Building a Truly Powerful Theurge [need help]


Most of the online posts I find discuss how a Mystic Theurge is not a powerful option as it limits one to the 17th caster level. This, however is not true; it limits on to the 19th. (I am playing with a level 20 limit)

Linked here
is the one method which may make it so.

By using either a Drow Noble or Aasimar, (or a few other creatures from the extended list), one can go

1:divine, 9:arcane, 10:Theurge
Other such as the Drow Noble
1:arcane, 9:divine, 10:Theurge

Is this overpowered? It should be; I am doing a player vs. player one-day battle royal. My worst fear is a monk/paladin/gunslinger who does 'enough' damage, targets touch, and has specialized- enchanted- bullets for everything. [There is no cost limit; only a limit on the number of magic items excluding conventional weapons and armor- 2 such items plus 1 per character item slot]

What are my best options? Here are some of my ideas:
Drow Noble:
Oracle 9
Summoner<Synthesist archetype> 1
Sorcerer<Cross Blooded Red Dragon and Fire Element> 9
Cleric 1
Wizard 9
Ceric 1
Witch 9
Paladin 1/Cleric 1

Essentially I need high saves on everything, either massive utility or the ability to massacre everything in one round, and an initiative from the Gods themselves. The MO is to build the most overpowered character possible. I like the idea of Summoner 1 (11 after 10 levels of Mystic Theurge) because it means I can give my character great physical and mental stats, a fantastic AC, flight, and some powerful level 9 spells from any divine class. Unfortunately to avoid banishment, I would have to give up teleport for dimensional shackles. As to the divine class I am uncertain. There are many options. Storm of Vengeance is one of the nicer looking ones. There are also items to consider; further limitations include no contingency spells prepared ahead of time, spells and potions prior to battle are limited to 5 total(3 spells/2 potions etcetera)-none which take longer than a minute to preform, everyone starts near each other and have a 250 foot radius from thence in which to maneuver.

I think a Magus/cleric could be quite potent, spell cobat would really raise the utility

That looks great; one could even use wands [which go up to caster level 7] to enhance his attacks- if you focus the magus above the cleric; but then access to level 9 spells would be null.

The other way is better, I think, though. You get access to level 9 cleric spells and some nice tricks from the Magus, including 2 of his lv 4 spells; arcana theft is useful verses magic users while black tentacles is great for anyone who can't make a low save.

It still won't be up to OP standards though; we want broken here. Item suggestions are great too.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

the highest powered MT i've seen (credit goes to ParagonDireRaccoon) around here was:

CG dual-talent human wizard (diviner [illusion/necromancy]) 4 / cleric (desna [luck, liberation]) 6 / mystic theurge 10
levels go: wiz 3 / clr 3 / MT 10 / wiz 1 / clr 3

stats (20pb):
str 8 (-2pt), dex 16, con 20 (5pt), int 30 (10t +2r), wis 30 (7pt +2r), cha 10
wis/int/wis/int/wis (level), +6 dex/con/int/wis (belt/headband), +4 int/wis (book/wish)

favored class (cleric)
esoteric training (35 fame [+3 wizard, +1 cleric])
greensting scorpion familiar

magical knack (cleric)

*suggested* feats:
1 Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus(Conjuration)
3 Augment Summoning
5 Sacred Summons
7 Extend Spell
9 Craft Wondrous Items
11 Superior Summoning
13 Theurgy
15 Spell Penetration
17 Craft Wand/Craft Staff/Improved Initiative (whichever)
19 Greater Spell Penetration

focus on utility early game, and summoning and buffing your summons. item crafting saves you some cash, and watch out for str debuffs from enemy spells/poison/disease/etc.

for endgame gear i'd suggest:
+5 silken ceremonial armor/haramaki/armored kilt (your choice)
+5 mithral buckler
+6 int/wis headband
+6 dex/con belt
ebon wayfinder
orange prism ioun stone (slotted in ebon wayfinder)
vibrant purple prism (slotted in ebon wayfinder)
cracked dust rose prism

your initiative will be sitting at +14 (+3 dex +4 wizard +2 trait +4 familiar +1 competence), +18 if you grab improved initiative.

conflictensues wrote:

That looks great; one could even use wands [which go up to caster level 7] to enhance his attacks- if you focus the magus above the cleric; but then access to level 9 spells would be null.

