Character build - Princess Mononoke


Liberty's Edge

I am building a character based on Princess Mononoke to play myself. Here's what I have so far:

gnome(so she's small enough to ride a wolf) Druid Barbarian

As a druid she'll take the Packlord archetype from UM.
From first level barbarian she'll take the Animal Fury.

I'm indecisive about her favored class as of yet.

Please criticize this, and point out useful other options.


If you want small enough to ride a wolf, I would go with halfling. Gnomes are... well, gnomes. Mononoke is quite human, and halflings are more humanlike than gnomes (and remember she rode those wolfs not because she was Small, but because they were Large). That's just an aesthetic thing, of course, but it's the first thing to spring to mind.

She's quick, that's for sure, so high Dex? Barbarian would seem to suit her. Druid not so much, but I see where you're going: in the absence of forest gods to work with, you need her to take up the nature magic slack. But barbarian would be her favored class, I think: Mononoke has a lot of savage in her. She's hot blooded and easily riled.

She presses any advantage, so I would give her feats like Step Up and Combat Reflexes.

In case you do not know it already, the barbarian have an archetype for mounted characters. arbarian-archetypes/mounted-fury

Liberty's Edge

Thanks Bruunwald, I'm not sure how I overlooked halfling! The personality definitely correlates more with barb than druid.

And thanks Nicos -I'm going to check that out

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Princess Mononoke as a halfling instead of a human? Sacrilege! The wolves were Dire Wolves with their Large size. But I agree on the wild-child being a Barbarian.

Don't forget a hefty Acrobatics skill ranking for her opening assault against Iron Town. Knowledge: Nature and Ride skills too.

The princess does not need to be small. A Druid with an animal companion (wolf) will advance the companion's size as she levels. She can't ride early on, but she could later. Rangers also get animal companions that advance. I don't know the AC rules, so I don't know the relevant levels, but I do recall the wolf as being a good choice due to the free trips it gets.


Part of the problem here is that princess mo o oke really is a good example of a mythic character. Her sdopted mother was a god. Her siblings were as smart as any human.

Besides the miinted archettpe from the apg there is one from the animal book mad dog rager I think.

Her fighting style of quck in slash slash nove is hard to represent in pf.

Mad Dog Barbarian Sounds right.

Also while it's not finished here are my notes on a guide that might match what you want

You could maybe go Mad Dog/Urban barbarian so instead of going full rage all the time you could CHOOSE(and it is a choice) to just get bonuses to dex.

Grand Lodge

Small Scion of Humanity Aasimar, Feral Child Druid.

You know, I would argue that she's actually a ranger. Just because she's an angry person doesn't mean she is a barbarian.

Grand Lodge

I really don't see anything that suggests Barbarian, but it could work.

Maybe a Wild Stalker mythic ranger.

Grand Lodge

I really don't see Rage as a necessity.

I am not even sure I find that thematically fitting.

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Its hard for me to see her as a ranger or a druid.
Name me one spell she could have possibly used.
Name me one time she wildshaped.

What do we have to work on?

Shes Human. She was found by wolves when little and raised by them. However her parents were killed for "hurting" the forest. Sounds like the basic story for a wild-child "Raised by Wolves" joke that is commonly used in various forms of media.

For skills she would easily have: Acrobatics, Heal, Survival, Knowledge Nature, Ride, and Climb.

We also learn of the curse within the world and how it can spread.

Ashitaka: There’s a demon inside you its inside both of you, look everyone this is what hatred looks like this is what it does when it catches hold of you its eating me alive and very soon now it will kill me, fear and anger only make it grow faster.

Barbarian would be the incorrect class choice, its a class that utilizes rage and rage is a form of anger.

When a person fears someone/something and the fear starts to take over, the person may become angry with this and then do something drastic.

Anger then leads to hate, because if you become angry with someone/something if you can't stop being angry with this someone/something, you start to hate them and other things around you.

Hate turns to suffering very quickly. Hating one someone/something could turn into hating many someones/somethings. This will cause you to suffer as other people will not want to be around you. So you Start to suffer.


She maybe stubborn and hot-tempered like a Barbarian, but she is also a person who was raised in the wild by animal gods who took care of her and adopted her. Which means her upbringing is different and also reflects how she acts/talks/and walks.

San: His own people shot him, hes dying. Tell me why did you stop me from killing her! Why are you still alive?
Ashitaka: I didn't want them to kill you thats why.
San: I am not afraid to die! I would do anything to get you humans out of my forest.

Grand Lodge

There is the Trapper Ranger, which cast no spells.

Skirmisher Ranger seems fitting, too.

I'd go for:
rogue (acrobat) of at least 7th level with Leadership (Monstrous cohort: some kind/mix of worg/winter and/or dire wolf).

