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Many hexes use charisma to set their number of uses per day. This seems to be the only use of charisma by the class. I can't help but wonder if its a find-replace error from an earlier in house version of the doc. I sort of reads like one.
Specially I'm looking at the following:
Healing Spirit
Enemies' Bane
Paragon of Battle
Touch of the Grave
Touch of Flame
Manifest (heavens)
Quick Healing
Arcane Enlightenment
Brain Drain
Confusion Curse
Share Knowledge
Entangling Curse
Friend to Animals
Life Leach
Touch of Acid
Wave Strike
Sparking Aura
Shocking Touch
Its seems really odd to set the number of uses or duration on one stat (cha) and the DCs on a different stat (wisdom).
*Channel is the only ability that seems like it might reasonably require charisma. It however has other issues I'll address in another post.

Loveskud |

I am kind of bothered by this class using wisdom to begin with. If this was just a new class and not a hybrid, I wouldn't have this hang up. I would like the class to use CHA for all casting. But assuming that doesn't happen, it would be nice to consolidate the CHA into WIS as you state.
Maybe they are trying to make up for witches not being wisdom to begin with ;p
But I agree, it feels awfully 3.5-y to make it depended on so many stats.

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I noticed this as well. Makes the class far to MAD imo. You mentioned the only ability that that reasonably requires charisma is channel. I agree but if the class going to remain a Wisdom based caster than the channel needs to be changed to 3+ charisma. If the class is going to be changed to a charisma based caster, which is the possible other cause of the problem we are seeing here (assuming the designers don't want it to be ridiculously MAD) all the issues you pointed out would be fixed but the casting entry would have to be changed to Charisma along with a whole bunch of other abilities such as the nature's whispers from the nature spirit (which currently is keyed off wisdom) as one example. This change would also make sense since neither of the shaman's assosiated classes uses wisdom for spell casting.