Reinhardt |

So, 1 of my characters is taking the Nemesis Story Feat. However, I need to work out who this Nemesis is. The character is the human adopted son of an elven count. The characters mother is dead, and he has a younger elven brother, who is not adopted. I'm not open to the idea of making his brother his Nemesis.
So, can you guys shoot me some ideas? I've already got a few but it's always great hearing what the community thinks. ^_^

Javaed |
When I used the feat I created a detailed background history for my character and his family and wove in some tragic events, giving my GM several story hooks he could work off of. So now I don't actually have a clue who my nemesis is, but have been picking up clues as the game has progressed. Not knowing specifically who my target is going to be has kept things really interesting.

Baron Ulfhamr |

My knee-jerk reaction is a jealous sibling, another (perhaps bastard) son of the count whom resents your humanity and claim to what "should be his". Maybe he is a half-elven son of the count and your mother, and his half-blood status made life bitter for him- and hence toward you character.
More details of how you became the count's son would be helpful, since this is the only thing we know about you