Casting from a scroll

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

Does a caster need to have the Read Magic cantrip prepared/known to cast spells from a scroll?
Also, what is the DC for a spell that was cast from a scroll?

Read Magic is not required. If you don't use read magic you must spend 1 full round deciphering the scroll which requires a spellcraft check. The DC of this spellcraft check is 20+spell level. A spell cast from a scroll has the lowest save DC possible based on the minimum ability score required to cast the spell. For example, a level 1 spell cast from a scroll has a save DC of 11.

Base DC = 10
Mininmum ability score required to cast = 11 (+0)
Spell Level = 1(+1)

Final Save DC = 11

Scarab Sages


DC of a scroll is 10+(1.5 X spell level)(Round down).
Before using a scroll you need to decipher it. This is a full round action, and you either need Read Magic OR a spellcraft check DC 20+ spell lvl. Deciphering a scroll can be done ahead of time, so that it doesn't take up time during combat.

If the scroll's spell is on your class's spell list and you have a high enough casting attribute to cast it, you only have to make a level-check to cast it.
The DC is the spell's caster level +1 and your check-roll is d20+ your class level.

Otherwise, you would have to use UMD at 20+caster level and maybe emulate the proper attribute score.

Brf wrote:

If the scroll's spell is on your class's spell list and you have a high enough casting attribute to cast it, you only have to make a level-check to cast it.

The DC is the spell's caster level +1 and your check-roll is d20+ your class level.

Otherwise, you would have to use UMD at 20+caster level and maybe emulate the proper attribute score.

If the spell is on the class spell list, you have sufficient caster level to cast it and have a high enough ability score (10+ spell lvl) then you can cast it without further trouble. If you lack the caster level THEN you do a caster level check (1d20+your caster level) against a DC of the scroll's caster level +1.

This is what is required to cast the scroll. You still need to fulfill the prerequisite of deciphering the scroll.

You would never have to make a level-check for a DC less than your level+2. It would be automatic.

Brf wrote:
You would never have to make a level-check for a DC less than your level+2. It would be automatic.

Since you don't automatically fail on a natural 1 on anything else than attack rolls and saving throws, you are actually right by RAW.

It would however only apply to sorcerers, because they are the only ones that would suceed on a 1.
Take an example of a second level wizard trying to cast bulls strength from a scroll.
The DC for casting the spell would be caster level for the scroll +1 = 4.
The wizards caster level is 2 so he would need to roll a 2 in order to succeed.

A sorcerer on the other hand only get access to 2nd lvl spells at sorceror lvl 4, so a third lvl sorcerer could cast the spell from the scroll without having to roll because even on a 1 they would succeed.

The level of the spell does not matter.
What matters is the Caster Level the scroll is written at.
In your example, a Wizard Level-3 and Sorceror Level-3 would cast from the scroll the same.

Lifat wrote:

If the spell is on the class spell list, you have sufficient caster level to cast it and have a high enough ability score (10+ spell lvl) then you can cast it without further trouble. If you lack the caster level THEN you do a caster level check (1d20+your caster level) against a DC of the scroll's caster level +1.

This is what is required to cast the scroll. You still need to fulfill the prerequisite of deciphering the scroll.

Missed a bit. The scroll is arcane or divine, and you must be the same, or you need to UMD it (Emulate a Class Feature DC 20). Important for Bards, Witches, and others with mixed spell lists.


Cevah wrote:

Missed a bit. The scroll is arcane or divine, and you must be the same, or you need to UMD it (Emulate a Class Feature DC 20). Important for Bards, Witches, and others with mixed spell lists.


I am pretty sure you don't have to emulate a class feature in order to use a scroll - just the Use a Scroll check (and, if you don't have a high enough ability score for the spell, the Emulate an Ability Score check).

Otherwise Use Magic Device would specify that you have to emulate a class feature like it specifies that you have to emulate an ability score when using a scroll.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm sure there's probably a thread on this somewhere, but what about defensively casting from a scroll? What modifier do you use? Especially if you're a non-caster who's UMDing it?

Prd wrote: can attempt to activate the item while on the defensive, as with casting a spell.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Right... but what modifier do you use?

thenobledrake wrote:
Cevah wrote:

Missed a bit. The scroll is arcane or divine, and you must be the same, or you need to UMD it (Emulate a Class Feature DC 20). Important for Bards, Witches, and others with mixed spell lists.


I am pretty sure you don't have to emulate a class feature in order to use a scroll - just the Use a Scroll check (and, if you don't have a high enough ability score for the spell, the Emulate an Ability Score check).

Otherwise Use Magic Device would specify that you have to emulate a class feature like it specifies that you have to emulate an ability score when using a scroll.

