Redneckdevil |

ok I need advice on creating a crazy cleric. He is a cleric that is usually a normal nice guy but when hes gets pressured or harmed hes basically flips. What I mean is that hes starts rambling and about preaching about the end of days of the visions hes sees. was thinking about him being a good character that is using an old god for a deity. The cleric gets these visions that just warp his mind while he's viewing them that's scares him that hes trying to warn everyone of the impending unrational doom. Now the GM is running carrion crown and is excited about bringing him in if he can be created nicely. The gm is excited because I told him he could use my mad ramblings to hint or foreshadow future events.
Ok so fluff is done, now down to crunch.
So now domains and the favored weapons and even who my deity should be. The gm is down to creating a "new" deity if I cant find an existing one that doesn't match. I know one of the domains is gonna be madness but I dunno what the other should be. the gm is ok with making a new favored weapon for the diety as this person will have an enormous book they weild and preach from. was wondering a good decent damage stat for wielding a giant book. and yes my first feat will be weapon prof "Book" lol.
What race be good? outta the core races because I myself don't know enough of tieflings or assimers to feel comfortable roleplaying them so a good race to fit this.
we are using what he calls a 15 point buy system. its not the normal one but basically all ur stats start off at 10 and u have 15 points to place where u see fit. u can only dip below 10 to 8 on one stat and the highest before racials is 18. each point costs one point meaning I dip to 8, im getting 2 points and it takes 8 points from 10 to get to 18. what would be good stats for said character?
I know im asking for a lot but im digging this concept but I don't have the knowledge to make it fully happen if that makes any sense. ty in advance.

DMFrank |

Zyphus is your God...Kinda
Tongues? Diviner Seer...Augury. 90% chance to weal or Woe, no one rocks this like a witch with bones orCleric class Theologian?
I say you go Las Vegas Magician, David Blane-Style
Do HUMAN (with so many other races it would be better for break-ability..but...)
Dual Cursed-Dark Tapestry Oracle Mystery
Take Misfortune
Play Crypt of Everflame
Extra Revelation Feat (Gift of Madness)
Inquisitor level 2 with the Inquisition that causes accidents 1d8+1 save for half.
Be a visionary like Chicken little, but be a Profit/Prophet..."I am the best with the puns..."

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Actually this sounds less like a cleric and more like an oracle.
An oracle of the Dark Tapestry with the tongues curse would work really well (and would fit in quite well with Carrion Crown.)
If you are not sold on Oracles then I would go with a follower of a god with the madness domain. Unfortunately most of those are pretty evil...
Your best bet would be a follower of Groetus god of the end times. He's, well, a little bonkers and that would fit with your preaching nature. (Imagine a guy with a sandwich board with "the end of the world is nigh!" on it. Only in a fantasy campaign.)
As for the "book as a weapon" thing well there's no RAW basis for this so you'll have to come up with something with your GM. As an alternative maybe the battle aspergillum? It's effectively a censer for splashing holy water everywhere which you can then use to smash people in the face with.
As for race? Hmmm... Human is the obvious choice but a gnome could also fit as they are a bit eccentric.
Hope that helps.

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The guy Wrote:
is there a place where the old gods have their deity domains and favored weapons anywhere in one of their books by chance?
also this guy will be more battle and casting support than "healbot". I don't really think the other players are gonna be comfortable with him being the "healer" of the group.
I like your group if they can appreciate a Negatively channeling or even a non-traditional cleric by any means.
At this weekend's con, the guys there only needed a wand with a wig on it, I play the pregens, and especially the pregen Cleric more than anyother player or GM in Pathfinder history.
Ask the Jacobs guy that?
I do it because we are power gamers and I want to prove it to the 5 stars that I am the greatest player there is, Derek is the greatest character builder there is, Brian does and average of 700 hps of damage each game and Tim wears a Top Hat.
If you are a DM who hasn't had the boss monster one shotted, watch the video of us During Trader's Lodge, the last two releases, go all the way back to The Desline Affair, and when the Venture Capitan of the state starts crying in slow motion...pause it then laugh when the GM two days ago wanted to know if the party can play in "Hard Mode?".
COME AT ME BRO!!!!!!!!!!

Mark D Griffin RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8 |

I made an insane cleric of Groetus for an Age of Worms campaign, and I highly recommend you go that route. If you want to be a battle cleric, he has the destruction domain which is a great choice. You can also pick up the madness domain for one of the best debuffs in the game (visions of madness) that doesn't get a save. You can, as a touch attack, give someone a penalty equal to half your cleric level to saves and attack rolls for 3 rounds (they get a bonus to skill checks, but who cares). Darkness isn't a bad domain either. His favored weapon is a heavy flail, which is fine. I went with human to get the extra feat(Heavy armor and power attack at level 1), but whatever race you like is fine. Since you're crazy, you can easily dump int and cha if you don't mind playing a gruff confused guy all the time. Your stats could be something like
Str - 16
Dex - 12
Con - 16
Int - 8
Wis - 15
Cha - 8
If you grab heavy armor proficiency, you don't really need a high dex. And since you're going to be a battle cleric, you only need a high enough wisdom to cast your spells and you can ignore DCs. Obviously you'll need some wis bumping items down the line somewhere.
Flavor wise, Groetus has been known to give people visions of the end of the world which usually drives them insane. He doesn't really care what his worshipers do after that, he's content to ignore them while still granting them spells. So you can basically make any concept you want with a CG cleric of Groetus. Check out the pathfinder wiki for more info on Groetus, or pathfinder AP #64 if you have it.

DMFrank |

@ FallofCamelot
Let's Brainstorm...the 2 levels of this character's start for max damage.
The flavor is up to you, even a weak Witch build would help the controller stuff...Color "Pray"..would be the most devastating as a Gnome sorcerer dip. Ercy the Gnome.....as in GNOME_ERCY!!!! (No Mercy!)

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@Mark D Griffin
The other guy wrote:
(they get a bonus to skill checks, but who cares). We played Sunday "The Disappeared"- 2 Rogues, 1 Ninja, 1 Monk, and 1 Gunslinger...I (Pregen Cleric) called INTERVENTION to get the lady off of SHIVER. (PATHFINDER CRACK--POORMAN's PESH)
If you are trying to use magic device to get the wand of cure light to work with a DC 20, with Magically Curious, Adopted by Half-Elf Adaptability, a 20 Cha, 1 rank in UMD favored class...and you miss with a natural one and the Cleric is away during the timed mission trying to do step one, identifying the problem...either two rerolls or one more skill point to not jam the device for 24 hours does matter.

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@ FallofCamelot
Let me help you "steal it".
By far the greatest Gnome ever is Pontificator...DC 25 Color Spray save three times (persistence/Misfortune).
I made a "Strong Gnome" (G-Man) but at 8th level it took me 4 rounds to buff to Rage Chemist Glory.
I make Summoners to Send in the Kool Aid Man (Frightful Presence-Red Poisin "Oh YEAH!!!!")
So if you don't have GM credit, I'd say Play Crypt of Everflame and three games as pregens, then wait to play your concept at 2nd or 3rd level.
"Bleached Gnomes get no love..."
Did you like my insurance salesmen idea with inquisitor rank and Zyphus?
A d8+1 in half is awesome if you have a 12 Wisdom--4 times a day. If the damage is above average 6,7 or 8---misfortune, or if something hits you round one misfortune.
Evoker wizards know "rolling is for suckers...."