The Cinderlander

Trueshots's page

Organized Play Member. 137 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.


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Do you mind explaining exactly why? Can you show me the exact conflict because I'm just not seeing it. Thanks


I've been told that I can't stack Snakebite Striker and Strangler because they Alter Class skills. I'll quote the person suggesting this:

JR wrote:
Sadly, Snakebite Striker and Strangler don't stack. They both alter the brawler's class skills, and archetypes that modify the same class feature don't stack. It isn't enough that they don't replace the same class feature; to quote the APG (page 72):
APG wrote:

"A character can take more than one archetype and garner additional alternate class features, but none of

the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the core class as another alternate class feature."
Both archetypes alter the Brawler's class skills, and, as such, they are incompatible.

But I read this:

PDR wrote:

Class Skills: A strangler gains Stealth as a class skill.

Class Skills: The snakebite striker gains Bluff and Stealth as class skills, but does not gain Intimidate as a class skill.

Nothing is replaced or altered from the same class feature. They would gain stealth and bluff and lose intimidate. Am I correct about this?

If he dies how do I get another one? LOL

Yea, Im not seeing it specifically in the Core Rule book but it makes sense. My situation is King Crab. Give +2 CMB. I get that even if he's in my back pack. I'm trying to determine if he has coordinated maneuvers and so do I, do I get the +2 bonus while he's still in my bag or hanging from my side or must he be on the floor beside me?

help pls, I have a game starting in a few mins and I'm retrain a 3xp toon, don't want to chose a feat I'll never use LOL

If a familiar that is in same square as you is he considered "adjacent"? It seems on forums he is, but I don't see a 100% definite from a Paizo personnel. Want to make sure

So looks like I'll do damage with the grapple and the constrict as well. Also maintaining the grapple is a move action so if I only have one enemy grappled I can technically roll to maintain 2x in one round thus applying maintain damage and constrict damage 2x in same round......This looks fun, very fun!

Scott wrote:
With that, all your natural attacks gain Grab and Constrict.

I'm not reading that in the feat description.

Final Embrace wrote:

Prerequisite: Str 13, Int 3; naga, serpent folk, or creature that has the constrict special attack; base attack bonus +3.
Benefit: You gain the constrict and grab special attacks. Your constrict attack deals damage equal to your unarmed strike or primary natural weapon melee attack. Further, you can grab and constrict opponents up to your size.
Normal: You can grab and constrict creatures one size smaller than you.
Scott wrote:
You can use your White Hair with Flurry of Blows if you take the Feat Feral Combat Training for your Hair.

If I can now use it with in my flurry of blows do I still have to use the INT mod to hit? or will it be off my Dex?(weapon finesse)

Ok, Im confused about this now:

A monk's unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

but then it says:

A monk cannot use any weapon other than an unarmed strike or a special monk weapon as part of a flurry of blows. A monk with natural weapons cannot use such weapons as part of a flurry of blows, nor can he make natural attacks in addition to his flurry of blows attacks.

So to work this I would have to grapple with first round attack, the maintain grapple on 2nd round as free action and also flurry then?

Scott wrote:

You can use your White Hair with Flurry of Blows if you take the Feat Feral Combat Training for your Hair.

A level 2 WHW gets Constrict, and that may serve as the Prerequisite for the Final Embrace Feat. With that, all your natural attacks gain Grab and Constrict.

Ill check combat feral out, sounds cool

So according to what we have just posted here? Would I even need the hair anymore to grapple with? That way I would have to put so many points into intel?

Natural Attack wrote:
Most creatures possess one or more natural attacks (attacks made without a weapon). These attacks fall into one of two categories, primary and secondary attacks. Primary attacks are made using the creature’s full base attack bonus and add the creature’s full Strength bonus on damage rolls. Secondary attacks are made using the creature’s base attack bonus –5 and add only 1/2 the creature’s Strength bonus on damage rolls. If a creature has only one natural attack, it is always made using the creature’s full base attack bonus and adds 1-1/2 times the creature’s Strength bonus on damage rolls. This increase does not apply if the creature has multiple attacks but only takes one. If a creature has only one type of attack, but has multiple attacks per round, that attack is treated as a primary attack, regardless of its type.

