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I'm not much of writer and english is foreign language to me, but I like to draw.
There was no guide for image submissions so does it means that those aren't taken?
Do you have an existing portfolio, we can view online?
That could help show what themes you're good at, and enjoy doing most.
That way, artists can be allocated to where they would be best suited.

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As for Art....this is how it works.
We maintain a roster of artists. I contact the artists on this list at the beginning of the issue's process, to see who is available and interested in illustrating for us. They tell me yes or no, and how many pieces they want to commit to for the issue.
I then consider them when assigning art for an article.
To get on this roster, you simply need to contact me at wayfinder.fanzine@gmail.com, tell me you want to illustrate for Wayfinder, and give me a link to your Deviantart gallery, or whatever art gallery you use to display your portfolio.
I need to SEE your body of work in order to know that I want to have you illustrating for Wayfinder.
I love finding fans with MEGAtalent, and I love promoting them and finding them a bigger audience (one that gives paying commissions!) to show off that talent.
The biggest reward for me? Having an artist we have been using tell me that they cannot help this time, because they have too much paid illustrating to do. SUCCESSS!

GM DarkLightHitomi |

Smaller foodbill too. Not that gruel is ever particularly expensive.
You havent seen the halflings I've seen. I hate halfling guests, just one will eat a millionaire out of house and home! If they were not such good farmers they would have died out from starvation eons ago!
Walk into a halfling home and half the rooms are pantries.

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Kajehase wrote:Smaller foodbill too. Not that gruel is ever particularly expensive.You havent seen the halflings I've seen. I hate halfling guests, just one will eat a millionaire out of house and home! If they were not such good farmers they would have died out from starvation eons ago!
Walk into a halfling home and half the rooms are pantries.
Your thinking about hobbits. Get your head out of Middle Earth!

Soul |

I've been working on a Society-playable Chellish Inquisitor, this makes me wonder how I would go about porting him over to a statblock and description usable for the magazine, i suppose i should go back and read them all (I'm relatively new to pathfinder as a whole) as reference. At least i have more than a month to work with it this time around!

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I've been working on a Society-playable Chellish Inquisitor, this makes me wonder how I would go about porting him over to a statblock and description usable for the magazine, i suppose i should go back and read them all (I'm relatively new to pathfinder as a whole) as reference. At least i have more than a month to work with it this time around!
Take a look at similarly-classed and levelled NPCs in the NPC Codex, AP instalments and PF modules, as well as WF back issues.
I'm often not clear which section some abilities officially belong in, eg, is this a Special Quality, or a Defence?I know where I'd put them, but that isn't necessarily going to fly with the staff who vet the submission.
If you can at least show that the formatting of your 'Brother Thumbscrew' matches that of 'Cardinal Fang' in AP101 'Racked with Guilt', you should be good.
Class abilities would be separate from feats would be separate from domains would be separate from talents, etc, even though some of them were meant to work in synergy.
You'd lose track of essential information, that would have altered an encounter, because it was tucked away out of sight on a supplementary sheet.
Now I print all characters, PC and NPC, in statblock form, for ease of use at the table. Any mechanics I need reminders for, I print below the statblock in alphabetical order, so I don't need to remember if it's a revelation, on page 2, or a feat on page 3, an SLA, etc.
If a GM wants to see the longhand version, he can, but for use at the table, give me a statblock every time. Two sides of printed A4 beat a ream of scrawled paper.
But I accept that my layout for my home games may be idiosyncratic.

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Hey folks writing for the Bestiary, how many of you have Infernal Wound from the bearded devil in your monster?
It wasn't for the Bestiary, but I did consider it for something else... (Was it a Combat Feat? A Rogue talent? A spell (or metamagic feat!)? A witch hex? I'll never tell!)
My overused bestiary quirks are easy to recognize. Everything seems to end up with all-around vision, for some bizarre reason, for one thing!

Cheapy |
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Well, here's my basic idea:
We create a Universal Monster Rule of Infernal Wound. Since this is going to have a lot of devils in it, I think it's a decent assumption that lots of people will make use of this ability, since it's on two devils.
The damage a bearded devil deals with its glaive inflicts persistent wounds that cause 2 points of bleed damage. Bleed caused from an infernal wound is particularly difficult to stanch—a DC 17 Heal check stops the damage, and any attempt to heal a creature suffering from an infernal wound must succeed on a DC 16 caster level check or the spell does not function. Success indicates the healing works normally and stops all bleed effects on the victim. The infernal wounds caused by a bearded devil are a supernatural ability of the devil, not of the weapon.
Create a standard terminology for it like:
infernal wound (2 bleed, 17 DC heal, 18 DC CL)
This would save about 90 words for people, allowing for more awesomeness.

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Well, here's my basic idea:
We create a Universal Monster Rule of Infernal Wound.
This would save about 90 words for people, allowing for more awesomeness.
+1 to this idea. I was planning to use Infernal Wounds in my monster.
Speaking of words, I know different word counters have different definitions of "word"--which word counter should we use for Bestiary entries?

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Patrons themes: contracts, pride, slavery, tyranny.
New familiar option: secretary bird?