The other way is better, I think, though. You get access to level 9 cleric spells and some nice tricks from the Magus, including 2 of his lv 4 spells; arcana theft is useful verses magic users while black tentacles is great for anyone who can't make a low save.

It still won't be up to OP standards though; we want broken here. Item suggestions are great too.

wands have a hard cap of level 4 spells (or effecive level via metamagics), iirc.

Dark Archive

I'd go for Magus / Cleric or something like that... if guided weapon (enchant) is allowed (heck, you can even use the feat)...

Magus 9 / Cleric 1 / MT 10 should be awesome... there is an arcana that allows for touch attacks... combine that with a to hit on wisdom or dex (guided / dervish dance), spell perfection for quickened spells etc.

you should trow in a level of sorc though (crossblooded) for tha damage, which would make it

Magus 8 / Cleric 1 / Sorc 1 / MT 10 (Magical Knack Magus)

Regarding enough damage:

1 Shocking Grasp (Maximized) 140
1 Shocking Grasp (Quickened) 20 D6 +20 = 90
1 Shocking Grasp (Maximized) from Spell storing Weapon = 140

equals 3 level 1 slots or 3 pearls of power lvl 1 (3.000 Gold) for a total of 330 damage.

Sidenote: are words of power allowed?

AndIMustMask wrote:
wands have a hard cap of level 4 spells (or effecive level via metamagics), iirc.

ooh- that's good to know; the table showed up to lv 7 so i assumed...

Anyhow, the wizard cleric build does bring up summoning and a few other things. Summoned creatures of too low level will be easily banished; unable to make a will save sufficient.

The 'Esoteric Training' is easily the most overpowered thing you mentioned. +3 caster levels and +1 caster level? that puts a character at an effective lv 14 caster and lv 20 caster WITH Mystic Theurge extras. I, unfortunately cannot find this on the Paizo Website except in the forums. It seems to come from 'Inner Sea Magic' which describes it as a follow up to eclectic training; still worth- but is it Pathfinder legal if not expressly using said 'setting?' I am unfamiliar with how these things rule; btw, not sure what 'fame' is either but there is a 35 fame requ- though from what I've read I'd likely attain it far before level 20.

As for the feats, those look good; but craft and scribe are unnecessary as money is not an issue.

Some neat items/spells I found also include
ring of 3 wishes
strand of prayer beads
paragon surge (spell which grants meta magic)

Chevalier83 wrote:
I'd go for Magus / Cleric or something like that... if guided weapon (enchant) is allowed (heck, you can even use the feat)...

'Guided' does not appear here; though it does on the d20 website; is therefore probably no longer in pathfinder.

Chevalier83 wrote:
Magus 9 / Cleric 1 / MT 10 should be awesome... there is an arcana that allows for touch attacks... combine that with a to hit on wisdom or dex (guided / dervish dance), spell perfection for quickened spells etc.

same problem with guided and dervish dance; still powerful though

Chevalier83 wrote:

you should trow in a level of sorc though (crossblooded) for tha damage, which would make it

Magus 8 / Cleric 1 / Sorc 1 / MT 10 (Magical Knack Magus)

Regarding enough damage:

1 Shocking Grasp (Maximized) 140
1 Shocking Grasp (Quickened) 20 D6 +20 = 90
1 Shocking Grasp (Maximized) from Spell storing Weapon = 140

equals 3 level 1 slots or 3 pearls of power lvl 1 (3.000 Gold) for a total of 330 damage.

Sidenote: are words of power allowed?

Words of power are listed here html
so I don't see why not- though we do have a 1 minute turn limit so analysis paralysis shall not pass. I will look more into these because I haven't heard of them before.