4. can I make this natural primary attack to grab with the hair then make my flurry of blows in the same round? (full attack of course)

WH-Witch wrote:
At 1st level, a white-haired witch gains the ability to use her hair as a weapon. This functions as a primary natural attack with a reach of 5 feet. The hair deals 1d4 points of damage (1d3 for a Small witch) plus the witch’s Intelligence modifier. In addition, whenever the hair strikes a foe, the witch can attempt to grapple that foe with her hair as a free action* without provoking an attack of opportunity, using her Intelligence modifier in place of her Strength modifier when making the combat maneuver check. When a white-haired witch grapples a foe in this way, she does not gain the grappled condition.

1. Do you have to use the INT mod? or is it giving you the option to use the INT mod?

2. If I grapple with something other than the hair, I assume I get no effects from the witches grab or constrict abilities

3. this is a primary natural attack. So if I have monk levels can I use this as part of my flurry of blows attacks?

a halting monk would get this choice on level up:

Add +1 to the monk's CMD when resisting a grapple and +½ to the number of stunning attack attempts per day.

If you take an archetype that changes your stunning fist (example flowing monk, gets Redirection (Ex)) do you get extra uses of redirection instead of stunning fist?


Bueller? Bueller?

[Ferris Bueller :) ]

Is it legal for Snakebite Striker and Wild Child archetype to be used together. Herolabs has no errors but GM is saying they are a no go. Clarification would be great. Just seems to me that maneuver training is completely wiped out. Thanks

Hey all thanks for all the new post. I'm curious if you guys would look at what I made so far. I made a toon to level 12. This is just one of my many ideas but theres so much going on with feats and speak abilities I'm not sure if I'm over lapping or what, I've very confused any way, I'm gonna like a snap shot of my herbal page, maybe you can tell me it this will work. Thanks all!


EDIT: I guess I'm just not sure how to put it all together. With the grapple, the hair, the attacking, etc. What would a typical 1st, 2nd, 3rd round action look like for me?

I could go human I was just trying to be different, I'm a human on real life :) actually this character has 3xp and was aasimar prior to the changes, I think I technically could stay aasimar if that helps.

Would just splashing 2 levels of witch in with my monk work? I love all the feats I'm getting free for going the grappling archetype. The white hair with all by herself looks like an excellent grappler

What are the heavy grappling associated feats I need to make myself aware of during leveling? Also, I built as a halfling which some may say is crazy counter productive but I picked up agile manuvers and maxed his dex. Thought this would boost the ac while being so close to combat and boost cmd.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello all, I'm attempting to make a pfs toon that is a 100% grappler. Not concorned with striking to much, more submissions, pins, etc. I built it in heolab as a monk with the grappler archetype. Does anyone think I could come out better with another build? Maybe a fighter type or something. Please brain storm for me if you've got the time. Thanks.

The init isn't the problem with what I can see its the scenarios are way to easy in regards to combat. The other day we played with 5 players a 3-7 (t6-7) game our players were 3-6. On the boss fight the boss feared 3 of us and we coward for 7 rounds and the only one that made the save was a zen archer that got permanently blinded. None of us lost more than 15% of our health.

Let's be honest if I had 7 rounds with any of my toons to beat on any mob in pfs it would be dead. I'm sorry......stuffs to easy!

Which scenarios are repeatable? Thanks

Can stunning fist be delivered through a monk weapon?

and if I have the crusaders furry feat where I can deliver flurry of blows with my deity's favored weapon. can i deliver stunning fist with that weapon?


Given the state of the Paizo Samurai, I've been looking for an alternative Samurai build to play within PFS.
I really like this 3rd party version Nitojutsu-Sensei
I was hoping that someone could help me recreate this one possibly within the PFS frameset.
Thanks Much!

Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-07: Echoes of the Overwatched on Fantasy Grounds

DATE: Tuesday Jan 7th 2014 7PM EST

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for Levels 1–5.

