[Rise of the Runelords] We Need a Snapshot of Your Characters at the Midpoint!

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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I picked up Rise of the Runelords at the start of the year and introduced it to my group, who fell in love with it- plans are already made as to what characters we want for Skull and Shackles and Wrath of the Righteous. We made it through deck 3 on Saturday. We've had a few scenarios where we ran out of time (usually because someone missed a check by 1), and Kyra did die in Fort Rannick. Here's where the six of us areas we prepare for deck 4.

Character Name: Valeros
Role Card: Weapon Master
Skill Feats: Strength+2, Charisma+2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, 1d4+1 to another character's combat check, Add 2 to check to acquire a weapon
Card Feats: Ally+2, Blessing+1
Weapons: Impaler of Thorns, Flaming Mace +1, Longsword +1, Warhammer +1, Heavy Pick +1
Armors: Hide Armor of Fire Resistance, Elven Chain Shirt, Elven Breastplate
Items: Belt of Giant Strength, Ring of Protection
Allies: Shalelu Andosana, Jakardros Sovark, Sheriff Hemlock, Grizzled Mercenary
Blessings: Blessing of Torag, Blessing of Torag, Blessing of Sarenrae, Blessing of Gorum

Character Name: Lini
Role Card: Wild Warden
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Intelligence+1, Wisdom+2
Power Feats: Weapon, Reveal ally with Animal trait to add 1d4+3 to check
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Ally+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Scythe+1
Spells: Aid, Strength, Augury, Cure, Major Cure, Detect Magic
Items: Masterowrk Tools, Sihedron Medallion
Allies: Saber-toothed Tiger, Giant Badger, Toad, Crow
Blessings: Blessing of Iomedae, Blessing of Desna, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Shelyn, Blessing of Shelyn

Character Name: Kyra
Role Card: Exorcist
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Wisdom+3
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Weapons, 1d8+1 to check to defeat bane with the Undead trait, When you play Blessing of Sarenrae, you may recharge it
Card Feats: Spell+1, Blessing+2
Weapons: Scimitar, Icy Longspear +1
Spells: Holy Light, Holy Light, Cure, Find Traps
Armors: Magic Half-plate, Elven Breastplate
Items: Staff of Minor Healing
Allies: Toad
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Shelyn, Blessing of Shelyn, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Gorum, Blessing of Irori, Blessing of Sarenrae, Blessing of Sarenrae

Character Name: Merisiel
Role Card: Thief
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity+3
Power Feats: Weapons, May recharge a card to add 1d6+2 to your combat check, Add 2 to your noncombat check to close a location
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Item+1, Ally+1
Weapons: Frost Longbow+1, Venomous Dagger+2, returning Throwing Axe+1
Armors: Arrow Catching Studded Leather
Items: Eyes of the Eagle, Codex, Luckstone, Headband of Vast Intelligence, Masterwork Tools, Staff of Minor Healing, Tome of Knowledge
Allies: Ilsoari Gandethus, Archer, Soldier
Blessings: Blessing of Irori, Blessing of Erastil, Blessing of Erastil, Blessing of Calistria

Character Name: Harsk
Role Card: Arbalist
Skill Feats: Dexterity+2, Wisdom+2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, At the start of your turn you may examine the top card of your location deck, You may recharge a card to add 1d4+1 to a combat check by a character at another location, At the start of your turn, if you have no weapons in your hand, you may draw 1 card
Card Feats: Ally+2, Blessing+1
Weapons: Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Heavy Crossbow, Dogslicer +1, Frost Longbow+1, Shock Longbow +1
Armors: Snakeskin Tunic
Items: Crown of Charisma, Holy Candle, Sihedron Medallion
Allies: Crow, Yap the Pixie, Vale Temros
Blessings: Blessing of Irori, Blessing of Calistria, Blessing of Lamashtu, Blessing of Lamashtu, Blessing of Torag, Blessing of Sarenrae

Character Name: Seoni
Role Card: Abyssal Sorcerer
Skill Feats: Intelligence+1, Charisma+3
Power Feats: May discard a card to roll your Arcane die +1d6+2 for combat with the Fire or Acid trait, Automatically recharge items with the arcane trait
Card Feats: Spell+2, Blessing+1
Spells: Incendiary Cloud, Haste, Frost Ray, Scorching Ray, Acid Arrow,
Items: Sihedron Medallion, Wand of Enervation, Wand of Scorching Ray
Allies: Black Arrow Ranger, Merchant, Troubadour, Father Zantus
Blessings: Blessing of Sarenrae, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Irori, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Pharasma

Solitaire playthrough.

