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Luther Langith wrote:

I had commented on the cards being smaller in the forum for the Char Add On forum. I had said that it may not be a big deal.

After playing a few games....i can say with out a doubt...it is a HUGE deal. I shuffle hand over hand. And as was stated before, stripped cards for magic tricks are made JUST like the smaller cards we have. So you can not really shuffle unless you take the time to do a table or some other time consuming way.

As this game has you shuffle a ton, i get a pet worried that the smaller cards are not getting shuffled right.
Doing any extra work to do something as basic as shuffle is out of the question.

With that said....the game is awesome. But i can not suggest anyone getting it unless the cards are fixed. The cards are the main aspect of the game. And if they are not made right it hurts the game. Fix them for the next people that get the game. I will not be getting any more decks other then what i have now. ! and 2. Ill prob take out the char add on as well. Sad cause i enjoyed 2 of the new ones a great deal.

I completely agree

kyle kemble wrote:
One of the reasons that I decided to sleeve this game was due to slight variations in color on the backs of the cards. This way promos, color variations between packs, or even slight size changes are not an issue. Given that many promos are print on demand these days, I have pretty much gone to sleeves for every card game I play.

I'd be interested in sleeving for this very reason if the sleeved cards actually fit in the box, I'm not quite ready to buy or make a custom box for the game xD

While not the 'worst fail ever', our Rogue has the Holy Candle and has played it almost every game for 5-6 scenarios, I kid you not, every roll of the 1d6 except his first was a 1.

Finally I took the Holy Candle from him, the first time I rolled it I got a 1.

That thing is cursed.

I have to agree with Siriu, shuffling the cards (and there's a lot of shuffling) with the smaller cards is not a fun task.

Because of the smaller cards we have to pile shuffle, which makes the take take quite a bit longer and is quite tedious and exhausting

QuantumNinja wrote:

Count me as another "non-sleever". I personally have no interest in sleeving this game, although I can understand why others would want to.

But for me, the insert already works perfectly as is. Switching it to foam would be a downgrade from my perspective, for reasons already stated (in particular, it's much less durable than plastic). It'd be great if Paizo manages to come up with a solution that works for both types of people. In the meantime, I'm happy that what they have works for me personally :)

My main reason for wanting to sleeve the entire game is because I bought a character pack that happened to be a 2nd printing, so the character expansion cards are smaller than the rest, this makes shuffling them the typical way pretty annoying, and since the game requires quite a bit of shuffling it becomes more than a minor annoyance

I want to sleeve all my cards but I'm not crafty enough to make a custom box thing so the sleeved cards fit :<

delslow wrote:
What I get from this and our multiple play sessions is that the game is too easy for larger parties. 6 possible blessings on a check plus all the other bonuses make many "difficult" encounters laughable. I hope the dev team looks at balancing the game for larger parties for the next core set or even as an errata. Some of the examples I've seen include limiting the number of blessings that can be played on a check, making all blessings only add a 1d4 die, and only allow blessings from your current location + adjacent open locations.

Take a look at this post: http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1103682/increased-difficulty-rules

From that list, our group (6 players) uses Party and Travel, No Distant Blessings, Lose More Than Your Dignity, and Blessings Per Location. The difficulty feels much better since being unable to play blessings on characters in other locations combined with needing to roll a die to travel means it's not as viable to spread all characters out at completely different locations, however the game already has lots of banes that punish players for stacking in the same location, so it evens out very nicely!

Brainwave wrote:
Jjiinx wrote:
Do we know if Paizo would ever consider using the PACG formula on non-pathfinder themes? (A Lovecraftian PACG Base Set would be an instant buy for me)
Me too!

On the subject, and in my desperation, I made up this stupid mock up (please note It's 4am and I did this in like 5 mins -_-)


I am not a smart man.

csouth154 wrote:
No one else may play a card that resolves someone else's encounter. You can never, for instance, play a card for someone else that "defeats" or "evades" (unless it says "choose a character to evade") a bane, "acquires" a boon, or "succeeds" at a check.

I'd like to add that since cards can override the rules, if a card says something like "Choose a character as your location to evade a bane" then the card is bypassing the rulebook and allowing you to evade the encounter for another player.

Blessings Per Location


When setting up the game build the blessings deck based on how many locations there are: The first 3 locations add 20 blessings and each additional location adds 3 blessings to the deck.

[3 Locations] 20 blessings
[4 Locations] 23 blessings
[5 Locations] 26 blessings
[6 Locations] 29 blessings
[7 Locations] 32 blessings
[8 Locations] 35 blessings

This change is designed to make the blessings deck more relevant when playing with fewer players and slightly less destructive when playing with a lot of players.

