You know you're in trouble when you get to the table and...

Pathfinder Society

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Shadow Lodge 4/5

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...and the party is being lead into a supernaturally dark ruin by a blind nagaji geezer. And he insists on being the trap spotter!

Sovereign Court 1/5

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The first encounter involves an evil outsider that has Wish and Plane Shift as spell-like abilities.

And 2 Wishes copy Geas/Quest...

Tells the summoner he doesn't want to summon anymore, and tells the strongest martial character in the party that he "No longer wants to hurt any living thing ever again."

And someone gets plane shifted to the plane of fire...

And this is all in the first encounter...

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Your GM says, "Hi! My name is Marty."





Last weekend: God's Market Gamble, Subtier 1-2, everyone is human or counts as one, I'm the only level 2, 2 players are new to PF (1st session) and the 4th player is on his first session as a Slayer, but had died with a pregen the weekend prior, which was his first session.

My playtest character still lives, but barely. Pretty much only because I strapped on a tower shield and took total defense actions on approach. It was painful.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

GM's should allow players to use the ample cover the map topography obviously grants(stands, tent rows, etc). It's usually a massacre or an exercise in creative dice fumbling otherwise.


Serisan wrote:

Last weekend: God's Market Gamble, Subtier 1-2, everyone is human or counts as one, I'm the only level 2, 2 players are new to PF (1st session) and the 4th player is on his first session as a Slayer, but had died with a pregen the weekend prior, which was his first session.

My playtest character still lives, but barely. Pretty much only because I strapped on a tower shield and took total defense actions on approach. It was painful.

Had a similar experience with my then 3rd level ninja. Two people died trying to climb up to the tower and I was the first to make it to the boss thanks to Vanishing Trick. Basically ended up soloing that fight, which nearly killed me.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Muser wrote:
GM's should allow players to use the ample cover the map topography obviously grants(stands, tent rows, etc). It's usually a massacre or an exercise in creative dice fumbling otherwise.

The enemy position is above most of the cover, and the flimsy material means I treat it like concealment (miss chance) rather than cover (AC bonus).
Grand Lodge 2/5

Serisan wrote:

Last weekend: God's Market Gamble, Subtier 1-2, everyone is human or counts as one, I'm the only level 2, 2 players are new to PF (1st session) and the 4th player is on his first session as a Slayer, but had died with a pregen the weekend prior, which was his first session.

My playtest character still lives, but barely. Pretty much only because I strapped on a tower shield and took total defense actions on approach. It was painful.


First, I really thought you said "pinful" at the end and thought it was an awesome pun.

When I ran it we had a bunch of lvl 1s and a lvl 4 dual cursed oracle/paladin. Instead of the normal smite, his archetype let him take 1/2 the damage or decrease 1/2 the damage (forget exactly what it was) of his allies within 30' of him from the target of his smite.

I was also playing a paladin archer, the cover from the tower didn't really help against me. And my friend who was playing for the first time had an alchemist with really good splash damage so he kept just aiming at the top of the tower wall next to the evil-guard-imposter-chick.

That dude built his character for keeping his teammates alive and it worked really well.


Oh, the GM certainly allowed the strategic use of terrain. That didn't help for the poor CLeric, who got directly underneath the tower, then thoroughly shot to pieces. The GM allowed us to use the pilfered Alchemist Fires from the warehouse to set the stand on fire, using the same fire spread mechanic as the warehouse. It wasn't for lack of tactics that we ended up with only 1 person standing at the end of combat. Hint: it wasn't me, but I got better.

Dark Archive

Fromper wrote:
Shasfowd wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

The animal companion is so pimped out it has spinners

One thing: Racer Walrus.
For the home Rise of the Runelords campaign I'm GMing, the cavalier's horse carries much of his useful equipment, leading to some awkward moments when they're in the middle of a dungeon and say things like "I left my rope and grappling hook outside on Wilfred". They've joked that Wilfred has a cell phone, so they can call him to come in and help when needed.

My walrus has a 60 foot base speed. If he had feet it would be 90. Also he can charge at 600 feet.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

...ALL of the miniatures on the table are SmurfsTM and My Little PoniesTM

4/5 5/5

Randarak wrote:
...ALL of the miniatures on the table are SmurfsTM and My Little PoniesTM

Pft, amateurs. Kinder Surprise animals is where it's at.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

...and the person with the best DPR is the Wizard 2 (Admixture)/Arcanist (Eldritch Font) 1.