As for the damage,
if it is quickened; used twice; also we use pool strike we deal
20 D6 +20
20 D6 +20
6 D6
averages at 198 vs touch ac? That's pretty good; can we be sure to deliver the blow? The monk/gunslinger(and paladin) will have a nice initiative bonus too; if he beats the touch AC (if he does not roll a natural 1), he can probably 1-hit KO us as well as the rest of the contestants: he can target 5 people per round.

conflictensues wrote:
AndIMustMask wrote:
wands have a hard cap of level 4 spells (or effecive level via metamagics), iirc.

ooh- that's good to know; the table showed up to lv 7 so i assumed...

Anyhow, the wizard cleric build does bring up summoning and a few other things. Summoned creatures of too low level will be easily banished; unable to make a will save sufficient.

The 'Esoteric Training' is easily the most overpowered thing you mentioned. +3 caster levels and +1 caster level? that puts a character at an effective lv 14 caster and lv 20 caster WITH Mystic Theurge extras. I, unfortunately cannot find this on the Paizo Website except in the forums. It seems to come from 'Inner Sea Magic' which describes it as a follow up to eclectic training; still worth- but is it Pathfinder legal if not expressly using said 'setting?' I am unfamiliar with how these things rule; btw, not sure what 'fame' is either but there is a 35 fame requ- though from what I've read I'd likely attain it far before level 20.

As for the feats, those look good; but craft and scribe are unnecessary as money is not an issue.

Some neat items/spells I found also include
ring of 3 wishes
strand of prayer beads
paragon surge (spell which grants meta magic)

esoteric not only increases CL, but also increases spell slots/spells known. to get it, you join a mage's guild (the exacts are in the inner sea magic book iirc) and rack in that fame. you've gotta pay for membership annually, and gaining fame can be a pain sometimes, so it's definitely a build with ultra-late game in mind.

the end result would be ECL 17 (4+3+10) wizard and ECL 17 (6+1+10) cleric allowing 9th level spells for both divine and arcane sides.
magical knack bumps that to CL 17/19, and the orange prism ioun stone bumps that to 18/20 (+1d4-2 CL whenever you cast a spell) before taking feats like spell focus into account.

also, the feats could be largely scrapped and redone with whatever you want (if you dont want to focus on summoning, for example). between the two sides you could make an awesome necromancer (after changing your prohibited schools, of course), for example.

AndIMustMask wrote:

esoteric not only increases CL, but also increases spell slots/spells known. to get it, you join a mage's guild (the exacts are in the inner sea magic book iirc) and rack in that fame. you've gotta pay for membership annually, and gaining fame can be a pain sometimes, so it's definitely a build with ultra-late game in mind.

the end result would be ECL 17 (4+3+10) wizard and ECL 17 (6+1+10) cleric allowing 9th level spells for both divine and arcane sides.
magical knack bumps that to CL 17/19, and the orange prism ioun stone bumps that to 18/20 (+1d4-2 CL whenever you cast a spell) before taking feats like spell focus into account.

also, the feats could be largely scrapped and redone with whatever you want (if you dont want to focus on...

That IS scary- but is it Pathfinder legal to use a 'guild' if not running a campaign in that setting? If so, I would have no problem justifying having reached the needed 'fame' for the purposes of this fight.

power words look awesome; I will do a build with them, if not for this, then for later game play.

if you want to raise ac, maybe dipping one level of monk and taking a magus architype with canny defense would be a good idea

Diminuendo wrote:
if you want to raise ac, maybe dipping one level of monk and taking a magus architype with canny defense would be a good idea

I don't think I will be able to dodge bullets but something to stop/displace/ect them would be handy. : )

I think I will do a preliminary build tonight and post it.

The Exchange

conflictensues wrote:

That IS scary- but is it Pathfinder legal to use a 'guild' if not running a campaign in that setting? If so, I would have no problem justifying having reached the needed 'fame' for the purposes of this fight.