Character Name: Melindra
Role Card: Shadowcaster
Skill Feats: Dexterity +2, Intelligence +2
Power Feats: Hand Size +2, Stealth Evade 5+, Spell Recharge Checks +2
Card Feats: Spell +2, Item +1
Weapons: Dagger +1, Light Crossbow +1
Spells: Augury, Frost Ray (x2), Invisibility, Mirror Image, Scorching Ray (x2)
Armor: -
Items: Cloak of Elvenkind, Masterwork Tools, Sihedron Medallion, Staff of Minor Healing, Wand of Enervation
Allies: Black Arrow Ranger, Father Zantus
Blessings: Blessing of Lamashtu, Blessing of Shelyn

Solo Run. Added in the Cleric Deck for Tarlin and Zarlova, and the Ranger Deck for Arueshalae.

Character Name: Arueshalae
Role Card: Redeemed
Skill Feats: Dexterity +4
Power Feats: Elec Poison and Fire reduced by 5, on your turn move after evade, Gift adds 1d4+1, Instead of first explore reveal Desna trait to shuffle 1d4+1 cards from discard to deck.
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Item+2
Weapons: Starbow, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 x2,Returning Throwing Axe +1, Venomous Dagger +2.
Spells: (none)
Armors: Snakeskin Tunic
Items: Spherewalker Staff, Swallowtail Bracers, Archer's Bracers,Masterwork Tools x2.
Allies: Black Arrow Ranger,Poog of Zarongel
Blessings: Desna x 3, Erastil x 2
Cohort: Arueshalae's Gift

Character Name: Tarlin
Role Card: Noble Scion
Skill Feats: Strength +4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Reveal 2 handed weapon to shuffle 1d4+2,Recharge Allies with Hireling or Aristocrat trait.
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Ally +1
Weapons: Bastard Sword +1,Impaler of Thorns, Wounding Spear-Axe +1, Longsword +2,GreatClub +1, Icy Longspear +1.
Spells: Find Traps, Cure x2
Armors: Magic Full Plate, Elven Breastplate
Items: Sihedron Medallion
Allies: Social Climber, Valet
Blessings: Sivanah, Calistria, Cayden Cailean, Iomedae

Character Name: Zarlova
Role Card: Theurge
Skill Feats: Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2
Power Feats: +1 Hand Size, When magic trait is acquired examine top or bottom card of deck, If top or bottom is a spell or blessing add to hand, Gain Arcane:Intel +2
Card Feats: Spells +2, Items +1
Weapons: (none)
Spells: Divine Blaze, Holy Light x2, Major Cure, Swipe, Lightning Bolt, Mirror Image
Armors: Deathbane Shield
Items: Holy Candle, Crown of Charisma, Wand of Enervation
Allies: Evangelist, Father Zantus
Blessings: Pharasma x2, Lamashtu, Abadar

My wife plays Kyra and Sajan; I play Harsk and Lem.
We have not suffered any deaths so far.

Character Name: Harsk
Role Card: Tracker
Skill Feats: Dexterity+2, Constitution+1, Wisdom+1
Power Feats: +1 hand size; add 1d4+2 to a combat check at another location; add 1d8 to your check to defeat a bane with the Giant trait.
Card Feats: Item+1, Ally+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Dagger +1, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Heavy Crossbow (x2), Light Crossbow +1
Armors: Hide Armor of Fire Resistance
Items: Masterwork Tools, Sihedron Medallion (x2), Staff of Minor Healing
Allies: Dog, Saber-Toothed Tiger
Blessings: Abadar, Calistria, Erastil, Gorum, Irori, Torag

Character Name: Kyra
Role Card: Healer
Skill Feats: Strength+2, Constitution+1, Wisdom+1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Weapons; 1d4+2 healing; recharge Blessing of Sarenrae
Card Feats: Spell+2, Item+1
Weapons: Impaler of Thorns, Venomous Dagger +2
Spells: Cure (x2), Holy Light, Inflict, Major Cure
Armors: Elven Breastplate, Magic Half-Plate
Items: Masterwork Tools, Spyglass
Allies: Cat
Blessings: Gorum (x2), Pharasma (2), Sarenrae (x2)

Character Name: Lem
Role Card: Virtuoso
Skill Feats: Dexterity+2, Charisma+2
Power Feats: Weapons; add 1d4+2 to a check attempted by another character at your location; add 2 to your check to recharge a spell
Card Feats: Spell+2, Item+1
Weapons: Returning Throwing Axe +1
Spells: Cure, Haste, Scorching Ray (x2), Scrying, Toxic Cloud
Items: Sihedron Medallion, Spyglass, Wand of Scorching Ray
Allies: Crow, Jakardros Sovark, Vale Temros
Blessings: Abadar, Desna (x2), Iomedae, Torag

Character Name: Sajan
Role Card: Drunken Master
Skill Feats: Dexterity+2, Constitution+1, Intelligence+1
Power Feats: +2 hand size; may add the Magic trait to combat check; succeed at a Fortitude 6 check to recharge a boon with the Liquid trait instead of banishing it
Card Feats: Ally+1, Blessing+2
Items: Amulet of Mighty Fists, Holy Candle, Spyglass, Staff of Minor Healing
Allies: Black Arrow Ranger, Father Zantus, Shalelu Andosana, Sheriff Hemlock
Blessings: Abadar, Calistria, Erastil (x3), Iomedae, Irori, Shelyn (x3)

Are you also interested in parties from the tablet version?
I'm asking, because the treasure cards are not available in the physical version of the game....

