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Organized Play Member. 120 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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Azothath wrote:

back to the Magic Basics and Aiming a Spell.

Target refers to creature or object, or more exacting for creatures - the creature type, not shape. When you look at monster entries you will always see a creature type like; aberration, humanoid, monstrous humanoid, outsider, etc. The term "native" was introduced to allow targeting for aasimars etc for some spells, so it is a term to look for. At times you may see a Game Role or category in Target like; you {which is a personal spell}, mount, familiar, ally, etc.
Thus charm person:E1 does not affect outsiders (demon, devil, etc) or monstrous humanoids (giant, etc).
The first line in the description also points you to creature type, "This charm makes a humanoid creature regard you as its trusted friend and ally..." {bolding added for emphasis}

RAW is in descriptive common english rather than more exacting techincal english. So you have to read it then generally go with the common simple interpretation rather than get too literal or parse the phrases into independent parts. Sometimes people 'overthink' their interpretation of RAW.

That makes it clear thank you.

When Charm Person is cast part of the the description is

Target: One humanoid creature.

Certain races/species have Humanoid features but are technically not "humanoid" ....

Demons for example:

CE Medium outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar)

Can I cast charm person on such a creature... mean humanoid...I mean....outsider?

RookTakesCrows wrote:
I’m a new GM, looking to run Rise of the Runelords, but I don’t want to run that encounter with my players. Are there any encounters I could substitute that would have the same effect of possibly angering Vanth?

Orphan boy taken in by Vanth steals from him but accuses target PC to avoid consequences.

Java Man wrote:
No spells. You make an object (in this case a house wagon shaped like a snail) then enchant it as a construct (craft construct feat) with the rules for a construct aimated object. (not just using the soell animate object).

I understand that and ty :}

The idea though is to reconfigure a living, Giant (large sized) Snail into a wanderer wagon that is now also a pet etc.

Java Man wrote:
Use craft construct to make a permanent animated object.

But how to shape the windows and Door?

Permanency would be sprinkled in but the actual correct order of spells and items to make such a wonderful carriage?


Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:
Roan wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
You threaten all squares that you are capable of reaching with an attack.
Cool, thanks. I was curious since I saw an FAQ that stated you can't use armored spikes and/or gauntlet off-hand and two-handed weapon at the same time.
Natural Attacks are a different beast altogether.

Lizardfolk Crossblooded: Aberrant and Draconic/Dragon Disciple.

Reach claw attack at 3rd for ANY melee touch attack....with claw even.
Bite.....tail later I think too?

In the guide you have Shadow JUMP under Sorcerer Shadow bloodline but it is Shadow WELL....jump is the wizard sub-school power.
Also, thank you for the guide,, my family has used it numerous times :}

Dragonborn3 wrote:
No problem! Sidestep Secret save money too, because I won't need a Belt to bump my AC later on.

TxSam88 wrote:
play a Magus or Arcanist, use the Spell combat class ability.

I was hoping to loop it into a actual rotation for an Eldritch Knight.

Is there a way to include a spell that has an attack roll and is cast as a standard action as part of a BAB with

x/x/x etc

e.g sword attack/sword attack/Scorching ray?

Deadly aim does not say it HAS to HAVE a range attack roll, just that it cannot be a touch attack.:

"Benefit: You can choose to take a -0 penalty on all ranged attack rolls to gain a +0 bonus on all ranged damage rolls. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage. "

Magic Missile is neither touch nor melee.

"Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)"

Deadly aim should apply bonus without penalty, even if there is no "attack roll" as you are still attacking a creature....agreed?

Would a Universalist Wizard casting HoA equipped with a quarterstaff and having the TWF feat be able to do

1d6+str/1d6+str damage?

If a Tengu chose claws giving up linguist as a racial and received 1d3 natural claw attacks, then chose

weapon focus/natural-feat
Feral Combat Training-feat

the damage done for 3rd level with zero str mod is


nat and flurry

Thank you in advance.

