A Real Human Being |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Looking for 3-5 players to join a weekly campaign on Monday nights (7pm EST). The campaign will be played either on MapTool, OpenRPG, or Roll20 depending on the preference of the players. No VoIP utilities (Skype, Vent, etc.) will be used - this game will be purely text based.
The basic character creation rules can be found at the website (still under construction) here: https://sites.google.com/site/dmtalespinner/tavern/charactercreationrules#
We will be playing every week with one small caveat... After the first two weeks a second GM will be stepping in to run a completely different campaign depending on the style of campaign the players enjoy. We will then start a rotating schedule - one week will be Kingmaker, the next will be the other campaign. This is designed to prevent GM burnout which happens far too much in online campaigns for my taste and also to allow the GMs to get to play for once.
For now, I'm just looking for character concepts for the KINGMAKER adventure path. You can download the free Player's Guide to the KINGMAKER Adventure Path on Paizo's website for more information on the campaign and the setting.
KINGMAKER's first book will have the PCs exploring - once we reach the conclusion of "Book One: Stolen Lands" a message board/forum will be launched to handle the running of the kingdom in between sessions so that the actual session play will focus on the characters.
Either respond here or send me a private message if you have any questions or to submit a character concept. Necessary information for character concepts are:
Player Name:
Character Name:
Character Class:
Short (one-paragraph) history:
Short (one-paragraph) personality:
You may create as many concepts as you like. As this post will be spread over several recruitment forums, players will NOT be picked on a first-come first-served basis. I am looking for players willing to commit to the time and to the story.

AnCapBrony |

Player Name: Jakob Morris (AnCapBrony)
Character Name: Artemis
Character Class: Foresight Wizard
History: Artemis grew up among a family of spell castors, although he was not a blood relative of this family. He was left at the doorstep of their house when he was very young. The parent's may have thought he was a devil or a changling due to his pale skin and piercing green eyes, but he is very human... He soon followed in his adopted parents footsteps in the study of the arcane. He was a quick learner who was able to read arcane writings at a very young age. He also studied an obscure school of philosophy that allowed him to, despite his unnerving appearance, move and shake among the people.
Personality: Ever hear of the cheshire cat? Yes? No? Well he isn't important. Although artemis is very studious, he also makes time for his pranking. Artemis is a trickster with a silver tongue and a quick wit. Neither benevolent nor malevolent, artemis is a self indulging 'hawkish-rogue'.

Captain Fremont |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Before I put forth a concept, I would like to take some time to peruse over all the informatin you have put forth and decide what I would like to play for such a campaign. With that said, I do have a question that I didn't see answered in the initial post. How long are you wanting the sessions to last? 7pm EST is 8pm CST for me and I work a Monday through Friday job. While this campaign has caught my interest, I would like to know how much of my Monday night I would be dedicating to the game before putting forth a submission.

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Dotting for interest. (That might be a little bit of an understatement I've been checking the forums regularly and very near praying for Kingmaker Campaign)
I do want to go over all the info before I make a proper submission. Though I am looking at playing a human cavalier. More details once I go over the info.

leinathan |

I am very interested in playing Kingmaker. My preferred character idea is a CG human diviner wizard (scroll scholar). He received the best education that money could be available but he hungers for more.
Essentially what I want for him is to have been raised in one of those families that tries to groom its children to be extensions of the family and nothing more. He chafed against this, and when he was finished with school he ran away from home. As a challenge to himself and a sort of rude gesture to his family, he decided to undertake the Stolen Lands expedition to show off his ability to get by on his own.
He is very well educated and a complete intellectual. His parents and schoolteachers have spent years trying to discipline him, and this shows in his scholastic encounters but not in almost anything else. He's disorganized and uncoordinated and easily bored. Despite his dislike for his upbringing, that doesn't change the fact that he grew up wealthy and isolated from most people. He hasn't seen very much in the way of hardship or suffering, but seeing those things would awaken a fire of goodness in his heart. He's also a fairly delicate person and is unwittingly used to privilege, so an expedition in the wilderness would cause him no small amount of discomfort (although he would try to pretend he was fine).
My inspiration for this character is Mark from the movie-musical "Rent". If you want me to make a more detailed backstory, I can absolutely do it (it's just forming in my head and I don't have a lot of time at this moment) and if you want me to create the statblock for you to do that, I can absolutely do that as well.
Questions? Feel free to ask.

leinathan |

Just as a suggestion, i suggest Neutral Good as the party alignment. This allows for a wide selection of different, but still heroic, characters. This would make the party "The Pioneers" and would make my character the son of a very, very minor lord.
Looking lower down, my character would also likely be the Chronicler or the Diplomat.
Oh, and his name will be Dareon. I'll refer to him from here as "Dareon".

