Planning for Dragon Disciple


Hey guys, I'm looking for some advice when it comes to making a character that will be picking up Dragon Disciple down the line.

I've read Oterisks's Guide to the class( -Dragon-Disciple), and found it very useful. However, after reading up on it, I've got a question, and as the thread itself is dead (and 50 pages long...), I thought it would be best to ask the question as a seperate thread.

You see, I want to go Paladin/Sorcerer at least, because I really like how well the two classes work well together. However, upon reading the guide, I had to admit that focusing on natural weapons as the weapon of choice, not only keeps your hands free for spells, but works very well with the Dragon bloodline/Dragon Disciples... but that's difficult if I just go straight up Paladin/Sorcerer

So I'm wondering if its viable to go Paladin 2/Ranger 2/Sorcerer 1, before picking up Dragon Disciple and going from there. 2 levels of Paladin gets me Lay On Hands, and more importantly, Divine Grace. 2 Levels of Ranger, will then allow me to get permanent natural weapons, and give me the option to upgrade them from their. After that, 1 Level of Sorcerer for the syngery with Dragon Disciple & Paladin, then go from there.

Does that sound like its a viable plan?

I myself would go straight Paladin then Sorcerer with no Ranger in between. If your big stat is Cha anyway, you'll have enough for the Draconic claws to be useful. If you feel you need to burn resources for extra claws, take Eldritch Heritage for the Abyssal claws. This will double the time you have claws and upgrades itself independently of your actual Sorcerer level.

I do not really like this plan because you delay a lot your caster level progression. For natural attacks, I suggest:

- Taking the Eldrich Heritage (Abyssal) feats, so that you have extra claws, in addition to your claws because of your dragonic bloodline.

- Start as a Tiefling, a half-Orc or take the Tusked trait so that you obtain a bite attack.

- Use alter self in order to change to a troglodyte.

You start a bit slow, but after you have access to both eldrich heritage and alter self you will almost always have access to natural weapons. From there things only get better, with the beast shape, vermin shape, giant form, monstrous physique and Form of the Dragon spells.

Just carry a two-handed weapon for the early lvls.

Also, if you take the Eldritch Heritage (Abyssal) You can start getting bonuses to your Strength at level 11 with another feat. So that's nice.

If you want to maximize your rounds of Claws (and bite when you get to level 2 DD), carry a Polearm or two, and use it when you cannot full attack and for attacks of opportunity. When you get into the thick of it, drop the polearm and full attack. If you want to cast spells taking one hand off the polearm and casting is a free action, and putting your hand back on the polearm is also a free action. Just because you have a weapon of choice doesn't mean you shouldn't have a back up as well.

Hmmm... yeah, okay. Paladin/Sorcerer it is.

I'll probably go Crossblood for Abyssal anyway.

For lower-levels, should I use a greatsword or a Polearm? I mean, the Polearm's can't hit creatures that are right next to me, can they?

If they are right next to you, then use your claws for two attacks, dropping the polearm. Backup polearms are cheap, so you don't have to pick them up at early levels. If you pick up Enlarge person for your spell, you can have a 20' reach. Greatswords are nice, as are Falchions for more crits. Pick whatever suits your character, as they have each their benefits.

If you don't plan on heavy armor, take the Divine Hunter Archetype for Precise shot. It's free, and it might help with an acid splash or Ray of Frost at early levels too.

funnest crossblooded is elemental and dragon, choose one of hte less common elements (I always go with acid or cold. and keep most of the dragon bloodline stuff. The blast and the wings aren't subject to magic suppression I believe or at least the blats isn't SR problematic I think.) so you can change anything to that for the bonus buff spells. then pick up abyssal with eldrtich. Because then those claws will be fire giving you another way to attack.
Preise shot is awesome for focused blasts as well.

Lantern Lodge

Have you considered Arcane Duelist Bard? They make for great DDs with a 2 level dip of Ranger.

If set on the Sorcerer / Paladin comb, a very good combo, i would advise the Orc Bloodline if you decide to go Crossblooded. Otherwise every thing above is quite spot on for a DD.

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