents aren't meant to know you are casting Illusion spells... I believe opponents get some sort of bonus or an extra/automatic Save to Disbelieve if they have good reason to think it is an Illusion, i.e. because they ID'd it as being of the Illusion school (only relevant for certain types of Illusions). AFAIK there are some other options (Feats?) to do the same, either stacking with Rakshasa for maximal reliability or helping out non-Rakshasa builds.
Arcane is a good one if you consider going Cross-Blooded, because it's bonus Spells Known partially offsets the downside of Crossblooded. Crosssblooded's Will Save penalty also hurts though.