xris |
The "At this location" effect at the Farmhouse states...
"If you would discard an ally, bury it instead".
The term "discard" is used in the rules for two different effects.
(i) Play a card to invoke a power on the card that involves discarding the card. Example: Archer - Discard this card to explore your location.
(ii) Discarding a card as part of a cost. Example: You take combat damage and have to discard a card.
Does the Farmhouse "At this location" effect apply to both of these cases? Clearly for case (i), if I play an Archer to explore then I would have to bury it instead of discarding it. But what about case (ii), if I discarded an Ally as part of my combat damage, would I have to bury it instead?
What about effects such as Seelah's power "You may discard the top card of your deck to add 1d6 to your check. If the top card was a blessing, recharge it instead of discarding it." If the top card happens to be an Ally, should it be buried instead of discarded?
I suspect that the "At this location" effect of the Farmhouse only applies if you play an Ally and discard it. If so, then it may be worth adding an entry for Farmhouse to the FAQ.
"If you would play an ally, bury it instead of discarding it."

xris |
The problem is that the "At this location" effect of a location isn't a power. The rulebook just tells us on page 14...
"At This Location: These are special rules that are in effect while the location is open."
The Farmhouse special rules are "If you would discard an ally, bury it instead". Trouble is, it doesn't define which version of "discard" it means.
If Farmhouse stated "If you would play an ally, bury it instead of discarding it" then there wouldn't be a problem.
I agree with what you say. I don't really doubt Farmhouse uses the words "discard an ally" to mean "play an ally and discard it" but the current wording doesn't seem specific enough so it may be worth adding to the FAQ.

Bidmaron |
I agree we need a ruling on it. I think your original interpretation is the literally correct way, as discard does have two different mechanisms, and there is no way you can say which (or both) ways the designers wanted on this. I'd like to think kysmartman is right, but I sure don't see where he can be so positive about it. There is nothing that says a card discarded for a power is not a card discarded (as it obviously is discarded).

Mike Selinker Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer |

"If you would discard an ally" means "if you would discard an ally," for all the possible reasons you might do this, including damage. Cards don't lose their type for purposes of damage, or Seelah's power, or anything else.
For an analogous situation, look at Valeros's power:
When you play a weapon, you may recharge it instead of discarding it.
Valeros specifically does not say:
When you discard a weapon, you may recharge it.
because his power only triggers when he uses a card for its power.
Here, however, the Farmhouse does indeed say "When you discard an ally, you must bury it." So whatever reason you have for that, do it.

CookingOrc |

The problem is that the "At this location" effect of a location isn't a power. The rulebook just tells us on page 14...
"At This Location: These are special rules that are in effect while the location is open."
What? Wait. Are we saying that "At this location" rules effect every character and not just the ones at that location?

![]() |
xris wrote:What? Wait. Are we saying that "At this location" rules effect every character and not just the ones at that location?The problem is that the "At this location" effect of a location isn't a power. The rulebook just tells us on page 14...
"At This Location: These are special rules that are in effect while the location is open."
No, only characters at the location. At this location effects only apply to that location.

MCPooge |
I hate to necro this thread, but I was looking at this discussion on the BGG boards (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/1035377/lini-at-farmhouse) and apparently Mike said, unofficially, that Lini's power to recharge instead of discard would not help here at this location, due to the "Golden Rule" hierarchy.
I, however, think that there are some serious issues with wording in this game. The location says "If you would discard..." not "Instead of discarding..." Lini's power says "Instead of discarding..." not "After discarding..." or "If you would discard..."
I mean, it is English grammar. If action B is done "instead" of action A, action A never happens. I don't understand why the "Golden Rule" comes into play.
I am perfectly content for the ruling to stand, there are plenty of locations I can go to that are not as punishing, just as other characters won't be bothered so much by the Farmhouse. I am just trying to clarify what seems to me to be counter-intuitive and contrary to what is written.

