frostshoxx's page

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Hello there!

I recently obtained a copy of the Ultimate Campaign and become very intrigue in concept of building a kingdom.

I would like to create a web-based game out of these rule sets and concepts. Would I be allowed to do that? What would be the restrictions and/or conditions?

Thank you!

For the case that we defeat a villain, we "must" close the location, right?

Hi there. I have a follow up question on #3. If we fail to defeat the summoned henchman, can we still fight the villain?


I guess just think of it this way. Our character's allies like the farm house so much that they don't feel like helping out after they do a thing for us in this scenario. Must be really cozy in there.

Regarding the closing location when deck is empty, is it automatically closed, or do we have to attempt to close it (hence it may take a few turns to close if we don't pass the check)?