Saving money, Amusing ways to afford your Paizo addiction

Off-Topic Discussions

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

1. Go commando, averaging one less load of laundry per month.

2. Stop shaving, beards are spectacular and bikini season is months away!

3. No shampoo, vinegar and apple cider work just as well, and you will have a shiny pelt!

4. Shower cold, come on now! Toughen up, its worth the chill!

5. Shower every other day! The aroma of a dedicated Paizon sends a powerful message of loyalty and commitment that out ways dainty civilized noses.

I only have about $40 in monthly subscription costs these days, so skipping somewhere in the order of 10-12 espressos each month offsets my Paizo requirements.

I could also give the kids old MREs for one week's worth of school lunch each month.

I could make everyone in the family shave their heads and cut out haircuts and shampoos.

I could bathe in the river out back and only take hot showers on Federal holidays.

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An Inglorious Basterd wrote:

I only have about $40 in monthly subscription costs these days, so skipping somewhere in the order of 10-12 espressos each month offsets my Paizo requirements.

I could also give the kids old MREs for one week's worth of school lunch each month.

I could make everyone in the family shave their heads and cut out haircuts and shampoos.

I could bathe in the river out back and only take hot showers on Federal holidays.

And how many cattle farms does the river out back run through? Do things like turtles and snails live in it? The costs for clearing up the bacterial and parasitic infections are going to put a huge dent in any savings you make. Although, you could try renting your body out as a living laboratory for observation at the nearest university hospital; that's what they do at those places anyway.

Hmmm. I could use Prell, and have green, straw-like hair.

I could move to a cheaper state and hunt for all of my food. (I already know how to can vegetables.)

I could tan the deerskins and make all of my clothes. (Easy peasy. Learned how to do that when I was 12.)

I could play the guitar very badly on street corners and have people pay me to stay quiet.

If I tried to sing on street corners I would probably be locked up as terrorist for spreading terror.

Drejk wrote:
If I tried to sing on street corners I would probably be locked up as terrorist for spreading terror.

There are... other things one can do on street corners to earn some cash :)

Odraude wrote:
Drejk wrote:
If I tried to sing on street corners I would probably be locked up as terrorist for spreading terror.
There are... other things one can do on street corners to earn some cash :)

It might still count as spreading terror in my case...

Drejk wrote:
Odraude wrote:
Drejk wrote:
If I tried to sing on street corners I would probably be locked up as terrorist for spreading terror.
There are... other things one can do on street corners to earn some cash :)
It might still count as spreading terror in my case...

There are free clinics for that ;)

Cancel cable. Live on netflix and hulu

An Inglorious Basterd wrote:
I only have about $40 in monthly subscription costs these days, so skipping somewhere in the order of 10-12 espressos each month offsets my Paizo requirements.

Whoa, whoa. Skip coffee? That's crazy talk. Ain't no RPG books worth that kind of dedication.

Being a coffee hater I already have that discount; cutting out soda from my diet not only helped me lose some weight pretty quickly but also severely chopped down my monthly must-have expenses.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


I'm a professional juror. In fact, I should probably be paying attention to what the defendant is saying instead of posting on here.

The above isn't actually true, but given how often my name has come up for jury duty in the past year, it could be.

Shower with a friend.

Dumpster dive for food.

Sell body parts to science.

Sell body parts for things other than science.

Get mugged. Take their wallet and gun.

Vod Canockers wrote:

Sell body parts to science.

Sell body parts for things other than science.

Well since I sell plasma and use that for my subscription.... does that count?

GM Striker wrote:
Vod Canockers wrote:

Sell body parts to science.

Sell body parts for things other than science.

Well since I sell plasma and use that for my subscription.... does that count?

there is a machine that goes ping so it counts as science i'm afraid.

Addiction? What addiction I can stop any time I want.

Vod Canockers wrote:

Shower with a friend.

Dumpster dive for food.

Sell body parts to science.

Sell body parts for things other than science.

When it comes to the "for science" part, I'm kinda all ready doing that... well, and not really selling body parts either, but the next best thing. I'm getting a bit of extra money for being something of a guinea pig for a biotech company (so maybe if there's a zombie apocalypse you'll be able to blame me).

Vod Canockers wrote:
Shower with a friend.

Me and my girlfriend are WAAAAY ahead of ya :)

Get to work by bike or by walking.

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