Jjiinx |

I agree with you, Lini's power says "instead of discarding", which makes me feel like 'discarding' isn't even happening when she uses her "When you play an ally with the animal trait you may recharge it instead of discarding it"
However, if she has to discard an ally with the animal trait at the farm for any other reason besides playing it, I think she would have to bury it like normal.
I see farm as this:
Lem: "I'm going to play this ally to search the location"
Farm: "Are you discarding the ally card?"
Lem: "Yes"
Farm: "Then bury the ally instead"
Lini: "I'm going to play this animal ally to search the location"
Farm: "Are you discarding the ally card?"
Lini: "No, I'm recharging it"
Farm: "Shucks."
Lini: "I'm going to discard this animal ally to add a d10 to my strength check"
Farm: "Are you discarding the ally card?"
Lini: "Yes"
Farm: "Then bury the ally instead"

Hawkmoon269 |

Check out the link MCPooge posted above, which ultimately brought him here. Mike (though unofficially) said that the Farmhouse trumps Lini because Location trumps Character. The cards conflict. Lini's says she can replace discard with recharge. The Farmhouse says replace discard with bury. The Farmhouse wins.

Brainwave |

The problem I have with that is that my understanding of the whole "location trumps character" rule was it only comes into play when cards conflict. The rule does not say "apply any location effects before applying character effects", it just says if there's a conflict locations win. In your post you make it sound like the cards just say "replace X with Y" but it's more than that.
I'm assuming this is the rule that you're referring to -
If cards conflict with one another, then Adventure Path cards overrule adventures, adventures overrule scenarios, scenarios overrule locations, locations overrule characters, and characters overrule other card types.
(from the Golden Rule box in the rulebook)
I don't have Farmhouse in front of me but from earlier in the thread -
The Farmhouse special rules are "If you would discard an ally, bury it instead".
I don't see the conflict. Lini turns the discard into a recharge, so there is never an ally being discarded. Farmhouse has no effect.
I'm not saying you're wrong, just that from my understanding of the rule, this seems right to me.

Hawkmoon269 |

Even if you were saying I was wrong, as long as you were polite about it I wouldn't be offended. And your post seemed polite. I've been wrong before, I'm sure I'll be wrong again.
And I think that was the argument above. The wording isn't exactly the same, so it makes you feel like Lini should be allowed to recharge her allies, because you could argue "Lini would NOT discard her animal ally when she played it, so she shouldn't have to bury it." That is where I was too before I read Mikes unofficial statement.

Jjiinx |

I have both cards in front of me
Lini: "When you play an ally with the animal trait you may recharge it instead of discarding it"
Farmhouse: "If you would discard an ally, bury it instead."
Another way to look at it is the word 'may', Lini MAY recharge it, so it's one or the other. Lini, do you want to discard this or recharge it? It doesn't make sense to me that choosing Recharge instead of Discard that the Farm would say "Well since you're discarding an ally you have to bury it."
Even if Mike says that farm should cause Lini to discard an animal ally instead of recharging it, we're going to go with "Lini is recharging (not discarding) an animal ally, so farm has no effect", since that solution makes more logical sense. (No offense, sorry Mike!)

Fenris235 |

I think it´s more a problem of not unified wording.
I think it´s something like in this post where the wording is also not unified.
A game takes time to develop and there are a lot of steps before you get to the wording. Just an example, first you think what you want, then how it should work, then if it works, then if it´s balanced and then you can slowly start to think about the wording. And it gets a lot harder the more people there are in that process.
What i want to say is, that i think the Farm has just an older version of something that should mean the same as Linis wording (minus the may, and with bury instead of recharge of course.)
If i´m correct, i think the Farm should get an FAQ, (by changing If you would dicard an ally, bury it instead to Instead of discarding an ally, bury it.)
if i´m not, just ignore my blabbering.
Oh and just to clarify, i´m playing by burying Linis ally because i see the timing like this.
Lini: play animal ally for my exploration.
Game: you have to discard your card to do that.
Lini: but i have the option to recharge it instead.
Game: ok, do that.
Lini at the Farm: play animal ally for my exploration.
Game: you have to discard your card to do that.
Farm: No, you have to bury it instead.
Lini at the Farm: but i have the option to recharge it instead.
Game: No, you don´t because your card already got buryed.
So what i mean here is, she discards her card and has then the option to recharge it instead, she doesn´t change the text on the card so that there no longer stands "discard".