AnCapBrony |

Just as a suggestion, i suggest Neutral Good as the party alignment. This allows for a wide selection of different, but still heroic, characters. This would make the party "The Pioneers" and would make my character the son of a very, very minor lord.
Looking lower down, my character would also likely be the Chronicler or the Diplomat.
Oh, and his name will be Dareon. I'll refer to him from here as "Dareon".
My bloodrager would likely be NG, but i was thinking chaotic neutral for my wizard. Would that be all right for you as long as he isn't too obstructive?

A Real Human Being |

How long are you wanting the sessions to last? 7pm EST is 8pm CST for me and I work a Monday through Friday job. While this campaign has caught my interest, I would like to know how much of my Monday night I would be dedicating to the game before putting forth a submission.
The game should run a minimum of 4-5 hours. Six hours would be on very rare occasions. So it shouldn't run later than 12am-1am EST at the most.

leinathan |

Captain Fremont wrote:How long are you wanting the sessions to last? 7pm EST is 8pm CST for me and I work a Monday through Friday job. While this campaign has caught my interest, I would like to know how much of my Monday night I would be dedicating to the game before putting forth a submission.Hello!
The game should run a minimum of 4-5 hours. Six hours would be on very rare occasions. So it shouldn't run later than 12am-1am EST at the most.
That makes me glad that I live in PST - that's like 4-8 Monday nights, which would nicely fill a void.

A Real Human Being |

I would also be interested in playing the new bloodrager class if you would allow it. Ill come up with a background if you approve of the class.
As the bloodrager class is still in playtest mode and hasn't been finalized, we won't be using it in this campaign yet, sorry. This means the Arcanist, Brawler, and Hunter will also not be allowed.

Captain Fremont |

Captain Fremont wrote:How long are you wanting the sessions to last? 7pm EST is 8pm CST for me and I work a Monday through Friday job. While this campaign has caught my interest, I would like to know how much of my Monday night I would be dedicating to the game before putting forth a submission.Hello!
The game should run a minimum of 4-5 hours. Six hours would be on very rare occasions. So it shouldn't run later than 12am-1am EST at the most.
Hmm...I think I might be able to do that. I tend to stay up pretty late as it is and it starts late enough that I won't have to worry about being home on time unless if some unforeseen circumstance comes up. However, I have been looking for a second job so that could eat into my time.
These points taken into consideration, I'll go ahead and put forth a character concept by the end of the day for your perusal.
I do have a few more questions now that we have that out of the way.
- Will you be allowing the new playtest classes as possible submissions? I'm not really looking to play one at the moment, but its nice to know what options I have open to me.
- Can a single character fill multiple party roles?

A Real Human Being |

I do have a few more questions now that we have that out of the way.Will you be allowing the new playtest classes as possible submissions? I'm not really looking to play one at the moment, but its nice to know what options I have open to me.
Can a single character fill multiple party roles?[/list]
Always happy to answer questions!

leinathan |

Dareon Lebeda
Male human diviner (scroll scholar) 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +2
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 8 (1d6+2) Current: 8/8
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2
Spd 30ft.
Melee quarterstaff -1 (1d6-1/x2)
Str 8, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 10
Feats Scholar, Scribe Scroll, Alertness
Traits noble born (Lebeda), trustworthy
Skills Bluff +6, Diplomacy +9, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (nature) +11, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +8
Languages Aklo, Common, Celestial, Elven, Giant, Sylvan
SQ eye for talent, silver tongued, diligent student (nature), forewarned +1
Combat Gear ; Other Gear
Specialized School - divination
Prohibited Schools - evocation & illusion
1st - mage armor, unseen servant, identify, comprehend languages, sleep, cause fear, feather fall
N Tiny animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +1
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +1 natural, +2 size)
hp 4 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee bite +4 (1d3–4 plus attach)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 5
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 6 (10 vs. trip)
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +10, Climb +10, Escape Artist +3, Stealth +14; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth, +8 Acrobatics
SQ Attach, Alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link
When a weasel hits with a bite attack, it automatically grapples its foe, inflicting automatic bite damage each round.
I couldn't help it, here you go.

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In continuation of my earlier post.
Player Name:
Character Name: Aldrik Henderthane
Character Class: Cavalier (Gendarme)
Character Race: Human
Short (one-paragraph) history: Aldric was born to a minor noble family. As with many such noble families they had grander notions of themselves than their means and influence allowed. Aldrik was trained in combat and taught etiquette as all noble children are though. He was a quick and keen learner with great dedication as he realized, if he ever wanted to rise to the greatness he and his family believed of themselves he would have to achieve it through his deeds. The one thing he excelled (and loved most) above all others was riding and mounted combat. By his bravery, talent and dedication, he was knighted at the age of nineteen and on the term of service to his liege-lord being complete, he set out to make a name for himself.
Short (one-paragraph) personality: Of average intelligence and sense, Aldrik relies on his charm and looks in social situations. He was quick tempered as a youth, quick to utilize his physical prowess to his advantage. With age came patience an some experience. Now he prefers to deal with issues first through diplomacy and intimidation and if that does not succeed, then with ruthless unforgiving determination, savouring his adversaries foolishness. Usually a good judge of character, Aldric is staunchly loyal to his allies by firstly to his responsibilities and plans.
Please check this character's sheet for further info