Problem is that arcane casters cannot cast divine scrolls per scroll casting rules. So I ask, how does this work?

- Scroll of Reincarnate, Druid 4th level spell
- Caster is Witch with Reincarnate as a 5th level spell
- Divine scroll, arcane caster

As a 1st level Witch with UMD at 16, I have Int 14, so I can cast 4th levels spells stat wise, but not 5th. I have the stat mod, the spell on the list, and insufficient caster level. By emulating the class feature "divine caster" (DC 20, need 4+), it should then be castable with a caster level check (DC 8, need 7+) rather than a UMD caster level check (DC 27, need 11+). [Making it 85%*70%=59.5% vs. 50% to be successful.]


How did you get a UMD of 16 at 1st level?

Brf wrote:
How did you get a UMD of 16 at 1st level?

I took 6 levels of Ninja first. See my profile. :-)


I do not think you can emulate a class to use a scroll. The specific rule for scrolls trumps the general one for emulating a class.

But, I was thinking I saw one of the developers saying that if the spell is on your class's list, it does not matter whether a Divine or Arcane wrote the scroll.

No... I think it was just spell-trigger wands and such.

In your case if would be 27 to cast the divine scroll.

No, the scroll rules specifically state that the magic 'type' requirement - divine or arcane - can't be bypassed and must be met.

Cevah wrote:
thenobledrake wrote:
Cevah wrote:

Missed a bit. The scroll is arcane or divine, and you must be the same, or you need to UMD it (Emulate a Class Feature DC 20). Important for Bards, Witches, and others with mixed spell lists.


I am pretty sure you don't have to emulate a class feature in order to use a scroll - just the Use a Scroll check (and, if you don't have a high enough ability score for the spell, the Emulate an Ability Score check).

Otherwise Use Magic Device would specify that you have to emulate a class feature like it specifies that you have to emulate an ability score when using a scroll.

Problem is that arcane casters cannot cast divine scrolls per scroll casting rules. So I ask, how does this work?

- Scroll of Reincarnate, Druid 4th level spell
- Caster is Witch with Reincarnate as a 5th level spell
- Divine scroll, arcane caster

As a 1st level Witch with UMD at 16, I have Int 14, so I can cast 4th levels spells stat wise, but not 5th. I have the stat mod, the spell on the list, and insufficient caster level. By emulating the class feature "divine caster" (DC 20, need 4+), it should then be castable with a caster level check (DC 8, need 7+) rather than a UMD caster level check (DC 27, need 11+). [Making it 85%*70%=59.5% vs. 50% to be successful.]


You wouldn't emulate the class feature "divine caster" (that's not even a class feature), you would simply "activate the scroll (DC 20 + caster level)". You would also need to have a WIS of at least 14 (or a successful UMD check) since that's the minimum required attribute.

Yeah. I was editing as you were replying.
It was Wands, not Scrolls, that it does not matter.

Cevah wrote:

Problem is that arcane casters cannot cast divine scrolls per scroll casting rules. So I ask, how does this work?

- Scroll of Reincarnate, Druid 4th level spell
- Caster is Witch with Reincarnate as a 5th level spell
- Divine scroll, arcane caster

The scroll is divine, the caster isn't - so you can use Use Magic Device with a DC of 20 + the caster level of the scroll. Also, if the Witch doesn't have either a 14 Wisdom or a 15 intelligence (to match the ability score requirement) there would be a separate DC 29 Use Magic Device check to emulate the ability score

You don't emulate being a specific type of caster for scrolls - ever.

thenobledrake wrote:
Cevah wrote:

Problem is that arcane casters cannot cast divine scrolls per scroll casting rules. So I ask, how does this work?

- Scroll of Reincarnate, Druid 4th level spell
- Caster is Witch with Reincarnate as a 5th level spell
- Divine scroll, arcane caster

The scroll is divine, the caster isn't - so you can use Use Magic Device with a DC of 20 + the caster level of the scroll. Also, if the Witch doesn't have either a 14 Wisdom or a 15 intelligence (to match the ability score requirement) there would be a separate DC 29 Use Magic Device check to emulate the ability score

You don't emulate being a specific type of caster for scrolls - ever.

You can't cast a 4th level Druid spell with a 15 INT (Witch spells don't matter since it's not an Arcane scroll). You'd need a 14 WIS.

Quantum Steve wrote:
You wouldn't emulate the class feature "divine caster" (that's not even a class feature), you would simply "activate the scroll (DC 20 + caster level)". You would also need to have a WIS of at least 14 (or a successful UMD check) since that's the minimum required attribute.

