Reach and Natural Weapons:

Rules Questions

So lets's say I'm playing a character with a reach weapon and a bite attack. Do I threaten only 10ft with the weapon or 5ft with the bite and also 10ft with the weapon?

I have a fauchard-wielding Animal-Fury-using Barbarian who would like to know :).


You threaten all squares that you are capable of reaching with an attack.

To be precise: The reach weapon threatens 10' away, but not 5' away. The bite attack threatens 5' away, but not 10' away. This means you can make AOOs against anyone within 10' of you, with the appropriate weapon.

Nefreet wrote:
You threaten all squares that you are capable of reaching with an attack.

Cool, thanks. I was curious since I saw an FAQ that stated you can't use armored spikes and/or gauntlet off-hand and two-handed weapon at the same time.

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Roan wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
You threaten all squares that you are capable of reaching with an attack.
Cool, thanks. I was curious since I saw an FAQ that stated you can't use armored spikes and/or gauntlet off-hand and two-handed weapon at the same time.

Natural Attacks are a different beast altogether.


Two-Weapon Fighting and Attacks of Opportunity are two totally unrelated mechanics.

Roan wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
You threaten all squares that you are capable of reaching with an attack.
Cool, thanks. I was curious since I saw an FAQ that stated you can't use armored spikes and/or gauntlet off-hand and two-handed weapon at the same time.

Not as part of a two-weapon fighting sequence, but you can wear Armor Spikes and threaten with them within 5' while wielding your reach weapon.

I bring this up because...

Last week I mentioned to my GM that my character could in fact threaten 5' and 10' with the aforementioned combination of reach weapon and natural attacks. He advised that was not the case. So I went to Google and couldn't find a definitive answer.

My other thoughts on Animal Fury:
The Animal Fury ability is a little different case too, since it deosnt specifically say it is a secondary natural attack; is has the same statistics as one, but I suspect that the RAI it was meant to be called a secondary natural attack, before that nomenclature became common with other classes and races similar abilities.

I know that you can make iteratives in addition to natural attacks so I figured that bite attack and reach weapon would allow you to threaten all squares with 10'. I figured that would let you threaten with both, but there may have been a rule that effectively mitigates that assumption that I wasn't aware. My GM is a very knowledgeable guy in general :)

Thanks for helping forumites!


People do continue to get the two mixed up. Just show him this thread if he has any doubts.


I believe your bite would also get 1.5x STR if it is the only natural weapon you have and the only attack you make that round.

At least that's how it is with 'natural weapons', in general. I don't have Animal Fury in front of me right now so it could contain caveats...

If it helps, Roan, perhaps he means you don't threaten 10' away with your bite and 5' with the weapon. You do threaten both regions, but only with the relevant weapon.

Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:
Roan wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
You threaten all squares that you are capable of reaching with an attack.
Cool, thanks. I was curious since I saw an FAQ that stated you can't use armored spikes and/or gauntlet off-hand and two-handed weapon at the same time.
Natural Attacks are a different beast altogether.

Lizardfolk Crossblooded: Aberrant and Draconic/Dragon Disciple.

Reach claw attack at 3rd for ANY melee touch attack....with claw even.
Bite.....tail later I think too?

What even is this necro? I can't tell what you are asking or adding. It almost feels like AI

just advertising a path to sewercide (as BAB & HPs are in the toilet)...

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