AnCapBrony |

Here's a cleric for party buffing/healing.
Character Name: Don Vincent (he isn't a noble, he just likes to call himself Don cause it sounds nice)
Character Class: Cleric of Cayden Cailean
History: Vincent spent his young life as a salve in the Chellish empire woking the fields. One day he was rescued by several halfings who called themselves farmers as well as a party of freedom fighting clerics. Unfortunately, the party ran into some slave-hunting hell knights. Only Vincent and one of the clerics escaped that ordeal. Since then he has grown up and trained as a cleric of Cayden Cailean under the cleric who saved him.
Personality: Don Vincent is an easy going guy with a love of drinking and adventure. He often travels with whatever party he runs into and tries to help them with his magic and his spear. He also carries ale around for his friends to drink. He tend to wear heavier armor and wade into battle while casting spells and patiently waiting for his enemies to meet his spear.
Edit: sorry for double posting but i couldn't edit or delete the last one for some reason.

leinathan |

More about Dareon -
The Lebedas had always been a family of trade and commerce, and so it would follow that scions of the Lebedas would leave the comfort of their family castles and estates in Brevoy proper. So it was that Dareon's family was created - a minor scion of the Lebeda family was sent to the town of Mabeth to expand the Lebeda trade empire, and they simply settled there.
When Dareon was born, the Lebeda scions that bore him were cold and calculating treasurers, concerned primarily with the income of the trade goods shop that they ran. That isn't to say that they were negligent parents, but it is so that they spent most of Dareon's childhood trying to instill in him a sense of familial duty, and trying to groom him to be, so to speak, "the next Lebeda". They sent Dareon away to the nearest Academy and expected him to return a well-behaved and disciplined educated boy.
Well, things didn't go as they anticipated. Away from his parents, with the potency of freedom and the acquaintance of several rowdy peers, Dareon spent much of his time exploring the forests that surrounded his sumptuous Academy, leaping off of Academy rooftops (not without the aid of a recently learned lightness invocation, of course) and playing tricks.
Dareon eventually grew out of his trickster phase, but when he had to leave the Academy and go back home, he realized that he no longer fit in with his family. They began to put him to work, and even forced him to volunteer for guard duty while the actual town guards were away. "It's important", they said, "to be considered a pillar of the community when you are a Lebeda."
Dareon is a short blonde man of clear and pale complexion and boyish cheeks. Still in his early twenties, Dareon's piercing green eyes regard more than his years would suggest.
Dareon is impulsive and easily bored, but very serious about the things he cares about - the happiness of his friends, learning, and freedom for himself and others from unwanted obligations. He is easy to get along with, affable, and friendly, if just a tad too talkative and eager.

AnCapBrony |

If we are going for pioneer then heres my ranger character
Character Name: Terenti
Character Class: Ranger
History: Terenti's parents were and elven druid and a human ranger. Since he was born, he grew up on the outskirts of Mabeth, living off the land with his mother and visiting the town to get some goods and see his father. Ever since his father grew old, terenti had been supporting him by getting him game. He has also been training to hunt down the bandits that plauge the village. Now at the age of 27, He is ready to use his skills to help people.
Personality. Terenti seems easily bored and apathetic at first, but he can be fiercely loyal to his friends and serious when it is time to be serious.
Role: animal handler

AnCapBrony |

Terenti's backstory and alignment can also be teaked and changed to whatever the group want. Personally I would LOVE to play one of my chaotic characters (Don Vincent and Artemis) but I also have fun playing Terenti too.
While terenti would make a good animal handler, Vincent would be suited for diplomat and Artemis would be sutied for diplomat or ruler.

A Real Human Being |

Hi guys!
I've gotten a lot of great concepts from everyone from all walks of life. I'll probably be closing recruitment tonight.
Interestingly enough, with all the fighters, wizards, and priest archetypes I've gotten - I haven't gotten a single rogue-type.
Thanks for your continued interest!

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"These peoples shall know peace and a life without fear for themselves and their offspring and for every generation after that. We shall forge a new kingdom from the chaos. With the aid of my allies and the tip of my lance nothing shall stand in our way (well for too long anyway)!"
In terms of alignment I was thinking more in terms of The Bastards (True Neutral). Being neutral on the lawfulness makes sense since it gives us flexibility. After all we will need to be bend the rules to gain a kingdom but we must follow the law and impose it on others as we set it otherwise what kind of kingdom would it be. In terms of good and evil, I prefer neutral for this campaign. Usually neutral characters have difficulty doing things because it isn't good or it isn't evil so why should I, what's my motivation. Here we all want a kingdom. That's our motivation. It's neither good nor evil and we will need to do both good and a version of evil (not the evil villain kind but the tough decisions need to be made to run a kingdom and they aren't always good good).