I would be emulating the feature "Spells" of a Druid which happend to be of "divine" type. [Spells - A druid casts divine spells....]

thenobledrake wrote:
The scroll is divine, the caster isn't - so you can use Use Magic Device with a DC of 20 + the caster level of the scroll. Also, if the Witch doesn't have either a 14 Wisdom or a 15 intelligence (to match the ability score requirement) there would be a separate DC 29 Use Magic Device check to emulate the ability score

If I UMD the scroll as a non-caster, I need 14 Wis. Just because I am a Int caster with it as a 5th level spell, does not mean I need a 15 Int to cast a 4th level scroll.

New question: Which stat is the casting stat of a scroll?
Imaging: Scroll of Shield written by a Wisard. Does a Sorcerer need Int 11 or Cha 11 to cast it?


Liberty's Edge

These are little nuances that are oft forgotten.

Well... If you are a Sorcerer casting an Arcane spell, you would be using your Charisma, regardless if the scroll was scribed by a Wizard, since the spell is Arcane and on your spell list.

If you were a Witch casting a Divine scroll, you would use the attribute of the class you are trying to emulate when you try to use the scroll. This is implied by the "Emulate an Ability Score" section:

PRD wrote:
Your effective ability score (appropriate to the class you're emulating when you try to cast the spell from the scroll)...

Lifat wrote:

Take an example of a second level wizard trying to cast bulls strength from a scroll.

The DC for casting the spell would be caster level for the scroll +1 = 4.
The wizards caster level is 2 so he would need to roll a 2 in order to succeed.

A sorcerer on the other hand only get access to 2nd lvl spells at sorceror lvl 4, so a third lvl sorcerer could cast the spell from the scroll without having to roll because even on a 1 they would succeed.

Actually, a Sorcerer doesn't even need a caster level check, since he is CL 3 and the scroll is CL 3.


Brf wrote:

Well... If you are a Sorcerer casting an Arcane spell, you would be using your Charisma, regardless if the scroll was scribed by a Wizard, since the spell is Arcane and on your spell list.

If you were a Witch casting a Divine scroll, you would use the attribute of the class you are trying to emulate when you try to use the scroll. This is implied by the "Emulate an Ability Score" section:

PRD wrote:
Your effective ability score (appropriate to the class you're emulating when you try to cast the spell from the scroll)...

Guess that means Wis/Cha for Divine, and Cha/Int for Arcane.

Wis - Cleric, Druid, Inquisitor, Ranger
Chr - Bard, Oracle, Paladin, Sorcerer, Summoner
Int - Alchemist, Magus, Witch, Wizard

Are there any Int Divine casters or Wis Arcane casters? Feat or Trait or Archetype? What about other stats? I know you can get Con Arcane via Witch(Scarred Witch Doctor).


Empyreal bloodline sorcerers use Wisdom as their casting stat, so there's that. At my table, though, I would not allow arbitrary emulation of a rare wildblooded bloodline for the purpose of using Wisdom to cast a spell from a scroll written by a regular old wizard, especially if the PC had no idea what an empyreal bloodline sorcerer was.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Mostly wondering about rogues UMDing a scroll on the defensive. Since I posted this, I've seen a couple of threads. But so far haven't seen a definitive answer.

Lifat wrote:
Brf wrote:
You would never have to make a level-check for a DC less than your level+2. It would be automatic.

Since you don't automatically fail on a natural 1 on anything else than attack rolls and saving throws, you are actually right by RAW.

It would however only apply to sorcerers, because they are the only ones that would suceed on a 1.
Take an example of a second level wizard trying to cast bulls strength from a scroll.
The DC for casting the spell would be caster level for the scroll +1 = 4.
The wizards caster level is 2 so he would need to roll a 2 in order to succeed.

A sorcerer on the other hand only get access to 2nd lvl spells at sorceror lvl 4, so a third lvl sorcerer could cast the spell from the scroll without having to roll because even on a 1 they would succeed.

Caster level checks to use scrolls auto fail on a die roll of 1.

leo1925 wrote:

Caster level checks to use scrolls auto fail on a die roll of 1.

According to the rules, the Wisdom check to avoid mishap always fails on a 1. But I don't see where it says that the caster check always fails on a 1.

Did I miss something?

Democratus wrote:
leo1925 wrote:

Caster level checks to use scrolls auto fail on a die roll of 1.

According to the rules, the Wisdom check to avoid mishap always fails on a 1. But I don't see where it says that the caster check always fails on a 1.

Did I miss something?

Not exactly, but I don't think that there is actually a way to roll a 1 on a caster level check and still get a result of the scroll's caster level +1 because being able to do so would mean you didn't have to roll in the first place.

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