Yes, for a given value of legal. Anything is legal if your GM allows it, no matter how esoteric, unusual, or "overpowered" it is. (Or the GM can ban something as core as power attack.)

For something like PFS organized play, it's not legal (just like words of power).

conflictensues wrote:

1:divine, 9:arcane, 10:Theurge
Other such as the Drow Noble
1:arcane, 9:divine, 10:Theurge

What are my best options? Here are some of my ideas:
Drow Noble:
Oracle 9
Summoner<Synthesist archetype> 1
Sorcerer<Cross Blooded Red Dragon and Fire Element> 9
Cleric 1
Wizard 9
Ceric 1
Witch 9
Paladin 1/Cleric 1

You can't use any of the divine class level 1 builds with an aasimar, as Daylight is an arcane spell per the FAQ:

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook Frequently Asked Questions wrote:

Spell-Like Abilities: How do I know whether a spell-like ability is arcane or divine?

The universal monster rules for spell-like abilities states: "Some spell-like abilities duplicate spells that work differently when cast by characters of different classes. A monster's spell-like abilities are presumed to be the sorcerer/wizard versions. If the spell in question is not a sorcerer/wizard spell, then default to cleric, druid, bard, paladin, and ranger, in that order."

For spell-like abilities gained from a creature's race or type (including PC races), the same rule should apply: the creature's spell-like abilities are presumed to be the sorcerer/wizard versions. If the spell in question is not a sorcerer/wizard spell, then default to cleric, druid, bard, paladin, and ranger, in that order.

I just wish you could take the Magic domain as cleric, and use Hand of the Acolyte in conjunction with Spell Strike.

I have a level 1 cleric I plan on making a Mystic Theurge, and I don't think melee combat will be her thing. The race I would have preferred would have been Samorsan, those lizard people, but for PFS, I had to stick with human, and take the dual talent alternative racial trait, which gives Lauren Ipsum a +2 in both Intelligence and Wisdom instead of the bonus feat and bonus skill points.

I thought of a MT with Sorcerer and Oracle, so I would only have to invest in a single ability score, Charisma, but since the prerequisites of MT include the ability to cast Level 2 arcane and divine spells. That means Level 4 Sorcerer and Level 4 Oracle. You couldn't even start taking prestige class levels until level 9. Meanwhile, a lot of the benefit of being either an Oracle or a Sorcerer lies in acquiring class abilities, which stops when you get to be a Mystic Theurge. The good part of being a Mystic Theurge is getting lots of spells from a spell list twice as big.

This is also why I am not in favor of being a Magus/Cleric/Mystic Theurge. You will stop acquiring Magus Special Abilities, and while the Magus spell list is nice, it's not as nice as the Wizard spell list.

Being a good melee fighter is a matter of putting together really good mixes of feats and special abilities, and I just don't see how to do that with Mystic Theurge.

My strategy for a battle royale might be to come up with a character who is just awesomely powerful in combat to win by killing everybody, but I might go with someone sneaky, and mostly hide until everyone kills everyone else, and then just assassinate the last opponent from behind with surprise. At the moment, I am leaning toward an Alchemist archer with Blind Fighting, lots of ranks in Perception, maybe Scent, and the Seeking Enchantment on your bow. I would open up an Eversmoking Bottle, and take advantage of everybody else's blindness, shooting exploding arrows at people that have blindsight, too.

Scott Wilhelm wrote:

[A] lot of the benefit of being either an Oracle or a Sorcerer lies in acquiring class abilities, which stops when you get to be a Mystic Theurge. The good part of being a Mystic Theurge is getting lots of spells from a spell list twice as big.

This is also why I am not in favor of being a Magus/Cleric/Mystic Theurge. You will stop acquiring Magus Special Abilities, and while the Magus spell list is nice, it's not as nice as the Wizard spell list.

This is a good point; but a full spell caster with good preparation and field control can also be devastating. I will need to reconsider dmg output considering that I don't get abilities with from both classes, a downside I'd neglected before.