1) How often would you expect to fail a scenario (time out the blessings deck)?
30-40% chance of losing each scenario, which increases with every mistake the heroes make (getting greedy and not closing a location when they defeat a henchman, failing checks, wrong hero wrong place wrong time, etc)

2) If you played the entire Adventure Path (packs 1-6) through ten times (just imagine!) with an average of 4 characters per playthrough (i.e. 40 characters in total), how many times would you expect to see a character die?
0-2 deaths per adventure path

3) What would you do if a character died (and was not legitimately resurrected by some game effect)?
(d) kill them off then generate a new character with the right number of feats for your position in the AP to continue on the path with you

Right now our group has a win/lose ratio of roughly 1:1, every time we lost we could pinpoint where we wen't wrong, so nobody was every upset over the loss. We also all happen to be big Dark Souls fans, so losing because we screwed up somewhere is completely understandable for us

Mike Selinker wrote:
Captain Bulldozer wrote:
Apparently, PACG characters are all parrots.
Well, not until Skull & Shackles.

So we can expect a playable parrot promo card (preferably named CAWleros)

We just got the metal Seoni, and we don't even want to paint her, she just looks amazing as is

Do we know if Paizo would ever consider using the PACG formula on non-pathfinder themes? (A Lovecraftian PACG Base Set would be an instant buy for me)

Brainwave wrote:
Read h4ppy's posts in that other thread. It looked to me like the ruling was that they do carry over.

Ah cool thanks! (I swear someday I'll know how to play this game without making a river of mistakes)

Brainwave wrote:
Once you put a couple of points into her animal power bonus or strength she becomes even better at combat.

I was under the impression that her bonuses to strength don't carry over to her bear form since she's replacing her strength die

Is Guidance supposed to be as terrible as it is? Even for a basic card there's little to no reason to have it in a deck.

masher77 wrote:
Jjiinx wrote:

My question is, is there anything else I can possibly buy to further add to the game? I'm just a bit addicted :P

I assume you have all the promos... or you can get 5 of the Blessing of Zarongel if you like...

Also, a nice sharpie for marking up the character cards?

I have a sharpie and the character cards have clear sleeves, I don't have any of the promos, paying 10-30$ for a single card seems a little overboard for me

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
She is the Swiss army knife of the game in my opinion.

Then what does that make Lem :P

Red Harvester wrote:

You could get the pewter or bones miniatures from Reaper to use instead of the cards for your characters... but they will need painting.

And yes, that is what I've been doing. So far, Lini, Merisiel, Valeros, Seoni and Harsk. Now, I just need to find time to paint them...

We have Lem, Merisiel, and Valeros. Couldn't find the others, so instead we're using some miniatures from Descent 2nd Edition since some of those heroes look similar enough to the ones in Pathfinder

Vic Wertz wrote:
mlvanbie wrote:
What can you do on another player's turn? Might be worth a list...

Giving you a list of things you can do means that you are limited to that list. Our design scope is potentially broader than that, which is why we give you the answer we do: You can do anything as long as nothing tells you that you can't.

That is, the game's answer to "can I do a thing?" is "yes, unless something says no." A list would change the answer to "no, unless this list says yes." That's a change to the fundamental perspective that we're just not interested in.

I can't believe I didn't know this. We've been playing wrong this entire time D:

Brainwave wrote:
Do you have enough dice so that no matter what kind of dice are being rolled if you are playing a 6 player game and everyone adds the max amount of stuff you will be guaranteed to have enough dice to roll it all at once?

Yeah, we have tons of dice collected from years of MTG

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I may be posing a strange question, but currently I have the pathfinder base set, all available expansions, the player mats, and a few hero miniatures to use in place of the token cards.

My question is, is there anything else I can possibly buy to further add to the game? I'm just a bit addicted :P

I was thinking about getting a large 'landscape' mat, but I'd have no idea where to even start looking for something like that...

skoon wrote:
I may be in the minority here, but one of the things that amazed me was just how EASY the rules are once I stopped over-thinking them. Maybe I'm actually playing the game incorrectly or maybe I'm just traumatized by years of the Lord of the Rings LCG and Magic: The Gathering with their million+ phases and timing effects.

I completely agree, the game is brilliantly simplistic and most of the confusion comes from ambiguous wording here and there. It's amazing that they managed to fit so much depth into the game, I love it!