Captain Fremont |

Player Name: Joshua Hirtz (Captain Fremont)
Character Name: Bevris
Character Class: Archaeologist (Bard)
Short (one-paragraph) history: Bevris's life has been filled with luck since the day he was born. So much to the point that some believe that Bevris has had the good life handed to him on a silver platter. However, with such good luck, comes a sense of security and its this overconfidence that has led Bevris to stray from the right side of the law from time to time. And while his good luck still holds true to this day, Bevris has found that it might be about time for him to get out of town before his luck takes a turn for the worse.
Short (one-paragraph) personality: Bevris is a cheerful bloak and always up for a good joke. Do to his unnaturally good luck, he can be found to be a bit cocky and come off as a bit dangerous. Despite this fact, he has a keen mind that helps keep him from trying to pull off a stunt that seems too dangerous twice in a row.
It's not the best summary of the character, but I wanted to get something up for your perusal.

AnCapBrony |

You may create as many concepts as you like. As this post will be spread over several recruitment forums, players will NOT be picked on a first-come first-served basis. I am looking for players willing to commit to the time and to the story.
Its like on the very bottom of the first post. You probably missed it.

leinathan |

Quote:You may create as many concepts as you like. As this post will be spread over several recruitment forums, players will NOT be picked on a first-come first-served basis. I am looking for players willing to commit to the time and to the story.Its like on the very bottom of the first post. You probably missed it.
Huh. You're right.
I just made one character that can fill multiple roles XD Treasurer, Diplomat, Leader, Chronicler, Cartographer...I'd just need to reassign one skill rank.

AnCapBrony |

AnCapBrony wrote:Quote:You may create as many concepts as you like. As this post will be spread over several recruitment forums, players will NOT be picked on a first-come first-served basis. I am looking for players willing to commit to the time and to the story.Its like on the very bottom of the first post. You probably missed it.Huh. You're right.
I just made one character that can fill multiple roles XD Treasurer, Diplomat, Leader, Chronicler, Cartographer...
I'd just need to reassign one skill rank.
Well thats awesome. What are your thoughts on the true neutral origin Aldrik recommended?

leinathan |

leinathan wrote:Well thats awesome. What are your thoughts on the true neutral origin Aldrik recommended?AnCapBrony wrote:Quote:You may create as many concepts as you like. As this post will be spread over several recruitment forums, players will NOT be picked on a first-come first-served basis. I am looking for players willing to commit to the time and to the story.Its like on the very bottom of the first post. You probably missed it.Huh. You're right.
I just made one character that can fill multiple roles XD Treasurer, Diplomat, Leader, Chronicler, Cartographer...
I'd just need to reassign one skill rank.
Seems okay with me, but Dareon wouldn't fit unless his alignment was NG (which is acceptable to me, I suppose). The core of his character would still be there.

AnCapBrony |

Hobbit paladin archer with extreme Cha planned
If thats the case then im thinking the NG origin will be okay and I will be bringing my cleric. That way me and leinathan wouldn't have to have a big wizard battle over who will be the leader XD I think my cleric will also take the Cook role

Samduc Dawnbringer |

The hobbit was a squire--he held horses and assisted others. Then the battle lines were breaking and the officer gave the order to fall back. If the flank was turned, the battle would be lost. Standing in the breach with his shortbow he fired at the enemy as they came. "You can't retreat when a hobbit stands his ground!": so they stayed.
After the battle the noble captain was furious. The plucky hobbit had saved the day, but had shown up a member of Brevan nobility.
Samduc was rewarded with a charter. The noble told Samduc it was an opportunity for the pesky hobbit to die in a faraway land. Samduc took it as an opportunity to be away from a noble who wanted to put a sword in his back or hire someone to do it. A true win-win situation.
Stat plan is Charisma>Dexterity>>Constitution>Strength>Wisdom
Thinking a hospitaler fascinated with magic items (dangerously curious)
Personality: Plucky and up for anything. A natural leader who truly has concern and empathy for others. He is chivalrous to a fault, but fierce in battle.

ManiaINC |

Blast looks like I missed it! This looked like a great opportunity to play at a faster and more exciting pace than most online games. And I loved the idea of doubling up on the GMs. Hopefully it'll be a great game for all those selected!
P.S. In the unlikely event that you're ever looking for a third GM you know where to find me Epic Lurker. I'm brand new to online gaming but have quite a bit a live GMing experience. And an open schedule on mondays. Wink wink.