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Excaliburproxy wrote: Thematically, I really like the idea of the phantoms having weapons rather than just punching guys. Personally, I'm building the flavor so the punching makes sense. But if they were to fix phantom by making his damage untyped, negative energy, or any other non weapon damage for that matter, anyone could reflavor it so their phantom uses a weapon (without changing damage unfortunately). If they don't address the low damage progression at all, I hope they at least tweak the deliver touch spells to allow spells to be delivered as part of an attack (ex. touch of fatigue & the normal slam damage). ![]()
I've never been one to equip my companion (other than maybe some barding in the case of a mount). Maybe its just because I don't get it.
I also see an issue with having items on a less than corporeal creature for 2 reasons.
That aside, I get the feeling the Phantom's damage should be negative energy. I didn't want to suggest it at 1st for selfish reasons (I thought undead were immune), but frankly it fits. If there is some unseen reason why negative energy would not work, then another energy perhaps. This would eliminate the low damage vs DR at higher levels (or at least offset it), and hey... more flavor. Please consider the druid as a good class to weigh this one against. The druid has decent abilities himself, and the companion ain't all bad either.
In the end, if you are pulled too many direction trying to make the class please everyone, think about making a core concept, and filling the more specific niches with archetypes. P.S. I think we scared the designer off :) ![]()
I like the notion that the spirit choice would shape the feel of the build. It's kind of like a cleric domain or sorcerer bloodline. The whole bonded manifestation peaked my interest at 1st but it's just an expensive shield spell right now. Some progressive powers would do wonders to it. Since it started with skill foci, maybe it can share the bonus feat. It would then need to provide stat boosts and other utility functions based on spirit type. ![]()
I second these additions. I personally tested with a melee build so Abundant Ammo wouldn't be a game changer. Even if I switch to range (want to test another build style) I don't see much GP tax on this character so I'd likely eat the cost of bullets or bolts. But it's nice to have the spell. Keep the juices flowing. ![]()
Gerald Lee wrote: It's funny...they mention the Phantom manifests itself over and over again, never does it say the Spiritualist summons it as the ability or spell. As quoted from the playtest, page 50, 1st paragraph of Phantom "Fully manifested phantoms are treated as summoned creaturesfrom the Ethereal Plane" My main argument is that AS works on "summon" spells. So you and I agree. Gerald Lee wrote: I was actually think that's a great point re: the sicked phantom. Perhaps the phantom can have the same or similar immunity as an undead thing but any debilitating effects, affecting the spiritualist also affects the phantom. I like it. Its actually a very clever way of allowing the flavor but keeping a bit of balance. I might add to give the phantom the mind affecting immunity as well but shunt the phantom back to the EP if the spiritualist gets possessed or the like (this'll take some clever wording). I think there should be a save vs mind affecting bonus on the spiritualist either way (someone mention an "occupied" sign).![]()
I had the pleasure of playing a Spiritualist with a Hate phantom last night and was pleasantly surprised. My 1st thought towards another playtest was "oh great, more classes, just what we need." I was in awe over the way this class felt completely original (even if it is summoner-esq). There's a lot of flavor and the companion isn't open to major unbalance like the eidolon can be. I should state that I'm a flavor player and not a min/maxer. On that note, I have a question and a concern/comment. Q:A more min/max inclined friend informed me that I can get Augment summoning and have it apply to the phantom. I beg to differ. Who's right? C/C: As far as the "flavor meets mechanics" are concerned for me... the phantom needs to reflect the flavor more. I was shocked when my phantom was sickened last night. I picture the phantom as a manifested spirit like in Insidious (and the like). I get why its not straight up a wraith but a little give would be nice, but IMO, making it a standard outsider is a cheap way to create balance. I guess there are plenty of things that can be sickened, feared, or mind affected that I might otherwise think would be susceptible to such effects. But I think the flavor justifies the end. The Phantom should be undead (see undead type "Undead are once-living creatures animated by spiritual or supernatural forces") or darn near close to it. Regardless of the outcome of the playtest, I think more clarification is needed on "subtype: Phantom" and "ectoplasmic form". Thanks for building this class, it was a riot to play. ![]()
Pupsocket wrote:
Not to nit pick... but it actually is. This is the difference between drawing and throwing a dart and shuriken. Shuriken specifically states its drawn as a free action. Its a classic "General vs Specific" rule. "Generally" it takes a move action to draw an item. Some weapons and items can be "specifically" drawn quickly, as stated in their entries. Of course its not unheard of to just take quick draw. ![]()
