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So I play a low intelligence Cleric in a home campaign. I used Quick Channel with Alignment Channel and targeted evil outsiders. So I pumped out 12d6 energy damage. Party Barbarian was an evil outsider (disguising himself and the player told nobody). So the DM says "Your Barbarian falls down, cold to the touch".
The other player is absolutely livid with me, but I think this is perfectly legitimate. It's sort of what happens when you play an evil outsider, right? It'd be meta to bring OOC knowledge in anyways... right?

Umbranus |

Yes, that's what can happen if you keep your race and/or alignment secret. Your PC's intelligence doesn't even matter.
It's the same with standard channel and characters with negative energy affinity.
If you only took alignment channel to pull this off and it wasn't really an accident, then things look different.

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The only way this wouldn't be legit is if you weren't fighting evil outsiders at the time, and just sort of randomly decided to fire off a blast of evil-outsider-killing-energy for the heck of it (while knowing OOC that a PC was an evil outsider).
But, barring that unlikely situation, sounds like the player keeping the secret probably should have thought twice about not mentioning possible weaknesses. (Seems easy enough to make up a lie, and claim to have been cursed to be treated as evil, for some effects, after pissing off a demon, or because your mom was a paladin who destroyed an evil temple and 'got some on her' or something.)

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He was playing a disguised half-Fiend that just enjoyed battle more than anything else. I agree that a DM allowing a character like that to begin with is slightly suspect, but we also have a (non-evil) Drow Noble Samurai... so. A few other party members want me to use resurrection on him, but I am basically refusing to do so :P

Bill Dunn |
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I think most adventuring parties wouldn't think twice to slit the throat of an evil outsider in their midsts... PC or not. The player stormed out and is refusing to play again until the DM "punishes my stupidity" lol
I shouldn't be laughing so hard, but I am. Oh, the schadenfreude.

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Since he appears to be a whiny little bit** anyway try this.
"Oh my God, what have I done? I'm so sorry that I killed you "insert characters name". IF ONLY I HAD KNOWN!!!!! OH THE HUMANITY!!!! I will spend the rest of my life atoning for this horrible mischance!" Then smile at him, munch some popcorn, and watch him have an aneurism. Fun for all!
Seriously though, you did nothing wrong and he needs to put on his big boy pants and roll up a new character.

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Offer to buy a Salve of Second Chance.
Say, you are willing to give the monster a new chance at life, without the taint of fiends to hold him back.
Are you the worshiper of a good god?

cmastah |
He was playing a disguised half-Fiend that just enjoyed battle more than anything else. I agree that a DM allowing a character like that to begin with is slightly suspect, but we also have a (non-evil) Drow Noble Samurai... so. A few other party members want me to use resurrection on him, but I am basically refusing to do so :P
IF you choose to do so, have your character go into another room temporarily and give the DM a secret list of all the protective spells you cast on yourself, cause when he ressurects, he's going to most likely let loose.

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Why would a LG Cleric and a Paladin NOT kill an evil outsider? ;P
Seriously though, the player in question is a major league douchebag that's overturned tables and often shows up drunk to sessions. Watching a manchild rage that I have killed his character secretly fills me with glee. On the off chance they did resurrect him, I'd squeeze off at least two channels before he got to me. Or just smack him with a Plane Shift and send him back home to the Abyss ;P

Matthew Downie |

I used Quick Channel with Alignment Channel and targeted evil outsiders. So I pumped out 12d6 energy damage.
You channeled twice in a round? You should have noticed that he was being hurt the first time and had the chance to not do the second one. Although if my last cleric had discovered one of her companions was an evil outsider, I don't think she'd have stopped until he was dead.

Daelen |

In a campaign where the party was playing members of a thieves' guild, I played a Dhampir Ninja who took great pains to disguise his true nature, appearing for all intents and purposes as human. I didn't actually disclose the race to the players either, at the time of character creation. The party Bard (sadly our only healer) used a wand of cure light wounds on my character when he went unconscious, killing him in the process. In my opinion this was a risk I took playing that character as I did, and it turned into a running joke in our group.