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
My strategy for a battle royale might be to come up with a character who is just awesomely powerful in combat to win by killing everybody, but I might go with someone sneaky, and mostly hide until everyone kills everyone else, and then just assassinate the last opponent from behind with surprise. At the moment, I am leaning toward an Alchemist archer with Blind Fighting, lots of ranks in Perception, maybe Scent, and the Seeking Enchantment on your bow. I would open up an Eversmoking Bottle, and take advantage of everybody else's blindness, shooting exploding arrows at people that have blindsight, too.

That may be a good option too; but everyone else will be able to find you. One of my friends is getting goggles of true sight and a cloak of 360 degree vision. That also means sneaking is difficult. If invisible, it is one's sneak modifier vs enemy perception since true site and invisibility cancel. Then there are other senses too...

Scarab Sages

True Sight may stop invisibility but it does nothing at all against plain old stealth. If you have hide in plain sight (Or the Shadow bloodline) + greater shadow armor and abuse the sniping rules nothing is going to see you.

Dark Archive

Regarding Guided I am talking about the feat Guided Hand from Ultimate Combate. You could create a Magus / Cleric of Sarenrae (uses Scimitar I think) and than use wisdom for hitting, using 2 feats (channel smite and guided hand). You dont need the strength in these high levels anyways.

For the damage: make sure you have a spell storing, keen scimitar; spell storing let's you deliver a third shocking grasp, stored in the weapon. Also, shocking graps in that case CRITS on a 15-20.

Why words of power? Because you can make awesome touch spells with these, a thing lacking for magus, aside from shocking grasp.

Be sure to pick Magical lineage up (trait) on your main damage spell.

For magic items, make sure to get a bane baldric, adding a couple of d6s and improving your to hit for only 5k and get lot's of pearls of power.

Also there is a arcana letting you use spell combat on the touch spells of you secondary class. That means, when you cast 2 spells with the theurge's spell synthesis, you get 2 additional attacks with your scimitar + one additional attack with the quickened one, all criting on 15-20.

Aw man, the last time that I asked if SLAs could help qualify for prestige classes I got thoroughly shot-down and informed that no, they couldn't be used as-such. I wish I'd had this information back then.

Well, this changes some things I suppose. That Rogue/Witch/Arcane Trickster that I wanted to make last year should be possible now...

Just because it's 'officially allowed' doesn't mean a lot of DM's will go with it in their home campaign.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

honestly, with access to 9th level sorc/wiz spells the specifics of your build matter far less than how creative you are...

for example- you could focus on plane shift (spell focus, gtr sf, spell perfection, etc). create a greater demi-plane before heading to the tournament; make it one long hallway that loops, give it the fire and lesser negative energy traits; also make it a magic dead plane (you will have used a simulacrum for this since otherwise you would have been trapped and died there). now run around using quickened and/or persistent plane shifts to send enemies to your hellscape where they will lose all magical protection, take 3d10 fire + 1d6 negative energy damage every round, and escape is literally impossible (unless they have a non-magical means of planar travel, which they don't). your DCs will be different depending on whether you cast plane shift as a cleric or wizard, but one really nice thing is that (if you can afford them) things like practiced spell or magical lineage you can take once and have it apply to both versions (with magic lineage you could cast the cleric version as a reach/quickened spell and the wizard version as persistent; with practiced spell you never even have to prepare it, you can convert any other spell of its level or higher).

edit: also, i'm not entirely clear on how your wealth/gear is working but if it really is basically limitless (and maybe there's even room for some custom items potentially?) you should assume that at least one person will make a fighter/gunslinger/whatever-martial who's basically always surrounded by an antimagic field... make sure you're prepared for that (look at wall of force, prismatic sphere, prismatic wall, and mage's disjunction).

conflictensues "One of my friends is getting goggles of true sight"

Goggle of True Sight is a very expensive magic item. With budgets that high, that sort of changes everything. However, True sight will not allow you to see though smoke. The smoke is Truly there. You can see it. But your friend might not realize this if he is not reading this forum.