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Patrons themes: contracts, pride, slavery, tyranny.
Having trouble determining a good spell list.
Contracts - geas, command, suggestion, planar binding, soul bind
Pride - illusions, in GolarionSlavery - hold person, hold monster, forcecage, imprisonment, summon monster, binding, animate rope?
Tyranny - dominate person, dominate monster, demand
From Ultimate Magic, agonize and leashed shackles seem suitable, from the slavery angle.

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Cheapy wrote:Well, here's my basic idea:
We create a Universal Monster Rule of Infernal Wound.
This would save about 90 words for people, allowing for more awesomeness.+1 to this idea. I was planning to use Infernal Wounds in my monster.
Speaking of words, I know different word counters have different definitions of "word"--which word counter should we use for Bestiary entries?
We go with the word count that Microsoft Word gives.

Kaartus |

3 archetypes that come in at 750 total between the three? That's 1 submission.
3 archetypes that are 750 words each? That's three submissions and incredible.
I don't think i've ever seen a single archetype that made 750 words, unless every class ability was getting a complete work over.
I suspect writing a new order for some sort of fiendish Cavalier or somesuch would likely come in at 750 words or there abouts.

Ambrosia Slaad |

Cheapy wrote:I don't think i've ever seen a single archetype that made 750 words, unless every class ability was getting a complete work over.3 archetypes that come in at 750 total between the three? That's 1 submission.
3 archetypes that are 750 words each? That's three submissions and incredible.
Then you should see one of the archetypes in Wayfinder #10... shoehorned in (just) within a hair of 1500 words. :)
Logorrheic slaad is logorrheic.

Kaartus |

Kaartus wrote:Then you should see one of the archetypes in Wayfinder #10... shoehorned in (just) within a hair of 1500 words. :)Cheapy wrote:I don't think i've ever seen a single archetype that made 750 words, unless every class ability was getting a complete work over.3 archetypes that come in at 750 total between the three? That's 1 submission.
3 archetypes that are 750 words each? That's three submissions and incredible.
I think I just saw it, the Malefic Arcanist and the Derro bloodline right?

RuyanVe |

I think I just saw it, the Malefic Arcanist and the Derro bloodline right?
These were in #9 and two submissions--the Arcanist by Locke1520 and the bloodline by me (submitted at 549 and edited to 500 words).
But yeah, what Set said: adding another ~200 words full of flavor the way to go. Just look at the bloodlines published so far. They are usually (much) shorter than 750 words.

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Snorter, are you using it as well? I'm not sure how to interpret your favoriting.
I haven't put anything together, yet.
I was giving the thumbs up, for Infernal Wounds to be given a standardised Universal Monster rule, whether that's an official one by Paizo, or as a preface to the Bestiary chapter in WF#11.
If all examples work the same way, it saves space, and reduces confusion.
(as an example of unclear flavor text stepping all over rules mechanics, my game last night stopped dead, when a nalfeshnee let loose its unholy nimbus, and I had to explain that none of the PC's bonuses vs [evil] effects counted, because despite the name, and fluff ('a nimbus of unholy light'), there was nothing classifying it as an [evil] effect...and that's a level of semantic hair-splitting I can do without.

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Then you should see one of the archetypes in Wayfinder #10... shoehorned in (just) within a hair of 1500 words. :)
Heh. I don't know if that's a reference to me or not.
It certainly began life as an archetype, before I realised I wanted to change abilities at different levels, so reworked it as an alternate class...then it got rewritten as a base class. (phew)
1500 words for an archetype seems steep. For a full caster class write-up, it's a tough constraint, since depending how you count, you can blow 180 words just on the digits and dashes in the 'spells per day' columns.

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When faced with short (less than 750 words) submissions, we often look to see how many OTHER submissions fall into the same situation. If we can combine submissions together into 1 larger, and cohesive, article, that is the option we go for. For the example in #9, those were both class-related options, so there was a cohesion factor.
For full-blown classes, or prestige classes, those level tables are factored in as a quarter to half page in layout (or 187-375 words).
Magic items, side trek seeds, and bestiary submissions are all typically less than 750 words, and are combined with other submissions of the same type or theme, to form articles.

Ambrosia Slaad |

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:I think I just saw it, the Malefic Arcanist and the Derro bloodline right?Kaartus wrote:I don't think i've ever seen a single archetype that made 750 words, unless every class ability was getting a complete work over.Then you should see one of the archetypes in Wayfinder #10... shoehorned in (just) within a hair of 1500 words. :)
No, not that one. :)
Heh. I don't know if that's a reference to me or not.
Nope, I meant my archetype. Come to think of it, I hit between 1470-1490 on my archetype and near 750 words on my bestiary entry in WF #7 too.

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You know, thinking out loud here....
I'd really be amused if someone could come up with lyrics for an opera....or even MUSIC...SINGING of said opera pieces.
OH! We'd print the words, and a link to YouTube, where people could LISTEN to the songs sung by a fan versed in opera singing!
That'd be cool. Unrealistic? Probably. BUT COOL.