Character Name: Seltiyel (SnS)
Role Card: Spellblade
Skill Feats: Intelligence +4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, ...add 2d6 and that cards trait..., ...add your intelligence skill to your combat check
Card Feats: Spell+1, Item+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Longsword, 2x Short Sword +1, Long Sword +1
Spells: Augury, Frost Ray, 2x Scorching Ray, Lightning Bolt
Armors: Hide Armor of Fire Resistance
Items: Staff of Minor Healing, Wand of Enervation
Allies: Father Zantus
Blessings: Abadar, Gods, Gorum, Irori, Shelyn

Character Name: Arushalae (WotR)
Role Card: Fallen
Skill Feats: Dexterity+4
Power Feats: +1 hand size, ...is reduced by 5, ...add 1d4+2 to his checks...
Card Feats: Item+1, Blessing+2
Weapons: Shock Longbow+1, Deathbane Light Crossbow+1, Longbow+1, Light Crossbow+1
Spells: -
Armors: Snakeskin Tunic
Items: Sage's Journal, Masterwork Tools, Staff of Minor Healing, Crown of Charisma
Allies: 2x Black Arrow Ranger
Blessings: Calistria, 3x Erastil, Gods, Lamashtu, Shelyn

(Why Fallen in RotR? Because I will take this party, add Athnul I finished with earlier, and go to WotR as AD 7-9 with an evil party).

First time posting on here, only just got into the world of Pathfinder and have been thoroughly enjoying playing through RotR solo with 2 characters. I've only had one particularly bad experience and that was Foul Misgivings which took about 12 attempts to finally defeat (yes I was playing it correctly, I've since seen the various threads on that particular scenario).

So, here are my characters at the end of Hook Mountain Massacre:

Character Name: Valeros
Role Card: Weapon Master
Skill Feats: Strength +2, Dexterity +2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Combat 1d4 +1
Card Feats: Item +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Glaive x2, Light Crossbow, Bastard Sword, Bastard Sword +1
Spells: N/A
Armors: Snakeskin Tunic, Magic Half-Plate, Half-Plate
Items: Boots of Elvenkind, Crown of Charisma, Codex, Masterwork Tools
Allies: Grizzled Mercenary, Black Arrow Ranger
Blessings: Calistria, Sarenrae, Torag, Erastil

Character Name: Kyra
Role Card: Exorcist
Skill Feats: Strength +3
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Weapons, Healing 1d4 +2+1
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Item +1
Weapons: Flaming Mace +1, Longspear, Dogslicer +1
Spells: Cure x2, Inflict, Holy Light
Armors: Magic Studded Armour, Elven Breastplate
Items: Token of Remembrance, Thieves' Tools
Allies: Toad
Blessings: Pharasma, Lamashtu x2, Desna x2, Shelyn

Character Name: Kyra
Role Card: Exorcist
Skill Feats: Str +1, Con +1, Cha +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Weapons, Heal +2, 1d8 +1 vs Undead or Outsider
Card Feats: Spell+1, Blessing+2
Weapons: Battle Aspergillum, Icy Longspear +1
Spells: Holy Light, Aid, Cure, Scrying
Armors: Steel Ibis Lamellar, Armored Coat
Items: Pearl of Wisdom
Allies: Goblin golem of Obsidian
Blessings: Achaekek, Sarenrae, Abraxas, Hadregas, Milani, Deskari, Dawnflowe, Shax

Solo Game. No deaths, no failed scenarios. Used 2-player party to determine location sizes, but only 1 character was ever played.

Character Name: Merisiel
Role Card: Thief
Skill Feats: DEX+3, WIS+1
Power Feats: weapon proficiency, sneak attack 1d6+2, +2 noncombat closing check.
Card Feats: weapon+1, blessings+2
Weapons: Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Shock Longbow +1, Frost Longbow +1.
Spells: N/A
Armors: Snakeskin Tunic
Items: Masterwork Tools, Shedron Medallion x3, Medusa Mask, Wand of Enervation
Allies: Sage, Standard Bearer
Blessings: Blessing of Erastil x4, Blessing of Iomedae, Blessing of Irori.

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