Favorite compatible product publishers?

Product Discussion

Hey everyone,

This is my first real post so I'd like to say hi to everyone. Hi!

Anyway, I recently discovered 'Legendary Games' via a Kickstarter they just finished. I'm sure most of you already know about them but it was my first introduction (because I live under a rock golem) to their product line and I was pleasantly pleased with what I found.

So it got me thinking. What else am I missing out on? I'd love to know what your favorite pathfinder compatible product publishers are. Why do you like them? What makes them Awesome?


If you would like to sample one of our products please let me know, and I can have them add it to your downloads area.

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Super Genius Games have made ‘we err on the side of awesome’ a mission-statement, not just a slogan. In terms of character-options, just the Time Thief class and the Anachronistic Adventurer range give you a dizzying array of options and creativity-fodder. Whatever they do, they do with a view to creating a game packed with flavour and fun.

Don’t let their simple trade-dress fool you: Raging Swan Press are all about immediately-useful ‘drop-in’ products to support time-starved GMs. Hit their home-page and check out just a handful of the awesome free samples(!!!) available, and I can almost guarantee that you’ll come away with at least a dozen potential hooks, stories, and scenes. Creighton Broadhurst and his people have done everything from a whole campaign-setting (the Lonely Coast, which is available free!) and entire townships down to generators for simple stage-dressing like “okay, the PCs just stumbled across a random corpse: who was it, and what does it look like?” that are priceless for adding to a game’s atmosphere without slowing play.

Dreamscarred Press is awesome for fans of psionics, and they're very well-versed in game balance.

Kobold Press/Open Design does a lot of good and varied work. I enjoy their Midgard books, particularly the Campaign Setting and the Zobeck Gazetteer.

Fire Mountain Games numbers among my faves solely due to Way of the Wicked, a high-quality, surprisingly versatile adventure path.

Now that Green Ronin's in the game, it won't be long before I count them among my favorite list.

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Dreamscarred Press, Kobold, Super Genius Games, Legendary, RiP are all publishers who's work I enjoy.

Abandoned Arts lines of dollar or two pdfs have been ones I find useful.

Dreamscarred and Super Genius. Yay.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Frog God Games if you like a more old school vibe.

Sovereign Court Publisher, Raging Swan Press

Trace Coburn wrote:

Super Genius Games have made ‘we err on the side of awesome’ a mission-statement, not just a slogan. In terms of character-options, just the Time Thief class and the Anachronistic Adventurer range give you a dizzying array of options and creativity-fodder. Whatever they do, they do with a view to creating a game packed with flavour and fun.

Don’t let their simple trade-dress fool you: Raging Swan Press are all about immediately-useful ‘drop-in’ products to support time-starved GMs. Hit their home-page and check out just a handful of the awesome free samples(!!!) available, and I can almost guarantee that you’ll come away with at least a dozen potential hooks, stories, and scenes. Creighton Broadhurst and his people have done everything from a whole campaign-setting (the Lonely Coast, which is available free!) and entire townships down to generators for simple stage-dressing like “okay, the PCs just stumbled across a random corpse: who was it, and what does it look like?” that are priceless for adding to a game’s atmosphere without slowing play.

Thanks so much, Trace, for those incredibly kind words. You made my Friday morning!

Liberty's Edge

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Super Genius Games, Raging Swan, Rite, Dreamscarred, Kobold / Open Design, Legendary, and Minotaur Games can all easily find uses in any of my games.

There are other companies I really like, Little Red Goblin Games, for instance, but their necropunk campaign isn't really meshable with standard Pathfinder. It is pretty awesome as its own thing though and if you like the premise of it, I'd highly recommend checking it out.

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Hej Zombie_Coffee,

with more than 1K reviews under my belt, I can say the following:

My go-to guys for crunch are Rite Publishing and Super Genius Games. While they sometimes (very rarely) have files that sport some flaws, generally I am VERY happy with both and they are extensively used at my table. Rite are also the go-to guys for uncommon fantasy-ideas in modules and supplements.

Dreamscarred Press IS psionics - the best psionics there ever was.

