Zelny |

Hey there I am playing around with the idea of running a barbarian sometime in the near future, I was hoping to get some constructive advice on the feats and rage powers I want to pick:
1. Power Attack
2. Powerful Blow
3. Combat Reflexes
4. Smasher
5. Improved Sunder
6. Reckless Abandon
7. Weapon Focus [Falchion]
8. Bleeding Blow
9. Improved Critical
10. Knockdown
11. Dazing Assault
12. Come and Get Me
Thank you for the help everyone

Major_Blackhart |
It also depends on what type of Barbarian you're going for, what race, etc.
For instance, most people here don't recommend it, but if you're going half-orc a great class is Hateful Rager. You give up on some rage powers for favored enemy and get less rage per round, but you get besides Favored Enemy other bonuses against those enemies and a good bit of flavor. Most people don't realize that he can be a phenomenal terrorist and a battlefield controller if statted out correctly and given the right rage powers. And most people say with that character Sunder is the best way to regain rage. Me? I disagree. I really like Fueled by Vengeance. You get hit and hit him back, you regain rage. But this is just an example.
Are you going to play straight up barbarian? Invulnerable? Superstitious? What your barbarian has right now is a lot of damage related stuff, but not much else. How is his defense against magic?

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Since you're doing a Come and Get Me build, it would be wise to get some defensive abilities in place of the offensive ones you've got there. Max damage is nice and all, but remember - when barbarians go down, they go down HARD.
I'm not a huge fan of Powerful Blow unless you have some way to rage-cycle. I would trade Powerful Blow and Bleeding Blow for Guarded Life and Guarded Life, Greater, and Weapon Focus for Raging Vitality; should help a great deal with survivability. There are some builds out there that grab Endurance and Diehard (typically via a level of Unbreakable fighter) along with the Invulnerable Rager archetype to become damage-absorbing monstrosities. If you're using Reckless Abandon, focusing on DR is probably your best bet. (Have some potions of Blur or Displacement handy for tough fights.)
If you get a Keen falchion, you don't need Improved Critical and can take Greater Sunder instead - might as well if you feel that sundering will be a big part of your game plan.
Hmm... ask your GM what happens if you use your CAGM attack of opportunity to sunder their weapon. "You're gonna hit me with THAT? Good luck!"