In my campaign, I might surprise my characters by putting other weaknesses in True Seeing. Raistlin from the Dragonlance novels says it lets you see things a little too truly. If characters in my campaign were under the influence of True Strike, they would fail to see any reflection in a mirror: they would just see a mirror. They would be unable to read. They would be able to see the literal scribbles on the paper, but they would not be able to see what they are supposed to mean figuratively.

But I digress.

Consider getting a Cube of Force. You can make yourself pretty much immune to magic and will be able to use most of your own magic.

In one 3.5 campaign I was in, there was a paladin who kept arresting people. I finally got the idea of giving the paladin a pair of Antimmagic Shackles, and he made up a reason to slap them on our Monk who was under a Vow of Poverty. in Pathfinder, Vow of Poverty gives some nice bonuses in exchange for some inconvenient penalties, but in 3.5, the penalties were severe, and the bonuses were HUGE. And none of them were magical. Wherever we went, we completely shut down every magical encounter or trap we ran across, since shackles don't particularly impede monks. That might not be directly applicable-it might be: a homespinning DM might allow anyting--but you still might consider how you can use Antimagic Shell to squelch the magic of others, and how others might use it on you.

For my Mystic Theurge, I was thinking of getting Arcane Armor Training so I could wear Darkleaf Cloth Lamellar Leathr Armor or Mithril Kikko Armor with a 0% arcane spell failure chance, then enhance it as usual

AndIMustMask wrote:

the highest powered MT i've seen (credit goes to ParagonDireRaccoon) around here was:** spoiler omitted **

your initiative will be sitting at +14 (+3 dex +4 wizard +2 trait +4 familiar +1 competence), +18 if you grab improved initiative.

AndIMustMask improved on a build I posted. I'm a big fan of Mystic Theurge, which is tough to make work but a lot of fun. Esoteric Training and early entry to prestige classes with spell-like abilities make it easier to make work. I'm a fan of focusing on summoning and taking three levels of wizard to deliver touch spells through your familiar, so summoning/battlefield control/healing and buffing. Here's a link to another MT build:

I made a mistake with the spell-like abilities and qualifying for PrCs, the Hadraniel build needs three levels of conjurer or necromancer but can have full casting in wizard and cleric with Esoteric Training.

Dark Archive

I played around a bit... unfortunately, I couldn't fit the level of sorc into my build. I'd go with an Aasimar (Lawbringer) Cleric (Seperatist) of Cyth-V'sug 1 / Magus (Kensai) 9 / Mystic Theurge 10

Level 20 stats (20 Pts. Buy):
Str: 7
Dex: 10 (+6)
Con: 16 (+6)
Int: 22 (+6)
Wis: 18 (+6)
Cha: 7

Alternative Racial Trait - Incorruptible
Archon-Blooded Aasimar

Channel Smite
Dimensional Agility
Dimensional Assault
Dimensional Dervish
Dimensional Savant
Extra Arcana
Guided Hand
Maximize Spell
Quicken Spell
Spell Perfection (Shocking Grasp)

Magical Knack (Cleric)
Wayang Spellhunter

Esoteric Training (Cleric 3 / Magus 1)

Conversion Inquisition
Seperatist Domain: Travel

Broad Study (Cleric [Seperatist])
Spell Shield
Accurate Strike
Weapon of Choice (Kensai): Scimitar

For Items:
Mithral Buckler with Reflection,
Silken Ceremonial Robes with (Armor Slot) with some resistances (acid / cold / electricity 30)
Scimitar (Spell Storing, Keen, Dispelling)
Bane Baldric
Amulett of Natural Armor +5
Headband of Mental Prowess (Int / Wis) +6
Belt of Physical Might (Dex / Con) +6
Ioun Stone (cracked dusty rose prism)
Nightmare Boots
Greater Ring of Fire Resistance
Ring of Protection +5
Robe of the Archmagi (black)
Truesight Googles
A bunch of pearls of power level 1

You'll have max spell level for Magus (6) and spell level 7 for cleric, which accounts for some nice touch spells as well (slay living, hellfire ray, destruction), you'll have 222 HP, resistances of 30 on each energy type, saves of 21/13/24 and an awesome mobility with lot's of free attacks and ~3 Spells per round.