Cfoot wrote:
I'm designing one now and didn't even realize this little fact. But here's proof it should apply. "The alchemical item takes full effect on the next creature struck by the weapon" quoted from the "Alchemical Weapons" ability. ![]()
Borthos Brewhammer wrote: No, they are already alchemical and do not last more than a few seconds to be infused and thus cannot be infused with other alchemy. That's how I would rule it, anyway. As much as I would want this to work... I have to agree with Brewhammer. It takes a move action to infuse the alchemical liquid or powder to a weapon or ammo. At this point no bomb exists yet, it takes a standard action to draw, create, and throw the bomb. If you were to pause to infuse the newly created bomb with an alchemical item ("create, infuse") you would spend a whole round and have no action to throw before the bomb goes inert, effectively wasting both the bomb and AI. Even if you wait until 6th level when the infusing time lessens to a swift action, you can't "create, infuse, throw" because you can't interrupt a standard action with another action and "create" and "throw" are both standard actions. This is the same at 15th level when it lessens to free action. A free action is still a separate action and thus can't be done during another action. I might house rule that it can be done as a full action but it get to a point when its not worth the effort to add 1d6 to an already multiple D6 bomb.. ![]()
I just caught something that won't make a lick of difference but these tidbits annoy me to no end. Xaratherus said:
The Gunslinger Gunsmith ability says
Xaratherus, how can you concede that you might get half the MW cost back but can't fathom how the special use of the Gunsmithing feat might be interpreted as "and removes the battered condition"? "Special: If you are a gunslinger, this feat grants the following additional benefit. You can use this feat to repair and restore your initial, battered weapon. It costs 300 gp and 1 day of work to upgrade it to a masterwork firearm of its type." Both cases assume something that is not actually written...
James Risner wrote: The Dev's intent is to make completely absolutely certain that someone can't take a level in Gunslinger and gain a 1500 gp item they could sell for 750 gp. 1. Since you seem to know what the devs intended, pehaps you can either share the source of this knowledge. 2. assuming i were to level dip just to sell the gun, i would abviously choose the blunderbuss (2000gp). After I pay 300gp to MW it, it will sell for 1150gp. Wow I made 850gp after oop. It only wasted a level to do it. If I make it magical to somehow loophole and increase my earnings I actully decrease them since I only get half the cost back... duh!
As for the other comments. Please don't jump to say I'm assuming the rules imply something thats not actually said (seeing as how I said "it should say"). I'm just trying to draw a conclusion on what the intent was (without assuming I'll actually know unless they tell me) until we get an answer. You guys can argue night and day but it doesn't help answer the question until the devs state their ruling. And sadly for me (because I agree with MDT) it doesnt actually say it removed the battered condition. On the otherhand, I didn't buy the gun to begin with... so i'm only losing half the MW cost -22gp (average). --I appreciated everyones input. Please FAQ my OP... ![]()
mdt wrote:
With that said I'm almost certain the "battered" condition is removed. This still doesn't answer the question of "selling for scraps or full resale value". I don't think a full resale value return would break the wealth balance especially since the cost of ammo is through the roof. And since we are now looking at a fully MW pistol, why wouldn't it sell for the full 50%. Wish this was clearer, please FAQ my OP... ![]()
Thank you for clearing that up for me. Rob McCreary wrote: This is just a case of slightly confusing language. What it means is that the PCs can attack the tentacles (with any weapon), or they can attempt to sunder the tentacles with slashing weapons. The tentacles don't have any DR or immunity to slashing damage, but only slashing weapons can be used to sunder them.
I just wrote a whole long post and my page timed out. very frustrating. I apologize that my question is blunt and impersonal. Spoiler:
In the giant tentacle attack in the lighthouse, the text says the PCs can attack or sunder with a slashing weapon. The stat block doesn't list any DR or immunity to non slashing weapon damage. Am I missing something or over thinking it? Thanks and again I apologize. Merlino ![]()
King of the Gnomes wrote:
I suddenly feel compelled to play a gnome that worships the "King of the Gnomes"... I thank you for the power of awesomeness. ![]()
CRobledo wrote: I have a "cleric" of Aroden (who is in fact a life oracle) who attempts to convince people the only reason Aroden is dead is because noone is worshiping him anymore. So he tries to get converts all the time. My Eagle Knight in training worships Aroden... I fealt it really fit with the Andoran flavor and all you non-believers will be shocked when Aroden returns! ![]()
SuperUberGeek wrote:
haha, yes you did. and yes I did. Pie was part of the terms of coming back, no pie no play... |