Wildhunt |
The 1st chapter mentions The Witchwar Legacy set in motion the events within Reign of Winter.
I am about to start the Adventure Path and I am wondering whether it is worth doing the module as a one-shot with pre-mades to give the players some context for what is happening as the adventure advances.
Is this a reasonable idea or will it give too many clues away for what would be coming in the campaign?
Zhangar |
It won't give any clues away, other than how it deals with Tashanna - the daughter who fought back.
I actually ran it while guest-DMing a prior campaign. I enjoyed running it.
Reign of Winter assumes that Elvanna did NOT get the Torq like she was hoping too. What happened to the Torq is up to you.
If you run it as a one-shot and the PCs actually give the Torq to Elvanna, be sure to include it when they face her at the end of RoW!
RelicBlackOUT |
This has been a dead thread for two years, so why not spark it up. I am currently running the Reign of Winter AP. We just started so I have sometime before it really matters but I had a quick question. I saw at the beginning it talked about the possibility of running The Witchwar Legacy at the end. Has anyone ran Reign of Winter then afterwards ran The Witchwar Legacy Module? If so is it an easy transition or is there some major customization thats needed in order to do it? Thanks for any info.
Zhangar |
Story wise? Very little; just have the PCs learn after they beat Elvanna that she'd sent one of her strongest granddaughters on a mission to explore the Veil of Frozen Tears. Ilivor's genuinely powerful (20th level, just like Grandma), so she may represent a genuine threat that the PCs should go deal with.
After all, Irrisen might belong to the PCs at that point. Can't have a dangerous upstart running around...
Some of the "surprises" in Witchwar Legacy (like Tashanna's not-death) should've already been spoiled by the time the PCs finish Book 6.
I do recommend upscaling Kostchtchie's involvement in the matter if you need to provide a stiffer challenge to your PCs.
Rayvein |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I am curious about if anyone else has run this as either a prequel or a sequel as well.
I am currently running some players through Rise of The Runelords, and was thinking for the next game we could do Reign of Winter.
Idea was to run Witchwar Legacy with their Runelords characters as a kinda of epilogue (as long as they don't mess up at the end of the Runelords AP...). This would also setup as a transition to the new campaign which could start 15-20 years or so after their Runelord characters completed this module. Could even have their Runelord characters possibly making cameos in the new adventure, based on how things pan out.
Venequin |
I"m actually writing my post Reign of Winter campaign right now, except my game took a very interesting turn near the end.
In my campaign one of the players is playing a deaf kitsune oracle that was previously a warden of Artrosa. The huge difference is after they defeated the Crone Queens and returned to Vigliv in the Grandmothers Cauldron they conspired with the Norn pleading her to assist them in the Destruction of Baba Yaga or at least to leave her trapped within the Doll. As a result Vigliv attacked the party (they luckily had deathward and many buffs left from the previous fight on, or would have died for sure).
As a result Vigliv placed Baba Yaga in her care in the near inaccessible Grandmothers Cauldron. Once this was complete the Oracle had to use dismissal to escape the Hut itself which was still pacing about the psuedo-jungle it had created for itself on the surface of Earth. The Hut initially attacked the players as they were dismissed in front of the Hut one by one since they lacked the Witch Queen's favor. Once they were done making the hut submit, they found that Earth's time had moved faster than they had while inside the Hut. The World Engine was their target within a now-a-day Museum showing what the People of Russia believed to have actually occurred at this Church/Military Camp. The presence of the now Mythic PC's caused the now sentient World Engine to crave their Mythic energies like it once fed upon Baba's.
The players used the world engine and reconstructed it using Baba Yaga's artifacts as the "tuning" forks for planar travel into the Grandmothers Cauldron to make a back door. Once they was completed they infiltrated the Kurgan killed Elvanna and rewired her Gate, and used it to return to Irrisen as the rulers.
I added another Item to the final room with Elvanna: A jeweled regal Magnifying glass with adornments of chicken shaped pearls. I had been toying with a players curiosity appeal by giving him a "scroll of unknown language". He was convinced I did it just to mess with him, because tongues did not work. He finally viewed the scroll with the magnifying glass and realized it was actually an extremely small collection of pictures arranged into what seemed to be an unknown language. The pictures were that of a Baba Yaga's hut. Although, It was doing a very specific dance (I previously had dances that were able to be taught to the hut for various reasons).
My curious player couldn't resist and immediately began teaching the Hut the dance. As the players watched the Hut complete its dance routine, faster and faster, and faster yet, eventually its footwork blaring quick enough to light the ground with archaic arcane runes. Runes that spelled out the True Name of a very particular creature.
Just then a Gate spell ripped open before the PC's. Although, unlike any size they had ever seen before. Suddenly an Astral Leviathan of enormous stature slowly emerged from the planar gate-way, very upset to be teleported millions of miles across the void while dining upon radioactive plankton outside of a dying sun.
The PC's quickly befriended this colossal cumbersome chum once they had learned this was Baba Yaga's method of exploring the Void of space before she had created her Dancing Hut. She traveled inside of the large creature in a demesne she created among its planar organs, using divination magic to find large amounts of food, in return for transportation.
This brings us back to why I am using the "Witch War" supplemental. The players found Tashannas journal after defeating Elvanna, they also noticed the empty 9th throne and had begun investigating this planning their coup all along. The players are hoping to venture into the Veil of Frozen Tears to find Tashanna's whereabouts herself, and while they are at, secure the Torc and use it as a bargaining chip one day if need be.
Sorry for the long post, just thought it would be easier to follow this way. Im about to be running the following sessions, except bumping up the challenge rating, and quite a few of Elvanna's influence.
Serum |
I am curious about if anyone else has run this as either a prequel or a sequel as well.
I am currently running some players through Rise of The Runelords, and was thinking for the next game we could do Reign of Winter.
Idea was to run Witchwar Legacy with their Runelords characters as a kinda of epilogue (as long as they don't mess up at the end of the Runelords AP...). This would also setup as a transition to the new campaign which could start 15-20 years or so after their Runelord characters completed this module. Could even have their Runelord characters possibly making cameos in the new adventure, based on how things pan out.
This is an absolutely wonderful idea.
randomtone |
I am curious about if anyone else has run this as either a prequel or a sequel as well.
I am currently running some players through Rise of The Runelords, and was thinking for the next game we could do Reign of Winter.
Idea was to run Witchwar Legacy with their Runelords characters as a kinda of epilogue (as long as they don't mess up at the end of the Runelords AP...). This would also setup as a transition to the new campaign which could start 15-20 years or so after their Runelord characters completed this module. Could even have their Runelord characters possibly making cameos in the new adventure, based on how things pan out.
This is pretty much my situation, except I was a player in Runelords and the GM will be a player in Reign of Winter, He even offered to GM Withchwar. I've pretty much only read the adventures summary and my thoughts are the stakes don't seem high enough for a high level group to get involvled without rewriting. Why would the heroes of Sandpoint care if either the Elvanna or Kostchtchie get the Torc?