RebBrown |

Greetings! I'm making a backup for a mythic game and I've decided to play an evoker. The idea is to blast things to kingdom come or crowd-control them so hard that my partymembers can do that. Level 16, mythic tier 1 and 25 point buy with standard gold for the level and two traits.
The basic trick for this character is to use fireballs to blow up groups of enemies and use more specialized spells to take on tougher single foes. A mythic empowered maximized fireball cast at CL20 means you do 300 damage. This would count as a lvl3 slot, thanks to a metamagic rod and spell perfection. Throw in quicken and bump up the slot to 4 (trait for -1 to metamagic cost) and you can do 600 a turn. Alternatively, you can add persistent or dazing to the non-quickened ball for extra fun.
Now, my question is: what mythic feats, abilities and or basic feats and abilities would compliment this guy? He has:
-Eight feats from levels.
-Three feats from being a pure wizard.
-Possibly 1 feat from being a human, but I haven't decided on a race yet.
-One mythic feat!
-One mythic ability - mythic spellcasting.
He must take:
1 Spell Focus Evocation
2 Greater Spell Focus Evocation
3 Empower Spell
4 Intensify Spell
5 Quicken Spell
6 Spell Perfection Fireball
7 Spell Specialization Fireball
8 Spell Penetration
9 Greater Spell Penetration
This leaves a mythic feat and two feats open(or three if human).

MrRed |
Have a look into the 1 lvl sorc dip: Dual-blooded (orc/ fire dragon) tatooed sorc. Nets you 1 feat with +1CL for evocation (doubled from spell perfection) and +2 fire damage/ hit dice. Unless you want to use dazing metamagic this should help your damage tremendously. Also search for blockbuster wizard (guide) on this forum.