So then it would only apply when surrounded, or in the midst of a multi person battle?

Thank you

If a pc has both feats and has a BAB of 5 his threatened squares up to 10ft away (two squares in every direction).

If an NPC was engaged but decides to move away to another area 30ft out, would combat patrol and reflexes allow for the first AOO as the npc moves away,
then another as the npc moves out of the first 5ft square,
then another as the NEW threatened squares are ANOTHER ten ft out....and so on until the combat reflexes number of AOO are exhausted?

So a PC with +4 dex mod would be ablle to follow in the NPC's wake until 5 AOO are made?

DAOFS wrote:

I think you're talking about the Low Templar prestige class, designed to represent the worldwound crusaders who weren't neccesarily very good people.

https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/i-m/low-templ ar/

YES!!!!! Thank you :}

I was going to suggest a class to my son perfect for his concept but I cannot remember the name!
I believe the description said something along the lines of
"Not all crusader are honorable, some are just opportunistic."

The image is of a martial class, the man carrying a lot of gear.
Could be an archtype...
Any help would be appreciated.

If decompose corpse was cast on a Zombie, would it still function as a Skeleton creature with attacks whose type had changed?

If cast on an object such as a Necromancers staff would it leave behind a functioning staff if the vertebrae alone was left, or would it destroy the object...

Also, would it have any effect on Vampires or Ghouls, Liches etc whom could be argued to be undead corpses?

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deusvult wrote:

Wizards use a Vancian magic system.

For players who've never been exposed to that sort of idea, Sorcerers' mechanics for casting magic is much more intuitive. Sorcerers know some number of spells, and they can make magic happen some number of times per day. Easy peasy.

Necro'd for appreciation of Vancian lore.

bbangerter wrote:
TheApapalypse wrote:

Good question!
This is one thought I had as well and answered it thus: The feat says the spell is "as difficult to cast" but nowhere says that the actual level increases....

For example QUICKEN spell uses up+4 level spell slot, but Heighten spell does not say that.

It does state that it is "as difficult" to cast as a spell of its level, so I assume this means for defensive casting, caster level checks, violent motion etc, as the term "spell slot" is never used

What do you think "...is as difficult to prepare and cast as a spell of its effective level" actually means then?

But if that alone isn't enough to convince you, there is also this FAQ - in particular the last sentance of the first paragraph.

Thank you for the link....and to tell the truth, as the term "spell slot" is never mentioned it could be argued it doesnt matter....THOUGH I agree with you.

Difficulty casting doesnt seem to include "slots"...take a staff of flame for example.
Wall of fire, for 2 charges, can be cast at CL8 by a lvl 1 wizard etc.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
It affects anything that is based on the level of the spell, and that is all. It does not affect the caster level or modify anything else. It is still the same spell it was before the metamagic was applied. Shadow Conjuration heightened to 9th level does not become Shades; it is a 9th level Shadow Conjuration. The primary purpose of the feat is to raise the DC of the spell. Shadow Conjuration is a 4th level spell so the DC for the save is 14 (10 + spell level) + the casting stat modifier. Shadow Conjuration raised to a 9th level spell the DC for its save would be 19 (10 + spell level) + the casting stat modifier. Shadow Conjuration would not be able to penetrate a Globe of Invulnerability, but a Shadow Conjuration raised to at least a 5th level spell would. Basically, it allows you to use a higher-level spell slot and have the spell count as a spell of the level of the slot used.

Would you say that Heighten (with a spontaneous caster, could be used with every daily casting...say, four heightened color sprays at level 1?

pad300 wrote:
As a question, where's an 8th level sorcerer getting a 9th level spell slot (normally would require a 18th level sorcerer) to cast a shadow conjuration heightened to 9th level?

Good question!

This is one thought I had as well and answered it thus: The feat says the spell is "as difficult to cast" but nowhere says that the actual level increases....

For example QUICKEN spell uses up+4 level spell slot, but Heighten spell does not say that.

