5-13 Weapon in the Rift GM Discussion *Spoilers*

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Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

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@Qstor: this might be a good starting point. I think they're found in various books.

The Acts aren't a secret, they're basically one of the popular chapters of Iomedae's bible. So anyone with the Holy Text (Iomedae) item in his inventory could look them up. (That's from Ultimate Equipment; 1-100gp.)

5/5 *****

Qstor wrote:
andreww wrote:

I believe that the blast can outright kill neutral Clerics of Evil deities as they have an evil aura and are therefore not subject to the reduced caster level effect. With a CL of 20 any Cleric of an evil deity not wearing the suit will die if they fail the save. If they don the suit hastily level 8-9 characters will only suffer temporary effects. With a suit put on normally any character of level 5+ will have no chance of death.

That seems like a pretty harsh effect and the evil item removal seems like a deliberate attempt to remove stuff which was made available in season 4.

I think it was mentioned that the holy word wasn't as strong.


The spell has a full caster level against targets with an evil aura such as neutral clerics of evil deities. It is very unlikely to kill anyone but the possibility is there for some. Against others the caster level is lower.

Silver Crusade 5/5

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Scene from last night...

*Glabrezu breaks through wall.*
Party: Is that what it looks like?
Me: Give me Know: Planes.
Party: Rolls checks, give number.
Me: Oops, my bad guys, this isn't right.
*Removes Glabrezu, pulls out Shemhazian, hidden in bag.*
Me: Sorry about that guys! THIS smashes through the wall.
Party: Oh.
Party: Crud.

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

UndeadMitch wrote:

Scene from last night...

*Glabrezu breaks through wall.*
Party: Is that what it looks like?
Me: Give me Know: Planes.
Party: Rolls checks, give number.
Me: Oops, my bad guys, this isn't right.
*Removes Glabrezu, pulls out Shemhazian, hidden in bag.*
Me: Sorry about that guys! THIS smashes through the wall.
Party: Oh.
Party: Crud.

Glad the GM thought it funny...

GRRR... :)

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

I had a good time waiting till some people had ventured into the chamber before letting the Shem burst in and plonking down the "mini".

Of course after that the barbarian and magus killed it.. looking back I really wonder if I shouldn't have deviated from its scripted combat with the crusaders, based on a "greater threat" logic.

Dark Archive 2/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

GMed this last night on subtier 5-6, Hard Mode, scaled down for four players, one of which was a GM PC (Oloch). We had similar fun throughout the scenario. The puzzle, now that the numbers are corrected, offered a lot of satisfaction to the players so intent on not getting blown to smithereens.

On a side-note, if you really want to completely destabilize the allip's babble ability, Oloch the warpriest has silence. He cast that on his greatsword before the allips could begin babbling, meaning the entire babble effect was completely out of the question for the entire combat. The two sorcerers in the party griped, but pulled back and started spamming magic missiles. Not having to worry about the babbling rolls and durations made the combat much easier (but still challenging, given the increased Wisdom damage in Hard Mode).

Plopping that shemhazian demon miniature onto the table was pure joy. I've plunked down glabrezus and good dragons before, but nothing quite like the threat of a CR 16 murder machine to brighten your GMing duties!

By the end of everything, Oloch was the only character that died, the other 3 player PCs surviving (and the paladin by the skin of her teeth) to activate the weapon with a fully-charged 40 POINT blast. Oloch got tagged with an abrikandilu claw to take him to 0 hp, then took a power attacked critical hit claw to take him to -36. Dead as a doornail. I'm sure the Society will bring him back. (sensible chuckle)

5/5 *****

Did Oloch remember that Silence has a 1 round casting time?

Dark Archive 2/5 *

andreww wrote:
Did Oloch remember that Silence has a 1 round casting time?

Cast it before the paladin opened the door. Incoherent muttering and rambling was detected by the PCs from the other side of the door and, paired with the discovered journal Ghalcor left behind, they were able to put two and two together beforehand.

I feel like I may have let the players off a little easy with this, but it's too late for that. More of a mark of note for future runs for other GMs.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Mitch Mutrux wrote:

Scene from last night...

*Glabrezu breaks through wall.*
Party: Is that what it looks like?
Me: Give me Know: Planes.
Party: Rolls checks, give number.
Me: Oops, my bad guys, this isn't right.
*Removes Glabrezu, pulls out Shemhazian, hidden in bag.*
Me: Sorry about that guys! THIS smashes through the wall.
Party: Oh.
Party: Crud.

Well, I'll be running this monstrosity at the behest of my usual GM, and I don't have any gargantuan minis...

But i do have Zuul. He'll do.

Reading though this thread, i'm wondering how PC's will even know how to decipher the riddles for the combination. My players aren't versed much in Golarian Lore, even they do get the handouts.

I'll ask some questions when i get read through the scenario again.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

The handouts contain enough information to puzzle out the combination.

What really gets people stuck is the rows where less than 4 dials are used, and whether the numbers on not-full-rows should be left- or right-aligned.

There is no clue for the players to know whether to go left or right. I would say that whichever they choose is okay as long as they do it consistently.

Also, you may want to give hints if the players get stuck on "we have to use all the dials, but we don't have enough Acts of Iomedae for that".

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

I am sure this is just me not reading closely, but what happens if the Abrikandilu attacking the control panel is left alone long enough to potentially start destroying it?


Douglas Edwards wrote:
I am sure this is just me not reading closely, but what happens if the Abrikandilu attacking the control panel is left alone long enough to potentially start destroying it?

It's on page 15, every full round action that they spend sabotaging the device makes it require one additional charge to fire.

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