If there are major android NPCs, kinda hoping...

Iron Gods

Silver Crusade

...especially if there are any romantic-interest candidate NPCs, really hoping their portrait artwork delivers some uncomfortable Uncanny Valley vibes. Especially if they're looking directly at the reader with facial expressions that are just not quite "right".

Y'know, for Cheapy. :)

If there are any major Android NPCs with romantic options, I hope they are responsible for killing off the only good aligned orc tribe in Golarion >:|

Gawd. Android with romance options. That'd be like dating Michael Cera, right? Totally awkward due to that whole Emotionless thing.

Only if you have 7 evil ex's.

Goldurned robosexuals!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Iron Gods is not going to be featuring a strong allied cast of NPCs really. Not as strong as Jade Regent or Wrath of the Righteous, anyway. There'll be some helpful NPCs along the way that GMs and players can of course make more important... but at this moment, the NPC ally scene is gonna be a pretty minor part of it all.

That may change... but if it does, it'd probably be something I'd have to add in entirely myself since the authors are already well into writing their adventures.

Silver Crusade

Cheapy wrote:
If there are any major Android NPCs with romantic options, I hope they are responsible for killing off the only good aligned orc tribe in Golarion >:|


James Jacobs wrote:

Iron Gods is not going to be featuring a strong allied cast of NPCs really. Not as strong as Jade Regent or Wrath of the Righteous, anyway. There'll be some helpful NPCs along the way that GMs and players can of course make more important... but at this moment, the NPC ally scene is gonna be a pretty minor part of it all.

That may change... but if it does, it'd probably be something I'd have to add in entirely myself since the authors are already well into writing their adventures.

Would Reign of Winter be a better comparison? Or Kingmaker?

now I'm wondering how to arrange the APs along such a spectrum, given how subjective it can be in interpretation and during play

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'd guess RoW is closer. Kingmaker kinda assumes you'll make friends to fill your empty kingdom slots. I'm playing in RoW, and only one of the incidental NPCs is tooling around with us.

Ha! When I first saw this thread, I thought it was going to be a speculation thread like this one. lol

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mikaze wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
If there are any major Android NPCs with romantic options, I hope they are responsible for killing off the only good aligned orc tribe in Golarion >:|


James Jacobs wrote:

Iron Gods is not going to be featuring a strong allied cast of NPCs really. Not as strong as Jade Regent or Wrath of the Righteous, anyway. There'll be some helpful NPCs along the way that GMs and players can of course make more important... but at this moment, the NPC ally scene is gonna be a pretty minor part of it all.

That may change... but if it does, it'd probably be something I'd have to add in entirely myself since the authors are already well into writing their adventures.

Would Reign of Winter be a better comparison? Or Kingmaker?

now I'm wondering how to arrange the APs along such a spectrum, given how subjective it can be in interpretation and during play

At this point, I'd say it's average, and will be on par with Runelords, Crimson Throne, Second Darkness, Kingmaker, and the like. AKA: There'll be PLENTY of cool NPCs to interact with in each adventure, but very few if any will carry over significantly from adventure to adventure.

YES, ANDROID ROMANCE, GRATUITOUS FAN-SERVICE FOR ALL US SCI-FI NERDS! But if you include murder-sex 'droids, you simply MUST make them erstwhile servants of a megalomaniacal alchemist that strokes an evil cat, who has psionic powers, while he dreams of ruling Golarion utilizing Darklands radioactive bombs, all in the efforts of showing those chumps in Andoren the what-for! And yes, that was my attempt to caricaturize a combo of Austin Powers+Robo Anime+Cold War+Pathfinder!

Seriously though, android romance would be fun, doubly so if the android is a hot female! Just don't make her the type that's moody and pilot's a space-faring iron colossus and you should be fine! ;)

You started it!

A time for origami unicorns^^

fully functional and anatomically correct?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlbmi1hhV_0 :D

The Exchange

James Jacobs wrote:

Iron Gods is not going to be featuring a strong allied cast of NPCs really. Not as strong as Jade Regent or Wrath of the Righteous, anyway. There'll be some helpful NPCs along the way that GMs and players can of course make more important... but at this moment, the NPC ally scene is gonna be a pretty minor part of it all.

That may change... but if it does, it'd probably be something I'd have to add in entirely myself since the authors are already well into writing their adventures.

Thank you, This was one of the things that's bugging the hell out of me in Jade Regent. Forced NPC ties like that make the party deform in weird ways. I prefer player driven alliances.

ikki3520 wrote:

fully functional and anatomically correct?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlbmi1hhV_0 :D

Anatomically correct has been done (by thousands of generations of our ancestors). Why not shoot for anatomically creative?

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