It does state that it is "as difficult" to cast as a spell of its level, so I assume this means for defensive casting, caster level checks, violent motion etc, as the term "spell slot" is never used

AwesomenessDog wrote:

Spell Level affects: DC's, slot used to cast, and other affects specifically referencing spell level (such as light/dark spells counters spells of the opposite school of equal or lower spell level).

Caster Level affects: damage, duration, range, Spell Resistance, Caster Level checks, your ability to cast certain level spells in the first place based on your class, and concentration checks

Caster Attribute affects: ability to cast a spell of [Attribute]-10 level, slots per level based on modifier, DC based on modifier, and concentration checks based on modifier

I'm not sure where else to explain what is wrong with what you posted which seems to just be word salad.

Nah, you just don't have enough skill points in KNW: Arcana.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
It affects anything that is based on the level of the spell, and that is all. It does not affect the caster level or modify anything else. It is still the same spell it was before the metamagic was applied. Shadow Conjuration heightened to 9th level does not become Shades; it is a 9th level Shadow Conjuration. The primary purpose of the feat is to raise the DC of the spell. Shadow Conjuration is a 4th level spell so the DC for the save is 14 (10 + spell level) + the casting stat modifier. Shadow Conjuration raised to a 9th level spell the DC for its save would be 19 (10 + spell level) + the casting stat modifier. Shadow Conjuration would not be able to penetrate a Globe of Invulnerability, but a Shadow Conjuration raised to at least a 5th level spell would. Basically, it allows you to use a higher-level spell slot and have the spell count as a spell of the level of the slot used.

Thank you. That is what I assumed; I was also looking if anyone would say you cannot use the feat to raise the spell to level 9 for some reason, so it would seem to be ALMOST overpowered....as a Gnome Umbral Sorcerer it is too good to pass up for Shadow conj/evoc spells.

If a level 8 Shadow sorcerer cast "Shadow conjuration" using-

Heighten Spell (Metamagic)

You can cast spells as if they were a higher level.

Benefit: A heightened spell has a higher spell level than normal (up to a maximum of 9th level). Unlike other metamagic feats, Heighten Spell actually increases the effective level of the spell that it modifies. All effects dependent on spell level (such as saving throw DCs and ability to penetrate a lesser globe of invulnerability) are calculated according to the heightened level.

Level Increase: The heightened spell is as difficult to prepare and cast as a spell of its effective level.

....and chose 9th level the spell would be cast AS a level 9 spell, correct? This would effect the duration as well as the DC, and the quasi-reality %

Shadow Conj: CL8 + 9(spell level) + attribute mod + miscmod(feats/class)

Same with Shadow Evocation when able to cast the spell?

Yure wrote:

Yup. You are right, thanks for pointing that out. I saw a few posts where this metamagic was used to increase DC, and I was confused by the wording and what was being claimed. When instead I should have focused on actual definition of caster and spell level.

This feat is just about useless :-D

Thanks for the clarification!

Also, think Shadow evocation/conjuration

A player would like to say that the free action involved with a throwing shield includes the attack, so with a blink back belt, returning etc it becomes technically an infinite attack.
I read that the free action is the unclasping of the shield, and when an attack is made it becomes a standard attack, or can also be used in a full round attack as part of the attack.

......From throwing shield description-
"This shield is designed for throwing and has specially designed straps allowing you to unclasp and throw it as a free action. Tower shields cannot be throwing shields."

What say ye?

A player would like to say that the free action involved with a throwing shield includes the attack, so with a blink back belt, returning etc it becomes technically an infinite attack.
I read that the free action is the unclasping of the shield, and when an attack is made it becomes a standard attack, or can also be used in a full round attack as part of the attack.

......From throwing shield description-
"This shield is designed for throwing and has specially designed straps allowing you to unclasp and throw it as a free action. Tower shields cannot be throwing shields."

What say ye?

Sorry accidentally posted in the mutant 2e forums.