E.g. Dimension Door / Maximized Shocking Grasp, Quickened Maximized Shocking Grasp, Spell Stored Maximized Shocking Grasp for a total of one fourth level domain spell, 2 first level magus spells and one fifth level magus spell. If everything hits you'd do 360 Electricity damage (or you dont cast the quickened one and do 240 Electricty but hit on touch). All doubled in case anything crits (15-20). Even more if you decide to add empowered spell instead of the last Dimensional Agility Feat.

Chevalier83 wrote:

I played around a bit... unfortunately, I couldn't fit the level of sorc into my build. I'd go with an Aasimar (Lawbringer) Cleric (Seperatist) of Cyth-V'sug 1 / Magus (Kensai) 9 / Mystic Theurge 10

Level 20 stats (20 Pts. Buy):
Str: 7
Dex: 10 (+6)
Con: 16 (+6)
Int: 22 (+6)
Wis: 18 (+6)
Cha: 7

Alternative Racial Trait - Incorruptible
Archon-Blooded Aasimar

Channel Smite
Dimensional Agility
Dimensional Assault
Dimensional Dervish
Dimensional Savant
Extra Arcana
Guided Hand
Maximize Spell
Quicken Spell
Spell Perfection (Shocking Grasp)

Magical Knack (Cleric)
Wayang Spellhunter

Esoteric Training (Cleric 3 / Magus 1)

Conversion Inquisition
Seperatist Domain: Travel

Broad Study (Cleric [Seperatist])
Spell Shield
Accurate Strike
Weapon of Choice (Kensai): Scimitar

For Items:
Mithral Buckler with Reflection,
Silken Ceremonial Robes with (Armor Slot) with some resistances (acid / cold / electricity 30)
Scimitar (Spell Storing, Keen, Dispelling)
Bane Baldric
Amulett of Natural Armor +5
Headband of Mental Prowess (Int / Wis) +6
Belt of Physical Might (Dex / Con) +6
Ioun Stone (cracked dusty rose prism)
Nightmare Boots
Greater Ring of Fire Resistance
Ring of Protection +5
Robe of the Archmagi (black)
Truesight Googles
A bunch of pearls of power level 1

You'll have max spell level for Magus (6) and spell level 7 for cleric, which accounts for some nice touch spells as well (slay living, hellfire ray, destruction), you'll have 222 HP, resistances of 30 on each energy type, saves of 21/13/24 and an awesome mobility with lot's of free attacks and ~3 Spells per round.

E.g. Dimension Door / Maximized Shocking Grasp, Quickened Maximized Shocking Grasp, Spell Stored Maximized Shocking Grasp for a total of one fourth level domain spell, 2 first level magus spells and one fifth level magus spell. If everything hits you'd do 360 Electricity damage (or you dont cast the quickened one and do 240 Electricty but hit...

I just finished recreating that so I could understand it; so many things stack up it's just not fair at all. Impressive, but how do you get Conversion Inquisition? It's an inquisitor thing. I grabbed Chaos instead for the touch of chaos special ability.

iirc you can grab an inquisition instead of a domain on anyone, not just an inquisitor (its just that most inquisitions are worse than a domain, so most folks don't)

Based heavily on Chevalier's build, JjNWFPY2FTTnc&usp=sharing

I have not completed dmg calculations or even checked out the spells; it still took hours; but anyhow this is starting to look scary even before that. There is a lot left to do; I am still all about suggestions; item suggestions especially since there are so many items to sift through.

Grand Lodge

I'm a bit confused. How can you qualify for Mystic Theurge with only one level of cleric? You need to be able to cast 2nd level divine spells.