When a Pathfinder agent working in the famed Blakros Museum in Absalom falls victim to a terrible, ancient evil, if falls to the PCs to hunt down the released terror before it can retrieve a relic of the mad astronomer Ralzeros the Overwatched.

Written by James F. Mackenzie.

Calendar link:Sign up here
Discussion Thread:Post Characters here

FG Server alias: Scrawny Dungeon Good Dice
Full Licence holder (you must have a Lite licences to play)

Voice Client: TeamSpeak3
Voice server address:
Password: Dungeoneers

Yes, im playing the Nitojutsu Sensei Samurai from the Way of the Samurai supplement. Upon reading the supplement I see nothing stating how I can spend Honor points. Should I abide by the Paizo method of spending Honor? Thanks

I'm going to be playing a Samurai in my next campaign and I've notice the information about Honor and gaining and losing Honor. I dont quite understand it. You can have Honor equal to 1/2 you class level (min 1). lets say you are level 10 with 5 honor. What does this mean compared to only having 1 honor? I see no bonus for having high honor. I understand the role play portion of being honorable as a Samurai but do you spend honor on something if not im not sure why having 1,2,3, .....5 honor is better? I notice there is a trait for being able to have a max honor of 2 honor higher than your class level. I see no need in this if just simply having a max honor of your class is sufficient. Hope I haven't confused anyone, Thanks!

Anyone hear anything about a release date or any info at all on the MMO thats being built for Pathfinders? Thanks

MindLord wrote:

What are you multiclassing into by the way?

Well i was throwing in a little ninja. I have a high CHA for channels and channeling DC. The high Cha would help with ninja abilities. I want to primarily deliver touch attacks for damage and channel when there are larger groups to hit. I think there is a feat where i can channel positive or negative at the cost of 2 channels per? I may pick that feat up for group heals if need be (I'm obviously a negative channeler). Any suggestions would be great!

Also, If I have 3 levels of cleric and 3 of something else. I'm consider caster level 3 and channel at 1d6. Now lets say say I find something that increases my caster level by 3 levels. Would this mean I would now be a CL 6 and channel a 3d6? Thanks.

I'm looking for a feat/trait/domain/deity that would increase the caster level for channel (I'm looking to get additional dice for each roll). I'm multi classing with this build and am worried about the loss of dice as well as the DC of the channel.
I know there's a trait that gives +2 to caster level of spells, does this also effect the clerics channel?
My build idea is a cleric that is primarily a channeler that also delivers touch attack spells. Thinking of taking weapon finesse with high dex for a high attack chance and mobility and acrobatics. Any suggestions would be great.

I don't believe so Melvin

Blave wrote:
Focusing a character on Vampiric touch is a bad idea

Well hes not full Vamp Touch. He really is a touch attacker but i'd like the Vamp Touch to be buffed up a bit. I will only use it if i'm Low on health etc. Mostly I will use high touch attacks along with sneak attack die. Thanks for help Everyone!

Would heighten spell help me any?

ouch! lol This is PFS I'm making this for, would take a while to get that but may be an option.
the spell specialization good idea but i need spell focus as prereq and unfortunately i don't care about the DC of any of my spells. i'm using touch attacks for everything with weapon finesse and extremely high dex. dont know if its worth 2 feats for the extra 1d6 damage and temp hit point

and no trait would stack would it? there a few traits that make work but cant tell which will stack and what wont

Trait +2
Bloodline +1
Feat +2

anything else, i need to be on an even number :)

Im building a multiclass toon that will be built around the Vampiric Touch Spell. Since i am multiclassing the caster level will not be as high. I know I can take a trait to increase caster level by 2. Is there anything else i could do to increase the caster level on that spell or make that spell do more damage/more heal back. Thanks

Hey there. I'm looking for a scenario that is extremely easy to prep for a VTT. Thinking of something that only has one map with it so there is not much editing? A short game? Simple?

You get my point :) Thanks

I was told today than when a monk uses a weapon that has ki focus attribute. That he can flurry of blows as if the weapon were a monk weapon. Example being a waskizashi or rapier which are non monk weapons. The way I read it was it only counted on special monk attacks and not the normal attacks. Can some one confirm for me, thank you.

