Crane Wing question

Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

According to the description the feat allows you to deflect "one melee weapon attack".
Does that mean it doesn't deflect natural attacks?

It shouldn't have any problem with natural melee weapons. Doesn't specify manufactured, or involve targeting the weapon itself, just the 'weapon attack'. You can't disarm a natural weapon, for instance, but you can deflect it.

Silver Crusade

Thanks, good to hear keeps my crane style monk viable.

I would agree with Majuba- the term weapon could be applied to both natural and manufactured weapons. We'll see what other's chime in with though.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

"Natural weapon" is a term in the Core Rulebook, so you're good.

On the other hand, be sure you know which combat maneuvers do and do not use weapons in their delivery.

Scarab Sages

Yes, usually it is disarm, sunder, and trip that uses a melee weapon to attempt.

Yup, you can Crane Wing a behemoth hippo's bite.


I think the key word is melee. Natural weapons, at least bite/claw/claw, are melee weapons.

blahpers wrote:
Yup, you can Crane Wing a behemoth hippo's bite.

"The 575 foot tall triple headed giant stomps on you!"

"I deflect it."


"I deflect it. And then I trip him. Right there, natural 20, see?"

*GM inner rage*

SwiftyKun wrote:
blahpers wrote:
Yup, you can Crane Wing a behemoth hippo's bite.

"The 575 foot tall triple headed giant stomps on you!"

"I deflect it."


"I deflect it. And then I trip him. Right there, natural 20, see?"

*GM inner rage*

Usually attacks that crush folks, like tremble or crush, is save based and not melee weapon attacks.

An you need to be Big if you want to trip that Giant:)
" You can only trip an opponent who is no more than one size category larger than you."

Cap. Darling wrote:
SwiftyKun wrote:
blahpers wrote:
Yup, you can Crane Wing a behemoth hippo's bite.

"The 575 foot tall triple headed giant stomps on you!"

"I deflect it."


"I deflect it. And then I trip him. Right there, natural 20, see?"

*GM inner rage*

Usually attacks that crush folks, like tremble or crush, is save based and not melee weapon attacks.

An you need to be Big if you want to trip that Giant:)
" You can only trip an opponent who is no more than one size category larger than you."

True, though I'm positive I've seen a feat somewhere that allows you the CMB regardless of size.

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Ki throw, IIRC. Spend ki points to throw (trip) enemies that are larger than you.


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