The tendrils would be in the grappled square because the grappling arms etc are in contact with the enemy, and the tendrils can reach from that vantage.

Jim Groves wrote:

Hey all,

I'm not looking for help, but I wanted to post this and FAQ it.

The incutilis in Bestiary 4 has some issues. It has a Reach of 0-ft., which is appropriate for its size. The Puppetmaster Special Ability however, states it can use its tentacle attacks independently of a its zombie puppet. Except it can't, because of the reach. Even if the zombie were to grapple an enemy, the incutilis would have to occupy the same space, which the zombie host cannot do. Which means it would have to disengage from the puppet and move into the opponent's square, which would end up taking a whole round and pretty clearly is not what the Special Ability was intended to do (at least the way I read it, if you take a literal interpretation it becomes a pretty lame-o creature). And it would get killed before it ever actually executed that stunt.

A quick fix is to adjust the Special Ability so that it has 5-ft. reach while mounted on a host.

Also, zombies are staggered. Might make sense that an incutilis zombie is not, since it has an active brain driving that nervous system.


A player wants to create a character with four arms, fighter with tower prof and some rogue to get greater evasion.....this is awesome buuuuut, he argues this would give him 100% concealment.....which is fine, buuuuuut, he says that the concealment would negate AoE damage and I need another perspective to explain it would not.

How would you put it to him?

How have they lost restrictions regarding armor?

Dost thou speak of the forbidden 2e heresy?

Thank you all very much.
The consternation was looking mid/endgame; initial dex just doesnt weigh as heavy for a vanilla monk pf1 that can take a punch compared to Wisdoms benefits; this monk will be SF and melee focused, with a skill focus in acrobatics.

Btw, I really do love all you rule lawyers and midnight typers....gets me through my tough spots when deciding time nears....:}
May the natty always be a 20!

If a Monk uses Wis for AC and StunF DC, as well as ki pool etc, other than feat tree access why use dex at all?

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Using it for years but a bit tech ignorant.

Am I able to save all my PC's in a campaign as a party instead of individual files from the file tab?

There is a party option but trying to use it only allows a single character save.

Tyvm in advance.

Cannot take Shadow Ghost until level 9 though, unless you know something I dont....?

VoodistMonk wrote:

Hmm... I almost think going straight Gloomblade would be better.

All them bonus feats leaves lots of room for fun Fetchling things, like Shadow Ghost and Shadow Walker.

3. Shadow Ghost
4. Gloomstorm
5. Shadow Ghost
9. Flickering Step
10. Dimensional Agility
11. Shadow Walker
12. Dimensional Assault
14. Dimensional Dervish

That gives you 3/day uses of your SLA, and it turns into Dimension Door between areas of dim light/shadow at level 11. With max ranks in Know:Planes, that's 3/day of real Dimension Door, anywhere you want to go, in any lighting situation. Dimensional Dervish allows you to teleport pounce with any use of Dimension Door... so, 6/day... 15 ranks in Know:Planes gets you another use of Flickering Step. You can take Shadow Ghost more times for extra uses of your SLA... which are extra uses of Dimension Door... which is extra teleport pounces. There are equipmemt mastery/trick feats that can get you more Dimension Doors, but I am too lazy to look it up, right meow.

I was thinking along the lines of monks that wear armor lose certain abilities etc. thank you for expanding it.

Derklord wrote:
TheApapalypse wrote:
-at level five I regain the armor prof without losing the Shadow Weapon, as it does not state any ability will be lost taking this feat or even wearing Heavy armor when not prof with it...correct?

Well, you don't really regain anything, because you never had heavy armor prof. That aside, what an archytype replaces has no bearing on how it functions. I don't think any ability gets shut down by the existence of proficiency with something, and unless an ability explicitly says it doesn't work while wearing a certain type of armor (or armor in general), it works even in armor the class/archetype does not grant proficiency in.

Indeed, loss of armor proficiency is often used in archetypes to deliberately weaken it, basically making you pay a feat (or a dip) if you want to go strength-based, or suffer lower AC.