Wakizashi is also piercing and slashing damage plus 18-20 they are just way cooler!

Don't quote me but I'm pretty sure if you have a racial climb bonus it stacks with a feat climb bonus which stacks with a trait climb bonus, etc. And the Wall climber is a special ability which I think will stack also.
TBH I may not understand your question fully.

If I have a 8 monk/5 Wiz can the following happen:

can I flurry of blows with and unarmed attach and use the spells chill touch, shocking touch, elemental touch, or vampiric touch, etc.?

chill touch for example says 1x per caster level that would be 5x

So could i flurry with the 4 attacks(from monk 8) on the 1st round and then use the remaining one on the 2nd round?

Also would i get my normal melee damage plus what ever spell damage?


Long Story Short:

I have 3 (additional)skills to blow each level

I want to be able to make extra money although my GM said money wont be an issue, I like to spend it like my wife does irl!

Can some one explain how crafting and professions work exactly? Do I just put points into them each level, is that enough?

I am thinking of Craft alchemy (because I get a +2 bonus on that statically)
Also thinking about Profession Torturer (I'm playing in an evil campaign)
So for the 3rd I was thinking Sense Motive so i could tell if my torturing is working.

It was also suggested to take Craft wondrous item? I think its a feat? How would that work with a profession or craft skill I select.

Thanks much, been trying to read up but the material is still unclear to me.

yea think temple sword would be good for me. I need crits to proc the heal/ki returns from hungry ghost.

1~Whats the difference in number of attack when flurrying with a two handed weapon vs two weapons?

2~Do you get 1.5x str mod with flurry on a two handed weapon?

3~Are there any real benefits in using anything other than unarmed attacks with a monk unless you're looking for higher threat range? i don't see any weapon doing more that 2d10 at level 20 so it just doesn't make sense to me.

4~Can a weapon fin/dex monk deal the same damage as a str based monk? without the use of agile on unarmed attacks it seems doubtful.

5~I like the Hungry Ghost Monk. Should I go dex based or str. Should I use 2 hander or two weapons. What weapon should I use?

Or which is the most often case, they build a module and don't put a map in to designate to that particular Act or encounter. Just dealt with that on Silent Tide.

Ok, the War Hounder's are CR 1/2 and it says for subtier 4-5 they need to be CR1. There is no conversion or addition stat block provided. All it says if give the (x) amount more hit points. Anyone know what the stats are suppose to be or how I do the conversion math to increase the CR rating? Thanks

thanks much!

Combat Style Feat (Ex)

At 2nd level, a ranger must select one combat style to pursue.

two-weapon combat.

The ranger's expertise manifests in the form of bonus feats at 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level. He can choose feats from his selected combat style, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites.

Ok does this mean if its on this list that I can also pick if up as one of my regular advancement feats?

example: TWF and Double Slice are available as a Level 2 Combat Style Feat. Can I get one at level 2 and then turn around at level 3 and get the other? (lets assume I don't meet prerequisites for anything)

Mahtobedis wrote:
I can see it working. Just say you are using your profession day job as a sailor to guide a ship from where you are to some other place. Profession sailor is the skill used to steer a ship so having good charts would probably help with that. A master work sextant might also be a good idea.

Yea that's what I was thinking the Venture-Lieutenant above stated I could use Nautical Maps, they are solely for navigating a boat.

ok, this is what I got so far. I'm ranger so no class skills in perform or profession. My wisdom is highest for day job purposes. Im going to buy Hunting Lodge with 2PP, Get a compass (+2 Survival). Can I use the rangers Track also?

I assume I can use Compass and Track because the Hunting Lodge talks about finding and killing prey. Both would be needed to hunt and kill prey.

Hunting Lodge (2 PP): You are a master hunter and
have been recognized as such by being invited to join an
elite hunting lodge. As a member, you may take part in
special hunts for rare and exotic prey each year, both on
restricted hunting grounds and in the wild. You can use
Survival to make Day Job rolls.

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