...and you can almost physically SMELL the cheese emanating from said wizard's character sheet.

Alright, I played this one, but to be fair, my cheesy spell could do the following: I could always hit, do it melee/ranged, use it 10 times a day, any elemental damage, and it deals 6d6+1 damage (7d6 four times a day).

Dark Archive

"What class are you?"
"Eldritch font White Mage Unlettered Arcanist."

Lantern Lodge 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shasfowd wrote:
"What class are you?"

"Hunter 2/Paladin 3/Dual-Cursed Lunar Oracle 1/Fighter 2 (Lore Warden)/Mammoth Rider 1"

4/5 5/5

Jayson MF Kip wrote:
Shasfowd wrote:
"What class are you?"

"Hunter 2/Paladin 3/Dual-Cursed Lunar Oracle 1/Fighter 2 (Lore Warden)/Mammoth Rider 1"

I might regret this but I have to ask: what's the gimmick with that one?

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The fact that it's an illegal build?

Silver Crusade 2/5

Uncle Fred wrote:
Jayson MF Kip wrote:
Shasfowd wrote:
"What class are you?"

"Hunter 2/Paladin 3/Dual-Cursed Lunar Oracle 1/Fighter 2 (Lore Warden)/Mammoth Rider 1"

I might regret this but I have to ask: what's the gimmick with that one?

For one, it is entering Mammoth Rider one round early.

For another those classes are ones people often dip for that many levels in order for the low-level benefits.

DesolateHarmony wrote:
Uncle Fred wrote:
Jayson MF Kip wrote:
Shasfowd wrote:
"What class are you?"

"Hunter 2/Paladin 3/Dual-Cursed Lunar Oracle 1/Fighter 2 (Lore Warden)/Mammoth Rider 1"

I might regret this but I have to ask: what's the gimmick with that one?

For one, it is entering Mammoth Rider one round early.

For another those classes are ones people often dip for that many levels in order for the low-level benefits.

You forgot Swashbuckler1. That's a very tasty dip.

Shadow Lodge 1/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Your swashbuckler ally heals and starts a duel with a guard to regain panache, and almost dies in the process. Then he realizes that reducing something to zero HP (which he did earlier) or fewer gives panache back.

Yeah, that was me in my first session.

Dark Archive

Jayson MF Kip wrote:
Shasfowd wrote:
"What class are you?"

"Hunter 2/Paladin 3/Dual-Cursed Lunar Oracle 1/Fighter 2 (Lore Warden)/Mammoth Rider 1"

An eldritch font unlettered archanist white mage is just 1 class.

4/5 ****

Here is a totally broken and unreasonably complicated build I wrote up for Mammoth Rider with a similiar level spread.

Not actually playing this one, but basically it moves wherever it wants on it's wolf without provoking. The rider feints as a move action provoking an attack from the mount. The mount also takes a huge bite with the vital strike chain and then the character can attack with a big ole 2-hander as well. Starting from about level 6 the Animal Companion is at max effective level in PFS

Grand Lodge 1/5

When the party druid player takes out 39 dice for his attack routine and apologizes that it might take a while.


When your guide through the dungeon is a troglodyte prisoner.

BTW: He proved loyal and later asked to join the party.


Scarab Sages 2/5 5/55/55/55/5

Morag the Gatherer wrote:

When your guide through the dungeon is a troglodyte prisoner.

BTW: He proved loyal and later asked to join the party.


Dunno, something about that story doesn't smell right.


Belabras wrote:
Morag the Gatherer wrote:

When your guide through the dungeon is a troglodyte prisoner.

BTW: He proved loyal and later asked to join the party.


Dunno, something about that story doesn't smell right.

Seems fishy to me too.

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

...the DM asks "Name, Race, Class? Okay, I have all I need to know about your characters."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

... the guy sitting in the GM's chair is a demon.

Named Aahz.

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ed Reppert wrote:

... the guy sitting in the GM's chair is a demon.

Named Aahz.

I would say that that is Pervectly okay. ;)

Shadow Lodge 5/5 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You know you're in trouble when you get to the table and...

1. Someone in the party does exactly what the Venture Captain tells the party NOT to do! (Example: Venture Captain tells the party to go do stuff in the town and don't let anyone know they're Pathfinders, a stupid person in the party straight away announces to the town mayor that they're all Pathfinders!)