For adventures, there is no way past Frog God Games' mega-modules and Kobold Press' anthologies/modules. If you're looking for something uncommon, take a look at what Adventureaweek.com has to offer.

You've already mentioned Legendary Games - their plug-ins are almost universally required purchases when using supplements like Ultimate Campaign.

My GMing has benefited excessively from all the extremely useful tools by Raging Swan Press and their modules are also universally a joy to run.

One of my favorite base-classes EVER is from Purple Duck Games and their old-school modules rock. Also: THE place to get magic items that level with characters.

Urban adventuring is covered well by 0onegames, dark fantasy is done superbly by TPK Games and if you enjoy a sense of otherness, take a peak at LPJr Design's NeoExodus setting - there are often superb ideas waiting here.

That would be the big ones. Small pdfs by Abandoned Arts, classes by Interjection Games and Dreadfox Games...there is a lot cool stuff out there.

If you're looking for something specific, feel free to drop me a line here or on my homepage endzeitgeist.com . And by the way - I've covered A LOT of the supplements with detailed reviews.


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I have to give my vote for Alluria Publishing's Cerulean Seas sourcebooks - the last word on underwater adventures.

Thanks, limsk! Yes, Alluria's offerings are all but required and are THE definite answer on underwater adventuring.

Liberty's Edge

Endzeitgeist wrote:
One of my favorite base-classes EVER is from Purple Duck Games

And that would be?

Legendary Classes: Covenant Magic's Medium - because I'm a sucker for advanced, uncommon classes. ^^

Thanks Endz.

Liberty's Edge

Endzeitgeist wrote:
Legendary Classes: Covenant Magic's Medium - because I'm a sucker for advanced, uncommon classes. ^^

Ok. I already have that, I just wasn't sure what you were referring to and didn't want to be missing out. :)

/thread derail

Thanks everyone! Great suggestions. This was exactly what I was looking for. I'm sure I'm going to be pretty busy reading now :)

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What Endzeitgeist said above. Agree completely and couldn't have put it better.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

I'd just like to thank everyone who mentioned Dreamscarred. It is very much appreciated.

As for the OP:

My library contains Frog God Games, Super Genius Games, Alluria Publishing, Purple Duck Games, Rite Publishing, Fire Mountain Games, Open Design/ Kobold Press, LPJ Design, Legendary Games, and probably a few more I'm forgetting.

limsk wrote:
I have to give my vote for Alluria Publishing's Cerulean Seas sourcebooks - the last word on underwater adventures.

Can't believe I forgot Alluria. They are also on my top list.

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From my own experience:

Alluria Publishing, Kobold Press/Open Design, and John Brazer Enterprises seem pretty solid. Bear in mind I mostly buy GM friendly material, so haven't considered companies that mostly put out new player options.

I like what I am seeing from Dreamscarred Press regarding Psionics, but haven't bought anything of there yet (Plan on pre-ordering Ultimate Psionics once my money situation improves next month)

Would like to try Rite Publishing's Kaidan stuff soon, and am intrigued by Legendary games.

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Starfinder Superscriber

Dreamscarred Press is my #1, followed by Rite Publishing and Kobold Press. Green Ronin deserves a big shout out as well, but I hate to say that I've not really added that much new from Green Ronin since 3.5 days. I know that they make Pathfinder compatible things, but I've not picked any up yet.

but Dreamscarred Press for psionics. There is NO better option.

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My favorites are Dreamscarred, Jon Brazer, Legendary Games, Frog God, and Fire Mountain.

AdventureAWeek.com has a free adventure you can check out, and there are several blog posts every week to boot.

Just wanted to say thankyou to all of you who suggest Dreamscarred Press, it warms my heart!

Personally, I use material from Jon Brazer, LPJr, Alluria Publishing, RiP, Kobold Press, Super Genius and Fire Mountain Games (GMing Way of the Wicked right now).

- Andreas Rönnqvist
Dreamscarred Press

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Dreamscarred Press is of course top notch with their take on psionics. Apart from them, Super Genius Games and Rite Publishing really stand out to me as folks making quality, highly modular expansions to the Pathfinder game.

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