Claxon wrote:
You also get evasion, which is only useful if you have a decent reflex save.

It's even worse than that, as Shadowdancer's evasion, like most of them, only works in light or no armor.

Of course, there are ways to make a low dex Shadowdancer work, and not everyone cares about all class features.

I wasnt aware of FLickering Steps...that changes it to a full Gloomblade spec and holds to the flavor!
Thank you.

VoodistMonk wrote:

Hmm... I almost think going straight Gloomblade would be better.

All them bonus feats leaves lots of room for fun Fetchling things, like Shadow Ghost and Shadow Walker.

3. Shadow Ghost
4. Gloomstorm
5. Shadow Ghost
9. Flickering Step
10. Dimensional Agility
11. Shadow Walker
12. Dimensional Assault
14. Dimensional Dervish

That gives you 3/day uses of your SLA, and it turns into Dimension Door between areas of dim light/shadow at level 11. With max ranks in Know:Planes, that's 3/day of real Dimension Door, anywhere you want to go, in any lighting situation. Dimensional Dervish allows you to teleport pounce with any use of Dimension Door... so, 6/day... 15 ranks in Know:Planes gets you another use of Flickering Step. You can take Shadow Ghost more times for extra uses of your SLA... which are extra uses of Dimension Door... which is extra teleport pounces. There are equipmemt mastery/trick feats that can get you more Dimension Doors, but I am too lazy to look it up, right meow.

I know and I lament!
That is why I would like to buy all 1e content in physical form. Never going to use 2e.

Melkiador wrote:
There are sometimes humble bundles. Paizo isn’t interested in making more PF1 content at this time. And unfortunately, WotC’s shenanigans have lowered the odds even more that Paizo will ever come back to PF1.

Thank you....there are lore reasons and character progression; it mostly has to do with the shadow Companion, Shadow Jump and Dimensional Savant reasons.

i DO appreciate your detailed response :}

I then realized it appears all new releases are in 2e....is there any all encomoasing bundle of 1e AP's?

I would rather own all of the 1e releases and then Homebrew as opposed to purchasing anyting 2e for the rest of my life.....my family are all 1e and raised our kids on 1e....reminds me of having to leave dnd 3.5 for P1e :P

I am working a Fetchling gloomblade SHadowdancer.

Gloomblades receive a Shadow Weapon (Su) ability...with this change to fighter class:
"This replaces the fighter’s armor training and proficiency with heavy armor and shields (he retains proficiency in light and medium armor)."

If I take-
Armor Proficiency (Heavy) Type: Combat Requirements: either
( profwitharmor: TYPE.Medium at least 1, at least 1 Armor Proficiency ( Medium ) FEAT )
Description: You are skilled at wearing heavy armor. Benefit: When you wear a type of armor with which you are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Dexterity- and Strength-based skill checks.

-at level five I regain the armor prof without losing the Shadow Weapon, as it does not state any ability will be lost taking this feat or even wearing Heavy armor when not prof with it...correct?

My main question is as a fighter woth 5 levels of Shadowdancer should I give him charisma as a side stat or dex?

It would seem that either are viable and the class is mostly making use of the Shadowstep and Shadow Creature ability for flavor.

Just for everyones info....This was a question a player at my table asked, they thought they had a loophole and I wanted outside sources to say what I have said so that it wasnt taken as me just "ignoring a players great idea"....though I did allow either for the price range of 200k (gold isnt that easy to come by in our game) or it being an Artifact he could quest for.
....You all did well and thank you.

so: Use activated or continuous= spell lvlx caster level x 2000gold

True strike: lvl1 cl 1 = 2000 gold

Weapon= cost of masterwork item...300g plus sword cost= 325g

total gold for a magical Sword of True strike=2,325 gold

is this correct?

Effect allows a continuous +20 to attack.