2. Your party has no one that can talk or be the party face in a diplomatic heavy scenario!

3. The real life people are playing the wrong type of classes/characters that they would best play out as! (Example: The one who can talk his way out is playing a Barbarian while the murderous battle savage one who dislikes talking and spells is playing a Sorcerer!)

4. No one is willing to write down important names of NPC(s) the party needs to take note of and the GM isn't the kind that wants to remind the party what those names are.

5. No one has brought along any food or trail rations for camping/overnight outdoor missions and to make matters even worse, no one has any survival or knowledge to be able to find/hunt natural food in the wilds!

Grand Lodge 2/5

Robert Hetherington wrote:

Here is a totally broken and unreasonably complicated build I wrote up for Mammoth Rider with a similiar level spread.

Not actually playing this one, but basically it moves wherever it wants on it's wolf without provoking. The rider feints as a move action provoking an attack from the mount. The mount also takes a huge bite with the vital strike chain and then the character can attack with a big ole 2-hander as well. Starting from about level 6 the Animal Companion is at max effective level in PFS

You've got INA too soon. The earliest an AC can pick up INA is 8th level because that's the first feat they get after they've got 4 bab. You've got that one picking it up at 5 while his bab is still only 3.

Liberty's Edge

claudekennilol wrote:
Robert Hetherington wrote:

Here is a totally broken and unreasonably complicated build I wrote up for Mammoth Rider with a similiar level spread.

Not actually playing this one, but basically it moves wherever it wants on it's wolf without provoking. The rider feints as a move action provoking an attack from the mount. The mount also takes a huge bite with the vital strike chain and then the character can attack with a big ole 2-hander as well. Starting from about level 6 the Animal Companion is at max effective level in PFS

You've got INA too soon. The earliest an AC can pick up INA is 8th level because that's the first feat they get after they've got 4 bab. You've got that one picking it up at 5 while his bab is still only 3.

Improved Natural Armour doesn't have a BAB requirement.

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The scenario introduction has Sheila Heidmarch and a member of the Decemvirate freaking out, and you and your party are the only hope for survival.

Grand Lodge 4/5

PrinceRaven wrote:
Improved Natural Armour doesn't have a BAB requirement.

I'm pretty sure Improved NA references Improved Natural Attack.

4/5 ****

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
PrinceRaven wrote:
Improved Natural Armour doesn't have a BAB requirement.
I'm pretty sure Improved NA references Improved Natural Attack.

It does indeed, good catch. Edited the progression, not that anybody is actually playing this character.

As a note a dedicated full attacking animal companion has a way higher damage potential than this crazy build, but it was fun to theory craft though.

5/5 5/55/55/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Dracia Dinocerus Meria wrote:
When the party druid player takes out 39 dice for his attack routine and apologizes that it might take a while.

Damn strait. Who wants to adventure with a hippo with a bite that small.

4/5 5/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Dracia Dinocerus Meria wrote:
When the party druid player takes out 39 dice for his attack routine and apologizes that it might take a while.
Damn strait. Who wants to adventure with a hippo with a bite that small.

Woolly rhinoceros, actually.

The Man In Black wrote:

You know you're in trouble when you get to the table and...

1. Someone in the party does exactly what the Venture Captain tells the party NOT to do! (Example: Venture Captain tells the party to go do stuff in the town and don't let anyone know they're Pathfinders, a stupid person in the party straight away announces to the town mayor that they're all Pathfinders!)

Alternatively, the party face is a paladin, and they get directly asked "are you Pathfinders?" at which point either the paladin or the whole party are up a creek...

Shadow Lodge 4/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rei wrote:
Alternatively, the party face is a paladin, and they get directly asked "are you Pathfinders?" at which point either the paladin or the whole party are up a creek...

Paladins shouldn't lie, but they don't have to tell the truth. "Are you Pathfinders?"

Paladin should answer, "Are you kidding? Pathfinders would have to be crazy to show their faces around here."

The Exchange 5/5

Mystic Lemur wrote:
Rei wrote:
Alternatively, the party face is a paladin, and they get directly asked "are you Pathfinders?" at which point either the paladin or the whole party are up a creek...

Paladins shouldn't lie, but they don't have to tell the truth. "Are you Pathfinders?"

Paladin should answer, "Are you kidding? Pathfinders would have to be crazy to show their faces around here."

Can a Paladin use Bluff

I asked something about that a while back... and opinions were very different.