Jaelithe |
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Watching a man-child rage that I have killed his character secretly fills me with glee.
And now we get to the heart of it. ;)
Still ... you didn't act out of character. Nor would sending him back whence he came be problematic, since you're now aware of his nature. And yeah, it is amusing when, "Mua ha ha!" turns into, "What do you mean, I'm dead?!"
Just be careful that the "douche-bag ... man-child" doesn't decide to make this a real world issue and overturn you instead of a table.

wraithstrike |

I don't know if this was covered because I skipped every post but there is a difference between an evil outsider and an outsider with the evil subtype. IIRC alignment channel affects outsiders with the evil subtype and no barring houserules no outsider with a subtype is legal for gameplay. So if he had a teifling he should still be alive.

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Even a half-fiend template is an Outsider (Native), not Outsider (Evil). He would have had to actually been playing a Demon, Devil, Daemon, Hag, Div, or whatever to be vulnerable to your alignment channel.
Still, the better choice seems to be to ban him from the game. Seems like he is doing it himself, so good riddance.

Dosgamer |

Depending on my level of friendship with the player, I might tell the player "Sorry, man. I had no idea that would do that to your character." and be sincere about it. In character I would likely just be stunned, but relieved to have removed such a creature from my midst.
If the other player can't see the difference then maybe they need to take a break and mature a bit before coming back to the group? I wish you good luck!

Petty Alchemy RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |

Yeah, unless Pathfinder changed something, bringing back outsiders (non-native) is super hard. I think 3.5 had a spell for it in one of the many splats, don't know about PF.
I'm guessing this is a game in which the DM encourages +CR templates/races, given that two are in the party. If it's a party of monsters they likely should be disclosing this sort of thing.

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How could you Bob!?
(Klingon Back Turns To Him)
PVP is the worst thing that happens in roleplay...(Southpark episode as they kill boars long enough to reach 88th level?)
Withthatsaid get the other guy some tissue, a stepladder to get over it.
I hate when the party lacks "commonality". He wanted to be a secret Evil-dude who won't be enlarged with an Enlarged person spell...He needed to die.
My stance is game one you should die or at least game two. If you live you live, but after that first EXP Point, you begin to love that character. I've "eaten" a character before..we as humans get emotional and only a rare intellectual can actually build a character who can survive for 30 games solo.
Be warned, there are more players like this guy than you think, he will have his revenge!!!!!!!!

Ranax |

The guy sounds like a jerk so good riddance.
That said, your first post didn't specify, but were there any other outsiders present that you were fighting against? My first impression was that you were, but rereading your post I see you never specified.
If this happened in the heat of combat, then just desserts. If, however, you burned two alignment channels out of the blue just because and happened to kill your teammate in the process I'd say you were metagaming and planning on screwing him over.
Either way, sounds like you guys aren't friends. I don't understand gaming with people you don't like.

Chemlak |

blackbloodtroll wrote:Nothing wrong with that :)Pan wrote:Wait, the drow noble didn't torpedo the group? This is an interesting development.Sounds like he is Drizzting it.
Good drow of the world unite!

Chemlak |

Chemlak wrote:HURRAH! (when do I get paid for being nice?)Kryzbyn wrote:Good drow of the world unite!blackbloodtroll wrote:Nothing wrong with that :)Pan wrote:Wait, the drow noble didn't torpedo the group? This is an interesting development.Sounds like he is Drizzting it.
I can pay you a thousand gold... but it's all in coppers. Got a bag of holding?
And on topic: a half-fiend doesn't have the Evil subtype, so odds are he shouldn't have been affected, unless the GM is house-ruling alignment subtypes into the half-outsider templates.

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Kryzbyn wrote:Good drow of the world unite!blackbloodtroll wrote:Nothing wrong with that :)Pan wrote:Wait, the drow noble didn't torpedo the group? This is an interesting development.Sounds like he is Drizzting it.
Well, in Golarion, there are no good Drow.
A normal Elf can actually become Drow, by being too evil.