I also find it amazing how helpful everyone here is, whenever I have a question I don't know the answer to I can ask here and get a response within an hour or two, and as a result I try and help others when they need help

Mike Selinker wrote:
I'm not going to stop you.

Since I live in Redmond it wouldn't be that difficult to stop me :P

*Crosses fingers for an invite to Paizo someday* (I'll bring beer)

I have both cards in front of me

Lini: "When you play an ally with the animal trait you may recharge it instead of discarding it"

Farmhouse: "If you would discard an ally, bury it instead."

Another way to look at it is the word 'may', Lini MAY recharge it, so it's one or the other. Lini, do you want to discard this or recharge it? It doesn't make sense to me that choosing Recharge instead of Discard that the Farm would say "Well since you're discarding an ally you have to bury it."

Even if Mike says that farm should cause Lini to discard an animal ally instead of recharging it, we're going to go with "Lini is recharging (not discarding) an animal ally, so farm has no effect", since that solution makes more logical sense. (No offense, sorry Mike!)


I agree with you, Lini's power says "instead of discarding", which makes me feel like 'discarding' isn't even happening when she uses her "When you play an ally with the animal trait you may recharge it instead of discarding it"

However, if she has to discard an ally with the animal trait at the farm for any other reason besides playing it, I think she would have to bury it like normal.

I see farm as this:

Lem: "I'm going to play this ally to search the location"
Farm: "Are you discarding the ally card?"
Lem: "Yes"
Farm: "Then bury the ally instead"

Lini: "I'm going to play this animal ally to search the location"
Farm: "Are you discarding the ally card?"
Lini: "No, I'm recharging it"
Farm: "Shucks."

Lini: "I'm going to discard this animal ally to add a d10 to my strength check"
Farm: "Are you discarding the ally card?"
Lini: "Yes"
Farm: "Then bury the ally instead"

One more question here, so I don't spam the forums with too many threads asking questions:

If a card tells you to discard a card, would it be safe to imagine the card you choose to discard becomes blank (ie: everything written on the card you're discarding means nothing while it's being discarded/in the discard pile)?

csouth154 wrote:
Remember that the damage you take from failing ANY kind of check to defeat a monster is combat damage unless the card says otherwise.

Okay cool thanks, that was definitely a gray area for us :P

Thank you!

1: If you're fighting a monster whose check to defeat doesn't contain 'combat' (so a wisdom, disable, dexterity, strength, etc check) then it's NOT a combat check and you can't play weapons or any cards that specifically must be played during a combat check, right?

For example, Siren's check to defeat is Wisdom 8, so against a Siren you can't use weapons or offensive spells, correct?

2: If a bane requires 2 checks to defeat (ie: Strength 10 then Strength 10) if you fail the first check do you have to attempt the second check, or should you roll the second check as well and hope it doesn't deal even more damage to you?

From my understanding, if a player discards a card to add a die to a check, that's all they're doing: adding a die. None of the traits are added.

In your 2 examples Kyra would be adding traits from her cards, but Valeros is not adding any traits and is helping Kyra out with an additional 1d4 to her checks.

"If you encounter a monster other than villain or henchman, each character at this location must summon and encounter that monster"

Shouldn't this read "If you encounter a monster other than villain or henchman, each other character at this location must summon and encounter that monster"?

Can you evade a boon?

Mike Selinker wrote:
That is a very astute observation. I guess if you're going to use this ability, you will have to use some additional game component to remember that you used it, either a token [/b]or your brain.[/b]

Now you're just asking for way too much D:

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

This is what Mike said about them.

And I don't think thin is bad either. Too thick would be worse.

That's a very fair ruling, it's just strange because I've never seen anything like it before, so it causes me to question why it's there, and then my brain hurts. I'm from the internet, things that I don't understand make me mad! (just kidding!)

One thing I will note (just for the sake of argument) is the in instructions under the "Things to keep in mind" section there's a paragraph explaining that Cards Don't Have Memories, but it seems that mats do have memories, since the ability can only be used once per game.

I know it's only a serious rule if you allow it to be, I just find it funny :D


I can't tell if it's a joke or not, adding an advantage rule for people who buy the mat seems a little ridiculous, almost like the card game version of P2W. Our group is almost certainly gonna ignore that entirely and laugh it off as a strange joke xD

As far as the material goes, they feel very thin, I wouldn't necessarily consider it a bad thing though. I've been passively playing with the stack of them all day, I can't stop, it's... mesmerizing D:

They're obviously mouse pads, the bottom is very 'grippy' and the top almost feels like microfiber. The print on them is fairly well done, not blurry unless you get close enough to them that people will start thinking strange things about you. While they're thin they don't feel fragile, and since I haven't used them yet I can't tell you if they'll fray on the edges, unfortunately.