In fact, most of the experienced judges stated that there was no question. If a Paladin tells a lie, he looses his class abilities.... and a Bluff was counted as a Lie ...

That's why I tabled playing a Paladin in PFS...

Shadow Lodge 4/5

That thread makes me a sad panda.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm a huge fan of the workaround of telling the truth, but using Bluff to make your opponent think you're lying.

"Are you Pathfinders?"
"Of course we're Pathfinders! That's why we're traipsing about like suicidal murderhobos!"

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Martinsville

"What class are you?"

Uh Oh - "Bard (Daredevil/Savage Skald), but I was raised by a dragon and will be going into Dragon Disciple."

She is a half orc also.

-- Paste from profile --

Uh Oh is the Daughter of Grog. She has the snout of a pig, tusks coming out from her mouth, one ear is pointed while the other has fur on it and flops over. Her hands are bigger than usual to match the boulders on her chest and one foot is bigger than the other, making it so she had to buy two pair to make a set.

(Thank -- magical boots resize for fit!!)

She is a little miffed at Half-Orcs right now, as her own dad gave her away to the copper dragon Zonaladin in a failed Diplomancy try.

She is light hearted and a little daredevil in situations.

-- End Paste --



Tsriel wrote:
Belabras wrote:
Morag the Gatherer wrote:

When your guide through the dungeon is a troglodyte prisoner.

BTW: He proved loyal and later asked to join the party.


Dunno, something about that story doesn't smell right.
Seems fishy to me too.

Well, we were going to leave him in an ruined castle with a wounded angry harpy as his only companion.

The GM ruled that troglodyte's smell is like a skunk's in that it can be turned on or off at will. Otherwise, we're going to have to get used to making fortitude saves the 1st thing every morning.


Scarab Sages 1/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Your 4 man party has two Mesmerists and you're heading into an osirian tomb.

Liberty's Edge

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
PrinceRaven wrote:
Improved Natural Armour doesn't have a BAB requirement.
I'm pretty sure Improved NA references Improved Natural Attack.

Well in that case it's possible to retrain the 5th level feat into it at 6th level.


nosig wrote:
Mystic Lemur wrote:
Rei wrote:
Alternatively, the party face is a paladin, and they get directly asked "are you Pathfinders?" at which point either the paladin or the whole party are up a creek...

Paladins shouldn't lie, but they don't have to tell the truth. "Are you Pathfinders?"

Paladin should answer, "Are you kidding? Pathfinders would have to be crazy to show their faces around here."

Can a Paladin use Bluff

I asked something about that a while back... and opinions were very different.

In fact, most of the experienced judges stated that there was no question. If a Paladin tells a lie, he looses his class abilities.... and a Bluff was counted as a Lie ...

That's why I tabled playing a Paladin in PFS...

I have issues with the Rules Questions section of the boards... That thread pretty much highlights it.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber
PrinceRaven wrote:
Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
PrinceRaven wrote:
Improved Natural Armour doesn't have a BAB requirement.
I'm pretty sure Improved NA references Improved Natural Attack.
Well in that case it's possible to retrain the 5th level feat into it at 6th level.

Animal companion can not retrain, as they don't have prestige points to spend.


... when in a major city, one of the characters keeps publically slandering the local (crime)lord, at lvl 1.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Mystic Lemur wrote:
Rei wrote:
Alternatively, the party face is a paladin, and they get directly asked "are you Pathfinders?" at which point either the paladin or the whole party are up a creek...

Paladins shouldn't lie, but they don't have to tell the truth. "Are you Pathfinders?"

Paladin should answer, "Are you kidding? Pathfinders would have to be crazy to show their faces around here."

I believe my Paladin's actual response to this was, "Do I look like one of those murder hoboes?"

Grand Lodge 4/5

Damanta wrote:
PrinceRaven wrote:
Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
PrinceRaven wrote:
Improved Natural Armour doesn't have a BAB requirement.
I'm pretty sure Improved NA references Improved Natural Attack.
Well in that case it's possible to retrain the 5th level feat into it at 6th level.
Animal companion can not retrain, as they don't have prestige points to spend.

So, release it, and get its (almost) identical twin, which can have its feats modified. At 6th level, you can pretty much get it fully trained from the get-go, anyhow, all bonus tricks trained by default, and 6 ranks in Handle Animal to train the Int 2 set of six tricks...

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