If for any reason (using a free action to release my hand on my two-handed weapon or I am wielding a long sword) I am wielding a weapon but have a hand free, and have chosen,
...Benefit: While raging, the barbarian gains two claw attacks. These attacks are considered primary attacks and are made at the barbarian’s full base attack bonus. The claws deal 1d6 points of slashing damage (1d4 if Small) plus the barbarian’s Strength modifier...

can I use my ONE free hand to make two claw attacks?

No matter the answer to the question above, after I have made a full round attack with my weapon do the claw attacks count as primary and receive the bonus from str or do they become secondary with penalty?

Thank you in advance (Longtime Wizard, first time Barbarian)

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Yessssss my darlings,

Just wanted to keep your minds sharp...Kingmaker has made peoples minds eye a little lazy.

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It would seem that adding Dex to damage would make a Ranger (insert dex class here) unquestionably more powerful, and leave fighters solely for flavor ( and I love my Fighters).

PhineasGage wrote:

I'm interested in hearing all of your thoughts on GMs mandating an alignment shift of a PC based on their actions.

Do you need to see stable, consistent behaviour before you force a shift?

Do you explicitly state the shift at all, or simply converse with the player about how their actions don't fit their alignment and would they like to make a shift?

Can a single incident spark a GM directed alignment shift?

A bit of contextual information:

Recently, in our campaign, the PCs arrived at a city where they were advised to keep their heads down, as some powerful group is out to get them (we're running Jade Regent). To make things interesting, and to see how the party would react to trying not to draw attention to themselves I had them encounter a large group of drunk, unruly men coming home at the end of a long days work. The men insulted the PCs, harassed them a bit, and made lewd comments about a female NPC tagging along with them.

The party attempted a little bit of intimidation to run them off, but that failing, they began attacking these mostly unarmed, unarmored men in the middle of the city. After murdering 5 of them, a few of the PCs realized their error and went into hiding.
Two of the PCs decided they wanted a little more fun and attempted to head down to the local brothel. Various guardsmen attempted to stop them, and were slain. After killing 13 guardsmen, one PC was finally taken down and the other slipped away.

I ruled the captured one was almost immediately executed for his crimes.

Both characters initially started off as having True Neutral alignments.
I dictated that the one that slipped away's alignment shifted to NE based on this event.

Too harsh, too easy? Any thoughts? This was a really odd situation, and not something typicaly for my players at all...and I'm wondering if I handled it fairly.

I allow five major decisions to shift an alignment.

Kemuri Kunoichi wrote:

I have been kind of intrigued by the idea of basing a build around the Ninja Trick 'Pressure Points'

** spoiler omitted **

I am picturing a ninja/monk type character who runs up and pokes you in a dozen places, crippling all your limbs. (Kinda like Ty Lee from Avatar)

I'm thinking 3 levels in unchained rogue to get the talent, finesse, and dex to damage...then switching to unchained monk for flurry, unarmed strike, better BAB, etc.

The idea is throw out a bunch of low damage attacks that sap the targets strength down to where they can't even move.


People who say PP isn't good because after 3 hits the enemy is dead forgets they might have DR or you are.dealing non-lethal....

MrCharisma wrote:
TheApapalypse wrote:
Also, the rogue does not HAVE to use his AoO if he wants to wait for the condition.

Yeah, this.

Honestly I don't know that I've ever seen this come up.

I have characters who have used readied actions in the same round as AoOs. Usually it's a character with reach who readies an action to "attack the first enemy who comes within reach". Then when an enemy charges the readied action triggers, and if they survive I get an AoO as well.

In this case we didn't have to worry about whether I could take AoOs before my readied action went off because the readied action triggered first, but I wouldn't penalise a player for doing it in the opposite order.

Remember that a readied action is that character's turn. They're not gaining extra actions out of this, they're just using their actions in a smarter - but slightly riskier - manner. Between dropping in initiative and the potential to miss an entire turn taking readied actions is already a dubious prospect to most, don't punish them for it if it works out in their favour.

I mean for the sake of keeping stealth, or positioning of PC or NPC.

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