Grenadier Alchemical Weapon Infusion action

Rules Questions

Happy new year!

I've been building a grenadier alchemist, and I'm not positive if you need to use a move action to retrieve an alchemical liquid or powder before you infuse a weapon, or if the retrieval is considered a part of the infuse action.

The ability:

Alchemical Weapon (Su)

At 2nd level, a grenadier can infuse a weapon or piece of ammunition with a single harmful alchemical liquid or powder, such as alchemist’s fire or sneezing powder, as a move action. This action consumes the alchemical item, but transfers its effect to the weapon in question.

The alchemical item takes full effect on the next creature struck by the weapon, but does not splash, spread, or otherwise affect additional targets. Any extra damage added is treated like bonus dice of damage, and is not doubled on a critical hit. The alchemical treatment causes no harm to the weapon treated, and wears off 1 minute after application if no blow is struck. At 6th level, a grenadier can use her alchemical weapon ability as a swift action. At 15th level, this ability becomes a free action.

I'm thinking that you do need to use a move action to retrieve the item, but I figured I'd get a consensus.

Thanks for any answers!

Like the standard action to use a bomb or extract, the action you use for Alchemical Weapon covers the entire proces.

Well that is just fantastic. Thanks a lot!

Dark Archive

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Pupsocket wrote:
Like the standard action to use a bomb or extract, the action you use for Alchemical Weapon covers the entire proces.

There's nothing in the ability description that has anything to do with retrieving the alchemical item.

As for the extract and bomb those explicitly state the action is part of the standard.

If your GM decides to house rule it to work that way great for you but as written it's a different action to retrieve and another to infuse.

Mathwei ap Niall wrote:
Pupsocket wrote:
Like the standard action to use a bomb or extract, the action you use for Alchemical Weapon covers the entire proces.

There's nothing in the ability description that has anything to do with retrieving the alchemical item.

As for the extract and bomb those explicitly state the action is part of the standard.

If your GM decides to house rule it to work that way great for you but as written it's a different action to retrieve and another to infuse.

There's nothing in the ability description that has anything to do with retrieving the alchemical item. If your GM decides to house rule that you need to spend an to retrieve the alchemical item, too bad for you. Point is, your interpretation is no more "Holy RAW" than mine.

Liberty's Edge

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Pupsocket wrote:

There's nothing in the ability description that has anything to do with retrieving the alchemical item. If your GM decides to house rule that you need to spend an to retrieve the alchemical item, too bad for you. Point is, your interpretation is no more "Holy RAW" than mine.

Not to nit pick... but it actually is. This is the difference between drawing and throwing a dart and shuriken. Shuriken specifically states its drawn as a free action. Its a classic "General vs Specific" rule. "Generally" it takes a move action to draw an item. Some weapons and items can be "specifically" drawn quickly, as stated in their entries. Of course its not unheard of to just take quick draw.

Mathwei ap Niall wrote:
Pupsocket wrote:
Like the standard action to use a bomb or extract, the action you use for Alchemical Weapon covers the entire proces.

There's nothing in the ability description that has anything to do with retrieving the alchemical item.

As for the extract and bomb those explicitly state the action is part of the standard.

If your GM decides to house rule it to work that way great for you but as written it's a different action to retrieve and another to infuse.

There is nothing in the ability that says you have to draw it or apply it physically to the weapon. It says alchemical effect is transferred to the weapon.

From what you posted, strict RAW, as written it doesn't require you to have the item in hand when you use the power. It also doesn't require you to have the item at all. You can apparently consume an enemy's alchemist's fire with this.

This really looks poorly edited, the intent is probably that you at least have to possess the items in question before doing this, as to whether drawing it is part of the action or not it'd just be speculation. For speculation, they probably want you to have both the weapon and alchemical item in hand before doing it. I base this on the fact that splash weapons can never be quickdrawn so there's some kind of arbitrary limit on fast drawing alchemical items, so it would never be (eventually) a free action.

Holy necro batman. The necromancer strikes again...

Bob Bob Bob wrote:
I base this on the fact that splash weapons can never be quickdrawn so there's some kind of arbitrary limit on fast drawing alchemical items, so it would never be (eventually) a free action.

Use a launching crossbow. The splash weapon is then ammo for a crossbow. With Crossbow Mastery, it's a free action to reload AND it doesn't provoke. You'll have the amusing ability to add a splash weapon to splash weapon ammo. :)

A simple alchemists fire added to another one would deal 2d6 + 2x Int. If you can pick up the Burn! Burn! Burn! feat you'll add 2d4 extra damage!

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