I just bought both of the official character mat sets (the 7 pack and the 4 pack) and the cover of the character mats reads "Each character using their character mat receives a special bonus: Once per game, at the start of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card."

Seriously? Is this like... an official rule in the game?

Brainwave wrote:
1d8+3 from ranged +1d8 from crossbow?

OH! I wasn't thinking about the crossbow at all xD

Nvm me, I'm not reading properly tonight D:

Mike Selinker wrote:
(See, I was trying to figure out how to say that without being snarky. Clearly, Vic made the right call.)

A bit of sass from time to time is hardly a bad thing :D

ironbloodfist wrote:

for light crossbow it says for your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Dexterity or ranged die + 1d8

Now harsk has dexterity d8 but under his dex it says ranged:dexterity +3
so my question is if i play that card i would roll a 1d8+1d8+3 for my combat check

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Correct. Harsk has the ranged skill which is related to his dexterity skill. Do you roll exactly what you posted.

What? Wouldn't he roll 1d8+3 on a ranged roll?

He typed "1d8+1d8+3" which would be 2d8+3, I don't think that's right, unless I've been playing wrong D:

h4ppy wrote:
OK, well be strong and commit fully to the choices you make. There's no point making the early game harder then 'turning off' the extra rules when the going gets tough later on!

Of course! It's just a difficult decision because the game was balanced around the core rules and we're scared that the game may have an impossible scenario with certain house rules. We'd hate to make it to Expansion 5 only to find out we've made it utterly impossible.

Party & Travel is definitely not going anywhere, because it's one of those rules that not only adds difficulty, but adds atmosphere to the game. Rest isn't going anywhere, because it's a nice little convenient addition that can have a high cost.

The only one we're on the fence about is the Assistance Falloff because we don't know how many late game 4-6 player scenarios are balanced around Blessing of the Gods/Etc assistance.

We might play with the rule on and if we ever find it to be impossible we'll debate weather or not to simply remove the rule or reset and play the campaign over again without the rule.

ironbloodfist wrote:

I got to say for me buying this game and learning its already a challenge but very fun and thanks to all you guys that have helped me so far it has made it alot easier for me does anyone else think the rule book does not explain stuff like it should

I highly recommend you read through the updated Rulebook PDF instead of the one that comes in the box

Link: http://paizo.com/download/pathfinder/PZO6000-Rulebook.zip

Just unzip the file using an unzipping program such as Winrar or 7zip, then open the .pdf file using a PDF reader such as Foxit

Once you read that a lot of questions will be cleared up.

Also when you have a chance, reading through the FAQs can never hurt!

Link: http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1gk

ironbloodfist wrote:
I seen in a video if you dont kill the main villan and he runs i seen that you add another 2 henchman if you playing with 3 locations and you shuffle them into the 3 decks when you dont defeat the villain escapes no matter what

You add blessings, not henchmen. When you defeat the Villain you may immediately close that current location for free, if there are any other locations remaining the villain will escape to one of those randomly.

When you defeat the villain and he escapes then you draw one blessing from the box for every remaining open location -1, so if there's 3 open locations remaining, you would draw 2 blessings from the box and shuffle the villain and the blessings together, then place each card on the remaining location decks. Afterwards, shuffle each of the location decks.

If the Villain defeated you, you may not close the current location and instead of drawing blessings from the box you will draw them from the Blessings Deck. Shuffle the villain and the blessings together, then place each card on the remaining location decks. Afterwards, shuffle each of the location decks.

h4ppy wrote:

@JJiinx - how far have you gotten into the game so far?

The (B) scenarios are meant to be training ones (and are intentionally really easy), the (1) scenarios are also very simple. Once you get to Hook Mountain (3) there is definitely a challenge to be had and you might find yourself back-tracking on some of your added difficulty rules ;)

Having said that, nobody here has died yet and we've only timed out once, but some of them have been very close calls on the timer and/or more exotic victory conditions.

Okay thanks! I assumed the B quests were like a tutorial, but when we got to 1 and they were still easy we were a little shocked. We haven't quite made it to 2 yet.

Right now out only house rules are the Party and Travel and Rest, we're considering the Blessings Falloff one (I figure that one should be fine since the encounters are designed to be defeated by only 1 character, so nerfing assistance from other players wouldn't be that bad)

Sehyo wrote:

Thanks for putting these all in one place. You may want to edit the post on party travel to explain how evading works (you can evade the random monster and make it to your new location) and what happens with closed locations (still count for distance moved) per our previous postings.

