Trueshots |

Im building a multiclass toon that will be built around the Vampiric Touch Spell. Since i am multiclassing the caster level will not be as high. I know I can take a trait to increase caster level by 2. Is there anything else i could do to increase the caster level on that spell or make that spell do more damage/more heal back. Thanks

Trueshots |

ouch! lol This is PFS I'm making this for, would take a while to get that but may be an option.
the spell specialization good idea but i need spell focus as prereq and unfortunately i don't care about the DC of any of my spells. i'm using touch attacks for everything with weapon finesse and extremely high dex. dont know if its worth 2 feats for the extra 1d6 damage and temp hit point
and no trait would stack would it? there a few traits that make work but cant tell which will stack and what wont

Blave |

Heighten doesn't increase your caster level.
Focusing a character on Vampiric touch is a bad idea, I think. The damage is very low compared to even level 1 spells like shocking grasp and the temporary HP are nice but since they are lost after some time, not all that useful. You might get hurt before you have a chance to vampiric touch someone or you might kill a foe with the touch and not get into another fight for an hour. If anything, I'd put it into a spell storing weapon to get a quick health boose when I need it.

Trueshots |

Focusing a character on Vampiric touch is a bad idea
Well hes not full Vamp Touch. He really is a touch attacker but i'd like the Vamp Touch to be buffed up a bit. I will only use it if i'm Low on health etc. Mostly I will use high touch attacks along with sneak attack die. Thanks for help Everyone!

master_marshmallow |

Heighten doesn't increase your caster level.
Focusing a character on Vampiric touch is a bad idea, I think. The damage is very low compared to even level 1 spells like shocking grasp and the temporary HP are nice but since they are lost after some time, not all that useful. You might get hurt before you have a chance to vampiric touch someone or you might kill a foe with the touch and not get into another fight for an hour. If anything, I'd put it into a spell storing weapon to get a quick health boose when I need it.