SLAs count as spells for prerequisite purposes, so any race with a second level divine spell as an SLA qualifies. A few domains and inquisitions also grant SLAs that meet the requirements.

Grand Lodge

Be that as it may, but continual flame counts as a sorcerer/wizard spell if it's a spell-like ability (as per the Universal Monster Rules), so it's an arcane spell, not divine.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

trickery domain or fate inquisition both offer a 2nd level divine SLA (as does the 'bend the grain' wood revelation if you want to make an oracle)
incorruptible alternative racial trait for Aasimar

Dark Archive

On a side note: any god with rapier, kukri or scimitar as favored weapon will just do fine if you want to go for other domains.

For a truly monstrous will save, make cleric your main class and Sorcerer your secondary class. Use wild blooded Empryeal bloodline on the sorcerer part to make all sorcerer casting wisdom based. Cleric is already wisdom based, so yay! You can now dump charisma if you feel the need to, but it at least removes one primary stat from the mix.

Adam B. 135 wrote:
For a truly monstrous will save, make cleric your main class and Sorcerer your secondary class. Use wild blooded Empryeal bloodline on the sorcerer part to make all sorcerer casting wisdom based. Cleric is already wisdom based, so yay! You can now dump charisma if you feel the need to, but it at least removes one primary stat from the mix.

Then grab 9th level Cleric spells and blast away for fun? Why focus up the will save so much though? If anything, reflex should be focused. I will be going up against another Theurge- (who will be a blaster probably) and the gunslinger monk paladin. With my items my will save should be around +5(base) +2(Cleric) +6(Paladin) +5(Theurge) +3(headband) = +21 (or +14 if the class saves don't stack... Do they?)

EDIT: answered my own question (see link) adjustment-in-pathfinder

Does Energy resistance count against multiple attacks? That is, will my first, second, and third shocking grasp all get damage reduction from energy resistances? JjNWFPY2FTTnc#gid=2

It keeps getting scarier. Am I calculating this correctly?

ZanThrax wrote:
SLAs count as spells for prerequisite purposes, so any race with a second level divine spell as an SLA qualifies. A few domains and inquisitions also grant SLAs that meet the requirements.

Would you please site the rule that says a Spell-like ability counts as a spell for the purpose of qualifying for a prestige class?

I am not familiar with the rule, and I am interested in taking advantage of it.

But I will surely be challenged at the table if I try to do this, and I would love to be able to quote chapter and verse, both in the Core Rulebook and in

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
ZanThrax wrote:
SLAs count as spells for prerequisite purposes, so any race with a second level divine spell as an SLA qualifies. A few domains and inquisitions also grant SLAs that meet the requirements.

Would you please site the rule that says a Spell-like ability counts as a spell for the purpose of qualifying for a prestige class?

I am not familiar with the rule, and I am interested in taking advantage of it.

But I will surely be challenged at the table if I try to do this, and I would love to be able to quote chapter and verse, both in the Core Rulebook and in

This FAQ right here. Also the one right after it says how to tell whether it's arcane or divine.

If you are looking at my Theurge or have, note that some things are miscalculated and I am working on fixing it. Feel free after the second (Ill have fixed it) to use it as a template or just for a peek. I give credit to all the people who helped as well as Chevalier 83 who gave the concept which was so terrifying. Also note this build is a rich level 20 optimized build.

I will not be revisiting this thread.

Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:
ZanThrax wrote:
SLAs count as spells for prerequisite purposes, so any race with a second level divine spell as an SLA qualifies. A few domains and inquisitions also grant SLAs that meet the requirements.

Would you please site the rule that says a Spell-like ability counts as a spell for the purpose of qualifying for a prestige class?

I am not familiar with the rule, and I am interested in taking advantage of it.

But I will surely be challenged at the table if I try to do this, and I would love to be able to quote chapter and verse, both in the Core Rulebook and in

This FAQ right here. Also the one right after it says how to tell whether it's arcane or divine.

Oh wow that is pretty cool, I guess. I wonder what other combinations are possible.

other combinations

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