I would love to, but it seems I can no longer edit the original post :P

Assistance Falloff (Thanks to John Davis 2)

Blessings played by other players can only add d4s to a check, blessings you play on yourself are unaffected.

John Davis 2 wrote:
Jjiinx wrote:
Has anyone here played with the house rule that "add 1 die to a check" (such as blessing of the gods) should be interpreted as "add 1d4 to a check"? It seems like a huge difficulty adjustment and I'l love to hear any insight regarding it!
Haven't tried this but I use a house rule that blessings played on other characters always add d4s. I've used this in a lot of games and it works well.

Cool, I'm gonna add this to the Increased Difficulty Rule thread :D I like this a lot more than the Blessing of the Frauds rule

Vic Wertz wrote:

Skull & Shackles has only 4 *returning* characters—there are 7 new ones.

(And even the 4 returning ones will change a bit...)

Ah cool, I totally read it wrong the first time then xD

Like many others, my group has found the game to be way too easy, so we've been looking around for house rules that increase the challenge, and here's a few that we really liked. (You don't have to use all of them, I'm just listing them here so you and your group and cherry pick and decide which one's you'd like to try) (If I didn't give credit where it's due complain at me and I'll fix it asap)

Also feel free to post other house rules for others to try out here, even if they're not specifically designed to increase the difficulty. I just think it would be really nice to have a dedicated thread for custom rules to spice up the game!

Party and Travel (Thanks to Sehyo)


To add a sense of the party being together, have the party all start at the same location. I always lay the locations down in a straight line. That location can be selected by the party and is always the left most location in the line. I also like the idea of the locations reflecting some distance, but instead of making the characters have to move to only adjacent locations I wanted to make create a sense of distance and with increasing distance comes greater risk. So the following rule,is added.

To move to a new location roll a D6. If you roll the distance traveled or less on the D6 you encounter a random monster from the box. So if you move to the adjacent location your distance is a 1 and the monster only appears if you roll a 1 on the random move monster die. If you are moving over two locations then the monster appears on a 1 or 2' and so forth. I would keep the locations in a straight line until you play with 6 or more locations and then I would make then in a circle.

If the monster is not defeated then the character can't move nor can he explore that turn. If he defeats the monster the he continues his turn as usual.

Also the levitate spell allows you to move without making a check.

You may adjust the difficulty of this rule by changing the die you roll for travel. Our group uses the die=locations rule, so you roll a dX to travel where X = Total number of locations rounded up
3 or 4 locations = d4
5 or 6 locations = d6
7 or 8 locations = d8

Blessing of the Frauds


Any card or ability that states "add X die/dice to a check" (such as Blessing of the Gods) should be interpreted as "add Xd4 to a check". For example; Blessing of the Gods would become "Discard this card to add 1d4 to a check" and Blessing of Calistria would become "Discard this card to add 2d4 to a noncombat Dexterity check"

This is because having too many heroes together means fighting a tough enemy becomes a nonissue. Encounter a villian, throw 5 or 6 Blessing of the Gods on him and he melts.

You may adjust the difficulty of this rule by changing the die rolled

Limited Assistance


The official rules state "Each player may play only one type of boon on a single check", instead however, try "Only one type of boon may be played on a single check"

This is another rule dedicated to preventing "BotG Spam" on powerful enemies.

What this means: If you play a Weapon and a Spell in a check, another player may play a Blessing or an Item to help. This means no stacking blessings from multiple different players.

You may adjust the difficulty of this rule by only limiting Blessings to once per check.

Lose More Than Your Dignity (Thanks to H4appy)


Normally if you die you lose your character, but if you lose a round nothing bad happens. This house rule states "If you lose a Scenario by running out of time, each character must shuffle their character decks and Banish 1 random card for each remaining open location."

This rule exists because losing a scenario should have a consequence, especially since death's consequence is so harsh. Thematically, think of it like this; As your group accepted defeat from the swarms of enemies you quickly fled from the battle, dropping whatever you could to escape.



Once per turn, if a player hasn't moved to a new location or searched his current location, he may Rest by recharging a random card from his discard pile, he must end his turn immediately after Resting.

This house rule is deceitfully pleasant. You can spend a turn to heal 1 card, there are many ways to heal much more than this, but it's good to have in a pinch, however, it's still just 1 health back and the blessings deck is going to ever deplete, abuse this Rest action too much and you'll quickly find yourself out of time to complete the Scenario.

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