The wolves are far to intelligent, self-determined...powerful to be a mere AC. Heck, they're the off-spring of a forest goddess
Rogue gives fav. terrain and lots of skill points to use on all the skills mentioned.
Also, to me Mononoke is rather of the quick and dextrous sort than a gibbering, wild-eyed raging barb type of character.


I will concur with some points made.
Maybe a Rogue 4 / Ranger (Skirmisher) X. Perhaps having the Rogue archetypes of Acrobat and Scout.

Trapper would be nice but she wasn't so much of a trapper-character in the film.

Grand Lodge

What does Rogue add, that Ranger does not?

Really, even from a flavor standpoint, Rogue seems to add nothing.

Full Trapper(or Skirmisher) Ranger, or maybe a Ranger, with a Martial Artist Monk dip.

Dunno. I was at first thinking of a Rogue (Scout+Survivalist) character. Then Albatoonoe put a comment down about a Ranger (Skirmisher) and I wondered if I could incorporate that into my idea. Then RuyanVe put a comment down about the Acrobat archetype for Rogues and wondered if that could be incorporated. The Skirmisher is definitely worth it as it provides hunter tricks that really shine for the wild-child side of San.

Ah, you're right of course.

I was too focused on the spell-casting ability of the ranger and how that does not fit Mononoke and the need for a companion at first that I overlooked the skirmisher archetype and jumped to the rogue section.
Skirmisher it is (makes me even happier, since the ranger and its variants are my fav class)!


You could go skirmisher/Sohei. Get some riding abilities and flurry with a spear to show off her quick moves. Unless you wanna focus more on her knife.

Grand Lodge

I don't see mounted as a focus.

Trapper Ranger, with maybe a little Monk dip.

Also, I wouldn't say that the wolves are the typical animal companion. They are intelligent, oversized wolves that work in conjunction with her. It's more like something offered by Leadership.

That's one problem with making existing characters is that you can't really make the character right until a certain level. a 1st level character is laughably amateur and they don't get really heroic until level 5 or so.

Scarab Sages

Albatoonoe wrote:

Also, I wouldn't say that the wolves are the typical animal companion. They are intelligent, oversized wolves that work in conjunction with her. It's more like something offered by Leadership.

That's one problem with making existing characters is that you can't really make the character right until a certain level. a 1st level character is laughably amateur and they don't get really heroic until level 5 or so.

Pretty much. Any Joe Shmoe can lift a sword and rage, but fewer reach the true peaks of potential and become masters at their craft. Any fool could try to pick a lock, but there are experienced veterans out there who can do it in their sleep.

I do agree with her having Leadership.

Awakening maybe?

I don't quite understand the 'no druid, no wildshape, no spells' logic.

If you can represent the character well, and also have the options to wildshape and cast, wouldn't that just make for a more awesome character?

Scarab Sages

You got to watch the movie to understand Momo Kimura's point. Her point being it wouldn't be true to the character it is being based off. Its like giving Conan the Barbarian the ability to cast spells.

Liberty's Edge

I'm liking this, we're getting somewhere here. I was going barbarian with feral child druid. Yet the fact that she doesn't rage and make war as ends unto themselves has me agree she's not barbarian.

As for her non-spellcasting reference and the fact the the wolves are somewhere within demigod status - i may pull those two aspects together for my build. rather than demigod wolves and non-magic wielding mononoke - i think i'll go spell-casting/shape-shifting mononoke, and 'regular' wolves.

So at this point im thinking fighter/ranger/druid(feral child)with packlord.

Liberty's Edge

Oh and I completely agree, she's not gnome or halfling. Mononoke is human

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hey guys, sorry i'm late to the party...
i agree that she doesn't seem to rage, or cast spells... she does protect a location (her forest), just like a sohei.

spend a trait or two to make knowledge[nature] and/or survival into class skills, and your skill selection should be pretty much where you want it.

invest the feats for Nature Soul and Animal Ally (from faiths and philosophies) and Boon Companion (from animal archive) and that will give an animal companion (wolf, obviously) equal to if you were a druid of your character level. At 7th level it will become large size so your human (or maybe plumekith aasimar, with the scion of humanity alternate, if you're willing to stretch a little) can use it as a mount, which will also let it benefit from Monastic Mount.

at 6th level you can gain weapon training [spears], which will let you flurry with spears (while wearing light armor, if you prefer that to relying on your Wis mod).

seems like a pretty solid fit, to me :)

I have seen the movie. I own it.
My point was if you can make the character like she is in the movie and she can wildshape and cast spells...why not?

Human (Beastmaster/Skirmisher) Ranger at least level 10
Maybe focusing on Spring Attack feat chain.

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