Crafting wands; when (if ever) is it viable to apply metamagic feats to the spells.


Good Evening Fellow Gamers,

I'm looking into crafting some wands, and I was wondering when (if ever) applying metamagic feats would be appropriate.

A wand of Reach Cure Light Wounds, or a wand of Cure Moderate Wounds would be the same price.

The reaching cure light wounds would allow the healer to cure 1d8+3 points of damage out to 30 feet,

While the wand of cure moderate would heal 2d8+3, but require you to be adjacent.

An Extend Spell wand of Mage Armor at caster level 8 would last for 16 hours, and cost 12,000gp. It would still cost 12,000gp at caster level 16, but it requires you to be caster level 16 to get the 16 hours of protection.

What other metamagic applications would you suggest for wands?

Efficiency and efficacy are the orders of the day.

Very Respectfully,

IMO on damage dealing spells.
Imagine a wand of Fireball with Maximize, Intensified, and Widen attached to it...

That would be awesome, but there is a hard limit on the level of spell put into a wand.

And while a nuclear fireball would be amazing, it wouldn't 'fit' in a wand.

Very Respectfully,

Intensified Shocking grasp. Deal more damage than a friggin' catapult!

Intensified, Reach, shocking grasp. O_O


Better_with_Bacon wrote:

Intensified, Reach, shocking grasp. O_O


It's always better with Bacon.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Kittenological wrote:
Intensified Shocking grasp. Deal more damage than a friggin' catapult!

Keep in mind though that's going to be one hell of an expensive wand... 10th level caster plus the cost for the metamagic feat.

WOW D20 had a system for metamagiced wands. there was a cost to have the metamagic worked in and the wand would use extra charges equal to the level boost the feat would put in.

Better_with_Bacon wrote:

That would be awesome, but there is a hard limit on the level of spell put into a wand.

And while a nuclear fireball would be amazing, it wouldn't 'fit' in a wand.

Very Respectfully,

Semantics side debate...

Is that hard cap on the spell level or the spell slot?
It says up to any 4th level spell you know.
The level of the spell has not changed just the spell slot has (due to the application of feats).

On a serious note: I understand your point and agree with it; but the wording of the feat does allow for an alternate interpretation.

Extend is nice for some first level spells, mostly to force a minimum duration.

Rime on a wand of frost fall. Auto entangle up to 4 enemies unless they have cold resistance.
The actual damage and the small chance that they fail their save and are staggered is just icing on the cake.

Hmm, that does sound pretty nice.

Very Respectfully,

Sovereign Court

If you're really serious about this you might want to look at the Staff-Like Wand discovery for wizards.

Putting damage-dealing spells into wands is actually a very bad idea-not only is it going to be horrendously expensive (That Reach, Intensified, 10th level Shocking Grasp Wand is going to run you 22,500 gold) but the save DC is going to be at the lowest possible, making it unlikely that they'll ever take full damage. If it must be a damage-dealing spell, make sure that it either doesn't allow a save, such as Enervation or Stonecall, or that it only allows a touch attack, such as Scorching Ray.

The real value of wands is typically in buffs and situational spells, neither of which lend themselves well to metamagic. The most useful one is extend...but if you have a wand, you can just cast it twice for a much cheaper price. But with that said, there's still a few corner-cases of good use...

The first would be Tenebrous Spell used on shadow spells. Bonuses to the DC for free? Why not?

The second would be Rime Spell. I'd normally shy away from such a thing, but if you get some kind of cold-damage (Might I recommend Frigid Touch?) then the battlefield control of no-save entangling becomes fairly nice. Even Ray of Frost can be handy, at low levels.

The third would be Reach Spell, the prime spell you've been using already. On a wand, in a dangerous situation, it can be invaluable. That said, the list of spells it improves is...pretty low.

Lastly, a rare option for offensive wands. Merciful Spell, so that you don't accidentally kill Bob the Commoner when you fireball into the middle of the Troll Horde attacking him.

DWSage007 wrote:

The second would be Rime Spell. I'd normally shy away from such a thing, but if you get some kind of cold-damage (Might I recommend Frigid Touch?) then the battlefield control of no-save entangling becomes fairly nice. Even Ray of Frost can be handy, at low levels.

A rimed ray of frost entangles for 0 rounds.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Damian Magecraft wrote:
On a serious note: I understand your point and agree with it; but the wording of the feat does allow for an alternate interpretation.
PRD wrote:
Magic Items and Metamagic Spells: With the right item creation feat, you can store a metamagic version of a spell in a scroll, potion, or wand. Level limits for potions and wands apply to the spell's higher spell level (after the application of the metamagic feat). A character doesn't need the metamagic feat to activate an item storing a metamagic version of a spell.

I don't see any room for interpretation on this.

You can make a wand, or other item, with a metamagic version of the spell, but the hard cap is on the increased spell level then, so some of the examples given couldn't be done in a wand. And cost calculations need to use the higher spell level and caster level as well.

My2Copper wrote:
DWSage007 wrote:

The second would be Rime Spell. I'd normally shy away from such a thing, but if you get some kind of cold-damage (Might I recommend Frigid Touch?) then the battlefield control of no-save entangling becomes fairly nice. Even Ray of Frost can be handy, at low levels.
A rimed ray of frost entangles for 0 rounds.

Er. Whups. Icicle Dagger. Pretend I said Icicle dagger. Entangle people by stabbing them.

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